FSR vs DLSS vs XESS!!  Which Upscaler is Best and When to Use Each One

FSR vs DLSS vs XESS!! Which Upscaler is Best and When to Use Each One


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@vextakes - 01.07.2023 08:50

Hope this helps! I left a link to the spreadsheet in the description if you wanna take a closer look at the performance numbers

Maybe I'll revisit this with more games (sry games be expensive) or to see if it's EVER worth using XESS on a non-Intel GPU, because the visual quality can be worse using the DP4A fallback layer. That is possibly the reason they are able to maintain a decent performance uplift on non-Intel. However, I didn't look at that extensively here.

also there was a booger in my nose at the beginning, now I can't unsee it 🤢

@longjohn526 - 10.12.2023 01:27

Of course DLSS can often look better than native because both are essentially Temporal Anti Aliasing (TAA) and the difference between Native and the other 3 is the way they calculate the temporal data which calculates what the next frame may look like from the motion vectors in the current frame. DLSS as it's name implies uses Deep Learning to calculates the motion vectors which is why in many games it actually works better than Native TAA and IS better than TAA when you configure DLSS as DLAA (DLSS less the upscaling)

However to get full advantage of what DLSS has to offer you really need to grab the latest DLSS DLL ( nvngx_dlss.dll ) and replace the old ones in all your games that support DLSS 2 (The only game I am aware of that doesn't support that is RDR2 so a curse on Rockstar) both Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Horizon Zero Dawn looks noticeably better if you replace the old version of nvngx_dlss.dll with the newest one. That is the big edge Nvidia has over the other brands, I can upgrade all my games that have DLSS 2 simply by dropping in the latest DLSS DLL. Same is true (so far) for DLSS Frame Generation.

@Petter_fortnite_griffin - 05.12.2023 15:43

voodoo is the best card

@jonjon3829 - 27.11.2023 13:26

I see no difference but this is coming from a guy with 200% windows scaling, will save me some $$ then.

@amadeuz8161 - 27.11.2023 09:37

I don't know if I have some kind of super sight but I see the same flickering on DLSS, like in most cases Native is the best in my eyes.

@gmikay - 21.11.2023 15:07

Secret upscaler 😂

@anomonyous - 20.11.2023 01:10

XeSS looks anything but stable. FSR looks stable. XeSS looks like it's unfinished.
I'll take FSR any day, over any of the others. It's solid and I can use it on any game.

@distinctbutter9075 - 14.11.2023 21:46

This video was perfect as I understand more about upscaling now. Thanks!

@pavlonaumenko126 - 12.11.2023 11:54

XESS looks better vs shimmering because it simply does not upscale that parts of the scene, it does the opposite.

@chrishalle1982 - 09.11.2023 10:05

??? On my rx 580 the Witcher 3 ran great and now with a rx6700 IT only Runs with 40 FPS nativ?????

@BlockButton - 06.11.2023 04:43

xess runs like shit on my 6700xt but it does look nicer

@user-nl3km3nx5c - 04.11.2023 17:23

Can you use Xess with amd set ?

@JustaaGuy - 17.10.2023 18:25

dlss is what i would say the best from the better looking perspective and fps

@3MUNISH - 15.10.2023 13:47

FSR is poor gamers' DLSS

@GeorgeCarlin88 - 12.10.2023 05:38

I tried it in many games, FSR only reduces resolution. change resolution scale or change directly resolution same almost same thing FSR.

@here_4_beer - 07.10.2023 13:47

Dude are you blind? You literally were just bashing FSR at points where it clearly looked better than other upscalers. Buy glasses.

@GRAN_EME - 07.10.2023 00:14

i have no ida what lumen is, i just know dat every single game wich presumes of it its unplayable by performance reasons

@G4ming_OG - 02.10.2023 04:22

make up your mind

@Machistmo - 28.09.2023 15:58

The little Backpack looks blurry... DLSS LOL...

@niclaswrld - 27.09.2023 12:46

For some reason I just cannot get over the shimmery nature of FSR when playing Cyberpunk

@DyingLightWorld - 26.09.2023 13:40

AMD : 6700
INTEL : a770
Nvidia : 3080

@DyingLightWorld - 26.09.2023 13:37

Very Good Video, Awesome Thank you 👏👏👏

@lp9280 - 24.09.2023 17:09

I think there is little bit of issue with methodology. Because DLSS would have outright advantage running on 3080 i.e. it is hardware enabled upscale. SO it becomes kind of apples and oranges.

I understand that this is probably the only way to test it as you must have Nvidia graphics card to be able to run all these comparisons at once, but at the same time then it becomes the matter of comparing "software" based upscaling and "hardware" based upscaling. Meaning it is less about how good is the upscaler and more about software vs. hardware, which to surprise of no one hardware wins.

That said in my experience FSR works better on never AMD GPUs (6000 and 7000 series). So not only FSR works on all GPUs, not only FSR3 will work on ALL GAMES using DX11 and DX12, but as well it works batter on it's native hardware, which again isn't really that surprising.

My comparison comes from using DLSS on 3080Ti and FSR 2 on RX6900XT. On native these cars are almost identical, 3080Ti is ~1-2% faster, but because I have FE it just suck, it is hot and loud and needs a lot of power, so 1-2% better FPS isn't really that important to me, compared to RX6900XT which is Strix OC LC, sips power, is cool and quiet... but anyway... when it comes to performance in the games I play at 5k (I have 49" 240Hz Samsung Odyssey screen) the FSR works better or AMD than DLSS works on Nvidia. On average I am getting 60% more FPS with AMD + FSR and 48% more FPS with Nvidia + DLSS. Yet if I run FSR with Nvidia, then I get ~44% more FPS and worse image quality as well. That is why I basically saying your methodology of only using Nvidia is little bit flawed, as it gives advantage to Nvidia.

As well I didn't mention the setting I am using, because frankly it is almost irrelevant on FSR. Most of FPS improvement on FSR comes by simply turning it on. So between no FSR and FSR Quality I already get like 58% FPS boost, and then going all the way to performance I get only extra 2%. By the way this is mostly tested on Escape From Tarkov which is real bitch to test because it is hard to control the environment. But I got similar result on CP2077, Witcher, SCUM and few other games I own. It is quite different for DLSS thought, where DLSS seems to make game to look gradually worse, but improves FPS gradually as well, whereas FSR you really don't get much extra performance and even visually it is minor improvement if you keep it on quality.

Anyway - my main point an conclusion DLSS is the best if you have 3000 or 4000 series Nvidia... and Ideally xx80+ version of the car which can actually run DLSS. If you have ANYTHING else, then FSR is the answer, best GPU support, best Game support and very decent performance uplift. I even used very very old AMD R9 Fury X on modern games that have FSR available and I get completely playable FPS... SO DLSS is only relevant for relatively small number of people, I would argue maybe less than 10% of gamers, whereas FSR is relevant for 90%. And does better job in 60% of the cases either way.

What it comes down to in the end - and why these technologies exists is AMD and Nvidia battling on the card sales. So the questions is what is better - get 4080 or 7900XTX, one will allow you to play with DLSS, the other one will allow you to play with FSR. Sadly, I don't have definitive answer here, but what I know is that if FSR didn't exit then the answer would be 4080 every time, now that AMD has FSR, suddenly 7900XTX is on equal playing field basically. And that was the goal and it was achieved. Positive side effect that everyone that are choosing any other graphics cars as well benefits from FSR.

@DJCREEDHDSQ - 24.09.2023 00:27

Well (N)GREEDYA did also made exclusive deals with laptop manufacturers so no Nvidia GPU was shiped with a AMD Cpu.

@firexallst4rz277 - 23.09.2023 18:32

Remember the days when it was a battle of which had the best fps ? Now its which has the best upscaler...

@theRealDonaldTrump666 - 20.09.2023 08:26

i had this dream years ago that intel made a gpu and people got worse performance when they used it vs not using it and that was with intel cpus. it was crazy and intel thought people were making fun of them which they were but they were telling the truth. some scary shit man. they refused to accept it did worse with their gpu until shown to them and they were mad. they gave god a angry letter and decided to be atheist

@HankBaxter - 19.09.2023 21:30

On my XTX, I only saw a 10-15% bump with FSR over XESS (I had RT on). But XESS just looks much better at 1440p, imo.

@eleinaedelweiss6215 - 17.09.2023 23:06

Just wondering when you yalk fsr which fsr you used is it 1,2 or 3.

@byniasofficial2567 - 15.09.2023 18:54

Can I use dlss without a pc?

@routine8 - 15.09.2023 12:43

TSR sounds cool. Totally GPU agnostic.

@routine8 - 15.09.2023 12:24

Whoa this is really good! These technologies are kind of a huge deal. Good to know.

@Omelletr - 15.09.2023 02:55

Whats the name of the soundtrack you used in the beginning

@JohnnyWood145 - 14.09.2023 04:28

3080 vs 6700? seems like a reach but okay

@guilhermemachado5727 - 12.09.2023 23:52

Man, this is a really good video.
I bought my arc a770, and i hope intel make some competition on the market, we desperately need this. I actually have an RX 5700(wich i will sell), runs well some games, but i would like to test something different.

@manishpradhan2436 - 09.09.2023 03:35

Nvidia for life❤

@vulcan4d - 07.09.2023 03:19

Xess is better than FSR but AMD has better latency tech. DLSS is atill king but their frame generation ads a ton of latency. If they all worked together, we would have oerfect tech.

@WiingzZ - 06.09.2023 16:01

i've been using dlss even if I can run without it, it feels like the quality looks better than native in some games

@louisferreira1012 - 06.09.2023 00:02

I dont think we can refer to an increased frame rate as a performance increase if the frame generation comes at cost of input delay...

@LaberNater - 05.09.2023 19:42

"impossible" to own all those games lol. Dont think you have met some of these steam users out there ;)

@Zumito - 03.09.2023 18:39

TSR is exactly the same thing as FSR, but instead of using Spatial Upscaling, it uses Temporal upscaling, wich cost like 20 times more but can improve the image quality

@overeactive36 - 03.09.2023 05:11

which one do I use with a GTX card then?

@jeremyacosta9420 - 03.09.2023 04:38

Well, what I understood was that the scaling technologies have problems to maintain the quality, but not that far from what they should be, it's very little difference just to gain 50% more performance, anyway, FSR 3 still needs to be released and Nvidia DLSS 3.5, which improve the quality of these technologies and further increase performance

@PeninsulaCity2024 - 02.09.2023 19:36

On my low-end PC, the biggest difference between FSR and XeSS on Cyberpunk is that FSR smears the text of the LED signboard on modern police cars, where as XeSS makes screen space reflections pixelated (similar to the video). Performance-wise, really no difference and they both boost performance but found myself not using the upscalers to avoid some visual glitches.

@robertstan298 - 27.08.2023 21:10

XeSS is useless on any other hardware than Intel, since it brings next to no benefit in framerate boosting on Radeon or GeForce cards. So any comparisons of "when DLSS is not available" are moot, FSR wins by default.

Also, it's know both FSR and XeSS perform and look different depending on the hardware used, native (modern Radeon for FSR, modern Arc for XeSS) or 3rd party. So that complicates things a bit, not sure you can truly have a apples to apples comparison.

@Abyss-Will - 26.08.2023 13:47

None, fuck upscale and frame generation.
Native or nothing.
If something give me downscalling that helps to make better antialliasing

@perialis2970 - 20.08.2023 07:59

I remember when the times were like : "omg the graphics are so good"

"playing gta 3"

@colonelketiak3333 - 19.08.2023 20:56

thanks to DLSS..3060 12GB run smooth in 1440p😁

@zeldar5120 - 19.08.2023 01:51

Usally never use upscaller they are bad for the moment exluding cyberpunk dlss is amazing on this title idk why they didnt put that much effort in other games

@CristianLopez-xi4rt - 18.08.2023 19:01

I like the XeSS but DLSS is my first choise. I only use FSR if there is nothing else on the settings.

@EinSwitzer - 17.08.2023 06:07

Do it again we just updated
