Digimon Tamers: The Best (And Weirdest) Season | Billiam

Digimon Tamers: The Best (And Weirdest) Season | Billiam


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@billiam - 29.06.2018 01:36

I see everyone is asking when I'll be doing Frontier. I'm going to do Tri next so I can post a "Digimon Adventure" review compilation. Frontier will come shortly after

@Wigglez323 - 23.01.2024 15:56

Tamers was my favorite season

@shayne537 - 16.01.2024 12:12

I loved the original Digimon series, Digimon Adventure 1 & 2, Digimon Tamers, and Digimon Frontier. They were the best. Digimon was never the same after that.

@Digidragon55 - 29.12.2023 00:46

I heard some people say that Tamers ISN’T as good as the previous two seasons. But, I overall like Tamers!

@Blinkptx - 25.12.2023 17:44

The only thing I really hated about this season was that one character being handed a Marineangemon....a mega....🤨

@pheonixfire9517 - 08.11.2023 01:14

The weirdest season? You HAVE seen 'lego' digimon season right?? Lol (Fusion)

@dwainsimmons3447 - 26.10.2023 15:23

The least censored dub

@mariovalle198 - 26.10.2023 01:20

The only thing that holds back Tamers from being a Classic anime is the fact that is a B tier production at best, save for the movies, Digimon were never treated like a priority at Toei.

@claymathewselevator8121 - 17.09.2023 20:26

Terriermom in this and movie always confused me

@claymathewselevator8121 - 17.09.2023 20:12

Love Narnia comparison for Digital World

@masqueraid988 - 17.09.2023 17:41

This show scared me. It also cemented my love of beelzemon and leomon. Ironic right?

@keyblademasterclark - 29.08.2023 00:31

Frontier is the weirdest season IMO

@John-hd3dm - 25.08.2023 20:22

Man, just seeing those cards brings back fond memories. The excitement I felt when I finally had the dark master cards😂

@Sugurain - 23.08.2023 23:30

I'd agree, but I really dislike the D-reaper, I think it's one of the weakest parts of tamers.
First, they relied too much in CG to animate it, it looked kinda bad back then and it didn't age particularly well.
Choosing pink as it's color is weird, I mean, it's the color I'd LEAST associate with danger.

And the last straw... They kinda... Never defeat it?

I mean, even Gallantmon in it's final form could defeat just one of it's agents. MegaGargomon sucks it back to the digital world, but that's it! They never actually show that MASSIVE thing being defeated!

The second thing I dislike in Tamers is Takato himself. OMG he cries SO MUCH, it's SO ANNOYING!
He's the first protagonist to actually FEAR his digimon, like, that could have some logic if he was just an average kid, that never heard about digimon before, and BAM saw a fire spitting dinosaur on the street. But no. Not only did he know about them, he was a fan. A fan so passionate as to draw his own digimon, yet when he finally gets his digimon (that HE drew!!!) he's scared shitless of him.
It takes like... the whole season... for him to trust his digimon, that's so messed up. lol
I know he grows and becomes more mature and decided, but it takes waaay too long.
I genuinely hate Takato as a protagonist, sorry. When you cry all the time, for the smallest things, it takes away from moments where crying would be really be impactful, such as when he realizes his anger transformed the sweet and loving Guilmon into a demon from hell (Megidramon).

Thinking about it that's probably why I like Savers so much (I hate "Data Squad"), it has the best villain in the franchise (Kurata) and the best chemistry between protagonist and his digimon. I just love how they don't like and trust each other at first, but then they realize they have so much in common they become partners and friends. hahah

@MostlyPonies1 - 23.08.2023 20:39

The repeat gag where you "struggle" to pronounce Japanese names without even trying, as if they're not pronounced in the dub, is annoying instead of funny. Most creators when they do this gag pronounce a name in different ways asking if they're saying it right, but you come off as someone who is learning to read english letters. That itself would be funny if you leaned into it and implied you couldn't read.

@MostlyPonies1 - 23.08.2023 19:52

"But it's never depressing."
looks at dead Leomon oh wait there's not even a corpse

@toyos6969 - 12.08.2023 03:27

I always thought as a child that is was the weirdest season they had but years later knowing it was written by the same guy who did Serial experiments Lain it all made sense. The card thing im pretty sure its a concept pushed from the marketing team at the time and not really intended by the author to be a huge part of the story and thats why is so poorly explained or just ignore by the characters and they just spam the shit out of them with little context cause looks cool. Nonetheless probably one of the best written digimon series if not the best and features an incredible amount of digimon designs that became iconic to the franchise till this day

@mightymadness5355 - 04.08.2023 07:19


@92acf75 - 29.07.2023 15:13

Tamers is million times better than that boring and overrated Adventure. Tamers has a much darker story, far better animation, more serious characters and also more violence as well. And I especially like Takato's love for Juri.

@Umar2-qb3tr - 18.07.2023 02:16

I’m such a fan of your work, and it inspires me a lot. 


@alienbearcub - 16.07.2023 04:05

Dude this was the show I grew up on but completely forgot about!

@shadowgeargaming1029 - 29.06.2023 10:32

Terriermon is a dog type digimon😢

@SithEmperorDarthSyniclus - 27.06.2023 11:34

I disagree entirely it took 20 episodes to get interesting at all. I can go back and watch 02 , 01 and frontier anytime but trying to rewatch this season has been tedious

@rp9772 - 25.06.2023 03:28

Theyd digivolve gundramon in pewpewdramon

@ianmanning4368 - 15.06.2023 02:15


@12russellp - 11.06.2023 08:51

So I'm rewatching this season, subbed... And I think Takato's mom was widowed and that the dad we see is actually his step dad... In the subbed, after Takato brings back Guilmon under a box, the dad has the idea to ask the mum's permission to get a pet. In that questinging, the dad says Takato is 'your' only son, as if he isn't their son, but the mom's son... Making her a widow before the show started... Anyone else notice this? Can confirm? Or a mistranslation in the sub?

@analgirlxx1826 - 07.06.2023 16:05

I watched all digimon and this one is the best one for me. They gave a cool modern turn and I loved the landscapes.

@sophiaisis1679 - 07.06.2023 14:57

The problem with this series was
1. They kept on losing with the royal knights
2. They only focus on 2 characters to have a power up, which makes the other 3 or 4(koichi) look annoying for being too weak.

@MrBrownnn696 - 01.06.2023 10:44

Season 3 was the BEST

@Deuteromis - 30.05.2023 00:07

When Digimon season 1 first came out, I tried watching it but really couldn't get into the show, season 2 I sorta did but lost interest. Then came season 3 and I really got into it. Tamers is my favorite out of all of the seasons I've seen. I wasn't a fan of Ryo when he first showed up cause it was so left-field and he felt like a Gary Stu character. Later I found out it was an executive from Bandi who insisted that he be included in the show.

I do wish they make sequel season to Tamers, but sadly as long as Konaka isn't involved after that recent radio drama, dude went off the deep end.

@anthonysusanto4277 - 25.05.2023 17:49

i think this season is a make sense digimon season
because the tamer can also besides her/his own digimon
i think the weirdest digimon season is the digimon adventure 01 because the trainer cannot fight along side the digimon even giving her digimon an equip spell or anything she/ he cant do that the only thing that she/he can do is only run away, and crying, run away and crying again

@mozartcastellanosGK - 06.05.2023 20:10

Ruki is my favorite female character in the series since I was the same age as these characters but I'm glad I didn't really do poses when you're actually around those type of people once.

@ChengHorn9 - 03.05.2023 06:59

With the popularity of the tcg they NEED to make a sequel to this.

@pmdmakesmecri2 - 30.04.2023 18:07

Takato has the same VA as Monokuma and Monosuke.

@Nakkisesonki - 25.04.2023 00:50

I hate how english ppl pronounce things. Khanakha=konaka
Where tf comes the aa theres oo. Thakhadouh=takato. Where comes the goofy ahh english ouh and D. THERE LITERALLY WAS A T WHERE TF COMES THE D

@dwainsimmons3447 - 20.04.2023 18:44

At least it wasn’t dubbed by 4kids

@MrBorjam - 20.04.2023 16:21

For anyone wondering,

Zhuqiaomon is pronounced (joo-chee-ow-mahn)


@MellowFelloh - 17.04.2023 05:23

Yeah as a kid I remember dropping off with this one. Slow burn with the added once a week episodes, super fell off here. I tuned back in in the next series which I know people weren't fond of lol

@TidusX16 - 16.04.2023 18:49

Got to give to Steve Blum, he made Guilmon so loveable.

@GuyWithAGreatsword - 30.03.2023 05:31

Does anyone know where I can watch tamers? I've been wanting to rewatch it for years

@viewtifulbo1988 - 21.03.2023 16:10

Hey man don't diss the digi rap 😂

@DingoTheDemon - 10.03.2023 19:33

The way you totally blew off Chiaki's name, which is honestly extremely easy to pronounce, really comes off as disrespectful and not funny. Yuck.

@spdutahraptor777 - 28.02.2023 03:59

i rewatched it a couple of days ago.... and for me it started kind of meh... and then got pretty interesting

i think the weakest point was the ending, not just because of how they kill the DReaper, but how they close the story...definitely the most bland of the first 3 seasons

@Walexander3243 - 26.02.2023 20:22

I had to unsub when he did the digirap so dirty

@PsychicJaguar19 - 02.02.2023 19:42

This is prob my favorite digimon series. I love the change to have the setting in the real world and with only 6 main characters including the mons. The impmon redemption arc was great and the trek to the digiworld was awesome. I gotta say kenta and kazu are my least favorite characters, so useless, so annoying, way too fanboyish. Other than that the side characters were also great
