As always, when it comes to DICE/EA, proceed with caution. BUT... ON PAPER... This is sounding pretty good! What do you think? Let me know below and LIKE the video if you enjoyed it!
ОтветитьI just want to see BFV in modern setting honestly. Gunplay, movement, class balance(with the exception of support), weapon balance, subclasses, customization, progression, destruction... It's almost perfect. I hope BF6 is BFV in modern times but even more balanced and content rich because I think BFV needed one last balance/content patch which we never got.
ОтветитьThe main problem with having all the studios to do one big project coming from EA specifically is having way too many limitations and having extremely high unrealistic expectations. They also have extremely bad management on the main surface & micro levels as well, forced tight scheduling, which ends up having the dev teams rush things. Putting them on other projects while working on the main one. Which divides resources & man power. I can go on & on. Until they can fix those things. They will face the same problem over & over again. But good luck to Zempella. I hope he gets the freedom & wiggle room to make a good product. I have faith in Zempella getting shit done & making top-tier products, but the crop heads might stick their hands in the cookie jar & fuck shit up...
ОтветитьSlow it down. Have the aiming/controls like BF4! No COD shooting/aiming/speed. The people that play BF4 don’t want COD gameplay style!!! 🫡✅😕
ОтветитьIm not excited for the franchise. Im stuck in a game hole since bfbc2. They had a campaign that continued on to multiplayer modes. But bfbc2 still has my heart and its closed. Ive learned to love bf3 and bf4 but im stuck in a game hole. Bfbc2 was so fun we changed the map to keep campers from camping a certain spot we as players forced those annoying campers to move! Camper there, no problem blow a hole in the building. Still camping there just take out the building. I hate the specialty they've added. Its dumb. Squad up with snipers medics and someone that takes care of ammo. And you're good to go. My squad used to infiltrate the other teams area and cause havoc which made rhe game fun. And the out of bounds area five second timer before your blowen up was good. We can pass a csrtain spot using the timer as long as it was close enough to the map. Sneaky but still deadly for a whole squad to reak havok! And we'd all spawn on a sole survivor. Just take a good look on bfbc1 bfbc2 play it learn what made that game fun. Squad ordes were fun too. Instead of being havoc people we played our objectives attack a b c d e. Engineers took care of the vehicles. And a sneaky sniper equipped with C4 can take out a camping tank! The Mav for everything everyone saw on the ground marking them. Mav takes down a chopper with c4 and in bfbc2 there was good audio from people throw a grenade and a. Russian man yelling grenata take cover then wed know where they're camping. Mav voice over was awesome to hear too. Added more to what was going on.
ОтветитьAnd please no female soldiers. I have no problem with strong female leads but in battlefield it is so cringe
ОтветитьMark my words: i will be total shit A G A I N !! BF is died a long long time ago.
ОтветитьDO NOT PRE-ORDER. We set the standard. Every pre-order equals shitty titles. It ends with US
ОтветитьAs many of this gorgeous community have said. DO NOT PRE-ORDER IT PLEASE. Much love! ❤
Ответить2042 was rushed i still play it and the sniping is amazing
ОтветитьBF3 and BF4 were definitely pinnacle Battlefield. But Bad Company 1 & 2 were pretty good too🤷🏻. I loved the Cops and Robbers game to, Hardline!
Ответитьi dont understand this sticking to 64 players and no we dont want any innovation. in PLanetside 2 you can play with 500 hundres peaople battles and its amazing. 128 players was great idea but it wasnt executed well the map design. with their statement of goin back is basically saying fuck innnovation, it didnt work so we wont try to make it work we go back. fine dont make it 128 players, make it 100 players or 80. just try to innovate for once . 64 players is so 2002 man
ОтветитьI just want them to have an SP campaign again, as well. And not some quick, half-assed BF V episodic one.
ОтветитьExtract YES
ОтветитьTriple A game from triple A developers. Probably sh*t.
ОтветитьI think you were right about BF1 for what it's worth. Felt more like a reskinned SW Battlefront set in WW1 or a spin off game to me versus being an actual mainline BF game. If it wasn't for operations mode, which was a brilliantly simple and fun new idea for BF I hope they keep around, not sure I would have kept playing BF1 as long as I did. I rate it about the same as BFBC1, where there was some aspects to the game that made it fun for me despite generally not liking the overall package. BFBC1 had destruction and rush mode, which were fresh and brilliant additions to the BF series at that time. Both games to me are BF games that tried something different and succeeded in some ways. Both are games I don't really look back on fondly like I do BF2, BFBC2, BF3, BF4 though.
ОтветитьIf it can release in better condition than bf3/4 did on their initial release, with the same amount of customization and variety in weapons ill be pleased.
I dont think they can do it, they will probably trip and fall like always.
Deja Vu
ОтветитьDICE has disappointed me so many times now. I remain cautiously skeptical. Especially regarding the destructible environments.
ОтветитьIt's going to take alot more than just concept arts articles and conferences to convince me. I'll wait for full release and reviews. 128 players was fun what they just need to get rid off bots and make good maps.
ОтветитьYeah that's what we thought about 2042 (minus the lack of classes)
ОтветитьSpecialists was an awesome addition. Fuck you crybabys.
Ответить128 player servers would’ve been better with 8 man squads.
ОтветитьZero faith in BF, not gonna preorder…bf2 was a legend!
ОтветитьPre-ordering is the devil don't sell your soul.
ОтветитьIf friends are playing it when it goes on sale for the first time I'll look at it, other than that I'm still salty about 2042 and have lost interest in "battlefield"
ОтветитьNobody pre-order ffs!!!
ОтветитьThis is the battlefield I've been asking for...
Battlefield Bad Company 3
Same era as battlefield 3 but a new story, navy seals.
No.. and i mean absolutely no, warzone/battleroyal crap
No micro transactions like boxes and other rubbish, the only micro transactions should be for old style dlcs, new maps with new weapons.
Oh! And i want rush back as well!
Honestly I think the BF team has the potential to put out a pretty fun extraction mode, probably even better than DMZ, but IDK that I trust them to not screw it up somehow or another lol
ОтветитьDon’t give in to the preorder hype when it comes to
ОтветитьHold brothers....NO PRE ORDERS
ОтветитьI’m so sick of this…. Oh the new whatever might not suck like the last 3 did. Can we just let big companies die so indie projects can become the new big companies and we can go back to real games
ОтветитьThere is no difference in pre-ordering and buying on day 1 you fuggin clowns.
ОтветитьFeel like i heard it all before.
ОтветитьI was a mega fan, but they burnt my trust and turned me off the franchise. I hope it's good for people who are still fans, but I've heard this spiel before and seen where it lead to.
ОтветитьWhy did they reduce the player count from 128 players to 64 players? Lame.
ОтветитьHow about Battlefield 5. ... because "V" is not "5".
Ответитьthey can try but will they succeed. I want a good campaign again.
ОтветитьThis next battlefield game will be coming for ps5 Xbox series and pc platforms
ОтветитьEven If battlefield does well now its still not enough to erase all the dmg they caused its gonna take atleast 2-3 games out of dem
Ответитьthe first few seconds of this video show you just how much more realistic an old game like that looks than 2042.
ОтветитьI’ll believe it when I see it, otherwise hard pass from me espeically after 2042. If they do mess this up again it’s over for Battlefield.
ОтветитьDON'T PREORDER! remember when they announced B2042, everyone jumped on preordering and then the game was crap! don't do the same mistake, buy it when it releases if anything
ОтветитьBF3 was the goat... brings a tear to my eye thinking about the good times
ОтветитьNever forget that these weasels lied to us MULTIPLE times during the development of 2042. Keep your hype in check and remember - NO PREORDERS.
ОтветитьAs long as they make a battlefield game and stop worrying about what CoD is doing, it should be okay.
ОтветитьPrepared for the best, ready for the worst lol :D
ОтветитьHope it's good. So sick of world war games.
Ответитьmy thoughts throughout, mostly aimed at EA/DICE
"we're going back to basics" like I ain't heard that load of crock before,- opening 30secs
128 players servers didn't work because 90% of maps weren't large enough, mainly sticking to 3-4 lanes of travel and with too few objectives to occupy and split up players to assault different parts of the maps we ended up with large mash pits or death dots roaming as a full company rather than 1-2 squads. also the player speed and oddly quick movements of players made vehicles for a good while near useless. sad they didn't mention BF:bad company 2, I would have said BC2 and BF3 best chef's kiss (even with BF3's paid unlocks, eww btw just ew, like what's the point of playing if you just throw down money to unlock thing,*shakes head in disappointment*) - (1m44secs)
"we know what BF players want" no you dont, BF 5 showed it a bit, but 2042 really showed us that your team is out of touch and have no clue what players want, so please excuse me if I dont believe you for a second when you say that you now know, within a good ballpark WHAT PLAYERS WANT, guarantee that it was a 20min PowerPoint with a few reddit posts and screenshots "top 10/20 things people want in the next battlefield"- (6m19secs)
100% agree, actions will be louder than their words - (8m01sec)
additions/game modes:
to Conquest, again larger maps with more transport type vehicles to get squads to OBJs, more points to take increase from3-6 to 9-12 and have some objectives hidden bonuses to the team with exception to the commander slot) like vehicle depot giving an extra tank or APC, have a helipad version, a barracks that has ammo cache for resupply, class edit and class swapping also at chance 1-2 "special* weapons that are either high in the unlock trees or simply not normally available. and finally command FOB that gives a random ability, like AC130, Reaper drone, air strike(UGBs, clusters, AT run 4 missiles), artillery, Ammo/meds pallet air drop to the commander to assist the team further, manage/balance with varying ammo counts and cool down timers.