5 Things For Starting CAD Drafting in Rhino7

5 Things For Starting CAD Drafting in Rhino7

Design Prototype Test

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@JRo250 - 29.10.2023 03:59

I've been using Rhino for years. I'm not even halfway through your video and already learned a few things. Cap??? The time I wasted doing those manually.. yikes. Thanks!

@kevinrice5563 - 19.10.2023 16:45

Very helpful vid, thanks for taking the time

@wunwinglow - 11.09.2023 15:17

Adore Rhino, have been using it since it was a freebie demo disc on Computer Arts magazine! Hints, keep the Osnap Near OFF, unless you REALLY REALLY need it! It can cause really frustrating issues where you think you have snapped to some end or corner, and it hasn't quite... Also, disable Apparent Intersection in the Options, as it will trim and split stuff just exactly, precisely where you have no idea where it is... It has its uses, but for most work, it is much more likely to give you trouble further down the line. Great vid, will point my pupils to it!!

@EdwardTilley - 01.09.2023 08:56

Great tips! Thanks for the video.😀

@android_dreaming_of_sheep - 04.08.2023 02:40

thousands of hours might be an over statement

@jayf9259 - 08.07.2023 21:55

Thank you for this video. I'm new to Rhino 3d, and this really helps get me on the right path to learning this program.

@narcellius - 03.06.2023 03:34

• in options set the middle mouse button to zoom selected (ZS).
• set an alius or keyboard shortcut for the command !_cplane _o to quickly change /set construction planes. !_cplane _w _t resets the construction plane to default.
• Holding ctrl+shift when orbiting (right click and mouse move) will snap the camera to ortho views (top, right, left, front, back)
• tapping tab whilst drawing a line or moving an object will constrain the direction.
• Whilst the gumball is active on an object clicking on one of the scale boxes opposite to the coloured arrow will give you a prompt to input a scale factor, if you put -1 it will mirror the object on that axis.
• To get the boundary of multiple shapes, instead of trimming each individual shape and joining, use curveboolean then hit 'a' for all ( or set an alius for it ) make sure delete existing is checked.

@smithe53 - 29.03.2023 17:03

One trick that isn't commonly mentioned but I learned by watching videos was when you have a list of check boxes, like the snap options, you can right click on one of them and it will select that one and de-select all the others. It's a super fast way to get only what you need for your command. If you right click again, it will go back to your previous selections. This is also really useful in the "setpt" command as I often only want to go in one direction.

@privateprivate-mp4tf - 13.03.2023 01:16

When I select curve it either lays on the x or stands on the y axis. It’s not until I press shift that I can move it around. Do you know which setting to change to have the first point of the curve be placed anywhere freely ?

@coffeeaddict477 - 12.03.2023 16:24

so weird that im designing a nintendo game boy right now in rhino xD

@thecolorblinddesigner1094 - 02.01.2023 19:55

Great video!

@rajendrameena7763 - 02.01.2023 00:15

My extruded curve show middle lines also when I cap it. Is there any way to stop this behaviour, it is literally annoying...

@derekmccallum165 - 14.12.2022 06:40

Great video! My background is metal fabrication. Can this program help pull dimensions from a structure that is twisted? Current modelling software I use (shapr3d) can't give me these properties. Only gives me dimensions in a flat plane. Hope you can help.

@bigjeffrey26 - 05.12.2022 22:43

Nice you answered all my questions in 4 minutes! I feel Lucky because of you! Thanks.

@petez4608 - 02.12.2022 18:30

I’m a designer who has used rhino a lot in the past but I’ve been more on the strategy side for the past 12 years. Getting back into making objects now, mostly in my free time. It’s been awkward, but This has been such a good tutorial. Thank you so much.

@ChrisTietjen_00 - 16.11.2022 12:27

If you're so inclined, it would be nice to see your list of aliases.

@kin_1997 - 03.11.2022 23:23

This is so cool. Know nothing about CAD but still, fascinating.

@nickarcher8617 - 08.10.2022 21:27

i have to used rhino cad regularly but im not a designer of any kind. i use it to look at completed designs so i can put the part together. do you have any videos showing useful tips on how to navigate the many options in taking apart and seeing the insides of a complex part?

@Gichanasa - 07.10.2022 11:12

Very nice intro video for Rhino. Have been using Rhino(and Grasshopper), Solidworks, and Maya since the early 90's here. For people asking about Rhino's parametric capability and fit for mechanical design and the people responding with Grahssopper offering parametric aspect... CAD parametric and Grasshopper parametric are two different types. CAD parametric capabilities are about being able to create the body case of an electronic product, shell out the internal cavity, and create all the internal electronics and mechanical components referencing the outer body, and after finishing the entire product, change any of the width/height/wall thicknesses, etc., and have the entire assembly of the components receive the trickling updates. Rhino, even with Grasshopper, cannot do that. It will not update the associated parts and components, and they will need to be recreated. Also, mechanical designs such as robotic arms cannot be really controlled and posed with Rhino in a reasonably productive way, as Rhino does not keep XYZ pivot information nor has a way of creating and managing a hierarchy of the XYZ nodes. Those are all best handled with trie CAD software applications or 3D modeling & animation applications such as Maya. On the other hand, modeling organic human-made products like ergonomic handles of kitchen tools, jewelry, and architecture concepts of the likeness of Zaha Hadid are a pure pleasure to create using Rhino, especially at that price point. Hope it helps some of you.

@susanelizaga - 28.09.2022 21:50

i'm joining forces with my cousin designing jewelry only i am exceedingly artistic but CAD stupid; bottom line i'll be training with him in january so until then wanted to practice so i downloaded rhino 7 90-day trial software and i'm stuck at the beginning where the top/front/right/ perspective views aren't in a grid view but all black so i can't even see what i'm doing lol again super artistic on paper but straight up CAD STUPID-- help!?

@redherring5532 - 09.09.2022 07:59

I couldn't hear anything over those intimidating Gameboys in the back 😳

@davidstafford4873 - 08.07.2022 05:05

super awesome video. I'm just starting Rhino and I was so surprised to see your familiar face on a Rhino tutorial. Well done, you should consider making a series of these.

@RJR164 - 28.06.2022 07:52

6 Things For Starting CAD Drafting in Rhino7
1. Watch this video.....

@FREAKOH1 - 27.06.2022 15:51

As an freshly graduated architect I can say they don't teach us how to use anything, it's all self taught so keep making videos like this for us!

@tabasumcarpentry5336 - 10.06.2022 17:02

Hi bro i just start learning rhino 3d.
Is it suitable software for modelling interior and furniture modelling?

Thank u

@aethelwolfe3539 - 30.05.2022 20:14

Not a single architecture firm uses this that I know of, unless they cobble together a shit ton of random plug ins. They are still stuck with AutoCad, mostly because people are too lazy to switch and would rather pay thousands of dollars every year out the ass. Because architects used hand drafting well into the 21st century because mugh learning curves.

@NOBOX7 - 26.05.2022 05:57

This video just put a woodn stake threw confusion360's heart , you cant even print a drawing image on 360 if your as dumb as i am i had to use snipp tool for crying out loud as 360 decided it would be cool to hide my files in a folder i cant find

@carlfogarthy6508 - 07.04.2022 13:40


@digitalpatternforboatcover5356 - 24.03.2022 02:31

Great presentation, if it's ok to ask you, sewing workshop, 1: 6 sec, what is it? I am in the business of upholstering yachts, I see something similar :) Greetings from Sweden

@wellwornpast - 19.03.2022 01:15

I bought Rhino and it is neat... I guess... but I can't seem to find it useful. Yeah, great. You can draw a box or whatnot.. but what if your design changes and you need that box to go from 10cm to 15cm... or some other PARAMETER changes and you need to edit. I know this isn't Parametric... Everyone says "It's not designed that way." OK... so how is it designed? How can this be a useful program if you can't tweak drawings as you are fleshing out a design? Things have to "fit" into specific parameters in the real world. How can this be useful if you can't make the parts fit? What if you screwed up and the bolt holes should be a different size? In a parametric system it is simple to edit the sketch. In Rhino - for the life of me - I can't see how this is done. Since there aren't parameters on the placement or size you can't edit them. Obviously I am ignorant and I fully admit this. Obviously Rhino works. But no one at McNeil or on the forum or anywhere else has been able to answer my question. I have been through the manual. Nothing about editing tha tI have seen. They give parameters at the beginning and the tutorials work. That is great if you know all of the parameters when you start. Design isn't always that way though. Beauty of CAD is that it helps you to see things as you try to make them FIT.) I realize this video is a year old an this comment/question probably won't be seen but I thought I would take a chance. Thank you.

@InspiredScience - 18.03.2022 10:27

Excellent video, thank you! This video contains one of the most accurate comments that's overlooked in others... That many people who prefer one CAD tool over another -- these are not typically objective comparisons and in many cases they are based on what someone knows, or the first workflow that someone learned. For example, if someone spent 20 years in 2D CAD, they'll think quite a bit different than someone who started in a tool like SketchUp.

@-IYN- - 06.03.2022 15:31

We really do not need to see your face. It will also make it easier for you, not having to shoot and import footage from webcam.
Just a capture form a screen recorder is fine.

@hoomantehrani624 - 25.02.2022 10:08


@user-yk1cw8im4h - 14.02.2022 15:52

wait so are you still practicing architecture?

@fredygump5578 - 19.01.2022 06:56

What I want to understand about Rhino is why does it auto-fill inappropriate commands as I start typing commands? I'm expecting it to behave like AutoCAD, where the simplest commands are first...like "L" is always line, "C" is always circle. But in Rhino, "C" is "SelCrossing", whatever that is. I always expect "ext" to be "extend", but Rhino alwaus jumps to "extrudeCRV". So I smash ESC a few times and type "exte". The first command Rhino selects seems to change with use, and it has changed mid session to much consternation! I suppose it's a "feature", since I haven't found any way to change this behavior...

@RapidInstincts - 17.01.2022 17:00

Great video mate. But i'll never pay for programs :p

@sujeetv3442 - 07.01.2022 12:03

Where can I learn sub d modelling for cars?? Please advise🙏🙏🙏

@thryce82 - 05.12.2021 06:33

thanks for the vid. IDo you think rhino is an alternative for fusion for mechanical design? Im a student so their discount is extremely affordable and I like how they actually give out perpetual licenses. Also dont want to put hundreds of hours into a program where they can insta change the license structure.... Grasshoper also looks extremely cool. Im mainly interested in designing chemisry lab grear (cases for glass holders things like this).I get that it would be more difficult but is it a mehhh that i get time with the program or is it better to learn there and come back to rhino when I want to start dealing with more complicated curvey things?

@cybersechs1368 - 23.11.2021 08:19

Damn I didn't know about Rino until last night when someone showcased a BBQ they made up on a FB laser cutting/engraving group.
Can you do a prefix ' before each command like in AutoCAD? Ie.. if you do LINE.. then type 'osnap you bring up the object snap properties, and shift right click to bring up osnap attribs

@funwithfamfun - 14.11.2021 06:17

Awesome! Great editing and fast fowarding through your tweeking to get to the point. Thank you!

@MG-nn8dy - 05.11.2021 01:20

Rhino is the best =)

@juanricardogeraldotorres3727 - 31.10.2021 02:35

nice collection of nintendo ataris gameboys

@savvageorge - 29.10.2021 18:30

Awesome recommendation. I've been using Gimp for image editing for years and the menu layout looks very similar to this. Will definitely be my application of choice for any future designing I attempt.

@rustemyaqoob1594 - 01.10.2021 09:54

Hello, I have a question that I would like to answer please, does rhino7 have the feature of collecting pieces like other engineering programs solidwirk, ptc creo and catia

@adanrodriguez401 - 21.09.2021 21:35

