Hermitcraft Season 8 Finale Animation - How Far We've Come

Hermitcraft Season 8 Finale Animation - How Far We've Come


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chrisrin - 19.06.2022 22:55

Thank you so much for all the kind comments <3
If you enjoyed the video and want to see more content from me in the future, please hit the Subscribe button :D

RepentanceH - 28.09.2023 00:51

iJevin just sliming on out was my favourite bit. These mortal troubles need not apply to the man-slime

Caprock64 - 27.09.2023 08:23

my favorite animation ever

Dominic Burch
Dominic Burch - 26.09.2023 04:09

Part 2 ( Evil X and I are about to fuse into an all powerful being and send the moon back into it's orbit.)
Me and Evil X: FUSION!!!!!!!
(Fusion happens)
Mumbo: What was that?
Xisuma: Dom and Evil X fused so they would stop the moon and save us all.
Mumbo: Oh, cool.
DomX: LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Moon approaches)
DomX: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(We punch the moon and try our best to push it back)
(We start to lose our ground and shift back)
DomX's mind: We can't let this server down now, we worked too hard on these amazing builds here, and they will BE HERE TO STAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
DomX: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(The moon starts to go back)
DomX: (Smiles in close victory)
(The moon goes all the way back into it's orbit after a seemingly world cracking punch)
DomX defuses into regular Dom and Evil X
Me: We... sigh... did it... sigh. Evil X... (And Evil X and I faint and fall to the ground.)
Xisuma: I- I think they did it.
Grian: WHAT?! They actually did it?!?!?!?!
Xisuma: It seems so. There's no more tremors, and floating blocks.
Grian: So we can come out now?
Xisuma: Yes. We can now leave the bunker and see what happened.
Grian: Ok, let's go.
(Everyone leaves the bunker and sees me and Evil X on the floor unconscious)
Grian: DOM!
Xisuma: EVIL X!
Mumbo: Are you guys okay?!
Me: I don't think so Mumbo. I don't think me and Evil X (cough) have much time left before we respawn.
Evil X: (cough) (cough) He's right. We have only a few minutes left until we die and respawn. (cough) (cough)
Me: (cough) (cough) How about one last fist bump, (cough) like old times, ey bud?
Evil X (cough) Sure.
We fist bump until we breathe our last breath.
Pearl, Gem, False, Cleo, and Stress: (start crying)
Mumbo, Scar, Ren, Doc, Bdubs, and Tango: (also start crying)
The next day
Me: GAH! (sigh) (sigh) (sigh) (sigh) (wakes up in my base in Grian's magic alley mountain) Oh my god, what the heck happened? Wait... I'M ALIVE!!!! Wait, where are the others? And where's Evil X?! (I look outside) Oh yeah, I made my base in Grian's mountain. I kinda forgot that. Anyways, time go down there and greet the other hermits and possibly find Evil X.
(I go down the mountain on foot since I died and lost all my items.)
Grian: (Still mourning the loss of me and Evil X) (Soon spots something coming down the mountain) What on Earth is that coming down my mountain? I better go see what it is. (Grian flies up to the mountain and sees me) (GASP) Dom?!
Me: Oh, Hey Grian! It turns out I'm alive! I did say that I'd respawn!
Grian: Dom it is so good to see that you're alive!!!!
Me: I know right? Hey, could you get my stuff? I lost it when I died.
Grian: Oh yeah sure.
Grian gets my stuff and brings it to me.
Grian: Here you go Dom.
Me: Thanks. Hey, you wanna bring all the other hermits to Boatem and have a Grand reunion?
Grian: Oh yes! That would be perfect!
Me: Ok then, you tell the other hermits to meet you at Boatem, I'll get ready.
Grian: Right!
Me: Hey wait, before we do this. I have one questions to ask.
Grian: Yeah?
Me: Have you seen Evil X anywhere? He should've respawned by now. Do you know where he set up his base?
Grian: I haven't actually seen him yet, but we'll find him later.
Me: Right. Anyways, tell the other hermits to come to Boatem. I'm gonna give them a real big surprise. ME!
Grian: Okay.

End of part 2... To be continued.

Lieutenant CatBolt
Lieutenant CatBolt - 25.09.2023 15:46

i stumbled across this again randomly today, and it just filled with the most beautiful nostalgia for a season finale I was barely a part of. You did an amazing job capturing the end of the season, the music choice was so powerful and uplifting while staying true to what really was the end of a world. The animation was incredible, the character design you put into the various hermits was amazing, and the emotions you managed to convey-- the heartbreak, the determination, the comraderie and fear-- struck a chord that left me rocked to the core. Incredible work, and as always I can't wait to see what you do next <3

WolfSummit - 24.09.2023 05:58

Even now, this hits so hard, good job man

Dragon_Trainer25 - 23.09.2023 23:30

Why is gem depicted as a satyr?

Karoline - 23.09.2023 12:45


idk man who knows
idk man who knows - 22.09.2023 05:25

Something about the list of people leaving the game really gutted me for some reason

Pupmania_23 - 20.09.2023 10:19

I found this vid a year ago just keep re watching this! It is so amazing!

Sara The Squid
Sara The Squid - 20.09.2023 06:10

I love how Pearl is upside down

Simon Gabriel Aligam
Simon Gabriel Aligam - 19.09.2023 07:33

This animation and the music does not get old

I love this video
Congratulations for finishing it

The reinforcements have Arrived
The reinforcements have Arrived - 19.09.2023 05:45

I miss season 8, season 9 has been great so far, but nothing compares to the sorry that season 8 developed, plus it’s the first season I watched in its entirety.

Gila Gal
Gila Gal - 18.09.2023 06:54

I can't help but keep coming back to this animation, and no matter how many times I watch it I still get just a little choked up, because it's animations like this that remind me of how much Hermitcraft and its community mean to me. The dedication, the inspiration, it's such a wonderful love letter to all these creators that have stolen my heart.

M&M Sisters
M&M Sisters - 17.09.2023 15:21

This is very good! Love it!

Tosslin - 17.09.2023 06:06

This is great and rest easy TFC

Daniel Chapiesky
Daniel Chapiesky - 17.09.2023 04:56


whats my name again?
whats my name again? - 16.09.2023 17:10

rest in peace TFC.

Aaron Walker
Aaron Walker - 16.09.2023 08:32

rip TinFoilChef 😞

star king
star king - 16.09.2023 03:42

I still come back to this master piece
Season 7 and 8 are still my favorite seasons

Dominic Burch
Dominic Burch - 15.09.2023 19:54

Doesn't Pearl ever get vertigo when she's constantly upside down?

Vinot - 15.09.2023 00:24

I do not belive its been a year since this masterpiece came out... every week/month I'm coming back to this to rewatch it and I still remember all the little details and Easter eggs chris talked about on the stream right afterwards...

RCL_ - 14.09.2023 12:53

Wow….this was just wow incredible I loved this so much great job

MulliganAway - 14.09.2023 12:13

Why the fuck am I crying after seeing this for the first time almost two years after hermitcraft 8 ended. I don’t know, but this is great, even 2 years later. Good job my guy

Dominic Burch
Dominic Burch - 13.09.2023 16:08

If I was on this server with Evil X, and the moon started to affect the land around us, we would wait for the moon to get close to the atmosphere, and fuse like "Vegito" from Dragon ball Z and punch the moon right back out into space. It would more than likely take away all of our energy, because the moon is so freaking huge, and I don't think we would survive afterwards. Sure, we would respawn as separate characters again, but I don't think we would be the same again. Seeing as how Evil X isn't EVIL anymore, and more of a character similar to Shadow. A shady character with no evil or good intentions, but somewhere in the middle, he might not change, but anything can happen. Entirely if this whole thing didn't involve "The nothing". That supposed mind virus that has infected the minds of some of the hermits on board the "Hermitheus". I guess quartz and warped vines DO have infectious properties. I also wonder where this mind virus originated. Maybe, it originated all the way from the beginning, I bet it's been here since Hermitcraft 1, and started out as just one cell, like every other virus does. And as the seasons went on, those who were infected with it, and got infected when they later joined, slowly grew inside, until the beginning of hermitcraft 7.5 when the mind virus became so powerful that it actually started to affect those it infected, while they were in their stasis chambers. (I'm calling Season 8, 7.5 cause it technically was just a simulation by Ren and Doc's alter egos, Goatman and Renbob. And hermitcraft 9 currently, should've been the ACTUAL hermitcraft 8. But it is what it is.)

IN FACT, here's how this would play out if it actually happened. (If being the keyword in this)
Everyone: "Gathers to figure out how to escape the impending apocalypse."
Grian: We're all doomed!
Me: No we're not! I've got a plan. But I'm gonna need Evil X's help with it.
Evil X: "Is at the back of the crowd and walks in" Did someone say my name?
Me: Oh. Evil X, I didn't see you there. I thought you flew off with all of Xisuma's diamonds after the derpcoin thing came to a close.
Evil X: I did, but then I was thinking that it wasn't worth it. You see, when I got back to my own dimension, along with all of Xisuma's diamonds, I got on my ghast to find a safe place to put them, but apparently, the moon in my dimension was also coming towards the planet, I managed to get out of there in time before it hit me. But in the escape, I lost all the diamonds. But hey, my life is more important, you know?
Me: Ah, that makes sense, and yes, your life is more important than diamonds. Anyways, you think you could help me with this huge moon problem? I've got a plan on how to fix this, but I'm gonna need your help, the moon is too big for me to it alone.
Evil X: Anything to keep this planet alive. And to prevent the planet from getting a crater extending to it's core.
Me: Okay, thank you Evil X. After this, I will be forever in your debt.
Evil X: Heh, I'm flattered, really, but there's no need for that. If anything, I should be forever in your debt.
Me: Ok sure, but there's no time right now. We gotta get rid of this moon.
Evil X: Right. So what's the plan?
Xisuma: We want in on this plan too. We want to know what it is.
Me: Okay, so my plan is that me and Evil X will fuse together and punch the moon back into it's orbit. I can't guarantee that either of us will survive, but it will keep the moon from caving into the planet. SO, all you guys have to do is get somewhere that the moon won't hurt you. In fact, I think I saw that Pearl has a huge bunker in her base, All of you get in there and me and Evil X will take care of the moon.
Xisuma: Are you sure about this? You don't look like you can handle this.
Me: I'm sure. It's my biggest and most important thing to do here. I want this planet to stay here. As well as the builds here.
Xisuma: Ok, we'll go. Get that moon back into it's orbit, we believe in you, right guys?
Everyone else: We support you! You can do this!
Me: Thanks guys. Now go!
Xisuma: Right!
Everyone: "They left for Pearl's bunker"
Me: Alright Evil X, you ready for this?
Evil X: Of course I am, I've been ready for this all season!
Me: Alright! Let's do this!!!

End of part 1... to be continued.

Dominic Burch
Dominic Burch - 13.09.2023 16:06

I think there may have been a logical way for this to have happened. The Earth's atmosphere in Minecraft could've gone unstable with all the gargantuan builds there was in one location, creating a cranny big enough for an invisible and unstoppable force to shoot out of the ground, and take hold of the moon and bring it closer to the titular planet ever 7 Minecraft days and the earthquakes that happened during said forceful attraction, might've been more of that invisible and unstoppable force trying to force itself out of the ground in the cranny. That would also explain the floating and falling blocks, or the Minecraft Moon's gravitational pull is stronger than we thought.

HLRainbowlady - 13.09.2023 10:29

This is definitely my favourite hermitcraft animation

Valkeriy7 - 10.09.2023 02:07


aether light
aether light - 09.09.2023 23:16

This is beautiful just that doc and ren looked a bit sus but still beautiful

Kate Gaming
Kate Gaming - 08.09.2023 11:47

moon big

Caleb Gamez
Caleb Gamez - 08.09.2023 05:14

Heh, moon big

6_Hęrmît_Črãft_9 - 29.08.2023 04:22

casually sobs in a corner (GREATEST THING EVER MADE!!!!!!!!!!<33)

Ace_of_Spades - 29.08.2023 02:55

i know im a bit late but this is just so nostalgic seeing as this was the last season i watched before having to move on. good job mate.

Mathew Kennedy
Mathew Kennedy - 25.08.2023 18:10

TFC Is still in those caves to this day. No one can tell me otherwise ❤

Jurizi - 22.08.2023 20:55

I return to this everyone now and then but the end where everyone logs off always makes me tear up for some reason

P-10-S - 21.08.2023 01:07

the captions are so good :D

lucasuriel - 20.08.2023 07:54

Only after watching it for the ten thousandth time did I realize Pearl is upside down in her pod. Amazing detail.

Fauna 5000
Fauna 5000 - 20.08.2023 00:03

man. more then a year later, deep into s9, i still keep coming back to this. This is genuinly one of the best, most well-crafted animations ive ever seen. I love all the little details you put in it, and it just overall feels so... comfortable. great work as always, chrisrin <3

godnobrodvid - 19.08.2023 15:27

love at the end how prall is upsiddowm

Ocean Girl
Ocean Girl - 19.08.2023 03:20

This animation never fails to make me cry, it has so much emotion to it

Code Man the 2nd
Code Man the 2nd - 17.08.2023 15:50

Holy cow

ENWC - 15.08.2023 22:02

Coming back to this just over a year later, and it is still easily the best AMV I've ever seen. I don't mean the best Hermitcraft AMV, or even the best Minecraft AMV. Just flat out the best.

Darth_Vorthin - 14.08.2023 21:52

Watching this as a tribute to TFC…RIP

Malu Ulbida
Malu Ulbida - 12.08.2023 01:07

Its so pretty and i love song❤

ashenbreese - 11.08.2023 17:23

😮 speechless. THIS is the kind of quality animation i would like to see depicting hermitcraft! amazing work!
chills and mist. i will be returning to this many times in the future.

SpottierYeti655 - 10.08.2023 07:22

Lol moon big

Hasuki! The star
Hasuki! The star - 10.08.2023 03:39

