Starfield: Responding to the 30fps vs 60fps Debate

Starfield: Responding to the 30fps vs 60fps Debate


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SolidGem - 07.09.2023 17:16

ABSOLUTELY NOT! those who are ok with a 30fps game in 2023 should remain playing their games on their ps3 and Xbox 360 consoles. The ONLY reason we get a NEXT GEN console is to play next Gen Games, and any game at 30fps is not and should not be considered a next gen game, if we have a High End Console, and we pay High End Money, we expect High End Games at 60fps. And that’s the end of the Story.

Steve DV
Steve DV - 06.09.2023 04:39

30 fps is hard to deal with….how about 45, something in the middle

Kveite Hitmaker
Kveite Hitmaker - 02.09.2023 20:56

Who didn't see this coming? It's bethesda, it will not even look good. They don't care about the games, only money.

Prague 541
Prague 541 - 30.08.2023 03:55

"smooth, high fidelity 30FPS" is like being the smartest kid on the short bus". Wait...a drooling, fat kid in a wheelchair....yeah....that's every console. The day my 4090 does 30FPS in ANY resolution, it will have been sold to someone else 5 years ago. HA HA.

marty8370 - 29.08.2023 14:04

Starflop is gonna suck on Trashbox. You should just expect Bugthesda usual buggy mess.................LOL

oSAMoMUSICo - 27.08.2023 20:28

maybe not so many people would be disappointed if Phil Spencer hadn't opened his mouth so wide with sentences like: strongest console, 60 fps will be standard ect. Because of these false promises, people have spent thousands of dollars upgrading their equipment. And now, finally, since the release of the xbox series x, a huge title is also exclusive and again there is a downside to the medal.

Mark Carrico
Mark Carrico - 27.08.2023 02:30

The guy plays on pc, but at least he is taking up for us poor console peasants who don’t have the money to play these games on a monster rig…Bottom line is that the biggest marketing point of this generation of consoles was that these WERE THE 4k 60/120fps consoles..We were lied to.. Not everyone has the disposable income to build $2000+ dollar PCs..I don’t even give a shit if the game is running at native 4k.. But fps matters big..LIES LIES LIES

CoffeeB34N - 25.08.2023 20:02

if i accept 30 fps the next game they release will run at 24 fps..

Gaben (parody)
Gaben (parody) - 24.08.2023 20:03

Stop defending monopolistic multi-trillion dollar corporations that don't give a damn about you. They're in it to monopolize it. Just like the rest, they will try to stifle innovation via Game Pass, Cloud Gaming & the MS Store. Get a life & start being an independent free thinker.

Seth Ahrens
Seth Ahrens - 21.08.2023 21:21

There needs to be some adjustments available for it

TexasBeast254 - 20.08.2023 00:32

Im not buying a 30fps game in 2023

FullFledged2010 - 17.08.2023 19:21

Even as a pc gamer with a very highend system I still prefer graphics over fps. For me gaming is all about immersion first so yes I rather play cyberpunk with path tracing on even on 30fps. 😑
Also to answer your question the Series X its about 3060ti/3700x cpu level performance. so not great not terrible 😅

Frosty - 17.08.2023 00:24

You said this guy's take was bad but all you've done is agree with everything he said so far and I'm in the 16-minute part of your video honestly I don't even want to watch the rest of the video because you're just agreeing with him.

Sami R
Sami R - 14.08.2023 10:40

People here speaking smooth 30fps... Wtf is smooth 30?

jeremydrake101 - 13.08.2023 23:38

I would gladly take 500 planets to get 60fps. I would take 100 planets..

Malazan - 11.08.2023 12:17

lol 30fps

Tyler - 05.08.2023 21:23

It really in the end comes down to a super basic choice, fidelity or frames. Most people want fidelity. Until that mindset changes we will get the products we get on console and if you want to be the one to choose you have to be on PC.

M S - 03.08.2023 13:27

Now we are having current modern console games which are neither 4K or 60FPS. The promise seems to me fully broken by both Sony and Microsoft. PC should be a promised land but sadly it has the least attention from Game Devs, and games are heavily underperforming regardless of owned hardware. I think Game Development become a sick business model exploiting gamers, and playing on their emotions, antagonising rather then unifying activity.

M S - 03.08.2023 13:03

As much as I use to agree with you Destin in most of the things, this time you are simply not right. 60FPS it should be a new standard for console gamers full stop. Please compare specification of PS4 vs PS5 and they are world apart. And still game developers could squeeze from PS4 tablet CPU masterpieces like TLOU 2, God of War, Death Stranding, GOT or Gears 5. More than this, there were shooting games running up 60 FPS! So no Destin, console gamers deserve better. PS. By saying 'accept 30 FPS' you excusing poor optimization of currently rereleased games where often times they look more like BETA phase games. Plus there is overreliance of game developers on reconstruction techniques, call it laziness if want it or sick business model of game development.

yelixir - 02.08.2023 07:47

im glad that Starfield is going to make everyone play in the same mode so we can all be on the same page
