9 Reverse Culture Shocks in the USA after Living in the UK!

9 Reverse Culture Shocks in the USA after Living in the UK!

Girl Gone London

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William Jackson
William Jackson - 21.09.2023 22:17

The natural ight will be different, Florida is further south than the UK so there's less atmosphere for it to penetrate.

LE Bear
LE Bear - 10.09.2023 15:19

What's with you Yanks and Halloween?
That’s a British fantasy.

Robert Hansen
Robert Hansen - 25.08.2023 23:40

I have never been to the Unstable States of America and never will. The thought of having to worry if some nut job is going to shoot me because I'm not used to your road rules terrifies me as does your obsession with flags.
As to choice yes the USA has more but you are exaggerating. The US may have 50 varieties of everything and the UK gas a dozen or 20 NOT just 5 the same in restaurants. I have never seen a menu with only 5 choices anywhere. If you make comparisons make them real !!!

Celle Van Giel
Celle Van Giel - 17.08.2023 15:10

The Nazis loved their flag as well.

Razvan Teleanu
Razvan Teleanu - 07.08.2023 22:41

Well...try 2 years in Chad.

Ian H
Ian H - 31.07.2023 01:38

Must admit, American flags everywhere and the "oath of allegiance" in schools just makes me think of Nazi Germany. Flags on everything and school children indoctrination just hits that vibe. Nationalism.. social or otherwise.

philip - 20.07.2023 14:51

The reason why Wallmart dont want guns in store is because Wallmart is the natural habitat of the creatures known as "KARENS" and if a KAREN was to slap you and you are carrying, well lets say the store dumpster will become KAREN dump

Just Ray
Just Ray - 10.07.2023 02:26

If you dont like the American flags then go back to the UK. Please dont bring your anti-American bs here.

Tim Austin
Tim Austin - 07.07.2023 13:03

On the restaurant and eating out thing: price. Food grocery prices in America are scandalously high vs. the UK. Sometimes 4x more expensive for the same item, making it expensive to cook your own. Most of the time its actually cheaper to eat out.

I just dont understand why our US cousins aren't on the street protesting this stuff because theres absolutely no reason for it at all: it's just price gouging.

Suzanne Jackson
Suzanne Jackson - 23.06.2023 16:38

I have to agree with you about the restaurant thing, unless you live in an area that has a large population of people from another country or a city centre, the options are normally pub, italian, indian, or chinese all you can eat.

grahammoore24 - 20.06.2023 11:10

You should try parking in Italy! 😮😢

grahammoore24 - 20.06.2023 11:07

Is your husband English?

grahammoore24 - 20.06.2023 10:56

I belive it's not allowed to fly the union (jack) flag on private property without permission. 🙄 (lefties in government) 😟

Superman's Big Sister
Superman's Big Sister - 14.06.2023 03:00

In the UK we don't need flags, we know we're amazing ..

Stephen Montague
Stephen Montague - 13.05.2023 20:01

After ten years in the UK you still say 'gotten'. Its the worse American word there is!

Anthony Molloy
Anthony Molloy - 29.04.2023 12:17


Anthony Molloy
Anthony Molloy - 29.04.2023 12:16

I like American parking at an angel

Anthony Molloy
Anthony Molloy - 29.04.2023 12:14

We can say a sentence with out saying like

Susan Ford
Susan Ford - 13.04.2023 17:40

Cooking at home means you know what the ingredients are & not as fattening.

maude boggins
maude boggins - 13.04.2023 17:38

No,, No Ma'am no flags as people know where they are they don't have to be reminded. There is no British dream as we are awake.

maude boggins
maude boggins - 13.04.2023 17:35

Don't worry ma'am no one should be offended by your own personal beliefs about light & England. Each country has it's positives & negatives. No guns in the UK is a positive.

Phelim Murnion
Phelim Murnion - 11.03.2023 14:34

Great stories, but gotta say it's very easy to watch Kalyn talking , on any topic. Sure there are a lot of beautiful talking heads on utube, but she has such a natural look, like this is me at home, just chatting. A very American type of attractive, too.

Robert Langley
Robert Langley - 08.02.2023 12:16

You can keep your culture in America and we will keep our culture in the UK and I know which one I prefer

Tracy McArdle
Tracy McArdle - 07.02.2023 15:01

I would hate to live in the USA guns have no place in our lives in the UK never seen one or touched one in my life

Steve Roberts
Steve Roberts - 26.11.2022 20:53

We tend not to fly our National flag as much as in the US for a number of reasons. In the US you “pledge” to your flag. Children, in the US are “brainwashed” from an early age into placing unwarranted honour & respect into a symbol. For many in Europe, this is an extremely uncomfortable reminder of history when a country used a flag to subdue, terrorise and destroy other nations. To see images of children in schools, standing to attention and saluting a flag is both bizarre and unnerving for many.
Sadly, the Union Flag has been usurped by a number of right wing political parties and flying it from your house or indeed wearing it as a lapel badge, is often taken as tacit support for the more extreme elements in society.
Here in the UK, we tend to be more reserved and find obvious and outward displays of patriotism somewhat unnecessary/uncomfortable. (Unless reserved for sporting events).
This is most definitely NOT to say we are not proud to be British, rather that we don’t need to constantly remind ourselves or others, of it.
Finally, please remember that the UK is made up of four distinct countries, each with its own flag, history, culture and to some extent, language.

Steve Roberts
Steve Roberts - 26.11.2022 20:07

A road trip is fun in America because the “roads are straight & go on for miles” !!!
Wow,sounds really ………. Interesting ! NOT !

Judith Hope
Judith Hope - 19.11.2022 13:59

I can't understand how something isn't done about those low wages especially somewhere like McDonalds. And the staff are villified by the American public for being in a low paid job. Good job they are working there, or you couldn't have a burger. McDonalds staff in Europe are paid three times as much or more in some countries, and get holidays and sick pay.

Blondy89 - 12.11.2022 19:11

It is the final price in New Hampshire. No state tax.

Peter D
Peter D - 03.11.2022 04:40

Flags appeared everywhere on the death of the Queen but generally it's not done in the UK.

Tennis Kinsella
Tennis Kinsella - 29.10.2022 19:01

Cereals all. Full.of sugar

Tennis Kinsella
Tennis Kinsella - 29.10.2022 19:00

Seems like she wants to.go.home

Tennis Kinsella
Tennis Kinsella - 29.10.2022 18:58

Lot of poor people in america..they probably can't cook

Giulia Morrell
Giulia Morrell - 01.10.2022 19:04

You like long, straight roads? Did you never hear the expression 'it's a long road that has no turnings'?

William Jackson
William Jackson - 24.09.2022 01:30

Florida lighting is brighter because you're much further south than in the UK.

KennyTew2 - 07.09.2022 02:57

It’s possible that we don’t eat out as much because we pay our restaurant staff somewhere near properly instead of making them rely on handouts?

Mark G
Mark G - 26.08.2022 20:21

We like less options because that will do some food Bette than a large menu when Thayer don’t know what they doing

thaieler henson
thaieler henson - 26.08.2022 14:16

please please stop calling our flag the union Jack, the union Jack is when it's flown at sea, the union flag is flown on land

Paul Bromley
Paul Bromley - 24.07.2022 11:13

You also pledge allegiance every day before school starts. That wouldn’t happen in the UK we would have to give equal rights to all non British cultures and nationalities.

Mark Flint
Mark Flint - 23.07.2022 16:01

You get more bullets in children as well

em diar
em diar - 20.07.2022 20:38

Flags are pretty much all red flags (sorry) to most reasonable Brits. Call it a signifier.
If you see a St. George flag outside someone's house, and there is no football (soccer) tournament taking place, best to steer clear, and definitely don't mention Brexit.
Flying a flag from your home is like putting a sign in your yard which says 'Beware! Here be Gammon!'

MundaneMan - 17.07.2022 11:54

Calling 99% of the places for eating out in the US ‘restaurants’ is generous in the extreme 😂

James Bendle
James Bendle - 22.06.2022 15:23

Spot on with eating out. Outside of big cities eating out in the UK is a really expensive and or depressing prospect. USA wins on that one by miles.

James Bendle
James Bendle - 22.06.2022 15:20

But good guys with guns makes everyone safer.. right.. right?

budda mjolnir
budda mjolnir - 18.06.2022 23:07


helen chelmicka
helen chelmicka - 16.06.2022 18:00

Coming from uk all the flags gives me such a dictatorship vibe lol And the guns are totally crazy, I'd be terrified 😨

johnorchard4 - 12.06.2022 14:24

I am not offended by the light coment, I am surprised that you think there is an homogeneity of the quality of light across the whole of England (leaving aside Scotland Wales and NI)

Paul C
Paul C - 10.06.2022 17:19

Suburban Florida, hell on earth. And American roads? Hell next to the devil himself.

E - 08.06.2022 16:59

I don’t know where you went in the UK but that comment about parking is so detached from reality its crazy. The inly time you pay for parking is when using a dedicated car park, those are just for when you’re in a city centre. All suburban parking is just on the street and completely free. Did you not realise you could park on the side of the road or something????

Andrew Rees
Andrew Rees - 31.05.2022 12:18

Flying a flag in the uk is deemed offensive
