How to Shoot PIGS Correctly without a Squeal

How to Shoot PIGS Correctly without a Squeal

Justin Rhodes

2 года назад

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vicky chard
vicky chard - 12.10.2023 18:39

I thought this was about Ukrainians shooting Russians

LanceP - 12.10.2023 17:24

It’a a shame what we do to our fellow creatures. Especially in factory farms. Pigs are more intelligent than dogs. (I am not a vegetarian).

chantal chauvet
chantal chauvet - 12.10.2023 16:08

Unfortunately we need to eat and kill animals. I hate it as I love animals. However, I see homesteading as the animal sacrificing its life and feeding the one (farmer's family) who sacrifices his daily life giving it the best, healthy, peaceful life possible. The animal has the best life possible and then itbhas a bad day and its life is quickly ended.

Cody King
Cody King - 12.10.2023 09:21

Just one big ad to try to get you to pay money on abundance plus. Don't bother.

WOLFMAN TROY - 12.10.2023 09:08

Grandpa always stuck them.

Brandon Rivera
Brandon Rivera - 11.10.2023 21:36

What time is dinner???

Snack pack
Snack pack - 11.10.2023 16:33

I always wonder about that cow killing pneumatic thing from “no country for old men”. Do those things exist and do they work? Gun does seem much easier and less work than setting up a compressor lol

Jaceftp - 11.10.2023 09:24

You wouldnt kill a sheep or cow where another of its species can witness it happen. But the other pig dodnt seem bothered by the killing.

Yo mama
Yo mama - 11.10.2023 07:19

Thanks for taking forever to explain to me how to shoot an animal in head, of course, I was waiting to just gorge myself with violence waiting for you to shoot the thing and you won’t even show me that. Jip

Tehcumseh Cristero
Tehcumseh Cristero - 11.10.2023 03:57

Good to know

David Schosser
David Schosser - 11.10.2023 02:32

i thought he was talking going to talk bout our problem n thats wild pigs lol not domesticated

Glorbo - 10.10.2023 21:10

Seems like a pistol would be much easier than a rifle.

Blanc Cheque
Blanc Cheque - 10.10.2023 18:53

Hipster farmers...

bloodsling - 10.10.2023 14:52

commercial farming kind of farming is way better. The animals are well cared for enough to make sure when their time is up,it's quick and painless.

King Stone
King Stone - 10.10.2023 11:42

I misread the title for “How to correctly shoot pigs without a sequel.”

ozzie444 - 10.10.2023 05:42

I don't really get this. He makes it seem like it's a complicated thing. I've never shot a pig but I've seen all kinds of videos of hunters for example, in Texas killing feral hogs, where there are an estimated 2.6 million feral hogs and they've become a big problem because they do significant agricultural damage annually. I believe the hunters almost never shoot the hogs in the exact spot in the head this guy is saying where to shoot them. The feral hogs are almost always shot from a distance and also from helicopters, and generally they drop stone cold dead on the spot. Is they guy in this video using a .22 caliber rifle where shot placement might be critical? With the price of ammo being what it is these days I can understand the preference of using one well placed round from a .22 caliber rifle. What does it matter if they are shot so they don't squeal anyway?

Barry - 10.10.2023 04:57

You’re gun pointing inline with people is something you shouldn’t do bud ..😳

scott craig
scott craig - 10.10.2023 04:48

blood pudding is the best part of killing your own pig

Shakes73 - 10.10.2023 04:21

Had to black it out for the snowflakes.

whynottalklikeapirat - 10.10.2023 00:40

Can’t wait to hear see this - I ALWAYS squeal when I shoot a pig correctly.

Chiefshadow4 - 09.10.2023 21:06

Draw an x from middle of eyes to middle of ear canal. That is where you need to shoot whether captive or firearm.

rnrjukespot - 09.10.2023 20:29

his next video is shooting fish in barrel

DEWAYNE BONDS - 09.10.2023 20:12

Great video! Something to consider, especially with the “coolinary” aspect of the head would be to use a copper round instead of lead. Studies on hunted deer have shown that the lead round fragments into thousands of microscopic pieces in the meat which we then consume.

Samuel Spencer
Samuel Spencer - 09.10.2023 18:16

We should show respect and appreciation for the sacrifice we require of these animals.

GB outdoors
GB outdoors - 09.10.2023 17:22

i hate pigs alot

runkorko - 09.10.2023 13:15

We use knife. Take 2 man, or 1 man and a rope. One precise stab. done. No guns, no brain waste. Why waste the tastier part of the pig ...

RatherBeFishing - 09.10.2023 07:01

Excellent info. Some of this I had unfortunately learned the hard way before. Giving them something to drink is a great tip. I used to look forward to the actual shot but after a couple of experiences where I didn’t know what I had done wrong, I’ve almost come to dread it a little. This helps my confidence.

CoderSal DCLXVI - 09.10.2023 03:15

I treat all of my animals with dignity and respect. They deserve the respect firstly because they are living, breathing beings. Secondly, they provide the sustenance my family needs. They all live very comfortably; they are fed very well with fresh food and fresh clean water. I often give them their favorite snacks. They all roam free and never in cages unless they need to be isolated due to an injury or something of that nature. And when the day comes to harvest an animal, they are given a clean, painless and quick death. That is the least I can do. I love my animals, but I love my family more. I do not want them eating garbage meat from the supermarket, only organic. That is what drives me to raise some animals for meat, others for eggs, others for milk, etc., etc.

Joseph Rogerson
Joseph Rogerson - 08.10.2023 10:48

Ok shooting the is ok, but don't have more pigs in same pen. Separate pen when doing more those who know what I mean. Make a low x ear and eyes

steve - 08.10.2023 04:06

no more ribs and bacon for me. I'm done eating pork. Goops gotta go its time to put the Porterhouse steaks on the grill

Opedanderson - 07.10.2023 19:20

yes its fine for children to watch

- 07.10.2023 14:22

The cross between the ear and the eyes is the correctly

Michael Lee
Michael Lee - 06.10.2023 20:26

Nice family viewing

Cooking On The Farm
Cooking On The Farm - 05.10.2023 20:48

I think I saw you at the Idaho homesteading conference this past June. We are heading to do our 1st pig here in about 30 min. Thank you for showing and describing angles. It really helps. God bless

Gary Nicholls
Gary Nicholls - 03.10.2023 12:12

Gary here from the UK, Wow that's a perfect job done you give such a lot of information perfect thank you so much for your videos you really know you're stuff keep them coming

N. Jorgji
N. Jorgji - 02.10.2023 21:15

What an idiot. Did he have to do this in front of such young children? Not an idiot, rather a beast. GFY

Nick Barber
Nick Barber - 02.10.2023 15:23

Draw two lines....left eye to right ear,right eye to left ear.
Where the lines cross is the spot.

A M - 02.10.2023 12:08

Good share

MegaPierzak - 01.10.2023 21:27

Luck you can do this that way! Here in Europe you can't slaugther your pigs or cows yourself or you can have some serious legal troubles.

Joel Rudzinski
Joel Rudzinski - 01.10.2023 08:15

My 308 drops the with a neck or heart shot every time from distance.

Dick Dastardly 55
Dick Dastardly 55 - 30.09.2023 23:51

Although I don’t think I could do this and really don’t like killing anything , this is far more humane for pigs than the industrial breeding and production of pork with pigs kept in awful conditions and only see the light of day if their lucky when they go to slaughter. Humans eat way too much meat for our health in my opinion and this will lead to humanity’s down fall from keeping creatures en mass in awful conditions the perfect vector for viruses and virus evolution.

András Salfay
András Salfay - 28.09.2023 22:26

Quality content again... in my country, people take these things (among others) way too lightly.
Ofc then they ignore responsibility of any kind, do not care about animals, do not respect their food but yeah, that's them. They do just fine anyways.
It's OUT job to do better... and you guys always provide me with perfect, scientific and well explained information of topics that are not even touched here in Hungary...."the larder of Europe". What a joke we are. We always have been taught what a great nation we are, and how Americans are stupid.
here I am at 32 years, never met a stupid american, meeting stupid hungarians every day. :D

Michael - 27.09.2023 01:22

Why you keep sticking your finger in the bullet wound ? 🧐

GA-Vic😉 - 25.09.2023 06:56

also an animal that isn't dispatched immediately will struggle and release adrenaline from the kidneys into the bloodstream, making the meat taste bad!

Phantom - 24.09.2023 02:03

Yep, a day in the life. I know how loving and smart pigs are and always have had problems with killing them.
If you spend any time with them, you'll find each one has its own personality.
