Why This Atheist Scientist Became a Believing Christian

Why This Atheist Scientist Became a Believing Christian

Capturing Christianity

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Dr. Sy Garte is a retired biochemist. For most of his life, he was an unbelieving atheist. In this interview, he details his journey from being an atheist scientist to a believing Christian.

Dr. Garte's book "The Works of His Hands": https://sygarte.com/

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Majestic - 21.10.2023 16:03

So basically, I don’t have an answer, so instead of looking farther, I will assume that there HAS to be someone out there that made this

Tim - 21.10.2023 02:22

O thou of little faith, Joe.

Hydroverse - 20.10.2023 20:47

I never saw the opposition between God and science.

WISE MAN SAYS - 20.10.2023 17:50

To know more accuracy of how evolution occurs it needs more minute observations .

whitefaze13 - 20.10.2023 06:51

I think the belief in an intelligent mind creating other intelligent things is the most simple concept made into the most complex argument. Even putting aside Gods existence, we are beings of worship by nature, whether it be technology, knowledge, power, skills, etc.

There is a gap created without God that needs filling, because if we aren’t living for our creator, we are living for ourselves and anything of this world. We either profess the truth, or we suppress it. There is no middle ground, otherwise we are as God says in the Bible as being ‘lukewarm’ and He spits those types of people out.

Eipler 22b
Eipler 22b - 20.10.2023 06:08

All I got from this is God of the gaps and this guy believes in theistic evolution. Funny, he had a few dreams and for him that is evidence enough that jesus is God. As a scientist, he claims he is, he didn't even touch on the scientific inaccuracies in the bible, such as the earth being created in 6 days, a man being swallowed by a whale and surviving, and a flood which engulfed the whole planet are some for examples. Now if your going to claim that is old testament rubbish then why believe in the new testament? Isn't it part of christianity? Did God get it wrong the first time and had to come out with version 1.2 of the bible?

ScotianBlooded - 20.10.2023 00:35

29 year old agnostic here really enjoying this content. It is really helping me open my heart to the one true god

David DiGiacomo
David DiGiacomo - 19.10.2023 17:13

It's fascinating that you found a Catholic church to be mild and accepting. I went to Catholic school and you were constantly reminded that you are a sinner, Jesus died for your sins, you need to repent for your sins, you don't pray enough..that's why all the bad things in life happen to you...that's why your father beats you and your mother and does drugs..etc Catholics have ensured that i now come to hate Christianity.

To me, I still can't see how people go from Science which does offer explanations to religion which doesn't offer any answers aside from " God did it" THAT to me is too easy an explanation

Sean - 19.10.2023 05:15

Amazing testimony thank you eh ehem for your truth and walk🎉❤

Sinful Man
Sinful Man - 14.10.2023 07:08

I have met many other individuals with stories similar to this gentleman. The common thread I have observed is that God’s existence is a matter of knowledge for those who reason correctly. God’s existence can be known through logical deduction using physical evidence and observations of creation.

STRÖM - 14.10.2023 05:46

You're not a scientist if you've only published one paper...

Grey V
Grey V - 14.10.2023 01:39

My main motivation for becoming a christian (im still not sure yet) is how complex and beautiful science is, although i dont want to become a scientist (i want to become an ADF doctor) its incredibly hard to believe there is no god after noticing how perfect science is and how if anything was slightly off the world would implode.

Andrew Zepf
Andrew Zepf - 13.10.2023 12:10

Unlike atheism, Christianity is an all-encompassing paradigm that explains not only what we learn in science, but so much that science doesn't explain like love, purpose in life, life itself, sentience, reason, order, justice, etc as well as the complexity we see at the molecular as well cosmological levels.

Selena Zhang
Selena Zhang - 12.10.2023 05:27

I grew up in a Buddhist household, hold a chemical engineering and chemistry degree, and I’m now a recent Christian. The more I think about the Conservation of energy, Mass, and seeing the divine creation, and thinking about it, how He hears me. The more I believe and am now a believer.

Michael Craig
Michael Craig - 11.10.2023 21:35

Science can only discover what is, it cannot claim to know what isn't. Hence a true scientist would never say God doesn't exist from a scientific perspective. If the scientist denies God it is for a reason other than science.

Teezy K
Teezy K - 11.10.2023 19:31

Some people can act so profoundly and express their love for God so well but deep inside not believing in a God.

Aetherial Satori
Aetherial Satori - 10.10.2023 05:38

. ⏫️

Higgi - 07.10.2023 16:11

I’m finding my relationship with the lord after many years lost, if anyone could give me some tips or some good passages to read, it’d be much appreciated

Kieren Jerrett
Kieren Jerrett - 06.10.2023 02:15

Why is it everything that can't be explained as we just don't know the answers yet the god of the gaps theory is always used? Can't explain something so god did it. Absolute nonsense.

Robert Blue
Robert Blue - 04.10.2023 18:41

When, and not if, an astroid hits earth and ends humanity.......the debate ends.

tbone - 04.10.2023 16:28

LOL. This man changed to Christianity most likely because he is afraid, but most likely because he is weak. The closer to the "end" people get the more they hedge their bets. That is to say weak minded and superstitious people will accept religious doctrine in the hopes that if they were mistaken they will be "saved". It's ridiculous and hypocritical.

BeanerBoy99 - 03.10.2023 10:14

He said nothing

obaidullah sabir
obaidullah sabir - 03.10.2023 04:15

Must reed Quran for once in Life, it blown away my life

Truth Freedom
Truth Freedom - 01.10.2023 15:38

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is so mind-bogglingly ridiculous. I have a better title for this video: from fact, to fiction.

Saitama - 01.10.2023 01:17

Darwin is a hoax. Is a scammer

Ben Stanley
Ben Stanley - 30.09.2023 03:06


Connor Engel
Connor Engel - 29.09.2023 22:22

Gods not real get over it

Flying Max
Flying Max - 28.09.2023 10:07

Thanks for the discussion.
I would like to hear him talk about why he chose Christianity over other religions. I find myself wondering if he would have chosen Islam or Buddhism if he was in a different culture.
It seems to me uncertainty is very uncomfortable for us.

The Human Condition
The Human Condition - 28.09.2023 00:51

I too had a dream .. long story short: a beautiful bright Light envelops & surrounds me - the feelings of joy are beyond words. When I ask what is this Light , a disembodied voice says " This is Jesus Christ... "; at which point the Light fades & I awake. What’s really fascinating is .. I’m not even, & I wasn’t then, a Christian! So many things have happened to me since then , some were almost miracles if you like ,, that science for all it's vectors , measurements & 'math' , just could NEVER explain. Believe. Abundat in Omnia 🙂🙏✨

Tafuaupolu Iakopo
Tafuaupolu Iakopo - 27.09.2023 21:40

Testimony wow, I love it, inspirational.

Cruze_1122 - 27.09.2023 20:02

And AMAZING interview... loved it! ❤❤❤

Cruze_1122 - 27.09.2023 19:50

Details of what God did to you? How about designing all of this process which still needs .1% and could had been God's breath?... how can we find physical evidence of God's breath?

Pacino Vanhaltren
Pacino Vanhaltren - 27.09.2023 08:49

Awesome speech

S B - 27.09.2023 01:35

I created you in a world full of extreme suffering, pain, hunger, disease, famine, death and destruction, and if through all of that you believe in me on absolutely zero evidence then you can come and live in my imaginary theme park in the sky, even though you are rotting in the grave.

Panden Dacruz
Panden Dacruz - 25.09.2023 23:30

I think the evolution theory was right until the extinction of the dinosaurs.
At that time the world were seeded with new beings and amongst them humans.
I think humans had alien dna,or that they originated from another planet,but
the climate on earth made them change appearance,such as loosing body hair.Gaining
taller bodies,and an expansion in intelligence which differs humans from animals.
The different kinds of humans i think was more deformed humans in old ages,due
to the difficulties adopting to a new planets climate.Therefore i think mammals
orginate from a planet just outside our solarsystem.
I think they made up "the evolution theory"to keep the real truth hidden for us.
I think the real truth is to big for humans to know,and that so many as possible shall
be lead away from the real truth 😒
But there might be a spiritual world also,where everyones soul goes after death.
Probably "the highest being"moves in these dimensions.Dimensions that allow "the highest being"
to move allover the universe in seconds.And moderate all the worlds that holds physical and spiritual
lifeforms 😀
The meaning of all physical life is that"the highest beings"can study suffering,and how all the living beings
react to different kinds of suffering,just like a scientificial project.The goal is to make improvement and
eventually create a perfect world,or punish evil souls ? During a beings lifespan,it shows if it is good or
becames an evil soul.Therefore it must suffer to obtain redemption ?

orlando perez
orlando perez - 23.09.2023 23:12

Believing in God has nothing to do with logic amd reason for most atheists they just genuinely dont want it to be true. They dont have a mind problem they have a heart problem!

Troy Henry
Troy Henry - 23.09.2023 10:29

As an atheist i find this hilarious. Then other people's stories in the comments is also funny.

originaldanman - 23.09.2023 01:50

The reason you can't understand how life came to be is because you don't believe the Bible. God created everything in 6 days out of nothing, you can't prove that through science, it's called a supernatural act of God. This does take a little faith, but a whole lot less faith then the untenable "theory" of evolution. God really created everything in 6 literal days. It really wasn't that hard for Him to do, He could have done it in 6 milliseconds, but He had a reason to take 6 days. Could it be for us to use as measure of time? I'm going to make a crazy suggestion that that's one of the main reasons.

Coffeetalk - 22.09.2023 16:10

Now do a video on all the thousands who were once Christians but deconverted into atheism after becoming scientists 😉

Atam Mardes
Atam Mardes - 22.09.2023 06:23

Modern Western laws are NOT based on Biblical values, otherwise slavery would still be a moral practice. Jesus & Bibles' authors believed slavery is moral & suggested how to buy, sell & beat the slaves, and not to treat relatives the way slaves are treated. No Bible verse suggests slavery is immoral. Secular thinking ended slavery after about 1800 years of Biblical values failure.

Cody S.
Cody S. - 22.09.2023 06:17

Haha. If you put girls in a boy's bathroom, then it's not a boy's bathroom. :D:D:D lol

Greg Ferguson
Greg Ferguson - 21.09.2023 20:58

Atheists, do you comment on non-christian channels?

pstha - 21.09.2023 17:23

Why would god create cruelty, torture, genocide, war, disease?

David Cowan
David Cowan - 21.09.2023 03:33

I am a chemist and dentist. I am a Christian and for solid reasons. I use reason every day. I use quick decision processes every day. I studied biology and chemistry in college. I won an award in 1983 for my chemistry achievements. I argued with many of my atheist teachers and I ignored them because at the age of 20 I knew immediately that they are ignorant and stupid. I'm 60 as of this week and I still believe those professors are stupid and ignorant.

Dujuan evans
Dujuan evans - 21.09.2023 03:05

Brings tears of joy to my eyes and much glory to our GOD.

Joesif Backerei
Joesif Backerei - 20.09.2023 17:37

Even Christopher Hitchens understood that Christ is King ✝
