Daniels' Death Cutscene - Dead Space Original vs Remake

Daniels' Death Cutscene - Dead Space Original vs Remake

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Anza - 13.11.2023 09:11

I really wish the kept in Kendra's flatline, I always thought that added a lot to the scene

russelloats - 08.11.2023 12:58

The only thing that would’ve made this more tragic is if Kendra and Isaac managed to lock fingers but it still didn’t matter. The Hivemind’s tendril still would’ve crushed and ripped her away.

CreepyCrawlies - 25.10.2023 23:35

They really should’ve made Kendra’s flatline louder in the remake. I think it’s still there, but just barely.

Hearing the static just cut to the loud beep of the flatline in the OG is chilling.

BARLOW - 16.10.2023 04:20

Ngl I missed the flatline sound when Kendra dies from the original I the remake

Lesser mooK
Lesser mooK - 04.10.2023 14:31

Did she really say please after the shit she pulled, and was going to leave him, they really tried to tac on some pity points at the end as she was leaving HIS ASS, Hell Naaaaah

And then Issac actually reached out, AFTER she was going.To.Leave.👏His.👏Ass.👏

HELL NAAAAAAH. Even the narrative here is confused as fuck, really tried to make her nuanced or some shit, piss off.
She fucked up, she wrong, she's a bad person. Stop tryna to give everyone sympathy dimensions cause it worked for Thanos, & Vader lmfao, some antagonist are antagonist. Plain n simple

Points off both versions cause after that first smack, air time & landing, she shouldn't even be conscious.

Halo LASO master
Halo LASO master - 25.09.2023 01:23

I think the original made more sense.

Dennis Warren
Dennis Warren - 23.09.2023 12:40

Everything in the original was better

Win - 14.09.2023 15:47

The OG just had being swung around like a rag doll.

Sane Zoomer
Sane Zoomer - 06.09.2023 20:55

Apparently, they censored her death in the POS demake so that she doesn't get dismembered "cuz mUh vIoLeNcE aGaInSt wAhMen!!!" Yet Isaac getting ripped and torn to pieces with tens of horrific death animations TOTALLY isn't violence against men right???

I literally predicted that they'd censor her death knowing the pathetic state of the gayming industry nowadays.

POS demake with modern day gayming template just as always made by video game-hating feminazi and rainbow cult activists to nickel and dime the brain dead Alpha generation. This POS demake doesn’t hold a candle to the original masterpiece 🚮

A H - 30.07.2023 05:39

original is better

no - 27.07.2023 22:20

Dang isaac in the remake is a masochist

Clearly Wrong
Clearly Wrong - 25.05.2023 23:39

The game originally made Kendra out to be too obvious of an antagonist and made her death incredibly satisfying, even if it was at the hands of the final boss. By comparison, because Kendra is made out to be much less mustache-twirling antagonist in the remake, I'm not getting that when the Hive Mind kills her. But the way Isaac tries to save her reminds me of the ending of Arkham City.

Nohr Scum
Nohr Scum - 19.05.2023 17:05

I've only ever played the remake.
As great as it was, the original still intruiges me just a little bit more.

James Gich
James Gich - 30.04.2023 00:21

Game was ass

hassan khan
hassan khan - 09.04.2023 02:51

To me Kendra was a hero. She knew Isaac was a puppet for the marker and did her best stop stop convergence.

Alex Mora
Alex Mora - 05.04.2023 08:09

Was Issac a silent protagonist in the original? I know he talked in 2 but I've never played the first classic dead space

Elias Andrade
Elias Andrade - 01.04.2023 03:20

My theory is that if Isaac really saved Kendra Daniels, and she’s in Dead space 2, he wakes up and Finds Kendra, and they work as a Team Again

BeyondTheGrave - 23.03.2023 03:55

Being contrarian is so cool.

For you fucks demoting the remake for no reason than nostalgia. act man called this remake a masterpiece, and he's someone who called the original awesome as well.

Highbudget - 18.03.2023 06:13

They need Kendras lifeline to flatline in the remake just like the original, That and the build up to the hive mind revealing himself should’ve been exactly the same but for some reason they wanted to hide its reveal with dust

You ShallNotPass
You ShallNotPass - 17.03.2023 15:06

nothing beats the original

Adam James
Adam James - 14.03.2023 19:35

Ngl just seeing the cutscene from the original, it seems like it actually has held up pretty damn well, I was expecting it to look way more blocky and gross. Immediately after playing this I went to see if 2 was on the ps store but sadly, tis not. Goddamn amazing game, I wish I'd played it sooner

Olbed Hayak Asimov
Olbed Hayak Asimov - 11.03.2023 02:46

I just feel that... The way how they changed Kendra from being evil to anti-hero doesn't comes to how the lore stablishes the unitology's remarks.
Also... Her death in the remake was meh, no scream in fear... No shit on her pants from how she just realizes at the moment of escaping a tendril of pure flesh and bone is about to squash it apart... It felt so inorganic.

MontoiaMan - 09.03.2023 22:46

its funny, i prefer the OG hive mind, it had a more unsettling feeling to it, that scream it emits is so ennerving, especially considering the possibility that it is created by all the people merged together to create that thing... the new one is cool and all, but it seems like just a big monster to me, the original felt like a better closure to a horrific game. However, Isaac's last line in the remake really does kick ass hard

Snowman - 09.03.2023 03:22

Even after all she did to him Isaac still tried to save Kendra in the remake. Gotta give the man props for not being cold blooded........yet.

Selous - 08.03.2023 15:36

I do not like this change, Kendra did not deserve sympathy, ESPECIALLY as this is immediately after she just killed someone and was going to abandon Isaac *AGAIN*.
Isaac isn’t noble for this, he’s just daft.

Claire Redfield
Claire Redfield - 03.03.2023 06:39

Kendra is one of my favorite DS characters the remake makes me love jer even more doesnt top Ellie tho

pgp - 02.03.2023 18:23

The original was more satisfying lol

Those Merc
Those Merc - 02.03.2023 14:41

Why the hell would they replace his legendary roar with whatever the hell this is?

Agent of Kremlin
Agent of Kremlin - 02.03.2023 13:14

The guy who directed scenes in remake and writes dialogs is a very tasteless boy

Eckehardt krieger
Eckehardt krieger - 27.02.2023 07:01

Nope still like the original. Sorry. Deadspace 3 should have been revamped

Richard Avelino
Richard Avelino - 25.02.2023 00:07

I felt sorry for Kendra in the remake. She was still a dick, just not also an asshole

Antidragon 4185
Antidragon 4185 - 24.02.2023 14:40

Why did Issac care about and try to save Daniels in the remake? She was an insane treacherous B who kept screwing him over.

Logan Scott
Logan Scott - 24.02.2023 04:52

I feel bad for Kendra in this. She’s ruthless and cold but she genuinely believes she’s saving the galaxy by hiding the marker. You could tell she actually had a soft spot for Isaac and would likely save him too if he didn’t start showing signs of dementia. And Isaac the bighearted person he was trying to save her despite what she did. Such good writing good GOD.

I am Wasp
I am Wasp - 24.02.2023 04:18

The only thing that's disappointing about the Remake is the Hive Mind's rather generic sounding roar. I definitely prefer the eldritch baby screech they had in the original.

Silverjeyjey - 23.02.2023 22:07

I did like how Isaac still had sympathy enough to try to rescue Daniel's despite everything she's done. He really is shown to be a three dimensional character.

Ben Peterson
Ben Peterson - 23.02.2023 21:33

So they expect us to feel bad for some ugly a** b** after she pulled a gun on us then it's switches real quick to o were supposed to feel bad for her lol why do they expect people to have bipolar mood swings im just happy she got squashed like a watermelon

MrSuperawesome5000 - 23.02.2023 20:43

Her getting obliterated in the OG was sooooo satisfying.

Alton EM
Alton EM - 23.02.2023 09:07

Remake Kendra knew what the final stages of marker dementia were. Suicide or homicide. I'd be paranoid as hell around anyone who was letting the marker drive them insane. Cross, Kyne, and Isaac were all fcked either way. Though, she could have given Isaac another chance to come to his senses. She's still the antagonist but I'm definitely more empathetic towards Kendra in the remake.

Vincent Alis
Vincent Alis - 23.02.2023 05:10

So I see people confused as to why people feel bad for Daniels in the remake. First I have to say, no it's not because she is gay, she's not gay😂 she used a turn of phrase immediately after Isaac said something about HIS girlfriend, and Daniels teased him. Anti-Wokers are so desperate to tear anything apart these days for any representation even when it's not there😐(sidenote: In case you're wondering why I'm calling out anti-wokeness, it's because seeing so many people in comments jumping to the conclusion that Kendra is gay based off a line that's obviously her teasing Isaac, saying that's why they wrote her to be more likable and that this is a bad thing reminds me of parents who flipped out at schools teaching pronouns in elementary school like they always have taught, confusing it with preferred pronouns. It's exhausting seeing the desperate hatred toward minorities and seeing how obvious it is. Bigotry at its finest)

Anyway, with that out of the way, Kendra was written with a lot more nuance and with the goals of the Marker clearer in this version of the game she comes out a lot more likable than the og. The Marker influences Cross and Isaac to deliver it to the pedestal and once they do Isaac grabs his head as the Marker's signal is amplified with the Marker's blueprints being imprinted in Isaac's mind.

The Marker's goal: Repopulation. Red Marker's on their own can't initiate Convergence, so it needs more Markers.

Now, why does Daniels kill Cross and leave Isaac to die? It's insanely clear when she reveals to them both that they were being deceived by the Marker. She says at least now the Marker's in safe hands, eluding to how she plans to take it off world. This is why she asks Cross for the loading controls. Cross refuses saying that her partner, that she just learned was a hallucination, told her they'd be whole. Cross is clearly too far gone from the Marker's influence and time is of the essence, so when Cross says to just kill her, Daniels does. As for Isaac, he's already had the blueprints imprinted in him too. He next to Cross was the only other person to do the Marker's bidding under its influence to the end. Yes Daniels did see hallucinations of her brother, but crucially she actively worked against the Marker's goal unlike Isaac and Cross. She may not have had those blueprints imprinted like they did.

Daniels had no clue if Isaac would try to kill her while on board, or if he'd try to build more Markers like it wanted. Even then however, she didn't kill Isaac. Sure, time was again of the essence, but she easily could've shot Isaac in the end. The reason she doesn't is because she did care for him. She's been working with him to survive the mess more than anybody, she knows him well enough to know how devastating Nicole's death must be for him, so much so that when she's confronting him with her death she can't finish her sentence on what accepting her death would mean for him, and had enough rapport with him to tease him about his girlfriend in the beginning of the game. She doesn't want to kill him, but she can't bring him back either.

As for whether or not that second part is reasonable, all you have to do is look at the endings and her dialogue after killing Cross. First ending he gets jump scared by a hallucination of Nicole, which along with dialogue I'll mention last tells us that he's still being influenced by the Marker. Secret Ending, he is fully under the influence of the Marker and makes it extremely clear he is going to build more Markers for 'Nicole'. And last is the dialogue from Daniels. She says he won't be able to recover from what the Marker was done to him which both endings make pretty clear. She was right in the end. And again, of course she wasn't going to let Isaac on board with her after seeing what the only other person that was affected like Isaac did and said. Cross refused to let the Marker go, and accepted death over helping Daniels. If you didn't just spend the whole game with Isaac, would you trust him after seeing that?

But yeah, that's it. People are very just in feeling bad for Kendra, she's a nuanced character with understandable and to an extant correct motivations. She seemed to care about Isaac as a person, but with what we see throughout the game it's clear Isaac can't be completely trusted. He's just been too corrupted. Now if you really want further proof of this, this is where I tell you to play Dead Space 2 lol. It's only because of Isaac being imprinted on that there's a sequel.

residentevilfan4 - 23.02.2023 04:54

Kendra was such a buff while Nicole was such a Nerf.....yall know what I mean?

JAPARICAN 50-50 - 22.02.2023 21:03

The final boss still slaps her with his tentacle like b***h where my money at

DJ-RJ - 22.02.2023 19:22

People keep talking about feeling sympathy for Kendra. The fact that she was so cold in the og is what solidified her as a villain and a character whose death was so satisfying. Her real mission was centered around the marker and she didn't really care about the crew in any meaningful way. You're forced to grapple with the idea that the only other human on the ship with you is a monster, same as the inhuman creatures you've been killing in droves. What was she really doing with the marker? Did the government know what it was capable of? Did they even care or were they just more monsters too? The whole trust no one shtick really befits an insane Isaac just trying to survive when literally everything is trying to kill him, even his own crew. Not everything needs more "depth". Hell, og Kendra gave off more of a, "just a job, nothing personal vibe," cold, like outer space. Just isolates the player more and adds to the atmosphere of horror, like yeah, you're truly on your own. The newer version isn't abysmal by any means, good graphics, performance, Isaac talking is pretty dope sometimes, etc. However far as horror and eerie feels go, the og is still my go to.

Sadistic Overlord
Sadistic Overlord - 22.02.2023 17:40

I kinda wanted to stay evil in the remake not make me care about her but that’s just me.

Marcin Olszewski
Marcin Olszewski - 22.02.2023 01:33

Original better. Kendra died in the way she deserved, fast and like a trash.

Eli Mastaine
Eli Mastaine - 21.02.2023 20:02

If they remake DS2
They should remake the baby necromorph exploding scene much much much more disturbing

Just like adding petrol to some fire level disturbing

Alejandro Serrat
Alejandro Serrat - 21.02.2023 05:03

we gotta give it to motive for the better death scenes the character got

spencer mcbride
spencer mcbride - 20.02.2023 23:59

I like how in the remake, Isaac still tries to help her at the very end, even after her betrayal. He didn't want her to die, they were still friends.

まっつん - 20.02.2023 20:10

I love Isaac

Рауан Даулетов
Рауан Даулетов - 20.02.2023 17:12

Типо как понять ? Оригинла это старая игра выведший давно. А ремейк это новая который уже выйдет. Ну как ресидент евил 2

Brian B.
Brian B. - 20.02.2023 12:46

I wouldn’t have saved someone who tried to betray me. Fuck that
