The REAL COST of Living in Utah [2024] | Utah VS California Cost of Living | Living In Utah

The REAL COST of Living in Utah [2024] | Utah VS California Cost of Living | Living In Utah

Living In Utah

1 год назад

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@DmitriyChaikovskiy - 12.01.2025 02:16

I love FL more and more

@Choob1 - 26.06.2024 14:59

You failed to mention california has income tax brackets and that 13.3% is only for people who earn over 1 million a year very misleading to not address that.

@ElizabethHernandez-iu3pq - 29.05.2024 04:09

Can you help us find a rental home ? We are moving from California July 1st.

@neo7759 - 15.05.2024 08:51

People need to stop moving here, it has DESTROYED the economy and culture..horrible crowds everywhere and costs way above reasonable rates. Its a shitshow. The picture of the home you showed for 500k is such a lie, there arent houses that look like that for the price.

@destinyperez5913 - 15.04.2024 02:53

Can you do a video regarding what cities provide more jobs

@bbooth1229 - 14.04.2024 04:47

Cant believe that Guamanian dude did this entire video high. Good job.

@camdenwestra1604 - 26.02.2024 07:39

I live in Utah, looking to rent in Utah County, I appreciated the comparison!

@temujin1645 - 23.02.2024 17:44

And your kid will 89% less likely to be taught by dragqueen or nonbinary teacher or onlyfan teacher here...less likely to see woke policy here

@xxpugsleyxx - 21.02.2024 09:23

Should have shown the difference in rate of pay. They can't compare if they are different.

@sadnes915 - 04.02.2024 06:37

How much is gas? I imagine a decent difference between the two.
