Benedict Cumberbatch reads a hilarious letter of apology to a hotel

Benedict Cumberbatch reads a hilarious letter of apology to a hotel

Letters Live

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Mark Corkum
Mark Corkum - 04.10.2023 04:26

Having served in the Canadian Navy, being from Nova Scotia, I personally did this! I would bring back Brother's pepperoni when coming off leave,to Victoria, BC from Halifax, Nova Scotia!!! Luckily no seagulls were harmed! 😃😃😃😃

Adrian Flo
Adrian Flo - 03.10.2023 19:01

If the fkn hotel doesnt have a ground fault circuit interrupter for the hairdryer its either trash or the most American hotel ive ever heard of. Lol, fake and gay. =3

Alexa Penn
Alexa Penn - 03.10.2023 11:34

what an incredible generic **american accent. i mean, it’s really good!! that poor guy. i sure hope he made it through the dinner with flying colors! :) 🌈
** soeo e below says it’s supposed to be generic Canadian, which sorta sounds right! :) 🇨🇦

Barbara Sloan
Barbara Sloan - 30.09.2023 18:09

Rude ad disruptions ruin it.😢

Westernwilson - 30.09.2023 03:37

Too funny...but Benedict, that is NOT a Canadian accent!

Richard - 28.09.2023 00:09

This is proof-positive that seagulls will eat just about anything. I'm guessing that the pepperoni had a better taste than that of a rotting seal carcass.

Fred Herfst
Fred Herfst - 27.09.2023 05:06

Know the story well and the hotel, played music there…hadn't heard the letter…cool.
Vitoria ain’t the only place with those flyin garbage cans. One beautiful day, I majestically sailed my boat right up to the crowded dock, at which point I was bullseye for a massive load of white dribbly stuff. We were not amused.

Rachel - 13.09.2023 04:32

Ugh, the image!! 😁
He's a one man demolition unit!!

Greg Kral
Greg Kral - 10.09.2023 00:53

I love these letters, I would pardon this poor bastard immediately. Damn seagulls.

Chanie Weiss
Chanie Weiss - 05.09.2023 05:55

My. Cumberbatch's reading is very neat and understated.

Chanie Weiss
Chanie Weiss - 05.09.2023 05:41

Thank goodness the seagull in the towel was unharmed. I hope the rest were unharmed.

forcefreetrainergirl - 05.09.2023 01:29

As soon as he mentioned the Empress and the Navy I assumed it was the Empress in Victoria BC. I live just outside Victoria. I was not living here when that happened, but I'm fascinated to read a comment from someone who says they were here and remember it happening. I am sure it made the local news.

Rayblade - 28.08.2023 00:28

First mistake: Being Canadian.
Second: Accepting responsibility and apologizing.
Third mistake: Not marching to the front desk and demanding to know what the hell is going on in as Mid-Atlantic an accent as possible, and what compensation will be provided.

Kiki Devine
Kiki Devine - 26.08.2023 11:45

Why did it take him 18 years to apologize?

Ivan Williams
Ivan Williams - 26.08.2023 03:24

You can hear when his accent/word choice slips, but I keep forgetting he's a British actor.

Gopisvari devi
Gopisvari devi - 23.08.2023 01:20


bobbbxxx - 18.08.2023 05:44

Does he normally speak with a North American accent nowadays?

Colleen Kelly
Colleen Kelly - 11.08.2023 03:10

This hotel guest is a walking casualty! 😂

Burny Izland
Burny Izland - 07.08.2023 22:11

OMG I'm from here, I remember this!!! Hahahahaha The seagulls here are no joke! They'll steal shit right out of your hands, can you imagine what a smorgasbord this fellow spread out for them? OMG.

Xrystian G
Xrystian G - 07.08.2023 02:27

Why is he putting on that accent??

Juggernawt - 06.08.2023 09:41

Why the American accent?

michael rud
michael rud - 06.08.2023 01:19

Amazing accent. Not super Canadian sounding. But yeah man, really great, especially when you think about how he sounds on talk shows.

Joanie Adams
Joanie Adams - 06.08.2023 01:09

Funny, I just heard the song by the group Flock of Seagulls.

TheDovehill - 05.08.2023 13:10

Good thing it was seagulls and not penguins.

Zoe Michele
Zoe Michele - 04.08.2023 19:28

at least it didn't involve him having to say "penguins"

Cyclosophy - 04.08.2023 08:01

I'd love to see dramatisations filmed to accompany some of these tales! 🤣🤣

Pete Braven
Pete Braven - 03.08.2023 05:09

How the hell did an ex navy guy forget how seagulls can find a single potato chip on an aircraft carrier deck hundreds of miles offshore? A suitcase of peperoni meat? I'm surprised he could open the door! Brilliantly done Benedict, I'd have corpsed in the first 30 seconds. 🤣😂🤣😂

DC Belle
DC Belle - 02.08.2023 21:47

omg i thought it was his OWN letter lmao. "now that i'm famous 18 years later, will you let me back in pls?" rofl

Sheryl O'Sullivan
Sheryl O'Sullivan - 02.08.2023 03:07

The airline and the Empress are to blame, surely. If the airline hadn’t lost his luggage and the hotel had a fridge in the room…

MB70 - 31.07.2023 16:47

Omg. I woke my partner up laughing like an idiot. I traveled extensively for work and I can completely see this happening. I went to a conference where a duck got in to a colleague’s room and trashed it.

Jim Payne
Jim Payne - 31.07.2023 08:36

When he walked in and found A Flock of Seagulls in his room, did he ask for autographs from Mike Score or Paul Reynolds? 😄

Ginger Peacenik
Ginger Peacenik - 29.07.2023 09:13

His voice is so much less sexy with the Canadian accent.

Joyleen Poortier
Joyleen Poortier - 28.07.2023 16:00

Love it❤❤❤❤❤

Clayton Dennis
Clayton Dennis - 28.07.2023 00:48

Victoria, BC is a beautiiful place. I spent 10 years in the US Navy, and it is one of my most favorite port visits.

ZiggyWhiskerz - 27.07.2023 19:32

Isn't he British? 😅

Monika B.
Monika B. - 27.07.2023 18:16

An episode of Mr Bean in the making....

Tamaresque - 27.07.2023 10:01

I want to know what the response was!

Stardust Skywalker
Stardust Skywalker - 27.07.2023 04:24

Why is this in my rec list?

Laurene Carter
Laurene Carter - 26.07.2023 15:02

But I came for the pengwings!

Jason Cramer
Jason Cramer - 26.07.2023 12:50

Really nice American accent. Having trouble saying “room” though. Sounds more like “rum”, which gives it away a bit.

Janet Miles
Janet Miles - 26.07.2023 00:03

I am strangely reminded of "Why Paddy's Not at Work Today."

SD_DronesConnection - 25.07.2023 19:13

Why the American accent?!😅I prefer his own natural accent, personally.

Emotional Relation
Emotional Relation - 25.07.2023 03:01

as a thrown shoe which is still somewhat traumatised by entire ordeal, I was there when it happened and can assure you that this is Absolutely TRUE!

Vice.Nor.Virtue - 25.07.2023 00:33

Birds are unaffected y capsasim in chilli so they didn't even get a spicy tongue or butthole/ cloaca

String Larson
String Larson - 23.07.2023 19:21

Great annectdot terrible writing.
A good test for gpt4 to rewrite as James Thurber.

Garrett Carter
Garrett Carter - 22.07.2023 21:46

This sounds like the Hotel's fault for not having refrigerators in their rooms. Like, seriously, who doesn't have mini-fridges for a location that houses EVENTS?

Anne - 22.07.2023 14:29

I've loved Benedict Cumberbatch in many movies and always considered him a wonderful actor but this reading of the letter is the thing that most highlights for me his incredible acting talent. I've had limited experience of acting but my sons have done more than I did and I was closely involved in helping my sons rehearse things like acting monologues, etc, suggesting to them subtle ways that they could change things to improve the delivery where every tiny inflection, look on the face, tone of voice, variation in pace and volume, etc, etc takes time to work out to find the perfect way to do each line and each section of each line and each transition to the next line and doing it over and over until it is just perfect. I mention this because, having had those experiences, I feel that I can really appreciate the actual work and skill that is involved in the way that Benedict read this letter. He delivers it in a smooth and wonderful way that just flows and totally captures the audience in the story and, in doing so, we can enjoy the story and it seems such a simple thing to read out that letter but it actually takes great talent to read it that way so that we enjoy it without really appreciating how much skill went into it. I really appreciated all the tiny, intricate changes, variations and choices that Benedict brought to the reading and how incredible his is as an actor.

Alicia Hoverson
Alicia Hoverson - 22.07.2023 10:26

I swear that Ricky Lafleur wrote this letter.

Belinda Murphy
Belinda Murphy - 22.07.2023 06:16

As a housekeeping supervisor for 20+ years i really enjoyed this story as i have been retired for 2 years now. People have no idea the things we see
