#Meri_podcast #Ethiopia #Habesha #Ebs #Dawit_dreams #Manyazewal #Comedian_eshetu #Dinq_lijoch #Awaqi #Ethiopian_women #Betoch #Hope_entertainment #Lifestyle #Diaspora #Ethiopian #Addis_Ababa #Ethiopian_startup #inspirational #technology #How_to_create_business_in_Ethiopia #Ethiopian_Tech_companies #startups_in_Ethiopia #እሸቱ #ዳዊት_ድረስ #Eshetu #Donkey_Tube #Ethiopian_TikTok #ethiopian_prank #miko_mikee #FegegitaReact #EbsTv #Donkey_youtubeКомментарии:
Hi, thank you for bringing such topic. In my opinion, due to the dynamic nature of product price in Ethiopia, updating stock and stock management is the most difficult task.
ОтветитьAlmost all e-commerce applications running in our country are based on open-source platforms!
ОтветитьI think you should bring Biniam Legessu (founder of Diretube) on the podcast. I believe he started an e-commerce business or is looking to get involved in fintech, and he could share his experience
ОтветитьI think Ethiopia should adapt the Plus Code system from google for home addresses..its just perfect.... many countries use it maybe we should leapfrog.
ОтветитьIt's an eye opening podcast ever to the person who can see and have the carage to take a step... Well-done Guy's thankyou
ОтветитьMeriwoch Mr Daniel Endale yekreb eski founder of dan energy
Ответитьyou guys should invite samson from makiba trading (agelgil) he got the best startup in Addis Ababa
ОтветитьCould you please talk about ASHEWA? kesum zem metsehafum zem hone eko
Ответитьእዉነት ለመናገር በጣም እኮራባችኋለሁ
ገና በጣም ትንሽ subscribers እንዳለችሁ አውቃችኋልና
ብዙ እዉቀትም አግቸበታለሁ በርቱልን መሪወች
ከንአን & ጥቅቡ one day i am gonna be your guest
ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ በጣም አስቸጋሪው ነገር የመንግስት ህጎች ግልጽ አለመሆናቸው ወይም አለመኖራቸው ነው። እኔ ethiopiaOnlineMarket ዶት ኮም የሚባል ወየብ ሳይት ሰርቸ ነበር ግን ያለሁት ገጠር ስለሆነ ስለ ኢኮመርስ መረጃ ለማግኘት፣ ህጎችን ለማወቅ ወዘተ ስለተቸገርኩ ዝምብየ ሳይቱን ትቸዋለሁ። ገቢወች በኢሜል መረጃ እንድሰጡኝ ብጠይቅም ሌላ ነገር ይጠይቁኛል መረጃ አይሰጡም ። በተለይ እቃ አስመጪወች አናግሩኝ አብረን እንስራ ።