What even is "Self-Actualization"? - Humanistic Theory

What even is "Self-Actualization"? - Humanistic Theory

Practical Psychology

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@trippy6183 - 28.11.2023 19:32

Excellent, expect for “how much money would they make” & Elon Musk 🤦🏻‍♀️

@medbii - 18.09.2023 20:15

The Elon Musk example did not age well 😭

@100musicplaylists3 - 29.07.2023 09:22

self actualization is the concept from the satanist Anton Macveys satanic bible. He was inspired by Nieche and Ayn Rand.

@PeregrineST - 27.07.2023 20:43

That elon musk comment aged like M I L K

@davidrichards9898 - 28.06.2023 17:32

How things change. Elon Musk??? Definitely had us fooled.

@Present4 - 22.06.2023 14:33

This was really well done.

@confuseddiy - 21.05.2023 02:04

U talk to fast, couldn't watch it all.

@allenraysmith6885 - 24.02.2023 11:36

Very well done video!❤

@dawn-mariearmstrong9243 - 20.02.2023 14:49

It would to this page well if this video can be updated to remove the likeness of the black woman to portray the abusive parent. It is stereotypical and in poor taste as a psychological learning resource.

@dtape - 15.02.2023 15:14

Picking Elon Musk as an example of Self-Actualization aged like milk.

@ron1397 - 13.12.2022 08:54

i loved this video! felt so connected

@juriepica1174 - 18.11.2022 04:15

Well, that elon musk comment didnt age well

@ShadowWalker8 - 18.10.2022 16:41

Buddy said “smart monkey in a zoo “ 😂😂😂😂

@speakup2042 - 27.09.2022 16:37

Thank you so much 💓

@bunny-cq8iz - 25.07.2022 05:11

"someone like elon musk" immediately stopped watching

@ooXie1sh - 08.07.2022 18:07


@rabiEdwulphEZragEZ - 22.06.2022 23:20

Elon Musk as a person to study. Sure you can study him but he is NOT an example of self-actualization. He is an example of being entitled, narcissistic, condescending, patronizing and a monster of his own making. He does not exemplify the qualities of generosity, compassion, and wanting to pay it forward to others.

@dearfinesoul - 16.03.2022 20:35

Only Awesome 👏😎

@hihello7014 - 04.01.2022 00:48

Watch Watch

@Psalms-fr8yy - 28.12.2021 04:34

Will you take the mark or will you choose Christ? Jesus Christ is coming soon! Believe He is your Savior! He died for your sins.

@timothyjholloway - 10.12.2021 04:05

How many dislikes does this video have?

@marymungai4429 - 28.11.2021 09:38

Best idea therapist use gestalt method where the therapist and patient are equal.

@stevelenores5637 - 04.11.2021 08:49

Self-actualization is when you get to do what you want do without needing to ask permission from another or a group. You are the boss in other words.

@arjonhbaral2841 - 20.09.2021 15:04

BSENTREP is watching LMAO

@foggycraw6758 - 14.05.2021 00:59

Elon Musk is not healthy...

@jamescarter3738 - 02.04.2021 12:46

Hold up. Elon Musk albeit, successful, is not healthy. He’s infamous for his childish tantrums and tacitly admits himself that he’s not healthy when he speaks on how his work ethic is extremely painful for him.

@euancampbell2214 - 28.02.2021 00:52

I don’t understand where successful people fits into all of this because success if subjective I wouldn’t really define Ron musk successful he seems boring and weird. People convincing themselves they have self actualised are just lying to themselves more than anyone so they think they have answers, no one has answers everything is subjective and you change on the daily

@85jacob85 - 26.01.2021 10:23

Elon Musk? The brat with too much money? He's a child. What about Noam Chomsky?

@mcoates3649 - 21.12.2020 02:32

So... the chakras.

@mrntlng320 - 12.11.2020 17:31

Humans ARE animals....

@danellsmit5157 - 08.11.2020 19:24

OMG... love this video. It is interesting to read how we can apply this theory in our own lives and in therapy

@serginadareisvhili - 20.10.2020 21:55

Thank you so much! You are so good in explaining complex things

@SaldanhaDojo - 13.10.2020 17:46

Thanks Sensei 🙏

@Charlie-qn4my - 28.09.2020 19:21

Info overload, you could have made four videos here

@indiachrishon200 - 27.09.2020 06:58

I loved your video, very informative and animated. It was a bit fast but great nonetheless.

I wish I knew how to make these informative animations.

@hayley8715 - 25.09.2020 05:20

in the simplest description/terms: we are probes.

@mariadibernardo7687 - 21.09.2020 04:17

I enjoyed your very easily explained and understandable information...great job‼️

@CORPSE77 - 19.07.2020 13:23

Thank you for helping me understand this hard topic for the MCAT. I can finally say that I understand this topic. 🌸🌸

@mrniceguy3750 - 03.07.2020 14:21

Sounds a lot like Biblical rebirth...

@mr.pinedape8396 - 20.06.2020 09:38

There is no such thing as conditional or unconditional love! There is only love!

@marshacreary2442 - 09.06.2020 19:21

Based on this information, would attachment styles contribute to congruence vs incongruence as well as issues with identity?

@marshacreary2442 - 09.06.2020 19:18


@AceDeclan - 19.05.2020 07:10

This is a kiddie theory made by small minds. The only thing people strive for is acceptance. Self actualisation does not exist.

@juliangiulio3147 - 19.05.2020 00:26

I would attest to all Maslow’s qualities for S.A. including how the more one is true to one’s own individual nature, the deeper one goes, the more universally true it is (counter-intuitive to our egos!). It is a delight, a pleasure of Being-in-itself, even if one’s life, outer life, of work and relationships and challenges can be as difficult or impossible as ever – although such self-actualisation tendencies eventually seems to order life far more harmoniously, it is not always going to be the case! Life as a human seems to be almost always rather tricky and also messy! :)

I would add to or qualify Maslow’s characteristics of a self-actualising human-being, in that a sense of Wholeness, along with our ‘parts’ -body and soul, heart and mind, all seem to be operative and relatively free/un-neurotic, free to be themselves and to be healthy; and that when we are whole, without neurosis or egoic-defence, we face reality as it is, we indeed, like the Buddhist sages talk of, work with what IS: we see the current and move harmoniously with it (which doesn’t mean ‘conformity’)…
In the mind, we have sanity (this feels such a humanistic, human quality indeed! ...and is not ‘normality’ but rather a real good sense of reality, and a way we can deal with reality without the deceptive games of ‘ego’; so it does seem like we perceive reality quite clearly, but are aware that this is often limited by our own mood and state. Moments of absolute genius or absolute creativity can be quite common or extreme (-like Einstein experienced for his relativity theories – receiving them first in a flash-of-insight, which -according to anecdote, he humbly knew them to be right before being checked with mathematical-rigour! It does seem both intuition and logic, or reason, work alongside each other very well in the same human-being (whereas before, they seem to exist in different types of ‘people’)
In terms of the feelings or the Heart, there seems to be this good-heartedness (Like the Buddhists talk of, beneath the ego, unlike Freud’s suspicion, and in spite of the innate selfishness from having an animal-nature and shadow-tendencies (such a person is acutely aware of all of themselves – including these sides naturally), there seems to be, nevertheless, -stronger or more fundamental than all those, a ‘basic goodness’ that is innate and that we knew we had as children before we were socialised and needed to ‘fit in’. It might not always look like ‘goodness’ from the outside, but would still nevertheless delight in true kindness and sees Goodness as a kind of whole-in-itself -beyond the ‘good-and-bad’ of our relative personalities. Moreover, such ‘Bonhomie’ is not relative to a particular societies’ morality, but is, rather, just self-evident in wanting to make the world a better place for oneself and everyone. Similarly, instead of just mere/pure altruism, there seems to be a Healthy Self-love as well as love of another, and these can be essentially balanced since the being may see it is the same Self or Beingness present in two (or more) separate individual body-minds. And in a similar fashion, the ability to care for another is also equal in caring for oneself, and such a one can do this so wholesomely!
Such a one is also not stranger to and is not fazed, disrespectful to emotional disharmonies and would not judge another for having strong anger, fear, sadness, etc. as these are all part of our learning and emotional-equipment as human beings; they are merely temporary manifestations, which may or may not be useful experiences for this particular individual in this particular…
There is a maturity of attitude with a (-paradoxical for mechanical minds perhaps,) playful inner child which probably provides most of the Fuel for Creativity… So it seems this human-being not only is a Good person inside, but is also more naughty or mischievous – albeit in a non-harming way, than the average person; indeed the best of both worlds!
To be continued ~~~

@juliangiulio3147 - 19.05.2020 00:25

4th and final commet:
As has been implied there is also a spiritual quality, which maybe something central to the individual but is not something s/he can readily talk about since it is not ‘objectifiable’, but may make music, poetry or some other creation expressing this! (If not artistically endowed, it may simply be expressed just the way their life is, the way they treat others around them, or suchlike!) Where humanistic psychology meets Spirituality is interesting: Alan Watts seems to synthesise these well, someone who certainly seemed very self-actualising. Religion seems to be independent of this, but if such a person calls themselves ‘religious’, it will be certainly in the using it as Guide, an inspiration an intuition for the ir ultimate Development and Direction in life, rather than as a follower of dogma -naturally! Moreover, they may really experiment with it personally, go into the heart of it as much as they can, to see what happens!…

There is also a Humility and an openness – he or she does not feel ‘special’, but just lucky enough to be Whole; s/he does not think there is ever one piece of advice or theory that fits all, but is very live-and-let live, each have to find their own truth and their own way back to Wholeness, -or back ‘home’… Neither can they judge another – they see everyone as doing their best with the limits of their awareness and circumstances that they have available; when we are freer, then we will be naturally healthier in our behaviour...
In terms of ego., these fortunate and whole individuals, seem to have the healthy ego of the ‘West’ - ie a healthy sense of self – flexible, realistic, but open and never arrogant or ‘better than’; and a lack of ‘ego’ as it is meant in the East – i.e. they don’t essentially have a ‘separate’ self – Although they may be non-conformist in the most essential, sincere ways, they will follow their own beat and unique natures, but would not be non-conformist for the sake if it, but are most likely to not want to upset people in any culture and will be able to naturally put themselves in another shoes and still manage to be their own character within the ‘norms’ of a society’. This is just straightforward sanity to such free and happy beings...
Carl Rogers 3 attitudes/approaches (mentioned here in this video,) -of unconditional positive regard; open-ness to reality/or the other, with empathy; and congruence of integrated truthfulness, integrity..., seem to be not only the natural approach such humans have towards life and all situations, but increases these qualities in the whole environment around them: it is like a positive, ‘virtuous’ circle for such free beings; they put in this attitude/approach to life and phenomena in it and get such interesting results from it!
In my experience, it makes one’s life about 5-10 times better than it is when one is not essentially self-actualising, in terms of quality, natural morality, ease, enjoyment and freedom – hence why I think it is so important and why I have written so much here (I was not planning to!) To have this wholeness and all the healthy-freedoms and fulfilements that go along with it - is a true pleasure and Happiness in-itself ; and one feels one can go further still; it is THAT good, that much quality all round, even if and when life is still challenging!
However, some seem to have an instinctive or conditioned hatred/denial of it and cannot see it when it is right in front of their nose! More fool them :)
Humanistic is so broad as well – it can assimilate many political philosophies into itself and also has the wherewithal or strength to face human negativity in ourselves or out in the ‘world’, - both Maslow and Rogers notice how such human creatures tend to be able to tolerate temporary but real conflict, etc. largely, I think, because of its faith in and experience of our Ultimate Goodness. Such Faith or humble knowledge is arrived at again and again from the self-evidence of repeated self-discovery of such a human being.
What a Healthy world it would be of it was largely populated by self-actualising individuals…! :)

@juliangiulio3147 - 19.05.2020 00:21

More... from me, to coninue...
Note 2:
It is not necessarily on the outside that one can recognise these sort of people, but from knowing them somehow from the inside… Even then, who’s to ‘say’? It is such an intuitive a factor, known by one’s subjective experiencing (but subjective in a healthy, whole sense) - unlike the ‘psychology’ of today which tries to be a ‘science’, but in my view, can NEVER EVER BE! How can something as amorphous or unfathomable as our psyches -as they are in actuality, be something that can be seen and grasped by science!? Real and proper science has to have such a tight handle on its variables, there is no way on earth this can happen! Maslow (more than Rogers) was ‘certain’ that his insights will be able to be scientifically-verified! I understand why he had this wish, -being in such an academic mileau – needing to impress his colleagues (-which, I think, was his only mistake -something he laboured in vain in his books... Alas, he could not see that he would never please his ‘scientific’ community unless hey already had a pre-existing intuition in this sort of stuff.
This is not to say that such an intuition cannot work along side-by-side with objective science very harmoniously!)
The thing about ‘self-actualisation’ is that there are no definite edges or solid boxes to tick least of all ‘scientifically’; it is much more subtle than that - and quite rightly so as is anything truly valuable in life! The best things in life, Love, Beauty, etc. one can see, cannot be ‘objectified’ to another in any way, but are always experiences of the individual even if we still sense intuitively that they ARE potentially universal!
Another feature -often neglected, seems to be those who have faced certain difficulties in themselves, challenges head-on -so much so that they have been transformed by it!… They seem to learn something that can never be taken away from them – something that is their OWN, and that is -in a way, deserved by their bravery and honesty and fidelity to the life inside them, amongst other things. Some too, may be forced to confront something so wholly and still get transformed, and this can be seen as their particular luck or fate (perhaps what happened to Eckhart Tolle!?) rather than because of their attitude and noble qualities!
These are the kind of attitudes and qualities such a human being has who then can stumble upon it, as I did, but I go in and out (-mainly out) of it, I am very grateful that it is something I know and can attest to, and will certainly Go Towards; and I can see and recognise it in another sometimes…As has been said, if we know ourselves really as we are, then we are not fooled by another, we can see where they’re at psychologically, for we have seen all these things in ourselves.
To be continued ~~~

@juliangiulio3147 - 19.05.2020 00:19

wow, this is not quite how I see things... This is a very ‘Western’, and almost Business and almost academic presentation kind of approach of Self-actualisation, -where the notions of ‘success’ are mentioned so much… I think an actualising human-being will see ‘success’ as very relative; perhaps in how many people are helped or intrigued by something, more than how much money one can make for oneself; to be fair, the narrator does imply that it is philanthropic or Good deeds that really motivate or fulfil them…

But -for me, as for Rogers and Maslow, these truths are Self-evident or Intuitive… arising out of highly individualistic inner-venturing but are universally repeated in 0ther self-actualising individuals… The paradoxical truth that being true to my unique individuality is more or less inseperable from the Universe, what is ultimately most true of all indivuduals deep down…
For me, as Maslow seems to hone-in on in some of his writings, it is about this Universal Human-self or Beingness that we all are and all 'have' -though as this video rightly suggests, we are not all equally open to it partly down to upbringing but partly (something the video neglected, but is the Crucial factor for me) down to attitude… Moreover, A. Maslow & C. Rogers are at pains to state that it is not merely how one is loved or brought-up, although one would deduce that a healthy parenting will allow a more rounded-development of the character of the growing-child! (-always a good start!)
While I think this video completely over-does the role of control, this nevertheless picks up on the other important pre-requisite that I have just highlighted -our attitude: attitude, is like ‘spirit’ and is something that we can not only have some control over, but is crucially HOW we meet life’s challenges and values. So people needing to be themselves, their full Selves, to be truly + fully alive, over and above safety and conformity will very likely go towards it, make those choices and do those activities that help bring this about: I think anyone with such an attitude/set-of-values will at least taste it if not find it altogether -or for it to find them… I say the latter, for -like ‘Enlightenment’ (you mention that word, which usually means the pinnacle of Spiritual development, in the East at least), it is not something you can command, but if you have the right attitude, spirit, etc. it may find you, or it may not...
For I find one can only put oneself in the conditions of it, and these aren’t mechanical but more open, less certain… more ‘spiritual’, -about one’s attitude and qualities such as nobility, adventurousness/bravery – so, for instance, one who is very honest to themselves -who wants to see themselves as they are (In spite of the ‘ego’ in them just wanting to see what it wants – such a being needs to be aware of and honest to themselves about all these things!); who wants to be themselves above all – who, for some reason or rhyme, just cannot live a second-hand life of conformity/’normality’ but need to live from their living true ‘essence’ and being.
This may explain its relative rarity -people still today want to conform, and are just as conditioned (Maslow predicted 1% or less of the total population were anywhere near what could be considered ‘self-actualising’). I would qualify this as that it is still as rare as that in its pure form, but many more have tastes of it, perhaps due to this attitudinal way of seeing things seeping into (western)societies – anyone, not only artists, scientists, creative or originators, but anyone in more ‘menial’ occupations, can have a self-actualising attitude and approach to life, relationships, work, leisure and parenting… Indeed, from what I mentioned above, it is as if there is this Universal-Human-Beingness, this sane, free, evolved way of being that is self-evident and from this, for those who see and experience this, we can see that many human activities seems to come from it and express it at least partially…In this light maybe most of us, maybe nearly all of us participate in it without realising at some point, -when lost in musical creativity, creating something out of nothing, having an interesting interaction with our child, making love, some of our amazing dreams at night, etc. etc. The difference is this is more rare, haphazard, and may just be a good hour, etc. whereas for the individual more or less established in it, these things are a norm rather than the exception.
End of note one~~~Cont'd in note 2:
