Investing in a Crisis with Dan Rasmussen

Investing in a Crisis with Dan Rasmussen

The Investor's Podcast Network

1 год назад

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@freddykrueger8759 - 06.11.2023 18:09


@mohamedmadkour6926 - 26.07.2023 10:37

I found the point on DCF interesting but I thought he would provide an alternative

@mohamedmadkour6926 - 26.07.2023 10:30

Another amazing interview, thanks A lot ❤❤❤

@investingwithsense - 07.07.2023 14:06

Buy a good stock and hold it until you have a very solid reason to sell.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

@greylover6094 - 23.04.2023 10:13

waste of time

@roym1444 - 21.04.2023 01:52

If you want to fully grasp the relationship between interest rates and the economy. Richard Werner's book new paradigms in macroeconomics is the first place to look. It's fascinating. The quantity of credit dictates the economy and we're that credit goes be it into GDP or non GDP transactions dictates what type of inflationary outcomes will take place. Its an absolute must read by one of the most knowledgeable person on the topic of banking and it's role in the economy.

@25Soupy - 17.04.2023 03:31

What did I learn from this 1 hour podcast? Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Whatever your stock buying system you're going to be right part of the time and wrong part of the time. For example, if you bought coca-cola (KO) in June 1998 for $43 you didn't break even until Dec 2014, that's 16 years of zero profit.

@rof8200 - 14.04.2023 13:18

Raise too much. Lol. Look at long bonds and MBSs. They're impaired. Lol

@timemanagementisinvesting - 12.04.2023 22:40

You know I’m advance by understanding economic fundamentals and watching Fed Policy 🤷🏽‍♂️

@patat007 - 12.04.2023 11:28

Discount cashflow is not a good calculation? Wtf...

@paulturner4419 - 11.04.2023 15:56

Just follow the price with diversified trend following systems.

@jamespier7801 - 11.04.2023 04:19

When was this recorded? “The last month of Q2” of 2022?

@supersonicej - 11.04.2023 03:55

Loved this interview. Thank you!

@dasfahrer8187 - 10.04.2023 19:31

There's a big difference b'n a "crisis" and a real crisis now. The word "crisis" that we hear day in and day out is largely political and typically irrelevant. It's like "racism" now. It's become meaningless. However a real crisis honestly hasn't been seen since 2008. The initial couple of months of C19 was close simply because we didn't know what it was. But it quickly became political once the powers that be figured it out and ended out just being a bunch of fear-mongering. The recent SVB banking situation may have become a crisis had fear spread and a massive bank run occurred across the country, but it was quickly quashed (even tho there are some aftershock rumblings). SVB certainly shouldn't have been bailed out though. That's a topic for another video tho.

@cnbctube5000 - 10.04.2023 18:19

when was this recorded? thanks

@tgwtom - 10.04.2023 16:36

Dan reminds me in intellect and depth of thought process ,and communication thereof, of Mike Green. Thats a compliment 🙂.

@ramanmittal6783 - 10.04.2023 16:34

That’s investing with no conviction. If u want to invest in companies line Dna or twist you need to buy and forget for at least 10 years if not more
