A bit over 2 months ago my lady friend and I had an interest in viewing the progress of ALV for having driven by the site more than once since construction began. Well aware of what is and isn't private property, the road "below" the site is or was NOT private property. It is or has been maintained by the city and/or county. The site itself clearly has posted Private Property signs that I am cognizant about understanding and respecting as I hope others do when near my own property. Yet driving on that road, unaware it had newly been asphalted? Pistol or rifle shots rang out. Coming from where? I don't know aside from there are still private residences below ALV. This led to my contacting 3 or 4 sources in the city and county to verify if that road is now a restricted road or private. I was told "no". Be forewarned then that ALV does not own that road but had posted a Private Property sign near the entrance to that paved road as if to give consumers the idea that the road belongs to them. Considering the newly paved road, it is easy to question "who" paid for it. But irksome is hearing shots ring out on a sunny afternoon on a weekend when you are on a road you've traveled before.