12 Examples of Autism Stimming

12 Examples of Autism Stimming


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Luke Lavoie
Luke Lavoie - 08.06.2023 02:52

I really appreciate your description of stimming in the beginning. I think one of the best ways we can educate non autistic people about autism so that they can truly understand is by reminding people that often times these “autistic traits” are just exaggerations of otherwise just human traits. It really helps to paint us autistic people as not wierd and alien and stupid, but as simply fellow human beings that act a bit differently due to the way their brain works. Its just refreshing to see autism education in this way. Thank you!

Jim Inverness
Jim Inverness - 14.11.2023 02:11

Stim? What does that word mean?

Billy Miller&Jessica
Billy Miller&Jessica - 12.11.2023 18:35

My son is a lot like him. He also loves to hear himself to and he likes rocking and running and spinning in circles.. My stim would be shaking my legs even when I'm not nervous and biting skin around my nails.

Missy Cronk
Missy Cronk - 12.11.2023 10:08

I play with my hair a lot yet I hate hair on my head. I also bite my nails or lips a lot. I used to shake my hands all the time or out loud say 1 2, 1,2, 1,2,3 in that pattern 3 or 4 times with some weird made up word followed by 3 at the end. And I would do that 3 or 4 times as a whole round. Just wish I could figure out a way to spell the weird word to get it across. Be easier in a recording. Not sure how u grew out of it yet remember it.

Burak Bingol
Burak Bingol - 11.11.2023 22:12

maybe you dont sell this??

TruthBeTold - 11.11.2023 08:42

You are amazing with your children. Thank you for your information .I have a 2 1/2 yr old grandson that isn't taking. He is the middle child.
We have had his hearing checked and it's fine.
Your video will gives me info. That will help me know what to look for.
Bless your family.

Chris DT
Chris DT - 10.11.2023 01:07

Waw I think is quite hard travelling with them ..my son has autism aswell and he is not aware of danger ..he is 7

Kjay9558 - 09.11.2023 22:03

Rockig my body and head back and forth, looks a bit like im listening to music and moving to the beat, calms me down when I'm overwhelmed by sensory input, especially noise. I'm diagnosed with asperger autism.

Bubu Rodriguez
Bubu Rodriguez - 09.11.2023 00:13

sminkle - 08.11.2023 06:49

I'm just glad you are accepting of your kiddos and non-judgmental

Greene Chakra
Greene Chakra - 06.11.2023 08:25

I like the Mommy Stems.

Jana Kl
Jana Kl - 02.11.2023 23:38

Our son was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and also ADHD recently. His stims have always been playing with my hair, chewing it, touching it. He is 4 now and he still needs it while drinking his milk before bedtime. He also loves chewing rubber, usually it's tires from vehicles, the bigger the better. I always thought he just wouldn't obey when I told him not to do it (I was afraid he could choke). Now that I read about these children stimming I understand why he has been doing it ever since he was little. Thank you so much for your video. It's helpful to see that these things are normal and ok for those kids.

dlspeed1 - 02.11.2023 06:15

Well when it comes to keeping your toddler safe and from harm, then a toddler lease is fine, it's just doing what works for the toddler, so how can that be wrong or bad...👍to parents...❤❤ ~~~Peace~~~

Ivy wiling
Ivy wiling - 31.10.2023 06:17

So all my step siblings and me have autism and my step brother cerby the way he stims is he will put 3-7 blankets on him and he will rock and fidget he has level 2 autism my stepsister Bella will go nonverbal and rock sometimes she will make noises and i will make noises cover myself in blankets make noises rock chew and fidget

Madhumita Roy
Madhumita Roy - 29.10.2023 20:31

You are school college university so it is easily follows then everything is normal with is few days Life with smiling face some times
If I noticed then nany are but naturally treated them

One pet also involves when togathing workings and try to understands what is it
so something is noticed with energetic

I am till talk with all with one place one moment unless sounds of tearings

Sarah Connor
Sarah Connor - 29.10.2023 12:51

I feel sorry for all people dealing with this,,its more than we realize...vaccines??

Sarah Connor
Sarah Connor - 29.10.2023 12:49

What the heck is stimming??? All these new crazy words.

Still Waters 23tv
Still Waters 23tv - 27.10.2023 23:35

Thank you so much for sharing!!! We are an autism family and finding vids like these is so encouraging!

Animation Freak
Animation Freak - 27.10.2023 19:19

im autistic and for the longest time i love to fidget with things and have found that fidget toys help me a lot. i also have counted things in my head my whole life. especially my food. i dont know if thats my autism or some sort of ocd though because i absolutely HAVE to do it. i love counting anyway

Princess of Keys
Princess of Keys - 26.10.2023 05:45

I have no clue why I'm looking at autism videos recently, but it is really helpful to see. Perhaps I wanted to have one of my character I created with it so I do research.

Anwyays, I do remember everyone does have a stim when they don't realize it, but as for me I'm not sure and recently I actually try and see if I do any of these.

Barbara Holladay
Barbara Holladay - 26.10.2023 04:28

Get them off of sugar/carbs!

Mr.Meowzerov - 26.10.2023 01:53

Fun fact i have level 1

Evlyn Wilson
Evlyn Wilson - 22.10.2023 19:24

I'm autistic and I can spin for a long time and never get dizzy. You're boys are awesome mum had me on a Lether harness with a rope she used to hold. People would say to her she is not a dog. If I wasn't on my harness I would jump of high bridges no fear. I still have no fear I'm old 46 now.I used get up high on top of houses and on top off shopping centres. Trees. up as far as possible. Now after a lot off damage to my body. I'm now terrified off heights. I'm just like a really old person I've got sore lumps under my feet from all the running and jumping plus walking on my toes. Plus I used to free fall from Trees on my back. I never felt pain. Now I have serious pain. I got hit by a tram when I was a kid and broke my arm with no pain the police told me I have to go to hospital and I said no because I was just fine no pain. Have a great day. Good bye.

HappyHoney41 - 22.10.2023 03:50

Rocking. (When I was young, I rocked and head banged.) I always found a chair at work and meetings to sit in; in which I could rock. I rocked all day in my office, when I was in there. Now I am retired and I have a rocking chair. I used the wind up, then battery operated swings for the boys when they were little. Rock them in the morning, and they were good as gold for hours.

Common_C3nts - 21.10.2023 07:05

Stimming is literally a made up word and does not mean anything this video says it does. So dumb.

Pamela Phillips
Pamela Phillips - 20.10.2023 06:49

It is a case of walking in another person's shoes. If you disaprove of the leash, I can tell you have not spent much time with an autistic child. They are a godsend. Even the most focused people find their attention drifting or being distracted in a crowd. This is how the child manages to dart away.

Whats - 20.10.2023 04:27

I have two autistic kids who stim a lot with several different stims. They were still pretty little when we were asked to stop bringing our kids to church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints AKA Mormons). Some people were actually afraid that other kids would catch autism from them or that it would somehow make the church look bad. They also thought that because their movements looked weird to them, that they would be noisy and make it so old people couldn't hear. We didn't sit in the chapel during sacrament meeting to avoid disturbing anyone. We started doing that pretty early on. Our building had two overflow rooms so we were able to sit in one without anyone else in it. They were not bothering or disrupting one single person in that room because it was just us. Their stims at that time were physical like flapping, spinning wheels on a toy car, jumping, or twirling. As far as noise goes, they were much quieter than other kids their age. People said they couldn't hear them in there, but they knew they were in that overflow room being autistic. How scary for those poor ward members!

The bishop told me that they had several meetings where they tried to decide what to do with our family. In the end, they said my kids didn't belong there and we were asked not to bring them. We were asked long before that not to bring them to nursery or Primary and then they were completely banned from the building. Except for when we were assigned to clean. We could bring them for that. Of course, now that they are age 9 and over, the missionaries want them to be baptized because they will count as convert baptisms. But the ward still doesn't want them to go to church. Meanwhile, some of our Mormon relatives have disowned us because our autistic kids aren't allowed to go to church. Fun, right?

HF - 19.10.2023 20:51

I have come across your channel and found your videos helpful. I have some questions with regards to mild autism in 2.5 years old. Are they verbal? Do they socialise with other kids their age or prefer their own company? Further to this, please could you give me some examples of what to spot for mild autism in 2.5 year olds? There is my relatives child, who is on the waiting list to have his assessment for autism but would be useful to know the signs to spot. The child began communicating at 2.5 and imitates words and sentences (not sure if he understands much) but does understand instructions given. When he had his first review with the health visitor at the age of 2, he had speech delay, and there were some other little stuff that the health visitor decided he should have the assessment on whether he does have autism. Any advice would be great. Thank you❤

killmeister2271 - 18.10.2023 15:38

my favorite stimming is vocal stimming involving something like a hum. i do it to calm down and it's invigorating; basically i put my mouth into an "ooo" position and keep my cheeks loose but full of air, and inhale as full as i can, and then make a single pitch while oscillating my vocal cords slowly. if i do it correctly, i can feel my brain shake in my head, my full body rattles, and i can feel my blood jiggle like gelatin

Bruh its awsome
Bruh its awsome - 18.10.2023 04:08

I have ADHD but I do stimming my favorite stem is running and Hand flapping thanks 😊

Blakethegreat - 17.10.2023 21:45

My new favorite stim is pacing back and fourth. When I pace I walk in the same place over and over and I normally pace wall to wall. When I pace I count my steps, and each time I reach a wall i double tap it. I can stim like that for hours to the point where I get blisters, or I end up getting holes in my socks from the friction. My mom and sister make sure I don't do it long enough for that to happen again.

Saundra madden
Saundra madden - 17.10.2023 21:10

My favorite skim is covering my ears and chewing my tongue

music sans notes
music sans notes - 17.10.2023 03:33

Understanding that your child is Autistic, how do you discipline as a consequence of doing something wrong??

Zion Thomas
Zion Thomas - 16.10.2023 00:19

I love songs and music that are soft and give me wisdom when I'm stressed out. I also like music that is very loud when I'm angry or just want to party because I'm bored. Thanks for telling me more about autism.

SunnySundayWanderer - 15.10.2023 01:12


Arslan Iftikhar
Arslan Iftikhar - 14.10.2023 22:26

Appreciate for making informative video...
same my son..
Whay you think he gonna speak r not?

Leanne.K - 13.10.2023 21:56

My girl is 5. She is currently on the autism pathway. A soon as she gets excited or watching something she likes on Tv she will jump up and down bounching her arms constantly. Shes done this since she was little ❤

Judy Landry555
Judy Landry555 - 13.10.2023 06:52

You have to get rid of the sugar and processed carbs. 98% of Autistics have the MTHFR gene mutation, so please take methyl forms of Folate and B12.
Avoid all fluoride, including tap water. I bought a countertop distilling unit.
Research this: It will lessen symptoms, and improve your quality of life and longevity.
I'm 61, alone and Autistic. I was told I'd be dead by 40. ( I also eat clean and exercise daily.)

Psychic Sara
Psychic Sara - 13.10.2023 04:09

My favourite stim I have is spelling words with my index finger in the air lol like my finger is a pen and the air is my paper

norma navarro
norma navarro - 13.10.2023 01:39

Thank You for the video.
Do kids with autism have a speech delay? My grandson is 2 Almost 3 and does not speak a word he is now in speech theropy

India Barkley
India Barkley - 12.10.2023 01:18

I just wanted to share as someone ND with a husband in the spectrum the levels of autism equaling the support needs level is oversimplifying it as it seems to way too often be based on how they appear externally not how they actually think and feel internally but maybe for kids it’s more applicable to view it that way as what they can communicate to you and what you can gather from the short lives so far can be more limited and you’re just trying your best but as someone previously very ignorant of this and hence why my husband was missed I just wanted to share it incase it helped someone else who only sees low and high functioning with the levels

Madeline Jahnke
Madeline Jahnke - 11.10.2023 23:03

What is your opinion on ABA therapy?

Kiyu - 11.10.2023 15:46


carstorm85 - 10.10.2023 22:55

I have many as shared on other videos but one thing I don't think I mentioned yet is that I always have a metal infinity cube in my pocket that is useful in multiple ways in nearly any situation. I can use it one handed or two, out in the open or even only in my pocket.

Kristie L.B.
Kristie L.B. - 10.10.2023 00:08

Thank you so so much for this video!

Victoria K Shelton
Victoria K Shelton - 09.10.2023 21:19

Jumping and touching my hair turning in circles and crying when overthinking or overwhelmed!

Courtney Crist
Courtney Crist - 07.10.2023 22:49

I don't understand this disorder, I have 2 step sons that are the most annoying kids I've ever met, they have to touch everything and make loud repetitive noises all day long. My husband tunes it out but I can't. It's very hard for me to deal with them. They cuss watch extreme violence that I do not agree with at all. And dad just yells at them. I'm going crazy!!

Ida Bryant
Ida Bryant - 06.10.2023 20:05

This is all new to me
