Genres: Animation/Adventure/Comedy/Family/Fantasy/Musical
Ten years after her joy ever after, Giselle, Robert, and Morgan move to an unused house within the suburb of Monroeville with their most current expansion. The community is supervised by Malvina Monroe, who has evil eagerly for the family. When issues emerge, Giselle wishes that their lives were the idealized fairy tale. The spell reverse discharges, with Giselle surging to spare her family and her country the Kingdom of Andalasia sometime recently the clock strikes midnight.
Amy Addams
Patrick Dempsey
James Marsden
Alan Tudyk
James Marsden
Patrick Dempsey
Maya Rudolph
Yvette Nicole Brown
Idina Menzel
Oscar Nuñez
Jayma Mays
Gabriella Baldacchino
Griffin Newman
Rachel Covey
Kolton Stewart
James Monroe Iglehart
Ann Harada
Darren Sinden
Naoimh Morgan
Eleanor O'Brien
Brigid Leahy
Matilda Firth
Ingrid Werner
Fiona Browne
Sean Duggan
Chloe Harris
Stephanie Karam
Brian Law
Edward Harrison
Michael McCorry Rose
Philip Condron
Rendah Beshoori
Hiba Elchikhe
Jessica Lee
Karen Sampford
Camille Lucy Ross
Redmand Rance
Ellen Costa
Ellie-Mae Ratcliffe
Eimear Morrissey
Cairon Pearson
Lara Jackson
Mila Jackson
Mairi-Clare MacLean
Betsy Picart
Emmanuel Okoye
Maverick Rían
Derek Carroll
#amy_adams #patrick_dempsey #trailer #disenchanted_trailers