The Story of Spyro the Dragon

The Story of Spyro the Dragon

Gaming Historian

6 лет назад

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@The_Master_Brain - 21.05.2024 01:29

Spyro was and still is shit. I played the demo in 1998 and had enough. It not even was nearly like a Nintendo Jump and Run these times. It simply is a stupid walk/fly and press one button to kill simulator.

@alizardinyourroom1361 - 21.05.2024 13:46

Wait Skylanders was a Spyro game...? I played that all the time as a kid how did I not know that

@gordosgamesgg - 25.05.2024 05:11

All of those other proposed company for insomniac names were so good.

@probablyaurora - 25.05.2024 10:28

Yall should play the remake of the Spyro trilogy. It completely perfects the game in the best way possible.

@EvilMonstrous17 - 28.05.2024 17:51

Wait 2024 is the year of the dragon ok

@logan7159 - 21.06.2024 14:44

Damn, learning insomniac apparently made my childhood. Spyro then ratchet? Gotta check out the rest of their stuff

@edwarddewit43 - 04.07.2024 00:36


@xoxogrim - 25.07.2024 01:37

What a timeless love-letter to Insomniac. Beautifully done, Gaming Historian. Absolutely stellar video 🩵🩵🩵

@neooccisor8272 - 26.07.2024 02:24

Skylanders Spyro looks ugly ngl
Also The Legend Of Spyro trilogy was an absolute blast to play.

@maddiebaldwin8095 - 27.08.2024 03:22

i recived a PS1 when i turned 6, as a hand me down from my cousin. He gave us 4 games, the spyro trilogy, and crash team racing. I'm 25 now, still down this PS1 console and have been playing these 4 games for almost 20 years. I haven't gotten sick of them once. Spyro year of the dragon is the best video game I've ever played and I am yet to find something that holds up to its replayability

@DmitriyPoot - 27.08.2024 09:58

You didn't talk about the subway incident

@Austin-yb7ec - 04.09.2024 10:15

I was born and 98 and it’s funny to hear him say he wanted his mom to be able to play it….bro my grandma showed me it along with hidden gems/orbs/areas. They need to bring this kinda gaming back.

@carriecrackrock1221 - 09.09.2024 14:56

Nintendo never again competed for the top spot, they were shit ever since

@Mito383 - 14.09.2024 07:03

The Legend of Spyro series doesn’t get enough respect.

@augustjoseph629 - 16.09.2024 10:12

My mom taught me how to play Spyro the Dragon and I still love it to this day. So many great memories of watching her find the secrets and learning the controls for myself ❤

@Sausketo - 20.10.2024 11:12

As a kid i only ever played spyro 2, and i rented it so many times from the local blockbuster, that by the time i was about to rent it for the last time (100% the game) they straight up gave it to me, lots of good memories

@TheCucoGamer - 03.11.2024 07:38

Nice video

@maximoperez4750 - 05.11.2024 21:49

Spyro Enter The dragonfly and spyro the hero tail of the Gamecube versions sucks

@michaelpatrick1994 - 17.11.2024 02:31

The intro music for the main menu brings a tear to my eye

@Diwasho - 18.11.2024 00:08

I don't see anything wrong with the "more of the same" approach. More Spyro is always a good thing, no need to fix what isn't broken. Innovation just for the sake of innovation is how we get blunders like BK Nuts & Bolts that entirely strip their series of their core identity. Mario doesn't revolutionize the formula much yet it's never criticized for that, why should Spyro be? If anything, Year of the Dragon was already too big of a departure from the core premise which didn't resonate with me despite being part of the original trilogy, going back to the roots of the series and shifting focus back to the titular dragon was a welcome move to me.

@wafflesncatsup5323 - 18.11.2024 21:10

The game looks sucky. Graphics are bad. Fortnite has better graphics. Heck it looks like minecraft but that has better graphics still.

@Mephilis78 - 29.11.2024 19:40

I always felt like Spyro and Crash were the unofficial mascots of Playstation.

@cmdrdredd - 20.12.2024 08:30

So…microtransactions outside the game was activision too. 🤦‍♂️

@hakkinenfan - 29.12.2024 00:51

Wow I didn’t know that looks for both Crash and Spyro were designed by Charles Zembillas!

@schribbgaming1077 - 29.12.2024 20:14


@superjuddy - 04.01.2025 16:20


@BasedDoomSlayer - 05.01.2025 07:56

The original Spyro Trilogy (And the Spyro Reignited Trilogy) are still my favorite 3D platforming games ever.

@BSRC318 - 05.01.2025 21:30

Sadly, games will never be this simple, or this good ever again.

@TeaRex12 - 11.01.2025 20:55

I dont appreciate the total gloss over of the Legend of Spyro series. Those games were innovative and really good.

@jakayboy - 12.01.2025 05:49

if you don't put retro dither on footage from games of the crt era they look weird as hell. this clean blocky image was not the spyro experience

@RcaMan100 - 14.01.2025 09:36

I remember when i was growing up in 2000 i got a few playstation demo disc one of them being a pizza hut demo disc that had spyro on it, I remember playing spyro for hours on end replying it because it was a masterpiece of a game and even though it was only the demo it had so much reply value. Though i never was able to get the full version of the original games when i was growing up, I did however revisit the series with the remake and completed the whole series in my adult years.

@alexanderkidonakis9185 - 16.01.2025 08:40

Voice actors and soundtracks can really make or break a game or movie

Those folks are serious heroes

@andyc4295 - 17.01.2025 19:09

The bad guys mooning you in Peacekeepers will always be iconic

@stonerhino83 - 21.01.2025 17:55

Who brought a dragon into Avalar!?

@atconnectfeldupiscontrolingme - 22.01.2025 22:04

La pin UP de tex avery, Anna Williams, Léa lynnlo Torres, Noémie waquier et ma cousine Nathalie et dont Know What to Tell ya de Aaliyah sont des femmes et chanson qui puent le sirop antibiotique agrume-cerise bon marché

@heysander - 23.01.2025 21:16

is this a fully AI created video? Something is missing...

@TANKtheRipper - 24.01.2025 06:07

Ted Price retiring feels like the end of an era.

@SMCwasTaken - 25.01.2025 08:25

Eww Westslop

@alimcgrubinz5088 - 01.02.2025 18:42

I have the Toys for Bob remakes of the Spyro games as they were my favourite PS1 games growing up, and I was disappointed in the remake. It annoyed me that they censored parts of the original games

@Bodcut - 10.02.2025 17:19

I first played this whilst suspended from 1st year high-school It was my sister's and was the only hame in the house I hadn't played as it was girly, o didn't put it down and played untill I completed it

@joedesiderio - 11.02.2025 21:53

i played these games when i was a kid and never beat them all the way through! i just picked up the remastered trilogy on steam (it was on sale yay) and i can’t wait to revisit them in all their glory 🥹

@Kayzewolf - 16.02.2025 16:59

Says Nintendo only have mature games from third party, claiming Sony went the other route by citing… two games by third parties. lol

@BeefStew0429 - 23.02.2025 06:35

Hastings looking like eminem

@DrgnTV - 23.02.2025 23:00

Spyro is the entire reason i game at all. truly awesome video!

@Openreality - 26.02.2025 00:30

Sony won me over with Spyro, and now it's on the Nintendo switch with better graphics lols 😂😁🤣

@Jeffreybennett-ud2zb - 26.02.2025 06:07

The amount of time I spent playing those games.

@paulallen9150 - 27.02.2025 05:25

I had a demo disc with Spyro on it and I mustve played that one level a hundred times or more.

@Pinstripe_Potoroo - 27.02.2025 22:17

"at the retail price of $39.99"
spits coffee out
we need to go back....

@GamingHistorian - 17.08.2018 19:54

I first played 'Spyro The Dragon' on a Playstation Underground demo disc. I thought it was incredible. I always loved the N64 platformers, so this was a chance for me to get in on the action. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did making it. As always, give it a share if you learned something new. Thanks for watching!
