why is Sisyphus happy?

why is Sisyphus happy?

Sisyphus 55

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@sirjackson321 - 07.02.2024 01:26

I like to imagine Sisyphus happy. I mean, what better way to piss off and spite the Gods who condemned you to this fate than to make out that you’re enjoying it

@14_imamrizqy_xmm26 - 05.02.2024 10:31

so it's accepting the cringe and become a better person?

@karelgott2610 - 03.02.2024 13:33

This video would have been nice, if it hadn't contained so many ads.

@fenveer - 03.02.2024 04:16


@razorslazor6021 - 02.02.2024 12:07

i always interpreted "One must imagine Sisyphus happy" as a kind of "You make your own happiness". No matter how dire the situation, if you seek it, happiness will show itself. Even if only for a moment.
Which also has the opposite "Misery can be a choice".
Not saying i agree with these. They are very situational and context dependent

@sudoku_891 - 01.02.2024 21:10

Not gonna lie, that video helped me a little bit more than a psychologist(by no means do i say that psychologist are pointless, just stating my situation) so yeah no matter what im gonna get that phd in maths.

@Vergil69420 - 01.02.2024 19:12

To him, fighting an impossible battle with full knowledge of its futility and taking joy in just the act of resistance itself is the ultimate rebellion against the oppressor. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

@amiakeli2682 - 27.01.2024 22:23

very impressive that you haven't mentioned the term "existencialism".
I might have misheard, but I appreciate it, for Albert Camus hated being called an existencialist, ironically.

@paulbranson4356 - 27.01.2024 00:21

I’m so grateful for this channel. I would want to pursue a career in philosophy, but instead I’m able to keep it as means of entertainment and as a hobby. I can focus on other things I want to do such as law school because my intrinsic desire to know philosophy is met by this channel!

@MrFrigid247 - 26.01.2024 16:21

Who up pushin they boulder rn

@emermage - 26.01.2024 12:31

So it's basically "It is what it is" but fancy

@plaidchuck - 26.01.2024 04:30

Sisyphus was stronger than his rock

@amirben-nasr1402 - 25.01.2024 01:21

"Words have meaning, because they mean something other than themselves. Music, dance, life, art don't have meaning, because they are about themselves. The word tree means the real thing, with wood and leaves, but a real tree, is just there. There is nothing to be meant."

- Alan Watts (not the exact words but the idea is there)

@brazilbrazil5476 - 25.01.2024 00:15

this has truly been our jujutsu kaisen

@Lucks-man - 24.01.2024 23:59

Sisyphus isn’t actually happy in his story, the quote “one must imagine Sisyphus happy” is from French philosopher Albert Camus. He says it in an essay about the story of sisyphus where it describes how if everyone will die at some point then one must think that the pushing of the bolder is the most enjoyable point and you should enjoy it. And as Sisyphus is forced to push it forever, one must imagine Sisyphus happy

@8koi245 - 24.01.2024 01:04

no way!! the best sponsor you could get!

@BardovBacchus - 23.01.2024 02:56

What if we have exaggerated our individuality? Doesn't how we imagine Sisyphus say more about us.? What if, it's not all about us..?

@beftw - 22.01.2024 08:50

the problem with denying logic is to deny Being Alive with free will comes logic because without logic there is no control there is no life…

@heinzyellowmustard5176 - 21.01.2024 10:09

It is what it is 😋

@sharp77_ - 19.01.2024 23:08

"fuck it, we ball."

@fraz006 - 19.01.2024 19:57

Zeus made him act stupid. So, he is not stupid.

'Sisyphus punishment' life is impossible and cannot exist. Because there is free will and no day is similar to any other day.

If you feel suicidal, try religion. Try Islam. You ll have a purpose

@kaveevin1494 - 19.01.2024 04:03

Have you considered that he actually is stupid?

@milesrezlab4268 - 18.01.2024 16:35

Thank you.

@epinephrinsr71 - 18.01.2024 07:58

I go to the gym every day it can really be the highlight of my day. Think about it there’s probably nothing more Sisiphean then being a Gym rat.

@totallynotanerd9571 - 15.01.2024 20:20

half the comment section appreciating the idea of sisyphus being happy despite his circumstances:
the other half: "is there a lore reason sisyphus is happy? is he stupid?"

@Ben.y763 - 15.01.2024 17:33

I just discovered your Spotify page and now one can imagine that I am happy

@orange2350 - 14.01.2024 23:15

I play basketball and it is a very large part of my life. I have made massive leaps and now have an actual chance of playing ball for a career. Realizing that the sense of self and the "person" i "am" is just something i made up and the only things that matter are my actions has helped me massively. I can now not think of "myself" (where i play, how "good" i am) but think about how i workout for hours every day like an nba player. This led me to play way more confidently and think way less during games. I have went up 2 leagues since first seeing this video and am playing above my actual age group. i know you dont know who i am and this comment wont affect your life in a big way, or you might not even read it, but if you do, you should know that you are up to something very good and have completely changed my life. thank you

@simonwillover4175 - 14.01.2024 22:34

{Acceptance -> Commitment -> Therapy} is not an effective strategy for achieving happiness.
The best strategy is {Internalize (understand) -> Exploit (optimize) -> Cope (rest or escape)}.
This is the strategy I've used and I've never felt pessimistic about anything as a result. I've also been able to learn, improve, and overcome many challenges using this strategy. Really, it's the optimal strategy for living the best life you possibly can.

@thugginthatshitout - 14.01.2024 20:56

or maybe he's just stupid idk

@mrluthfians01 - 14.01.2024 12:30

how sissy is sissyphus by the way

@mc4ndr3 - 13.01.2024 22:23

Sisyphus is uniquely blessed. He has a clearly defined goal, clearly defined evaluation criteria, and is given autonomy to pursue his goal. Instead of waves hand around this.

@thewon9633 - 13.01.2024 09:36

shit vid

@fancycrafts7774 - 13.01.2024 01:27

Hope’s shadow is dissatisfaction.

@zacharynihipali1903 - 12.01.2024 08:57

I cried at the end

@Andyzhouse23 - 12.01.2024 07:36

Bruh I just wanted a meme explanation, then I go into the comments section and see endless nihilism. Some people need to touch grass dude

@TEPMOBETEP - 12.01.2024 02:12

I find it fascinating, how some philosophical ideas of present age touch teachings of Jesus in different ways, making them more understandable.

@JTFshort - 11.01.2024 10:27

Is he aucoustic?

@user-xy6gi1wq5p - 11.01.2024 03:08

Is there a lore reason for Sisyphus to be happy? Is he stupud?

@trycardkek4789 - 11.01.2024 00:46

But I am no Rico. I dont know what to do next.

@christianholt6266 - 10.01.2024 22:08

In todays world it seems like your lucky to be happy in general. If Sisyphus is happy pushing his boulder than let him be.

@blackopal3138 - 10.01.2024 11:55

Doesn't matter how great a person you become if you are surrounded by losers..... I don't want to be mean, but I don't understand how you are named Sisyphus, you say you reflect on the story often, but you seem to not yet have the point of the story. Sisyphus is a narcissist. You seem to have resided to taking what you can from the metaphor of struggle., and whatever life cycle can be compared to pushing a boulder up a hill. I don't think that is the point. No wonder you see some Buddhism in it, bc that religion is about stuggle.

The challenge I see for Pantano, I see you repeating, so I'm not sure, and I mean not sure, that he is someone to follow for you. He is obviously very book smart, but is he a strong thinker? The example I'd use is at hand. All these great thinkers of the past, i.e. Nietzsche were great thinkers, but giving any of their words too much credence puts one at risk of stifling their growth. If done young, then it's putting the seedling in the dark. I am not Nietzsche, but I will share so[mething I've learned, and you can decide what to think.

I believe the lesson to be taken from Sisyphus is indeed one of narcissism, it's trap, it's pitfalls, and it's cure. And while I like Nietzsche, and parrallel his conclusions on many branches, including even what you present here, that the ubermensch is the goal, that is, it is a term for self improvement, which is the goal. And something that happens on that path is, as you stated, a cultivation of one's values. BUT that is where he fell short, and we must go further, be better. What I know is that the way to self awareness is found through a very specific path, forget all the teachings,old to new, that comes after self discovery, to know yourself, you have to be the person you believe you are, only then can you discover which parts of you are not actually who you want to be.

I am talking about 'hypocrisy'. The only path to know yourself is to start resolving hypocrisy im your life. To bring who you are into alignment with who you tell yourself you are. Ego, vanity, is what made Sisyphus neglect the important things in his life, to not see their value, cz he could only see his own. Btw, the story is mush lomger than the boulder up the hill. "All is Vanity" One of the most important realizations you can make. The boulder, and his endless struggle, was his fate, because that is the fate of trying to feed an ego which is insatiable, it can only lead to a higher step to want to reach. So you toil endlessly. What he needs to let the rock go is HUMILITY. His struggle is of humility. We can resolve this through removing hypocrisy from our lives. It is in fact the only way.

Narcissism is rampant today. I call it the bloated empire theory, but most thinkers recognize the 'fat, lazy, entitles' aspect of a population that has everything, walks as a member of the most powerful and respected nation, is without temperance, bound to taking on a narcissistic trait to their personality, which then as a group becomes a culture. Resolving hypocrisy in oneself is not easy, it takes years of analysis of one's own beliefs, morals thoughts, and unfortunately, most people are not capable of doing that. So they follow, and narcissism keeps winning.


@JohnAranita - 09.01.2024 04:36

I like rolling my boulder up the hill every day.

@rodriguezelfeliz4623 - 09.01.2024 01:56

But what if I don't believe in free will?

@EarnestApostate - 08.01.2024 23:39

Seems interesting to compare Camus and the Serenity Prayer, but they seem to say much the same, except Camus doesn't seek the abilities from a god, just the self.

@a_k5604 - 08.01.2024 06:57


@sampyke7751 - 08.01.2024 02:03

The fight itself towards the summits suffices to fill a heart of man; it is necessary to imagine Sisyphus happy.

@Petertwohig1948 - 08.01.2024 01:26

The last line does not allude to S but to the promise of the tyrant: You will own nothing [despite having a rock to roll] and you will [MUST] be happy.

@slimybob7613 - 08.01.2024 00:03

Is there a lore reason that Sisyphus pushes the rock? Is he stupid?
