So huge waste of food each year! Waste not, want not.
ОтветитьPeople today are to stupid to decide weather or not something is safe to eat. Things like this need to be watched very carefully.
ОтветитьThat's nice but I'm worrying at the same time. That's good ya know. Because wasting food is bad. You buy it, then after that you'll just throw it. :/
ОтветитьLaquiqui really likes the rotten food store.
ОтветитьGood initiative.
ОтветитьI would be all over this 👍🤔
Excellent idea.. We waste
an amazing amount of food
Any canned food is good for years after the sell by date, as long as the cans are not physically damaged. Also most bread products and processed goods have so much preservatives in them that they are good for weeks after the sell by date. I definitely would shop there. Obviously certain foods I wouldn't buy, but most processed foods are good for a long time.
ОтветитьLove this
ОтветитьWe do have these kind of stores in Germany, too. They are called "Lemmy" . They sell expired or nearly expired foods for cents.
ОтветитьFood bank processed food is better left alone.
ОтветитьOur local Supermarkets donate the expired stuff to our local food banks. Completely free to the people in need
ОтветитьHowToBasic Buys Expired Foods for his Videos
Ответитьwaste if money 💰
ОтветитьAccording to who
ОтветитьAccording to a recent study NBC News is not a reliable source
ОтветитьWhy america
Ответитьnot at save-a-lot on garrett road in upper darby or 7-11 at 500 east baltimore pike, check them both out!!
ОтветитьAlot of best by dates are there because the preservatives and industrial chemicals start to break the food/drink down. Bottled and canned beverages especially coke can leach bpa and other chemicals..
ОтветитьI wouldn't trust milk after the best by date. Does he smell each jug? Other then that it looks like a great buisness
ОтветитьYes they have these In Germany and Europe .. took us this long for this happen here .. oh wait Trader Joe’s started that … hmmm Owners of Aldi North germany .. go for it ! Kudos the waste in this country …
Ответитьall i’m saying is why waste food when you have people starving in this world homeless people and the african population 🤦🏾♂️
ОтветитьI just ate some fkn bacon that expired in fking JULY 2022!!!!! I Didnt check the date because I just thought stores throw out food after the date. It tasted weird. I asked my wife and she thought it smelled fine. I couldn’t find the date. Then right there. Fkn July 2022. It’s JANUARY!!!! Gawd damnit
ОтветитьFKN bacon. From July 2022!!! Disgusting
ОтветитьForehead big
ОтветитьDont buy expired food
ОтветитьLiabilities. To avoid lawsuits. Is this really surprising? Who wants to get sued?
ОтветитьIt be easier to just not make to much
ОтветитьThey should sell this to the rich
ОтветитьSo we got all that extra food but so little of it is ending up at homeless shelters, veterans, single parents struggling to make ends meet?