WordPress Beginners Guide - Build a website with the Gutenberg Block Editor and Full Site Editing

WordPress Beginners Guide - Build a website with the Gutenberg Block Editor and Full Site Editing

Jamie Marsland

2 года назад

18,874 Просмотров

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Nigel - 29.09.2023 20:16

Too many changes since it was loaded for me to follow along without pulling my hair out! Not so keen on the ivory tinkering! Otherwise great vid 🙂

Stan Sutherland
Stan Sutherland - 04.04.2023 07:40

After completing the reading settings as you describe and saving the changes, I do get the Home page on my site as per your example but it also lists in top right of the page, all the other pages

Jessica - 07.01.2023 01:16

What a fantastic walkthrough - thank you!

PokeFang - 13.11.2022 05:02

Stupid question, but also this is a stupid issue: How do I assign pages to menus? The function seems to have been completely removed. There's no way to edit menu items or assign items to menus. It starts with a default blank menu, and then you can create a new menu which also has no items in it, and items cannot still be added. Anyone else having this issue? Wordpress 6.1 is fundamentally broken without this basic function.

Blue New
Blue New - 04.11.2022 14:03

Thanks Jamie! Learned a lot😅 Looking forward to viewing your other videos👍

Martin Kaspar
Martin Kaspar - 23.10.2022 21:26

Damn good quality content ! Keep this up !Many thanks for this userful video. Its great 👑💓🕊!

Focal Gain
Focal Gain - 13.10.2022 19:57

Jamie I notice that the "font Family" (the font options) are limited to 5 diffrent fonts only for this site builder. Is there anyway to select from more fonts? is this a limitation with gutenberg or maybe I am not doing it correctlt. Thank you in advance for any feedback.

Focal Gain
Focal Gain - 09.10.2022 23:16

I would like to follow along with your content but already I notice I do not see "site editor" on my dashboard. I followed every step yu took. Am i missing something? Thank you and anyone that has the solution in advance.

Itai Gary
Itai Gary - 04.10.2022 22:28

You are great thank you, keep it up please!

Simon Looker
Simon Looker - 24.09.2022 14:11

Playing around with Gutenberg and adding different blocks to a post. When viewing the post I have the functionality within it of all the blocks I've added. Looked on the posts table in the database and saw this for the content
<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Insight is earned through hard work</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->

<!-- wp:calendar /-->

<!-- wp:latest-posts /-->

<!-- wp:woocommerce/product-category /-->

<!-- wp:woocommerce/product-search {"formId":"wc-block-product-search-1"} /-->

Mind is blown.

Brian Biggers
Brian Biggers - 16.09.2022 04:32

In your future videos, can you give the person on the piano a bit of screen time? They’re very good and it would be nice to see them play. thanks for the video!

Brian Biggers
Brian Biggers - 16.09.2022 04:30

Nice work and pleasantly done! lol

Deejay Beckham
Deejay Beckham - 31.07.2022 02:38

why don't I see site editor in my WordPress, did they change the WordPress with the update or something?

Jason Goldhirsch
Jason Goldhirsch - 07.07.2022 14:25

I think I might have accidentally deleted something in my website and now it says page without a title. I feel like giving up.

Jason Goldhirsch
Jason Goldhirsch - 07.07.2022 11:34

Hello, is editor (beta) the same as site editor?

traceski mill
traceski mill - 05.04.2022 20:34

Excellent introduction to FSE. I’m going to follow this tutorial as closely as possible as I try to teach myself how to build my personal website and blog. Thank you Jamie for imparting your knowledge and skills into this WP rookie. Best to you and your health, Tracey

Tom Fraser
Tom Fraser - 06.03.2022 23:19

'm sorry off topic, but I'm having a whale of a time resolving a Header issue. I want the text on the left and Hamburger menu on the right to line up with edges of the Slider below it. When I set the correct padding for the Tablet the padding for the phone is no good and visa versa. I cannot find a way to set them separately in the Customizer. Kadence Theme Pro Kadence Blocks Pro... Ive tried Tech support and they haven't come up with a solution

Norlyn - 06.03.2022 16:46

I am a sucker when the video length exceeds 10 minutes. This is so much fun! Thanks a lot.

K Mul
K Mul - 19.02.2022 18:47

Hello Jamie, in all the tutorials you start with making some pages, but I don’t fill the site, I only build it. Can I use Full Site Editing to make my theme but not fill it? So a user fills a simple page with title, text, highlighted text, image, menu-item etc. and with Full Site Editing I place those items in a template page. (I’m new with Wordpress, I use Drupal)

The Goat_87
The Goat_87 - 13.02.2022 19:47

Could you please make a similar tuto for the beta version its really pain in the ass to customize with new groups and blocks

YayCommerce - 09.02.2022 12:17

Real honest and fantastic guy. Clear, concise, no nonsense. Well done Jamie!!!

traceski mill
traceski mill - 24.12.2021 02:31

I am a novice but, I've been using page builders for some time and so, misunderstood some of the basics of Wordpress. I thought that Gutenberg was baked in to Wordpress (not a plug-in). Now I'm thinking of experimenting with building a site without a builder and following this tutorial while doing so. Especially after viewing your video on the bloat of scripts that page builders leave behind when changing out Themes. I like your approach and what I gain from your knowledge!

Topper Lolirado
Topper Lolirado - 25.11.2021 12:43

If you would have the advices for a young foreign wordpress content creator.

What would that be ?

River Man
River Man - 10.11.2021 20:32

Just starting out learning to build web sites and decided to commit to FSE immediately. Will the new editor allow for creating different layouts for devices such as pc, mobile and tablet.

void - 10.11.2021 11:56

Thank you, very helpful

Jakry | Apex Legends
Jakry | Apex Legends - 30.10.2021 12:24

Thanks man. Literally went through 5 videos where they didn't explain Gutenberg like their title said and they were trying to up sell their affiliated page builders. Really appreciate this video.

rmcellig - 27.10.2021 03:09

Excellent video!! I am so looking forward to building a new site tomorrow with my local application!!😀

feebee - 11.10.2021 00:18

Thank you so much. I have been spending hours and hours trying to work out how i was going to build my website. i found an ecommerce platform to use that would accomodate our business which has some idiosyncrasies. i wanted to be able to build it myself so i have been trying to work out what to use without having to code…… THIS is a godsend.

Nanfa Kumswa
Nanfa Kumswa - 08.10.2021 23:24

Thanks for showing us this and also letting us know what to expect in newer releases of Gutenberg.

Robyn Miley
Robyn Miley - 07.10.2021 19:13

As a teacher of college level design students, I feel I have stumbled on a treasure trove in your channel! After learning about FSE and the bright future of Gutenberg, I wonder if I am doing my students a disservice if I teach page builders. I plan to introduce Elementor shortly but I see Gutenberg capable of what Elementor offers (with cleaner faster code). Any thoughts on the future of page builders with FSE on the horizon?

Ken Runge
Ken Runge - 06.10.2021 22:17

Is GBE and/or Tove compatible with Contact Form 7 or some other form plugin? Thanks

Simon Kerridge
Simon Kerridge - 06.10.2021 15:03

The future for core WordPress looks impressive! I wonder if we will see some currently premium features added one day to the core. For example, custom field creation and faceted filtering and search capability. Fingers crossed!

WineGiftBoxes - 05.10.2021 21:08

This is amazing, and seems VERY disruptive for going forward (in a good way). Maybe future themes will only have an assortment of page patterns?

Viktor Chuprin
Viktor Chuprin - 05.10.2021 20:42

I'm interested where /head section goes into. Is it allowed to be in index.html or index.php?

Gerald Heagney
Gerald Heagney - 05.10.2021 16:51

Great presentation.
Thank you for showing in a clear manner many of the new features that are going to become available with full site editor.
