YOGA TEACHING TIPS | For New & Aspiring Teachers | CAT MEFFAN

YOGA TEACHING TIPS | For New & Aspiring Teachers | CAT MEFFAN

Cat Meffan

5 лет назад

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Vanessa Rodriguez
Vanessa Rodriguez - 03.04.2023 21:45

Love the part on responding to rejection and taking it as making connections and creating opportunity!

Creepette Yoga
Creepette Yoga - 08.01.2023 09:01

Wonderful tips! Thank you 🙏

Azz Yyy
Azz Yyy - 05.01.2023 17:56


Hans Stepford
Hans Stepford - 27.10.2022 17:55

Miss S has issues with her childhood. She did not play with her girlfriend's b.

Philadelphia Walks PTSD
Philadelphia Walks PTSD - 20.10.2022 13:16


YogaByYas - 21.02.2022 12:48

Thank you for your passion!!

Yoga by Ioana
Yoga by Ioana - 29.11.2021 21:03

Thank you for the tips! Namaste!

Nicole Cherry /Las Vegas
Nicole Cherry /Las Vegas - 13.11.2021 07:59

You have inspired me so much over the post year...all the way to Vegas babe! Ha and I would love to join one of your retreats and look forward to any news of one ahead! Thank you for all your energy.

Nana Tsubota
Nana Tsubota - 05.11.2021 07:07

Thank you I feel so much better!! I just found out I am subbing my first Hot Yoga class and was dying from nervousness. Lol

trans bender
trans bender - 22.08.2021 20:05

Whenever I try to teach my friends I forget how inflexible a lot of people are (especially if they never do yoga) and how painful it can be to do the poses and twists and stretches, so I really wanna teach so that everyone enjoys the practice, gets a good experience in and they leave feeling good.

Pericles DaSilva
Pericles DaSilva - 29.05.2021 02:10

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation present your requests to God by prayer with thanksgiving. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding shall guard your minds and hearts in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6–7

Doclick - 08.02.2021 23:29

I am a south indian, i know now a dys ppl think dt yoga we can learn from book and course, i have a question whr actually yoga orginated?
Its from india right k.
Lord shiva taught yoga to 7 rikshis and her wife parvathi for realizing they r the part of his own reflecton
They taught all over the world but some ppl added their own invention into it, so the real essence is missed
I am so worried abt it bcz a masked marketing product is selling all over the world, i dont blame anyone bcz real yoga u cant get for money bcz only limited ppl only know dt they wont come out in diz world for arguing and establishing wht is right bcz they know world wont change everyone belive packing stuff and presentation and outside beauty of product they dont care wht is in it or result

Shannon C
Shannon C - 16.01.2021 06:36

Thank you thank you thank you 🙏🏼

Lina Trakymaite
Lina Trakymaite - 03.01.2021 13:34

Such a great advice to having a strong self practice!💛

YDS official
YDS official - 19.12.2020 14:35

Beautiful- my name is Artemis

Aya Abdelrahim
Aya Abdelrahim - 08.12.2020 00:36

This is so useful and inspiring .. thank you for sharing, just came in the right time 🙏

Prescila Casana
Prescila Casana - 21.11.2020 18:39

Many thanks for this videos a lot more of tips I learnt today, for those who are a yoga teachers got there YTT200hrs of certification without any yoga anatomy.

The Freckled Cyn
The Freckled Cyn - 01.11.2020 17:50

Really fabulous video. Thanks Namaste

Marlonsito Prunita
Marlonsito Prunita - 30.10.2020 09:40

This was great, I have been researching "can i learn yoga on my own?" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of - Fonylan Inconceivable Future - (do a google search )?

It is a great one of a kind guide for discovering how to get your sexiest body without the normal expense. Ive heard some incredible things about it and my work buddy got amazing success with it.

Shannon Brunner
Shannon Brunner - 31.08.2020 05:34

Thanks so much for sharing! I will be teaching a class for the 1st time on Thursday! Excited and nervous 😬 But this helps a lot!

sreedevi choudhury
sreedevi choudhury - 28.08.2020 03:09

Nice to hear this. it gave some sense of confidence...

Red Badge Dogs
Red Badge Dogs - 20.08.2020 14:29

Lots of note taking as I'm on teacher training love your channel

Shristi Prakash
Shristi Prakash - 18.08.2020 22:50

Woww.. amazing video.. please please create a video on how you keep urself motivated and strong..

Jeffrey Pajarillo
Jeffrey Pajarillo - 18.08.2020 08:25

amazing video and info, this gave me the confidence i needed, ill be co hosting/ teaching a class in a few weeks, i deeply resonate at the part where you said as long as your teaching from the heart and goodness and passion you will get the right people.

Harold Owen
Harold Owen - 15.08.2020 23:38

Thank you for this video. I am almost done with my YTT200 and this video has done a lot to put my mind at ease. Plus many good tips!

Patrick Callow
Patrick Callow - 15.08.2020 22:05

started teaching Yoga for the FIRST TIME of the start of my journey of becoming a certified Yoga Instructor! And once I putted on my Yoga music & started teaching... That’s when my body & mind felt relaxed!
And I was able to teach my yoga without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out!🙂
But doing yoga today did get rid of my bad habits as well!🙂❤️🧘‍♀️

My Swimming Coach who I had in High School, plans on helping me & train me in becoming a certified Yoga Instructor!
I am so excited & after doing it today with the yoga music... I cannot want to teach another yoga class session again!🙂❤️

Any tips you have for me, feel free to comment me back!☺💓

Seeking & Being
Seeking & Being - 27.05.2020 08:33

I appreciate you taking the time to record and share this.
Thank you ♡
Namaste 🙏🏼

Lynadia Samuel
Lynadia Samuel - 04.05.2020 21:36

Thank you so much for this. I myself am always skeptical on sharing these kinds of things and I'm slowly learning that it's okay to have others doing the same thing as you and we can all succeed. Thank you for reminding me of that and for the inspiration. Really appreciate it 🙏🏽

A V - 12.02.2020 21:15

fuck yea charity classes yoga is so expensive lets make it more accessible

Em - 19.01.2020 18:02

You are so charismatic! I am full of happy feelings just listening to you talk! Thanks Cat ☺💜

Lolita CB
Lolita CB - 21.12.2019 07:43

Cat are you 200hour YTT or you are 500 hour RYT? Thank you for sharing. You are very true and honest.

CondyShares - 25.11.2019 08:47

Thhhank you, Cat!

Rick Smallwood
Rick Smallwood - 20.11.2019 00:43

I am thinking about the training, and honestly , I am a little worried about whether there is "room" for a male teacher ? I know there are not many, but wondering whether there is a reason for this. ? Anyone know?

Bree Hayley
Bree Hayley - 24.10.2019 20:58

Wow this is so relevant to life , aspirations , goals etc in general. I love practicing yoga with you but I'm not wanting to teach. The idea of networking and offering your knowledge for a bit of experience, showing your face, having fluidity when you're thrown curve balls, 'selling' YOURSELF .
Thank you

Teodora - 05.09.2019 23:42

Thank you🦋

Rose Rivera
Rose Rivera - 28.06.2019 20:09

LOVED this. Thank you! <3

Well With Hels
Well With Hels - 25.03.2019 23:59

This was so helpful, thank you for some solid gold advice Cat :) xxxx

Ashley Wuethrich
Ashley Wuethrich - 25.01.2019 05:50

Hi Cat! I just recently found you and am so glad I did. I just love your videos and Instagram posts. I am a fairly new yoga teacher and was wondering if you can recommend any really great yoga books. They can be about anything from anatomy to meditation to Sanskrit. Thanks so much!

Marcin Koszczyński
Marcin Koszczyński - 25.01.2019 00:02

Powerful Cat!

Klein M
Klein M - 24.01.2019 22:19

Thank you so much for sharing this lovely video! I have been replying it a lot. It makes me motivated and i could realised what I need and important is for me. Thank you very much 🙏❤️

Таly Коро
Таly Коро - 24.01.2019 21:58

Thank you so much for you and your tips!

Paula Alves de Oliveira
Paula Alves de Oliveira - 24.01.2019 18:23

Thank you, Cat ! You're such an inspiration. I am doing my 200 hours this year after practising vinyasa since 2013. Thanks again for the tips. Namaste

Ahmed Emin Çobanoğlu
Ahmed Emin Çobanoğlu - 24.01.2019 12:57

Hi Cat! I'm 16 and I have been doing yoga over a year now and I want to be a yoga teacher. Do you have any tips for me?

Bára Nejedlá
Bára Nejedlá - 24.01.2019 11:12

Thank you so much Cat for this video. It is really nice to hear someone else story and tips. It would be great if you make series of videos on this kind of topics! Sending lots of love, xxx

Jana Broeckx
Jana Broeckx - 23.01.2019 23:36

Thank you for the video! I was wondering... Do you teach mostly from your mat or do you prefer walking around/giving adjustments in the room and using mostly verbal cues?

Anastasia Amanova
Anastasia Amanova - 23.01.2019 21:50

