What is SOVEREIGN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC? | Preamble of Indian Constitution | Indian Polity UPSC 2023

What is SOVEREIGN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC? | Preamble of Indian Constitution | Indian Polity UPSC 2023


55 лет назад

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The Preamble of the Constitution of India is a brief introductory statement that sets out the philosophy of the Constitution. Preamble declares India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic. In this video, we will understand the meaning of key terms in the Constitution of India such as Sovereign, Democratic, Republic, Socialist, Secular, Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. For more videos to help and aid your understanding of Indian Polity watch the Polity Essentials series. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe for more informative videos like this.

Key topics covered in the video:
1. What are the key terms in the Preamble?
2. What is 'Sovereign'?
3. What is 'Democratic'?
4. Forms of Democracies
5. Is India a federal democracy?
6. What is Parliamentary democracy?
7. What is 'Republic'?
8. What is 'Socialist'?
9. Socialism v/s capitalism
10. What is 'Secular'?
11. What is Social, Economic and Political Justice?
12. What are Equality and Fraternity?

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