The ONLY Low Elo Jungle Guide You Need To Climb To Gold! (Climb IN LESS Than 30 Days Guaranteed!)

The ONLY Low Elo Jungle Guide You Need To Climb To Gold! (Climb IN LESS Than 30 Days Guaranteed!)


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@louisjedinight3363 - 12.10.2023 15:04

Hi Vikrayu!!, I need your help master. I would like your thoughts on this matter I will honestly post in a few different videos to catch your attention haha! Since the new jungle change my jungle clear is GIGA unhealthy on khazix. Like.. it's really not funny.. I am so susceptible to being invaded and it's making it so hard to be healthy enough to gank when you find those sweet good angles. I feel like the game is suddenly x10 harder for kha just because of health in the early game. It's too easy for the ennemy to punish me. I've swapped. I'm also suddenly only facing junglers who stay healthy in the jungle ( WW, Rengar mainly..). I've adapted to the tiamat goredrinker build path because it feels I have to. Should i just stop playing kha until they hotfix this crap of a jungle change or any other advice? I'm so sad cause I picked up jungle as a role AND khazix (my worst role is assasin AND jungle is my worst role and i wanted a challenge. Diamond (mid/top/sup) ) and it was going well, improving fast from silver to high plat on that role in a few weeks, but now holy cow, games are HARD. I don't have enough experience in the different meta jungle shift change in the jungle to have an opinion on what to do, what's your take master? Thank's a lot! (maybe you can make a video on it, or reply? or both? up to you!! ).

@dislexyc - 07.10.2023 12:49

Considering the new rank distribution, this is the equivalent of him saying "no, I want gold 3 instead" a few months ago

@strictor2417 - 06.10.2023 04:09

I had a similar experience by deciding to one trick ekko. Silver - Plat in about a month. Though I did climb, I think the addition of emerald makes plat not as cool. As a plat 2 player, I'm roughly gold 1 by split one's standards.

@sauracifer3557 - 06.10.2023 02:25

Ap shyvana is so freelo in low elo just afk farm all game and grt draked on spawn
At 2 items you start oneshotting people who arent farming properly

@mingusunt - 05.10.2023 22:35

How many games did this journey take? I don’t think I can get as much volume in per day as he did but I’m considering trying a challenge with 75 or 100 games instead of 30 days

@nighttrain7684 - 05.10.2023 16:11

Can you make a video on understanding wave states? As in when they will push, slow push, crash, etc.

@Dark2NeS - 05.10.2023 15:51

great video. this is what happenned to me right after i hit plat. i started experimenting with other champs and not farming enough. he can probably climb out of there since all the gold players are there old plat is like emerald now i think. it's way easier to hit plat than EVER before

@LordEngelbert - 05.10.2023 10:03

Banger, top drawer stuff

As in, amazing that you can take a 9 year or something hard stuck and remake them so quick.

But we'll fkn played that guy basically rebuilding himself in ELEVEN DAYS, that's amazing effort

@Tristeascar - 05.10.2023 09:26

With the way the split 2 ranked changes worked out, the current plat is made up of the top of silver and a large amount of gold from previous seasons, meaning that simply hitting plat isnt an increase in actual level if you were hypothetically silver 1 in previous splits (you even said yourself that he hit his goal on the same day that he received his first coaching). This isnt to downplay his dedication etc., and im sure he has made improvements across a number of areas, or you likely wouldnt have posted a dedicated video about it, but its also a little disingenuous to treat it as a dramatic increase in ability to climb in a short amount of time if it ends up being the same level in terms of percentages etc.

@bittersithis - 05.10.2023 09:05

Great video, makes me want to join up. If only I wasn’t broke

@treelayn6292 - 05.10.2023 02:31

Virkayu you should make a vid for non-junglers who are looking into help and assist their jg duos

@Rand0m037 - 05.10.2023 02:29

Awesome content! Been using your YT content to work on getting the maximum advantage possible whenever I receive information on the enemy JGler so thank you for making such easy and awesome videos!

@Oddly_Normal - 05.10.2023 01:50

The beautiful dream. I know the introduction of emerald has skewed the ranked distribution, but I’m finally about to break my previous peak rank in gold and I’m so happy. Udyr Belveth Briar as core champs has worked wonders

@Hopsout - 05.10.2023 01:49


@martincyphers2202 - 05.10.2023 01:48

Good title though. Just the right amount of clickbaity and the same good content

@nighttrain7684 - 05.10.2023 01:40

Maybe first?
