Complex Reality of International Peacebuilding | Dr. Michael Schluter | TBCY

Complex Reality of International Peacebuilding | Dr. Michael Schluter | TBCY

The Brand Called You

5 месяцев назад

23 Просмотров

S5 E287 Dr Michael Schluter, CBE, President & CEO, Relational Peacebuilding Initiatives

00:34- About Dr. Michael Schluter
00:44- Tell me a little bit about your journey and what inspired you to establish the Relational Peacebuilding Initiatives.
02:30- What is the core philosophy behind Relational Peacebuilding and how does it differ from so many other initiatives?
04:18- What are the major challenges faced in peacebuilding at an international level?
05:49- What are a few strategies most effective in facilitating dialogue between conflicting parties?
07:08- Are there any misconceptions about peacebuilding that you would like to address?
08:15- What are some of the challenges you face when talking to diplomats?
09:43- Are there any ethical principles that come into play when it comes to peacebuilding in conflict zones?
11:19- How is technology beginning to impact the whole process of peace-building?
13:55- What qualities do you believe are essential for effective leadership in a peace-building initiative or a process?
15:33- What are some key lessons you have learned about human nature and conflict through your work?
19:00- What trends do you foresee in the field of international peace-building?
21:17- Can you share a specific case where your intervention led to a breakthrough in negotiations?
25:09- If you had one message to share with the world about peace and conflict resolution, what would it be?

In this episode of The Brand Called You, Dr. Michael Schluter, President & CEO of Relational Peacebuilding Initiatives, discusses his philosophy of relational peacebuilding and how focusing on relationships and common interests can help resolve conflicts.

He discusses strategies for bringing conflicting parties together, as well as challenges in peacebuilding such as working with diplomats and lack of funding.

Dr. Schluter also shares lessons from a specific case of successful intervention in South Africa's transition out of apartheid.

About Dr. Michael Schluter -

- Dr. Michael Schluter is a social thinker and social entrepreneur.

- He is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Relational Peacebuilding Initiatives.

- His most recent books are “Is Corporate Capitalism the Best We've Got to Offer?” and “No Other Way to Peace in Korea? A Practical Path to Reunification”.

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#Peacebuilding #ConflictResolution #InternationalRelations #Geopolitics #Diplomacy #Leadership #Negotiation


#What_are_the_major_challenges_faced_in_peacebuilding_at_an_international_level? #What_are_some_of_the_challenges_you_face_when_talking_to_diplomats? #How_is_technology_beginning_to_impact_the_whole_process_of_peace-building? #What_trends_do_you_foresee_in_the_field_of_international_peace-building? #Dr._Michael_Schluter_is_a_social_thinker_and_social_entrepreneur. #It's_difficult_to_classify_people_as_good_or_bad #Despite_the_horrendous_conflict_between_Russia_and_Ukraine
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