Alright so!
ОтветитьNever been this early lol
ОтветитьI am sprite ramattra
Ответить4 minutes
ОтветитьHere in 5 min! Usually I'm here within 2 hours to watch. Love the content emongg!
ОтветитьI’m late!!
I am coke mercy
ОтветитьThis guy is not too shabby
ОтветитьI’m Red Bull 76
ОтветитьI am Gatorade Genji
Ответитьagain with the soda
Ответитьomg im so early! i love playing kiri with wintons, it's so fun. i bet they were having a great time :3
ОтветитьWoah can't believe my VOD got reviewed!! And thanks for the feedback especially when it comes to playing my hero at my own pace and not the team/enemy. I often fall into that trap a lot thinking I need to do more than I actually do for my team so I'll take all this feedback and apply to my games. Also I don't normally blame my teammates like at all but, I can tell from this VOD I was just done with Overwatch that day lmao and decided to submit it in the heat of the moment.
Ответитьi’m mtn dew moira
ОтветитьLike emongg sayed ITS Not a teammissue ITS a Game issue for letting Shit Like this Happen Nerf Server Admin an No one can defend this Hero anymore because she IS way to busted to forced u into two Playstyles Killing the widow or dont peek
ОтветитьGood to see some higher level ranks
Ответитьthe tire 😭😭
ОтветитьIt's weird not having the chat and stuff
ОтветитьHey emmong, I wanna enter a vod but how do I do it?
ОтветитьFlanking on defense feels pointless cause nobody will follow you. Same on attack tbh, everyone just afks on cart/in the open on the point. Especially Mercies love to stand still on the payload spamming fall back just ignoring everyone who's 2m away from it. Despite having the ability to zip zap all over the map. I try to explain that preventing them from getting to the point/payload is more effective than waiting for them to stop it and fight there for 5 min getting nowhere, but I guess they're just 🐶 and think every word said is an invitation to a pissfest and not, like, actual meaningful communication. Idk how to talk to smth that doesn't understand words
ОтветитьMuch dumber heroes exist, why does everyone meme on Winston?
ОтветитьNo CHAT ALL CAT yassss
ОтветитьAs a diamond Winston main (which I assume he is) and master support myself, one thing about Winston is that he's one of the most polarizing tanks. A lot of people who are hitscan one-tricks or whatever may have difficulty knowing how to position around him. Communication and pings are key.
ОтветитьWinston doesn't do enough damage, he should never be fighting the enemy tank head up if they are getting healed, he should always jump on support or the low health DPS players, Zero value.