I bet they would have been amazed to learn about a distant space world made of pure diamond This planet which is five times bigger than Earth is located 4000 light years away from us It's thought to be composed of carbon However the gravity and pressure on its surface are so strong that over time its molecules got compressed to the point of turning into a huge diamond Once this object used to be a star so it's not surprising that it shines like a disco ball Moreover its stellar system used to include not just one but two stars a white dwarf and a pulsar
J1407b can be found 400 light years away from Earth This planet is absolutely ordinary but it's such an introverted homebody that it grew a gigantic ring system around itself The radius of its biggest ring is 90 million kilometres In comparison the radius of the largest ring around Saturn is 200 times smaller than that just 480,000 kilometres If J1407b had to relocate to our solar system and take Saturn's place people on Earth would see its rings in the skies instead of clouds
The recent data suggests that this period can decrease even further because the planet has started moving much faster and heading towards its star Moreover its velocity exceeds any other speed record that researchers have ever seen from this type of object more than 750 kilometres per second Astronomer Ian Wong from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre believes that in as soon as two years we'll be able to see the star gobbling up its planet
The planet Kepler-36b located 1200 light years away from Earth constantly bullies its younger sister Kepler-36c These astronomical bodies orbit each other and at the same time their star When the distance between them becomes minimal the larger objects' gravity and magnetic field trigger earthquakes volcanic eruptions and firestorms on the smaller object all at once As soon as the younger sibling recovers the disasters strike again They reoccur quite regularly every 97 days and the cycle continues for thousands of years
GJ-124B is three times larger than Earth and the weight of its waters reaches 10% of the planet's total mass If we take earth we'll see that here this parameter is only five hundredths of a percent According to expert opinion the depth of the oceans in this unusual world can reach up to 1600 kilometres Let me remind you that on our home planet the deepest part of the world's ocean the Mariana Trench stretches just 11 kilometres down
By the way that's exactly how scholars call KELP-9b a planet from hell since for now it's the hottest place in outer space discovered by modern astronomy KELP-9b is situated in the constellation of Cygnus 650 light years away from Earth Its temperature reaches over 4,300 degrees Celsius That's hotter than the surface of many stars KELP-9b is so ultra-heated because it follows a very close orbit around its star which makes one year on this planet last just one and a half Earth days There's a slim chance that any of our star ships would ever approach this world since those insane temperatures rip its molecules apart Scientists assume that in the nearest future the planet will burn itself to ashes This celestial body lies just 20 light years away from us and yet its magnetic field is 4 million times stronger than that of Earth When any elements from space get into this planet's orbit the gravity pull and influence of the magnetic field immediately turn them into a soup made of discrete particles This process causes a curious phenomenon If you find yourself on this planet one day you'll see lights thousands of times brighter than an aurora and they'll be flashing across the sky every single second Now take a look at another celestial body whose atmospheric features make it impossible to come even remotely close to it
It's two times larger than our Jupiter in terms of both its size and mass but that's not the most interesting property it has Unlike most planets WASP-103B isn't round but it's shaped more like a rugby ball This is a direct result of its parent star's unbelievable gravity The pole is so strong that it simply flattened the planet at the poles but the star doesn't stop at that and literally scorches WASP-130B The planet gets heated up so much that each second it loses an amount of mass equivalent to the weight of 1,000 Giza pyramids If a spacecraft tried to land there the planet's radiation would simply push it back into outer space #eldddir_future #eldddir_earth #eldddir_space
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