Sexless and Married with Dr. Doug Weiss | Daystar | Joni Table Talk

Sexless and Married with Dr. Doug Weiss | Daystar | Joni Table Talk

Dr. Doug Weiss

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@stephaniebergmann80 - 05.01.2024 20:22

I have been married for almost 16yrs I live in a celibate marriage.

@shoegirl8186 - 01.01.2024 00:35

2 years of bad days. He said he’s has a bad day and can’t think of that

@Nuevachica - 24.12.2023 11:14

Married for 21 years . Found out he has an Affair with a lady 18 years younger. Who doesn’t mind being 2nd! He’s sexually active with her! The reason why I know is after my daughter caught him having affair, he refused to leave her. I caught him with my own eyes in the car several times. Having sex!
With me, we
Barely have sec like 3x a month but with her everyday .
I caught him looking at porns and masturbating!
I crave and lack sex in this sexless marriage! I regret working on this marriage after founding out he cheated!
He’s getting his fantasy fulfilled! he’s going out while I’m home babysitting. He’s enjoying his sex life while he refused to give it to me.

I feel depressed and so angry! My friend told me to landmark and figure out my life. I can’t be in this relationship being 50-50. it’s so hard to stay after what he did and now have to deal with his pornography and withholding sex for me.

@JohnnyD69FG - 13.11.2023 02:05

I gave up years ago.

@fallon7616 - 27.09.2023 19:29

My husband has killed sex. He would rather do porn

@valeriehuffman1905 - 21.09.2023 01:40

I was with my babys 3 dad 20 yrs WE HAD GREAT SEX ALWAYS!!!

@valeriehuffman1905 - 21.09.2023 01:39


@valeriehuffman1905 - 21.09.2023 01:38

This guys a joke!!,

@valeriehuffman1905 - 21.09.2023 01:30

You need to know your body then feel good about yiur communications

@valeriehuffman1905 - 21.09.2023 01:29


@patriciarowland8230 - 16.09.2023 23:58

It is when things dont work and it hurts.

@elizabethdayrit4733 - 05.09.2023 10:08

I was in a sexless marriage. It started back in 2002 till I left in 2015. I joke about how I am a born again virgin since 2002 and still is to this day although I have been separated for s 7 years now. I am afraid to trust another man. Plus I believe what the Bible say about divorce. He is hooked on a lot of things (pornography, voyeurism, women,drugs and alcohol) that affected our marriage of 34.5 years. He refused counseling with our pastor and also refused to see one outside our church. He was verbally and physically abusive. He would hurt me where people could not see. We were married in 1982 and left him in 2015. I was saved after I married my second husband. My first one had a 3 month affair with my youngest sister. He was very responsible financially, the drawback was his infidelity.

@bumslayer76 - 04.09.2023 22:32

Laziness in sex+ Sitting in the recliner everyday with a Pomeranian in their lap getting fat and nasty. Is not taking care of your marriage. And blaming the other person for lack of sex. Have to be attracted to that person. To many lard ass's blaming the other person for lack of sex. And usually the other person is looking at porn for an outlet. It's not the porn that's the issue it's what they are not getting!!

@brideofchrist8 - 29.07.2023 04:51

God made men an woman in matrimony to have sex because it is the way to connect intimately. There's no other way to be that intimate and it makes it beautiful if it's acknowledged by both parties but there are people who like sex more than Others and who hate sex.
More than others and this is sad the male is a very very delicate creature . I'm a nurse retired the male is created by. God to be very sensitive and delicate.
They think the female is the delicate one but this is not true the male is 1 of the most sensitive creatures on the Earth. or he can be One of the most vicious monsters on the Earth depends on who's the male is. and what hes issues are there are husbands that will. Treat wives as if they were prostitutes.
There are husbands that will treat wives as if they were 80 year old women nothing To Do with them and there are husbands that have a beautiful communication. With their wives because they can talk about anything and they're opened completely to each other. Which is the way its supposed to be. In many relationships and marriages you don't see this tell your married and any would thank you would see it while you're engaged not necessarily it seems to me once they have that person they can do anything they want.
There are men yet basically emotionally in spiritually.
Any way you can think abuse their wives until they know they're living with a monster and there are women believed or not that can physically spiritually emotionally. Even sexually abuse their husbands the people think oh that poor woman what she's going through no not necessarily. Why don't you think poor man what hes going through everybody thinks? It's the man's fault everybody thinks a woman IS the.
victim not all the time ,there are women that can make men so miserable that they would rather take their life than to live with that person another. Day this is not the way God designed marriage an sometimes we think we go to the Lord and ask for the right person or ask him to bring us the. Right person maybe we think we go to the Lord maybe we really don't.
So many people In Hollywood they don't they don't search the Lord? They just get married because they got turned on what they looked like or they got turned on what they get they in bed .whatever or how popular they. Are or maybe convenient cause one's lonely in the other when looking for somebody? I don't know there's all kinds of reasons but there should only be one reason love.
But you have to love someone else before you can love that mate that person you have to put God first if you don't have God first you might. As well just do what you want To Do anywhere you want To Do it?
And then when consequences come someone will pay the penalty. Believe it or not the most miserable thing that a man can ever go through is being married to someone who doesn't physically sexually emotionally spiritually and every. Way want him I knew of a woman who was so Godly very godly an she was very.
Open to her husband when they were younger than as she got more Godly quoting her story she got further in further away from her husband like not wanting him. Being too busy and had all these things she had To Do and didn't have time for him barely had time for the kids for definitely didn't have. Time for him and he was praying 1 day to the Lord.
He couldn't understand why she acting like this why is she becoming this way and Lord told him She's not worshiping me ,because this spirit told her the closer she gets to him she doesn't need her husband and that person or that spirit was personifying me.
She was worshiping an evil spirit that told her to get away from her marriage and to get very busy with his work.
she thought she was serving God. She was not because God believes in marriage and God brings 2 people together to have an intimate sexual beautiful relationship.
That only God can bring about?
Were they not only have that intimate relationship but? They love one another they come open communicating with 1 another they're there therefore 1 another if 1 hearts the others there for them if 1 hurys the other. Hurts for them they have an open communication with each other and with the Lord and the Lord would never tell never tell.
A woman to spend more time with him an less time with your husband yes God is a jealous God but he doesn't mean it that way cause she A. Woman who truly loves the Lord would spend more time with God first and then God would make sure the woman and her husband mate whatever.
We're spending time together God is a jealous God of people that don't want to serve him a grievance that hurts him that dealt with . Un Loved that don't want to follow him cause he created the whole world.
An Died on that cross for sins.

@Elainemcf2911 - 22.07.2023 17:02

As far😅 as telling a woman to “pounce”, I tried that several times. I’d say he liked it, and even responded for himself. I still felt alone during sex even though he said yes. I’m learning of the painful attachment avoidance realizing that unless he wants to work on that, no amount of pursuance on my part will help. 💔
I also recently learned he’s been dabbling in porn, fantasizing daily and masturbating a few times a week. It might just be his preference rather than having to learn to connect. 35 years!
I’m working on me now and pretty happy. Sadly, I’m thinking he won’t be trying to change anything. I may always grieve that but I can be ok by myself if I’m healthy!
Finding a tribe to support me has been huge!!

@firebird77777 - 08.07.2023 23:22

many LIE tooo each other just to get married!!
Never know who you are marrying.....

@user-uy4yv9bw4t - 06.07.2023 19:52

this confers to me that I need to let my husband go. because at no fault of mine I can't have sex. also even when I could husband is addicted to porn and lusting. so now that the situation is I'm worthless. I need to get a divorce :(

@shannonsophia7476 - 12.06.2023 20:35

🙏Lack of Authentic Communication and Forgiveness. Forgiveness of Transgressions that have occurred within the Marriage, Spiritually Emotionally and Physically. Go to the LORD Jesus to ask for Forgiveness Individually, then as a Couple; and to another. JESUS🙏 needs to be at the Top 👍🙏❤️🙏

@youknow1334 - 05.06.2023 21:31

If it’s too awkward to talk to our spouse’s about sex then we should be asking ourselves why then our we taking our clothes of and getting in bed with them? Talking is awkward??but you can have sex…head scratcher

@jkiser5143 - 05.06.2023 15:13

Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control" (1 Cor 7:3, 5).
THE BIBLE EVEN SAYS do not deprive one another !!!!!

@phillipsmith7759 - 02.06.2023 01:29

As a naive Christian, I didn't know that there can be compatibility issues. Literally different sizes of sex organs which can impact sexual pleasure, or displeasure.

@jaygirlization - 25.05.2023 22:59

Christ did NOT die so we could have great sex. False statement by this Doctor

@sharoncrawford7192 - 05.05.2023 04:04

My husband is in his 60s, he needs testosterone. But he wont get things checked out.

@nursesteve2004 - 17.04.2023 06:50

IN 1993 I married a woman who was the love of my life or so I thought....she was a virgin when we first came together on our wedding night, so naturally I expected her to be nervous, but she had said before we got married that she could hardly wait toi start our "intimate life" together. after the wedding night, things just seemed to go downhill, and I found myself doing without, because she was constantly making excuses for us not to have sex. The times when we did have sex, she semed to just want it to be over with as soon as possible. I begged her to tell me what if anything I could do to make sex more enjoyab le for her and make her want to be with me again and again, but she just could not tell me, Unfortunately she left the marriage after only 42 days because I refused to allow her narcissistic grandmother to move in and live with us permanently, and she was in a codependent relationship with her. After she left, we talked on the phone and she told me that she had never wanted to have sex with me, and only did so because she felt that she had to in order to keep me happy, and I should have known that she was unhappy. I told her that I do not read minds and she should have spoken up and said something, and how could she expect me to be happy if she was not. Sadly though we did end up getting divorced, not because of the ack of sex, but because she placed her grandmother first in her life instead of her husband, me. he sad thing is that she felt there really wasn't anything wrong with her, she just decided she didn't like sex and saw no reason why we should have to have sex, and why could we jsut not have cuddled and kissed in bed instead of getting naked and doing that nasty thing with your "middle leg". In the years since, she has remarried, and I cannot help but wonder if she and her new husband even have sex. I know that she has never had children of her own. So how do youhelp someone like that and is there ultimately a cure for that or is this just someone that a man should just avoid marrying?

@usace1109 - 16.04.2023 03:27

ED...Address that!

@terihutchison3726 - 06.04.2023 22:17

Biblically is this a reason for divorce?

@Nana_Mack - 03.04.2023 01:50

It beautiful to have sex is married God put two people love one another

@pAusten - 23.03.2023 03:49

March 2023 Joni and Doug are engaged! 💕

@MsJoybird1 - 11.03.2023 00:30

Someone that has a sex addiction goes into sex counseling! Really!!

@debrahill5452 - 10.03.2023 20:00

It's amazing how God puts people together. Today I saw Dr. Weiss and Joni Lamb confess their love and engagement. It's wonderful - I wish them much joy in their impending marriage, as they serve the Lord together.🥰

@kimberlyford579 - 14.02.2023 20:06

Remember, patience isn't week after week, yr after yr.
I know those who withhold, that's a SIN.

@vernelee7277 - 05.01.2023 19:19

Dr. Weiss I believe that I am asexual and I've been married for 17 years. My wife and I haven't had sex in 3 years. This is hard/embarrassing to say for the stereotypical man who is supposed to want sex for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I just do not. Any thoughts?

@lilly1714 - 16.11.2022 07:00

It is when your husband is addicted to porn and acting out.

@realamericannegro977 - 12.11.2022 23:23

Its evil

@antonialovesyou4462 - 28.10.2022 14:54

What I hate is couples that have sex act like they've never done it when out of the bedroom this act is supposed to bring 2 to 1 also supposed to kill anger and add Peace. Why don't you remember when You did it?

@summerlove2096 - 28.10.2022 08:43

Rachel looks amazing. glowing with God's

@kerrywellington01princess29 - 20.10.2022 10:26

I'm at the point where I don't want to be married anymore, it's like I'm married to Enoch. Doesn't matter how much I communicate the issue or my desire, it's never addressed....I know I deserve much better than what's happening here

@dalmaingrant2470 - 11.10.2022 04:04

How could a sexless marriage be normal

@MrCyclingobsession - 24.09.2022 15:57

People say they don't belive in sex before marriage, that's bs. It's sex after marriage that's the myth.
You'll get just enough so you don't leave, or so it's your fault when you cheat. But she will still spend your money!

@missadug - 21.09.2022 20:29

Dr. Weiss is one of my favorite guests!

@japojo1958 - 15.07.2022 03:41

I have never even suggested sex to my wife except a few times in desperation.
Those suggestions did not go well. 31 years of no sex life, 33 years of marriage. I agree, no love in our lives. "That's what God gives you for being a Dogan." At 62, I've just started realizing that there ain't never gonna be a sex life from here and I've started to try to get an understanding of what the hang happened in our lives.

One thing I can't understand or like is when Protestansts say things like "Jesus wants you to have sex." How the heck do you know what Jesus does or doesn't want? Everybody from JW chiefs to Mormon presidents or whatever they call themselves make the same claims. And they all disagree with each other.

@SumitKumar-nr6bu - 29.06.2022 13:57

Very nice discussion on such a serious topic 👍👌💐

@GBU61 - 27.05.2022 18:02

If you live in the English-speaking Western countries it is. Women in those countries don’t want to have sex. If you want one that does, go the SE Asia or Latin America. Every man should visit at least one of those countries before considering an American woman.

@katiejane6761 - 17.03.2022 03:53


@sarahkercheval8964 - 27.12.2021 19:54

You can’t say sex for a young man with an older woman is always rape 🤔 🤨 that makes no sense.

@rockdahouseful - 24.11.2021 19:26

My husband doesn't even sleep in our he sleeps up the other end of the house on his couch and won't even touch me i barely even get a kiss if im lucky enough he has had this habit before we met i just thought it would be diffent once we were married but nope he promised me he would try to change but nope not hapoen just feel so alone all the time especially at night 😢💔 he does have problems in that department and heart problems as well i just don't know what to do anymore 😢

@atmachun - 02.10.2021 21:48

Amazing insight thank you

@anniehall1919 - 19.08.2021 10:07

Thanks for having this topic
