Five More Questions for Stephen Kotkin: Prigozhin Mutiny Edition | Uncommon Knowledge

Five More Questions for Stephen Kotkin: Prigozhin Mutiny Edition | Uncommon Knowledge

Hoover Institution

1 год назад

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john togo
john togo - 20.09.2023 09:09

Same nonsense from the West....They don't know Russia

Kay Lyons
Kay Lyons - 20.09.2023 01:32

Brutality has been the modus operandi in Russia since Rurik and his band of psychopaths first rowed their way down to river systems. It is in the Russian DNA now. There no hope of it ever changing
The same applies to China and North Korea. They have been brutalized for so long you will only replace one dictator with another

BC Proud
BC Proud - 13.09.2023 23:16

If Russia wanted Kiev, Russia would take it.

Robert Miller
Robert Miller - 09.09.2023 16:17

Thank you so much! Stephen Kotkin is the smartest guy on the planet....he talks so much sense, no bull shite!
Together for ever! The USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand "The 5 Eyes".
Just have at a few New Zealand's smart Companies; Dawn Aerospace, and Rocket Lab!
China needs to pull its head in for its own peoples sake! We would all rather get on with China but Xi Ziping seems hell bent on a collision! I Love the Chinese people! Xi Ziping, Putin and Kim Jong Un are horrible people!
Go Ukraine and go Taiwan!

P Smith
P Smith - 23.08.2023 00:44

Great interview, thank you.

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 22.08.2023 17:50

This month August 2023 .. Chinese tests New missile DF 27 firing from North East China aiming at target in South China Sea ...a distance of approximately 6000 km ...DF - 27 missiles have a maximum range of 8000 km ...

Paulie b
Paulie b - 22.08.2023 05:42

Top bloke

Din Mavric
Din Mavric - 22.08.2023 03:25

This Five More Questions series is quite fun.

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 17.08.2023 21:52

World of Change..No More Ying and Yang .Old Man Joe Biden is cutting Ukraine into a Trans - woman...yes ....USA is turning Ukraine into a Trans - Woman a They sex ..a New Identity for UKRAINE.. Ukraine is changing into a Trans - Woman.... neither Ying nor Yang ..a New American World Power..A New Trans - Woman American Exceptionism. .. UKRAINE is a Trans - Woman New American Exceptionism ...created by old man US president JOE BIDEN..

C S - 17.08.2023 20:58

Sorry professor, you lost me with your suggestion that Russia might somehow become a Chinese “puppet state.” What an absolutely ridiculous statement! The fact that you could say something like this with a straight face gives me serious doubts about the quality of your ideas

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 17.08.2023 20:43

THE Change in Niger.. The Change in Ukraine..the Change in the Balance of Power. ...NATO got stuck in a Shit Hole Ukraine and NIGER is getting out from a Shit Hole of the FRENCH EMPIRE .. THE WORLD is changing.. AFRIKAN IDENTITY is coming up and UKRAINIANS are collapsing....Ying - Yang .. Yang - Ying ... just like the Korean flag symbol ... force of change...old Power verses New Power...the Chinese Vision of Change is continuously evolving for a New Century...

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 17.08.2023 20:10

Will Ukraine move its capital to Lvov to accommodate for the future Change in the Final Destruction of the Ukrainian nation ..??... Ukraine as a nation will be Dead because a New Political Entity will replace The name Ukraine which will be extinct .. Just like survive Ukraine must give up UKRAINIAN TERRITORY.. same as Cambodia which had to give up the Mekong Delta Cocinchine to the Vietnamese in order to exist as a Khmer nation ... Yes...the Khmer nation gave up Lower Cambodia to continue to exist as an entity..will Ukraine give up East Ukraine in order to exist as a Separate Entity..?? .. under another name..??..

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 17.08.2023 12:24

US ' s Objective in China and Taiwan is to create more Hatreds between the Chinese people across the Taiwan Strait... ANGLOPHONE speaking Power always wants to create division between the same people so that ANGLOPHONE can use obe side to fight the other side ... this is A Traditional ANGLOPHONE Strategy throughout the last 200 years of the ENGLISH IMPERIAL divide and conquer European nations ...the ENGLOPHONE POWER had a tradition of fearing the Unification of Europe...the ANGLOPHONES had always wanted the divisions of EUROPEAN nations so that ANGLOPHONE will stay on top of the European nations...yes .. ANGLOPHONE had always wanted to create Hatreds between the European nations so that ANGLOPHONE will become World Power..not the French you see this happening in Ukraine... ANGLOPHONE wants to destroy the unity of the Russian speaking world by creating Hatred between the Russian and the Ukrainian ..

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 17.08.2023 12:10

Reports from WION INDIA ... Russian analyst saying JOE BIDEN wants Russian to kill more Ukrainian soldiers so that in the future there will be growing hatreds between Ukrainian and Russian families as a result of a prolonged fighting in East UKRAINE... Thus this War in Ukraine is a psychological War fare to sown the seed of hatred by the US to make Russian and Ukrainian population to hate each that Ukrainian people will want to be permanently separated from the Russian Short...USA wants the Ukrainian and the Russian to kill each other so that there will no re- conciliation between these two people, Ukrainian and Russian , for the foreseeable future ....Thus USA ' s objective is to force the Russian and the Ukrainian to kill each other irrespective of the costs of this Ukraine war...USA ' s main purpose in this Ukraine War is to create a PERMANENT HATRED between the Ukrainian people and the Russian people ...the US ' s Main Aim in this Ukraine War is to force UKRAINIAN doldiers and RUSSIAN soldiers to sacrifice each other's bloods in order to create Permanent Hatred between Russians and Ukrainian... this is a typical Anglo tradition to create hatred between two similar people because ANGLOPHONE speaking Power will split and divide their enemies like The Russian speaking people...

Dieppe Boon
Dieppe Boon - 17.08.2023 10:53

The cost of a Settlement. ...for Ukraine ... Ukraine should considering ceding Ukrainian territories to Russia to access NATO membership....this is in exchange for Peace ....

Al Mo
Al Mo - 17.08.2023 06:01


Johnny 600
Johnny 600 - 16.08.2023 20:40

The world needs wars to protect the world order and end all wars🤔

Alex Uzun
Alex Uzun - 16.08.2023 19:41

So, you support American exceptionalism after acknowledging all mafia-union corruption in NJ and PA?

Alex Uzun
Alex Uzun - 16.08.2023 19:38

Kotkin in a Neocon camp!

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 16.08.2023 15:41

CTi tv Taiwan says SAUDI ' s recognition of Israel is a Fake News. .SAUDI and UAE will continue to use Hua Wei 5 G ...

J Stasiak
J Stasiak - 16.08.2023 11:36

I have totally lost respect for Mr. Kotkin. I used to think that he understood the Russians, but it is now clear that he doesn’t.

Mr. Putin rescued Russia from government collapse, national humiliation and economic plundering by the West in the early 2000s following the incompetent leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. He also restored national pride and revived the economy. For that he remains extremely highly regarded in Russia with approval ratings in the 85% -90% range.

Everyone in Russia understands that the US, under the guise of “NATO” and its vassals, are using Ukraine as forward deployed platform to attack Russia economically, politically and militarily; bring down its government; dismember its territory; and plunder its national patrimony ( energy infrastructure, hydrocarbons, minerals, food grain, lumber, etc.). The Russian people and elites will never allow the US and its vassals to humiliate them again, even if they have to become nuclear martyrs to do it.

The war the US is waging is primarily economic (sanctions, embargoes, economic denial, etc.); not so much military. The US doesn’t care whether Russia wins or loses in Ukraine, as long as it can use Ukraine to economically bleed Russia.

Unfortunately for the US, most other countries (China, India, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Brazil, Argentina, Latin America, Mexico, the African countries, most of ASEAN (with the bizarre exception of Singapore) see Russia as a bulwark against US hegemony and do not want Russia defeated. That is why they have refused to support the economic war against Russia and why the Russian economy remains nearly normal. That is not likely to ever change.

As living standards across Europe steadily decline from sanctions blowback and the European people are made ever poorer and miserable, they will vote out their vassal governments in thrall to the US hegemon and vote in governments that will make peace with Russia and restore their respective economies. This will end US hegemony in Eurasia.

Mr. Prigozhin is a greedy doofus whose imbecillic antics were inimical to the security of his country. He is not long for this world.

If Mr. Kotkin knew what he was talking about, that is what he would tell you.

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 16.08.2023 08:48

BURUNDI says AMERICA MILITARY BASE in Botswana is the same as American financed puppet in Ukraine... Burundi says AMERICAN Military force in Botswana can destroy all South Afrika in 2 minuits calling in US Air Force .....US military is in Libya and in Ethiopia...US financed the Ethiopian forces to attack the Rebel in Somalia a few years ago ...US is still in Ethiopia to guard against insurgent in East Afrika ...

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 16.08.2023 08:22

Julius Malema says US military base in Botswana had the Capacity to attack South Afrika any time without waityfor US Re- enforcement from USA ...US base in Botswana is ready to attack South Afrika any time at once without notice.. because US has enough American weapons in Botswana to destroy South Afrika at once ...

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 16.08.2023 07:14

THE Portuguese first reached Sierra Leone in West Afrika in 1444 ..the Chinese first reached Kenya East Afrika in 1421 under Admiral Cheng Her of the Ming dynasty... The Chinese is now in Guinea to construct new rail line for the transport of iron ores from East Guinea to the shallow water of the Guinea sea coast ...will the Polar sea route be ready for Iron ores shipments to China..??..

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 16.08.2023 07:01

The politics of North Africa is in a Flux a continuous Change to kick out European Colonial military presence in North Africa...who will control Libya in the Future .??.. The Italian..?? The Turks..??.. The Black Libyan Tuareg .?? .. who has the CASH FLOW to influence the Future of Libya ..?? . .

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 16.08.2023 06:49

The 2 population centers in Afrika.. Ethiopia and Nigeria.. each has 100 million population to feed.. they are both the future factories of Afrika to supply goods to USA and to the EU because the Chinese are investing heavily in these 2 nations Ethiopia and Nigeria .. American CIA is in Morocco to monitor the Security of The NORTH AFRIKAN sea coast , especially the Chinese container operation in Greece which serves as a Depot for goods going to North Afrika ... Turkiye is in Libya to attempt to wrestle control the oil deposits in Libya from local warlords North Africa is a fight between Muslims and the Christian ( remaining Colonial puppets) in Afrika. .

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 16.08.2023 06:33

Russians were in Ethiopia in 1888 but failed to establish a Russian Colony in Ethiopia because of a unsuccessful arm deal with France which had colonial concession in the present day Eratria ... Russian is now in the Sahel which is the transit area for gas pipeline from Niger River Delta to the Algeria sea coast .... Russian is planning to stop this Chevron pipeline in Niger even though Victoria Nuland has obtained concession from the Junta in Niger for the 2 US Drone bases in Niger ... Senegal and Guinea have both voiced their support for the Junta in Niger..the Chinese is in Guinea for iron ores and the NORTH Korean ambassador is in SENEGAL ... waiting for future development in Niger ...

FredFurburguer - 16.08.2023 02:17

Baffling he mentions Germany and Japan without mentioning their regimes were imposed militarily after a complete defeat

Bird Up
Bird Up - 16.08.2023 00:22

He is smart but also wrong and puts personal bias on his thoughts.

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 15.08.2023 18:09

US has sucken the life out of EU whose industrial bases are crumbling because of expensive energy bills ..EU is now an American Vassal state having No European Sovereignty ....EU is a Dead Duck in 2023 with no opinion of its own ....judt like Europe 1940 ... EU is A DEAD DUCK ..

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 15.08.2023 18:03

Jeffrey Sachs says US is turning Ukraine into another Afghanistan ...who controls the national assets of Ukraine..??..the US BLACKROCK PRIVATE INVESTORS planning to make Huge Gains in the Reconstruction of Ukraine .... Jeffrey Sachs says there will be no Marshall plan for Ukraine... only private construction firms will make money in the rebuilding of Ukraine...

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 15.08.2023 17:59

Hindustan Times reports Victoria Nuland has negotiated with the Junta in Niger to keep 2 US bases in Niger and to kick French out ... ANGLOPHONE again stabbed French in the back. ... ANGLOPHONE agreed to kick French out of Afrika ... MACRON is furious ... ANGLOPHONE stabbed French again in the Back after Australia .... should all European start to speak ANGLOPHONE. ..??..

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 15.08.2023 17:38

China restricts purchase of Saudi Oil after Saudi increases Saudi oil price by 20 cents ... giving Iran the opportunity to fill in the gap ...Iran recent oil exports to China is approximately 1 million barrels per day ...Thus China will increase Iranian Oil purchase given that Iran accepts payment in RMB ...

59Gretsch - 15.08.2023 17:05

I would almost believe this guy is working from the state department brief. He says the Russians have a disaster in Ukraine. Think about that period between the United States Europe Australia you talking about
The population of well over 1 billion people and their economies and they can’t dislodge Russia in economy the size of Spain with a population of 170, million people. Think about the David and Goliath match up here and yet in Ukraine
We see all the western objectives failing at a huge cost to Ukraine.
When the US gets tired and moves on to another project around the world, Ukraine will be wrecked for many decades. Already one of the lowest birth rate countries in the world now it’s just had 7 million of its most fertile and productive people either die on the battlefield or move abroad, Most of which say they don’t plan to ever live in Ukraine again.

59Gretsch - 15.08.2023 16:59

All posters seem to love this guy but to me his “sage observations “ are why the US is close to war or at war all over the Globe
Including Taiwan, Iran, Syria, Ukraine, and may be Africa. What is it about Americans that rationalize this type of behavior around the world and at the same time listen to a speaker like this who makes us feel like we live in the “good country” and Russians are the bad people.

Rey Lawrence
Rey Lawrence - 15.08.2023 15:51

I am impressed by the intelligence of this man. I wish we had more leaders as intelligent as Stephen, And I am not american...

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 15.08.2023 14:04

Col Douglas McGregor says Japanese are buying Russian gas from China .. American propaganda machines work well to cover up the REAL NEWS...

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 15.08.2023 14:02

Will the Niger Junta destroy the Chevron Gas Pipeline in Niger going to ALGERIA..???. CHEVRON will hope to start operation on this Gas Pipeline from Nigeria to Algeria through Niger ...soon ...will the Junta destroy this Chevron pipeline in Niger..?? .like North Stream 2 ..??

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 15.08.2023 08:51

According to Geopolitical Trend reports...East Africa ' s Kenya is voicing support for the JUNTA MILITARY RULE in Niger...

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 15.08.2023 08:29

Barkina Faso will become another Libya..will UK bomb Barkina Faso. ?? ..of course the UK follows US ' s orders ...but the French felt again betrayed by the ANGLOPHONES in Afrika

vanveak rin
vanveak rin - 15.08.2023 08:25

Barkina Faso has asked for Nuclear bombs Technologies from North Korea... with supply of Uranium from Niger...New Power play in Central Africa..??... FRENCH out ... North Korea in ... Afrika.

Operator Jeff Deathstar
Operator Jeff Deathstar - 15.08.2023 02:21

This is old news, Lol...Ukraine won...Heroyam Slava!!

Zvi Lender
Zvi Lender - 15.08.2023 01:47

Let's keep it simple. We just need to copy the Finnish model (i.e neutrality plus EU membership) onto Ukraine and be done with it.

Rafael santana
Rafael santana - 15.08.2023 01:37

Waoooo this man is brilliant...

georgina talamo
georgina talamo - 14.08.2023 23:37

Kotkin kinda reminds me of Dr. Strangelove

Bill White
Bill White - 14.08.2023 19:52

Does he mean anyone that invades our country is a citizen? Thanks to leftisn, socialism, teachers unions, hollywood no wonder they hate their own country. Even a president, Obama, told them they should. You cannot have a country or patriotism without secure borders.

bbbart77 - 14.08.2023 14:35

More sanctions are needed !

trev moffatt
trev moffatt - 14.08.2023 12:06

How does Putin get the west on his side? He could throw some money at the communist party. A growing communist party, and a threat of a second revolution could soon see the west look for a rapprochement with Putin. Once the latter is achieved, Putin could then cut off funding of the communists, and move against them.

Risky strategy, but he's facing shit or bust time.

CrapMalls AU formerly AnalogMalls
CrapMalls AU formerly AnalogMalls - 14.08.2023 10:56

They were given a security guarantee when we took their nukes. If we wont defend them, give back the nukes
