Some people are fed up with Discogs - here's why

Some people are fed up with Discogs - here's why

Channel 33 RPM

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@fbfb64 - 01.12.2023 05:09

One of the worst things about discogs outside of the sellers is the submission moderators.
They have turned into bullies (especially the moderator that goes by the name teffjweedy)
I've seen them change info on an artist to be non factual on a whim and when you correct
them, they threaten you with a ban even when you provide proof of your info with hard
evidence like photographs and QR codes on the release. They insist the release doesn't
exist and then challenge you with a threat to ban you from the website.

I think it's sad an pathetic that this online mob mentality has made it's way onto discogs.
The website is eventually going to die out the same way "MySpace" did if it gets replaced
with a different company (and I hope it does soon)

The sellers are just one part of this website falling apart.. the moderators are another.

@theharshtruth8563 - 30.11.2023 02:08

Even the submission moderators on discogs suck now.
There are a few of them that insist on deleting pics & randomly changing info
that has been perfectly fine for almost a decade & replacing it with unverified
new updated versions and then getting their other friends to outvote everyone
else to keep it submitted & they are hellbent on arguing with other content
uploaders about it.

It's turned into a big dopey nerd fest. You can't even rely on the database for
accuracy anymore.

@butchnoneed4883 - 26.11.2023 13:47

just go to your local record store.

@J-PB33 - 22.11.2023 03:35

Pulled my store down.not worth it after discogs and PayPal got there cut

@PainInTheS - 19.11.2023 23:10

Shipping fees ruined Discogs....I hardly order anything anymore.

@CerebusOnline - 18.11.2023 21:33

The "Free Shipping" concept is a joke when the avg s/h is more expensive than the item.

@paulreichel1522 - 16.11.2023 16:14

Discogs have been really sneaky with adding their fees to shipping cost - I didn't know this before watching your vid - so BIG thanks. I'm not a 'dealer' - I'm just disposing of the unwanted part of a big vinyl collection. Recently, I sold an album for €50 - to ship from France to the US - so the shipping costs were €31.75 - yeah - for one single album?! International shipping costs are increasingly demotivating international buyers. When I looked at the statement from Paypal, the partner fees (ie Discogs) were €14.56. So as I just recharge the actual costs of postage - packaging and my time are free - I am paying €14.56 on a sale of €50 - ie 29%!!! So there must also be an additional 'partner' in this transaction - THIS I find unfair!!!!!!

@mitchgray7391 - 16.11.2023 14:31

I just discovered discogs last year. Sometimes i find the prices are stupid. But the shipping is often worse.
And my biggest issue so far is that alot of sellers won't ship to Canada. That sucks.

@AndyFenstermaker - 15.11.2023 03:00

I took the time about a decade ago to catalog my entire collection on Discogs, and it's something I update religiously. I think it's the best part of the database. I don't sell much, but I am looking to shift to eBay and see if that is a better platform to make room for things I'd rather have and listen to.

@sparkidee - 15.11.2023 02:54

This is why I go to actual record shops I guess I'm blessed to have quite a few near me but sometimes they use Discogs as a way to price their records and sellers get greedy by pushing up the price.
As for Discogs itself... I'm a buyer and have no real problems but as a label owner when your trying to add your releases on there you get these arse holes who look through your submission and slap a CIP ban on you if you missed out a comma by accident. I had to sign up under another name to keep adding my label releases so not only do you have the owners of Cogs being greedy and making it bad for sellers you also have absolute cretins banning you for your submissions. I too am fed up with the site.

@AlexMoschopoulos - 15.11.2023 02:30

I've been putting my collection into Discogs mainly so I can grade and price them to sell, but I'm honestly just going to try local first. Just tell DJs and shops in my neck of the woods I'm selling my collection at reasonable prices and if anyone's interested in any of my stuff to hit me up.

I just feel like unless I was running a side hustle, it's too much trouble to go all e-commerce unless it's something really valuable.

@fusionhaywire - 15.11.2023 00:48

Brexit fucked it up for UK buyers. Discogs now adds 20% in respect of supply of goods VAT to the total cost of all orders shipped from the EU to the UK. I've stopped buying from Discogs.

@AMOKIAN - 14.11.2023 22:48

The average cost of making new vinyl has been around $1000 for 100 units.( Nice for novelty or gifts)
I was getting 800 records for $1000 in the early 2000s( great profit margins for retail & wholesale) Domestic and International distribution too.
Everything has increased….as is life.

Imagine the cost of shipping 30 albums from U.S to U.K today?

@AMOKIAN - 14.11.2023 22:43

International shipping fees stopped me from buying and selling overseas.

@Ross1966 - 14.11.2023 17:02

Discogs needs to modernize their interface for one.

@independentpuppy7520 - 14.11.2023 14:18

I buy records from Discogs as well as Ebay. So far not had any problems with Discogs. I always check out the feedback though and make sure they are good sellers.

@steveterry2350 - 14.11.2023 14:17

Much better than Ebay which charge 15%. Easier to find what you are looking for as everything is classified by genre unlike Ebay. The prices are what the seller is prepared to sell for and what the buyer is prepared to pay. The sales history function allows us to see what has sold before, condition, completeness, any special things like artists signature which allows for more accurate valuations. Discogs may not be perfect but it is the best database/marketplace out there at the moment. If anyone thinks there is something better then please let us know.

@TheBoomerPlace - 14.11.2023 09:51

I have around 800 or so records. I’m getting ready to get rid of many of them for different reasons and keeping however many I decide to keep. I’ll be contacting a bulk buying type of company to buy the ones I don’t want. I don’t care how much I get and am basically using them to haul away what I don’t listen to. I’m retired now and on a very comfortable income. Just my perspective. 😊.

@ianswift3521 - 13.11.2023 20:18

all the problems began in 2014 when they brought in that guy from amazon to rehaul the marketplace.

@gorlaklibhammer9852 - 13.11.2023 19:11

What sucks about it is the app. It's been weeks since it worked properly showing the albums of an artist.

@JamboLinnman - 13.11.2023 15:01

The valuation feature on Discogs is useful for insurance purposes and is probably a fairly accurate representation of what it would cost to replace your collection.

@ianseymour8218 - 13.11.2023 09:54

I enjoyed this honest piece of journalism. It echoes my feelings about Discogs, which is “it’s great to have, but think twice about what you’re buying and from whom”. Also love that piece of advice about using their database to catalogue your albums. I used to have everything on an excel spreadsheet but now it’s all on Discogs - brilliant. I’d hate to go back to that old spreadsheet but if discogs started charging then i would have to! Any way, this is the first time I’ve watched your video and liked it very much. Thank you.

@markcusack6335 - 13.11.2023 07:24

Discogs’ decision a few years back to instruct all of its sellers to remove all “unofficial” or bootleg releases from its marketplace - in the process forcing many dealers to trade such titles privately - was a catastrophic own goal and one they must surely regret.

@RobbieCalifornia69 - 13.11.2023 03:29

Geez ... I guess I've just been incredibly lucky so far. Bought maybe 25 records in the past 7-8 years ... I know, not many, but still ... never a problem.

@back4onemore - 13.11.2023 03:00

Bandcamp is horrible imo when purchasing physical copies. No customer service support whatsoever especially if it’s something you buy from overseas. I’ll never buy anything from them again but I’ve always had good experiences with discogs so no problem from me with them.

@HedgehogTelevision - 13.11.2023 02:52

Site is full of bugs! Expensive! The pay vat at checkout feature is bullshit because you still get hit with that very same vat costs again when item/items arrive in destination country! Also completely agree that discogs pushes up the price of vinyl due to the sales his feature. All it takes is some daft purchase and then the expectation is that every other listing for that item should then be at that price as the minimum. Rant over….

@JimiKool - 13.11.2023 02:11

I'm a CD collector. I've only purchased 3 CDs from them. My purchases are from Amazon, Half-Price Books, Grooveyard Records, DeepDiscountdvd, and every now and then Target.

@robowenmikels - 12.11.2023 23:12

You completely lost me, when you had a problem with sales data being published and you thinking that that's negative. If people being able to track the value of something is a bad thing, too fucking bad, guy... but you won't ever be crying to me about it, again. That's for sure...

@MrJemoederopeenstokj - 12.11.2023 21:31

I don't get how they think they can charge you for shipping, when they don't do any of it

@tomstewartdrums - 12.11.2023 19:00

Between Bidenomics, rising cost of rent and homes, rising cost of albums, mass protests, rampant retail theft not being prosecuted , high energy prices, brink of war with Iran, and inflation…you’d think it was 1979 all over again….another Disco Sucks album burning at a baseball game is all we need to complete the throwback 😂

@escaton74 - 12.11.2023 18:29

some people on here think 1 % rise in fees is greedy in a world of 6% inflation

@derrickk752 - 12.11.2023 05:58

Hey Frank. Like your axe in the background, what is it? thanks!

@shamthainsOMNIac_SRS - 12.11.2023 02:53

Absolutely it jacks up the costs of used records. Now u go in a shop and get tp the counter and they do what ? Look up the cost margins of the records u want on discogs. Especially with 7 inch records. I am also a seller on discogs with almost 5000 items in my inventory. And raised cost of biz sucks. And paypal also increased their cut so it causes us to have to increase the cost even further. As far as scaming, as long as people use paypal, u cant get scamed. Paypal will give u your money back as long as u can prove u didnt get the records by not receiving tracking info, and if u can prove u shipped back any orders u arent satisfied with.

@Exisles - 12.11.2023 01:31

Have always had a problem with discogs, particularly both as a buyer & seller; They do not give a clear reflection of market value & never will as a purely online entity. The 2nd hand market in vinyl fluctuates daily in the physical world, whereas an online market cannot keep up with the fluctuations in the same way. Many buyers check discogs, whilst holding a physical vinyl copy & get a very false reading of the items true value at that point in time. It can work in the buyers favor on occasions though rarely does.

@roberthawthorn6623 - 11.11.2023 20:35

More than once I paid for my items and they didn't arrive that was two years ago.... Never again. 🙈🤬

@krustyassninja666 - 11.11.2023 04:26

I tried to order a T-Rex 45 and they shipped my 45 to a guy in Boston and sent me that guys classical music CD. After that I have no trust in any seller.

@jamesjennings-yd2bc - 11.11.2023 04:00

I haven't been on my account in years. Used it a lot at first just for logging my collection but now don't bother with it, I'd rather crate dig.

@jennymcallistair724 - 11.11.2023 02:01

I've been dealing with an asshole Discogs seller lately! Sold me a defective item,and then had the nerve to leave me a negative buyer feedback after I complained about their defective item that they didn't even bother to refund. Their customer service sucks too.Alot of scam sellers there.

@francisanosissi1 - 10.11.2023 22:02

I bought lots in 2010ish...and never had a bad experience..and liked how there was no hype..n postage to Australia was pre the postage is often higher than the vinyl cost..then I noticed discogs starting to flex it's own agenda..and haven't looked for ages ..imagine free postage...woo hoo...but very unfair on the seller ..maybe someone should start a new one..discflogs?..

@outwest100az - 10.11.2023 20:31

Inflation has caused all prices across the American board to go up. We are being fed to the fed wolfs and must feed the industrial complex for war funding. I am about half way thru my IMHO large collection of 68-80 records. I guess I will continue to get this done. We are in hard times and must learn how to get deals more than ever. Good luck to all and get family orientated and look for deals.

@Jayfive276 - 10.11.2023 19:09

All I know is that the amount of items for sale on discogs (around 73 million at time of writing) has remained steady all through the period of fee increases, hit pieces in the media and so on.
Sellers are complaining but they aren't going anywhere. Especially the ones that say they are removing their inventory and in fact never do.

@VincentPresley - 10.11.2023 18:16

I stopped selling on Discogs because of the fees. I stopped buying on Discogs because there are way too many sellers that over grade and rip people off. Worse is that crooked sellers can easily get negative reviews removed. "What other option is there?" - oldschool record sales. Get some record nerds together and have a sale at a bar or venue. It's a lot more fun than selling online, people have a couple drinks and start buying more stuff, the sellers end up buying and trading a bunch of stuff with each other, etc. It's a hell of a lot more fun and it's cash and no fees.

@jamesmelton7637 - 10.11.2023 15:26

This sounds like a real hit piece against Discogs. Why? Posting price histories cannot drive prices up. It's inflation that drives prices up and as you surely know the US has experienced a dramatic wave of inflation. In fact it's record sellers keeping prices low that has pushed Discogs to raise rates because record prices have not kept pace with inflation. There's more to the equation than supply and demand, a highly simplified economic model they teach in high school.

Also I'm going to chide you a bit. You have no business being critical of Discogs when you aren't uploading your record details to the database. Yes it's a great and free resource, but no thanks to you.

@stepheng8779 - 10.11.2023 13:01

My biggest gripe is the grading. NM what is that? It's like being nearly pregnant 😂 Doesn't exist, something is either Mint or it isn't.

@mfv1977 - 10.11.2023 12:52

One thing I believe that should be stated: The Discogs database is created by submissions by users (mainly sellers). So not only are users doing free work for Discogs by creating/expanding its database, but they are actually charged for the work in essence. I am a full time Discogs seller. I provide Discogs with easily 20 database submissions and pictures a week. My reward? I pay them more.

@Alkahest-ei7ut - 10.11.2023 11:34

Well, Discogs first should put effort to eliminate the scammers, provide a feature where actual pictures of a records can be sent to the buyer so he is sure what he gets (I mean really now how many times we got a “nm” record and it’s not even VG). Also I think that charging for using the app that all of the entries were made by users it’s at least unethical, because literally they ll get money for other people’s work! I’m totally dissatisfied from Discogs! Thanks for the video!!!

@tonywilbanks3541 - 10.11.2023 00:34

As a database, great!
I started a couple of years ago to try and look for records to purchase when I started noticing that the fotos used in the listings for the same records were ALL THE SAME.
So I wrote discogs and was told that it was pretty much standard practice to use stock fotos for listings.
Sorry, the standard record rating system is no more reliable than the person using it to grade their item for sale (subjective).
I need to see the exact item I am purchasing before I buy. The higher the value, the more important this is.

@highpath4776 - 09.11.2023 18:57

I think used prices are often going down - those that wanted a disc paid the top dollar in the past , others are now looking for the bargain.

@rocker11281 - 09.11.2023 18:11

Had a lot of bad experiences with sellers on discogs: totally overgraded records, bad packaging, greedy pricing. Stopped using it. I go out hunting in the wild. I have a list of fine record stores across northern Germany which sell used vinyl at fair prices and give you a discount when buying a bunch of records. I only order used vinyl from certain stores, which have their own online stores anymore. Discogs is useful as a database but awful as a marketplace.
