Ophiuchus Zodiac Sign in Astrology - Meaning Explained

Ophiuchus Zodiac Sign in Astrology - Meaning Explained

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Zach Laney
Zach Laney - 14.10.2023 03:46

I appreciate this…thanQ

Home Bliss
Home Bliss - 03.09.2023 17:16

I am thankful for the helpful information as I have 3 planets in Scorpio and two Venus and Jupiter in Ophiuchus in the 2nd H . Used to be a perpetual savior till the energy was depleted due to one way inter actions and caused me health issues. Self administered psychology courses and coaching are the blessing that is helping me so much. I am now balancing with the role of the Hunter for new clients in my Real Estate business. I have injoyed your information for many years and got "Capricorn" program. Wish you'd do a live or something with more details about using it.I appreciate everything you have to share.

Stephanie Holz
Stephanie Holz - 20.08.2023 20:35

Sidereal I'm a Scorpio sun. Sagittarius rising and a ophiuchus moon. & to be honest I feel this more than Sagittarius Sun Capricorn rising & Sagittarius Moon.

Neyooxetusei Dreamer
Neyooxetusei Dreamer - 27.07.2023 20:15

Asclepius is (Ophiuchus) in Astrology, it's the Astronomers who were confused in 2012. Astrologer and Scholar Demetra George did a video already in 2012 about this (look that up). She was born in Greece and re-translates Greek writings from their origins to explain.

4sh - 22.03.2023 19:45

🏹♐+🐍 ⛎=Ophitarius

Katy Thomas
Katy Thomas - 14.03.2023 21:24

dude you are a fake

NMRocks - 18.01.2023 07:14

First off your work is awesome! Love hearing you on crrow! I have a conjunction of Saturn , Uranus,and ascendant in Ophiuchus. Saturn and Uranus are rx so I'm have trouble understanding what they mean because of the rx? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated 👍! Thank you for your work!

Shea - 14.01.2023 11:25

Im Ophiuchus! ⛎ 12/13. makes sooo much more sense than Sag and also why i resonate with Scorpio so much. Thanks!

Sam - 27.11.2022 08:30

I am true Ophiuchus ⛎️ I never got the Jabs or even wear a Face Diaper

True intelligence

Ene ColourPix
Ene ColourPix - 14.11.2022 08:21

thank you for sharing! often people say 'i'm a pisces, i'm a sagittarius etc' - i would say everyone is born under a specific sign, yes - but we all are ophiuchus, or at least should become ophiuchus - meaning balancing out the good and not so good of every sighn in ourselves - for me that means ophiuchus - the serpent bearer - balancing out as you said already

Trayton Powers
Trayton Powers - 13.11.2022 02:43

My old sign is a Sagittarius but now I'm a Ophiuchus

YoungStatic13 - 03.11.2022 17:54

December 13th ⛎️⛎️⛎️⛎️⛎️

Dar Lyn
Dar Lyn - 10.10.2022 05:51

Thats my placement..i was a Sagittarius... I'm a healer! I'm a pharmacist

Cindy Church
Cindy Church - 05.09.2022 15:55

I have never heard of Ophiuchus before! My sun sign has always been a Scorpio in the sidereal, born December 11. Very interesting and will learn more. Thank you

Eazi - 07.07.2022 18:21

The etymology of redeem ultimately falls back on the Latin "redimire". The premise being to be saved or to buy back. As you mentioned the analogy of the "Christ" metaphor from the greko/ roman origin of modern Christianity(Plagiarized neo neoplatonism and ultimately Amenism) is the need for intersession of a devine man/god(king and priest), that man does not have the power of self salvation(to be salvaged), or even require it. This is of course based on the premise that man requires the need to be saved and ultimately is corrupted from birth. This is an Ad Hominem Argument fallacy from it's origin. Probably the world's greatest fallacy and a tool for controlling humanity through government(Gubenare Mentalis Govern the mind) and religeon ( relegare to hold back). The only greater method of control is the fear of death( ignorance).
Ophiuchus correlates with the number 13. This information has always been tought in the mystery schools and is occulted. To judge it is a fallacy. To identify it's use with the El-Ite the Atonists that currently control the world is quite deliberate: from the importance of the number 13 to the Templars(currently called "The Knights of Malta" ) to the Assassination of John F Kennedy on the first degree of
Ophiuchus. 13 is the Christ since it sits in the center of the (12 disciples) wheel of the progression the galactic Sun. it is also Shiva the destroyer redeemer aspect. You can see this in the Michelangelo painting he clearly shows you..

Andrea Hernandez
Andrea Hernandez - 27.06.2022 01:02

I'm telling everyone who asks me I'm Ophiucus, just because I want to see their head explode due to not being able to "categorizing" based on their BS. Next time I'll tell them I fall under the Guinea Pig constellation. Again Zodiac IS PURE BS!!!

Jeremy Ornelas
Jeremy Ornelas - 24.06.2022 00:34

Ethiopian year is comprised of 13 months, and is seven years behind the Gregorian calendar. In fact, Ethiopians celebrated the new millennium on September 11, 2007; this is because the Ethiopians continued with the same calendar that the Roman church amended in 525 AD.

scrillion6 - 02.06.2022 01:39

Just came across your channel and did my chart on your chart calculator. Ophiuchus is my ascendent..........I have Chiron conjunct NN Pisces in 4th house. Ophiuchus is totally new to me. I have to say that I was told by two different people, one an astrologer the other a psychic, that I was a healer in a previous life and am naturally drawn to it. I actually was on a pre-med path in university. I guess, in 10th house SN fashion, I quit school and work at a hospital and had children.

Marc Gottlieb
Marc Gottlieb - 20.05.2022 22:46

EA /Adooi Elohim, Nepture with his Trident...The Father of the Holy Trinity, the Serpent of the Bible...YINZ guys were lied 2 from the start :)..The days are short...Both star system are her that caused the Great Flood...5/20/22...

SuperSimdawg - 07.05.2022 03:51

Im a Ophichus and I feel like I'm constantly dying and being reborn but a while after these experiences I can be detached until it happens again I thought I had bi polar as a kid but I realised its just who I am.
