‘OutDaughtered’: Danielle STORMS Out After Argument w/ Adam

‘OutDaughtered’: Danielle STORMS Out After Argument w/ Adam

Access Hollywood

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@averyames4584 - 16.05.2024 03:19

Dad- listen to mom and don’t resent it when she expresses her plate is full and overwhelming. That load is half
Mom- let some things go and put more on the those kids. They are ALL perfectly capable of chores, helping with house chores and doing things for themselves.

Be quicker to forgive and slower to critique and pick. Team. You’re a team!

@carmelorsinger8709 - 16.05.2024 03:37

OMG 2 episodes in and Danielle is annoying. STOP ragging on every little thing Adam does. BE HAPPY YOU HAVE A MAN that does as much as he does. Some of us DON'T have any help at all. She's to controlling, for the love if god dial it back. Does she ever compliment him on anything he does? There's ALWAYS that you did this and this BUTTTT.

@sandralafaive2530 - 16.05.2024 05:40

Danielle, you're a mother opting to work! Stay at home and be a homemaker. Bet things would get better for all 8 of you +. Stop being so accusing to Adam, ALWAYS being CRITICAL of Adam's efforts. That's a man's way of thinking, (They have to be told there's a back to school shopping list. And even if something on the list is clear, he'll think it to be different). Men don't change. Besides, he's a good man. Be grateful he helps you, though it's a man's way. You present yourself as such a victim.

Teach the girls not to drop clothes and toys all over, how to help you, how to be a family member or DISCIPLINE them. Put their stuff they drop in a bag as punishment for 1-2 weeks, and give it back when they learn to clean up after themselves. They can wear clothes they still have as long as they keep them in their right places. Easy.

Adam certainly loves you as he is so longsuffering & patient with your negative, poor me moods, complaining attitude. I sure don't know why you're on National t.v. airing to the nation your problems & behavior. Watching this show is painful. Not interested in watching this again. You might think you do everything in the house but think it through.

I think your friend is right; go get counseling. There's still hope for you. And read God's Word in prayer, praying for your family & requesting answers. God will give you peace & you will have a more satisfied soul. Special Prayers for you & your family tonight.

@Adri-oj3yt - 16.05.2024 08:56

Give Adam a break. He's a great dad and loves his kids. His children adore and love their dad.

@tinytim4657 - 16.05.2024 12:47

See I could not marry a man like that. He is a manchild

@LovelyOutdoorsNZ - 16.05.2024 16:34

For the love of God, get a nanny!!!

@donnaparra1760 - 16.05.2024 16:39

The quints are old enough to do more house chores now. So less stress on the parents

@deborahrussell5534 - 16.05.2024 18:43

Boy, she is just so full of herself. Saying, once again that he lives stress free because Daniel can do that. She knows she is a control freak so why doesn't she change. She is the one who had to have the Grayson B store. If her family were priority like it is to Adam then she should have waited a little longer to open the store until the kids were a lot older and could drive. She brought on her own stress and now gets angry with her husband because he is smart enough to realize that you don't have to do and have everything. I get tired of hearing her knock him down verbally. I wouldn't put up with that if I were him.

@cathyconklin5135 - 16.05.2024 19:06

Here we go after all this time it was about to hit. It’s so hard having so many obligations and not getting it all done. Daniell has to pick her battles.

@navidkavian6705 - 16.05.2024 21:14

So SWEET & CUTE 🥰🤗😍😃
DiDi 💖 you are a WONDERFUL Mommy & LOVELY wife & AMAZING sister & FANTASTIC daughter & BRILLIANT friend.
We LOVE you

@carongolladay4839 - 16.05.2024 23:09

This is so staged they need to grow up and act like adults for those children

@sarahc.1526 - 16.05.2024 23:29

I honestly got the feeling Adam is gay.

@BeverlyBatsche - 17.05.2024 01:20

She is sounding like Kate plus right her husband couldn’t do any thing right just like adam

@floydfarano3284 - 17.05.2024 05:08

And they have time for the GYM.SMH

@SherrieB-rc4sz - 17.05.2024 06:16

Those girls are old enough to put their stuff away. The clothes on the floor and that play room is a mess! Danielle is never happy!

@Roberta-sw2hz - 18.05.2024 03:38

Slow down and don’t do so much! Take it easy! Relax. Instead of adding one more thing to adjust.

@Amazing9791 - 18.05.2024 04:52

Stop with the drama Danielle! Adam is trying to support you and your family. His job is important to him, he shouldn’t have to take a back seat to you. Also, your girls don’t need to see you jumping on their Dad for every little thing. Enough already.

@pjthomson1350 - 18.05.2024 05:17

Adam you need to grow up and be a man or hire someone. So step up brother. You are not helping your wife

@catsanddogs8983 - 18.05.2024 07:13

Maybe instead of enjoying expensive vacations all the time and making sure these kids have every fun experience they could ever desire, maybe it's time to teach them how to be responsible and do chores and have some discipline, everyday shouldn't be fun day , so spoiled.

@MdRobin-bu4ys - 18.05.2024 20:39

He has been a jerk to his wife this season I hope he changes or she’s gone to have a mental breakdown He’Is just another kid she has to take care of He needs to grow up!

@SissyPeak-kq6vi - 19.05.2024 04:07

Don't really enjoy watching the show anymore and I don't think it will last this time.

@bethedmonds9635 - 19.05.2024 05:14

Belittling Adam isn't helping. I'm praying that you guys can work this out together.

@Leosunstar - 19.05.2024 19:53

NOW HERE'S AN IDEA - How about hiring a professional tutor to train the girls to do some of the things you are doing instead. A professional who knows how to make chores a game, that would make good videos too! A lot of parents don't feel they have the time to train their kids to do chores, but in the end, it takes much longer to not train them, not to mention that they are unable to take care of themselves when they leave home.

@patriciaduggan4102 - 20.05.2024 03:30

Lost interest in this show, just not interesting anymore 🙋

@user-hq1ph2se3i - 21.05.2024 19:38

I never really like her. She seems like a control freak.

@keylargo7647 - 22.05.2024 05:25

Adam needs to DO more. Saying Danielle is his Smart Phone? OHN..Try getting help for 3 to 6 months, see if that helps. Danielle you are hitting a fortified wall you cant POWER THROUGH. You dont want to look or discuss your feelings cause you are so close to the edge. Your friend sees it, I see it
On top of all this crap a film crew in your house invading any space you might have had

@elbarhoumikhalid4085 - 22.05.2024 21:53


@mewtwomotherfuka - 24.05.2024 01:59

They can pick out their own clothes

@leleemcmurphy2246 - 24.05.2024 09:59

I'm surprised they're even still together!!!

@migdaliarivera8365 - 24.05.2024 14:02

She needs to stop always being so pushy teach those girls how to take responsibility for their themselves they are not babies

@tessar.6360 - 25.05.2024 19:53

Danielle should stop talking down to Adam & stop complaining so much - she's extremely controlling. He's working and trying to provide for his family. I know Danielle works, but maybe she should cut her hours or wait to work until the girls are a little older. Just do without the non-essentials. Danielle also does alot of score keeping - bad to do. It's never 50/50. The girls are definitly old enough to start doing some of the laundry, etc. Make time to see a therapist - actually both of them should see one. I just don't think Danielle gives Adam enough credit for what he does.

@freckles8119 - 27.05.2024 02:38

I quit watching the show because I got tired of watching Danielle tantrums.

@patriciacrosson2209 - 27.05.2024 10:39


@marandakeck9868 - 28.05.2024 02:05

She sounds just like her mother!! What a nag!!

@marandakeck9868 - 28.05.2024 02:05

She sounds just like her mother!! What a nag!!

@mselle66 - 28.05.2024 05:51

Stop working so much your filling up your plate and there is No room

@amydoran9987 - 28.05.2024 17:54

They are definitely fighting more on camera. They are in the third grade. They can put away their own toys and clothes by themselves. She needs to do this so she can save herself from going crazy.I’m wondering where the grandmother is too. She has not been on the show in a long time.

@lv9157 - 28.05.2024 19:48

They are making her out to be Kate . she better stop acting like that

@joys9791 - 29.05.2024 01:03

Get a nanny, housekeeper, so you’re not so overwhelmed

@mamabear1324 - 29.05.2024 03:09

She needs to have a prescription of diaziapam in her back pocket. No shade i think she could benifet from that greatly!!

@mlmj1994 - 30.05.2024 05:16

Their strengths and weaknesses balance out. They aren’t necessarily trying to hide the fact they disagree or argue. Their arguing is pretty tame. It doesn’t show that they shouldn’t be together. Their children seem very secure. They work as a team and certainly things aren’t always smooth.
Who knows if that was production’s idea to talk about schedules at the pool or if Danielle brought it up organically.

@NadiaRamlakhan - 01.06.2024 17:31

Danielle complaints always. Never satisfied

@fififirestone3787 - 04.06.2024 22:30

I started doing my own laundry when I was 10. At the very least the oldest girl can do her own laundry.

@lizrozon6308 - 05.06.2024 00:28

Pleaseeeeee don’t divorce!!!

@rayray4192 - 06.06.2024 23:06

Hey, your cap is backwards, skippy.

@darlenesingleton2827 - 07.06.2024 05:59

Not fun to watch anymore!! I know I can't be the only one tired of Danielle's whining and "all about me" BS! The show has become less about the children and more about her dissatisfaction with EVERYTHING!

@harinichristopher2318 - 07.06.2024 06:49

Adam, right from GET-GO, soon after the reality/enormity of the quints BIRTH hit you, you went into depression and needed PSYCHOLOGICAL help. Is it possible, that that part of you, is still not willing to let go and pitch in?? They're so much bigger and independent now......what WOULD happen, if you did let go???? You know the cards are on the table, so to say, face upwards.....

@sallyhansen9529 - 13.06.2024 00:38

I don’t think she’s being a nag. Shopping for school supplies without a list and just buying random stuff is not ok. I would be upset, too. He wants praise for doing a crappy job that now has to be redone.

@user-nr8oj8cq2x - 14.06.2024 21:31

I Never knew she was so abusive towards him .

@tanyatimms2951 - 14.06.2024 22:49

Discipline structure is what is needed. They are old enough to tidy up their room and playroom
