Don't Save Scum In Baldur's Gate 3

Don't Save Scum In Baldur's Gate 3


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Aye, Drey !
Aye, Drey ! - 19.10.2023 22:45

Hush your mouth. Nobody wasting their time not replaying to get all outcomes.

Sick of this elitist crap

Winnie the Pooh
Winnie the Pooh - 17.10.2023 20:04

I get the message, but the games combat almost demands save scumming

Daniel W. R. Hart
Daniel W. R. Hart - 16.10.2023 19:57

I got in the habit of save scumming turn-based games because that's what I had to do to win at Civilization 2 when I was a kid, but avoiding the temptation to do it makes these kinds of games feel a lot less tedious and much more suspenseful!

Silleh Katt
Silleh Katt - 15.10.2023 20:23

I save scummed in divinity original sin 2, due to potential losing 10s of minutes to hours of progress, wasted gear, and coin. Each time i reloaded it was like taking a peek into the future, so I could maximize chance of success in whatever encounter. I believe I ruined the experience for myself. The game was interesting and enjoyable, but having access to that kind of “ability” is far too powerful to not take advantage of.

I think a potential solution is somewhere in game design. Maybe you can only save in some areas.

Being able to save whenever and wherever is way too much power to exploit.

Lollipop Rei
Lollipop Rei - 09.10.2023 08:27

At the very least I think saying "let me play how I want" does end up being used in a insulting fashion and they could just respectfully decline suggestions instead of throwing tantrums over it. I save scum, but I also start over a lot. So you could be right. It might be an internal thing, where someone doesn't realize that it is altering the experience of the game.

Woke Alarm
Woke Alarm - 05.10.2023 08:27

i dont know how people save scum everytime i die i restart the game to the character creation screen

litty - 04.10.2023 16:22

Currently dealing with both not wanting to save scum. And trying not yo see EVERYTHING before finishing the game. One opening that door and trying out different things, I'm having to lock myself to one character to finish it through. And try to let my mistakes be well mistakes

FERAL GAMING - 04.10.2023 04:58

I’m scumming my way to the end. No point in finishing the play through if the vast majority of checks fail which they do.

j0nnyism - 03.10.2023 07:22

Save scumming sounds like a lot of hassle. Maybe I’m lazy but I never considered loading a previous save. I’m always fucking up in games so maybe that’s why. A couple of times in the game I did wish that maybe some npc would like me but that was it.

SlavicPanda - 03.10.2023 07:16

Man... I needed this video. I've struggled with ruining games for myself in this way for years. The one saving grace for me was Dark Souls 2, where I wasn't able to ruin it with a duplication glitch. I finished the game. No cheats, no mods, vanilla. It was great. I'm currently playing through BG3, and finding myself with a hefty mod load order. Just started a fresh install on a new drive so that I can capture the beauty of this game without mods or save scumming.

speedfreakpsycho - 02.10.2023 18:09

Spent months farming all weapons in borderlands 2. Just to lvl up and had to do it again..and again..and again... never did yhe duping glitch.

𝕸𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝕮𝔲𝔡𝔡𝔩𝔢𝔭𝔞𝔴
𝕸𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝕮𝔲𝔡𝔡𝔩𝔢𝔭𝔞𝔴 - 02.10.2023 17:01

Miss out on an importance dice roll result that drastically changes a quest on later only to do another playthrough and fail it all over spending so many hours yet again leading up to that same point. Or spend reloading repeatedly 30 times over making it exhausting.
You are fucked either way no matter what, damned if you, damned if you dont.

reploid001 - 01.10.2023 15:31

Why don't you request to the modders to have a high success rate at dice roll. you have this illusion of breaking the fun b'cuz save scumming is tedious & the process affect you psychologically

snefansson - 29.09.2023 15:18

I’m such a freaking idiot.. when this video came out I didn’t have the game yet and I saw this thumbnail. Got real annoyed thinking Ratatoskr had put a spoiler in the title mentioning to not save the character “Scum” with a picture of Shadowheart… soooo I proceeded to kill Shadowheart in my first run… I feel like a fucking moron now lol

Ed Sherwook
Ed Sherwook - 28.09.2023 17:59

I can’t help it, I save scum like everything. My ocd goes crazy in souls games that make u honest. The instant rewind in forza horizon ruins the game for me since I end up rewinding every little mistake

Goon_Kidd - 27.09.2023 14:07

100% agree ...take away the word save and your left with scum & larian also said that failing rolls can lead to more interesting outcomes. But people are sloppy & unimmersive.

mlgoreable - 27.09.2023 02:36

"This is solicited advice" is presumptive. I just clicked here to block your channel.

Flying Fox
Flying Fox - 27.09.2023 00:56

I'm pretty much in the same boat as that zelda guy, but for bg3. Save scumming, respeccing, just overly min maxing in general, is taking away a lot of the enjoyment. I wish it was harder to do

Jon Manson
Jon Manson - 26.09.2023 17:24

When a shill as big as Ratatoskr isn’t shilling then you know a game is at least decent.

Jon Manson
Jon Manson - 26.09.2023 17:14

So in other words you don’t like saving and loading, but you still want to virtue single for following rules your made up and only exist in your head.

Brother Mouzone
Brother Mouzone - 26.09.2023 15:05

Nice discussion, but there’s one thing that’s missing: you either FORGOT to mention karmic dice, or you don’t know what karmic dice is and in a way you’re trapped in the same problems you’re targeting. Karmic dice doesn’t let you fail, you’re not really throwing the dice with karmic dice on. They’re are bending your luck.

kachingy123 - 26.09.2023 05:35

Save scumming dark souls 2 boss run backs is the most rewarding save scumming 😅

Bizarro - 26.09.2023 02:11

For me at least, I started like that. Often times you are in a conversation and see a option wanting to know it's outcome. Then I fail the skill check and feel bad, because I want to know what the result is only to be blocked by the skill check. In an actual P&P group at a table, the GM will always give you another chance at gaining the information that you would have got at the skill check you failed.
In Baldurs Gate 3 you should play it like a P&P session, not trying to make every throw. Yes some chest you could not lock pick stays closed... and that feels bad, infuriating almost. And it is hard to do that.

Jacob Marsee
Jacob Marsee - 25.09.2023 03:03

I used the weapon duplication glitch in TOTK. I got further and enjoyed way more of the game than I ever would have than If I wouldn’t have used it. the weapon breaking mechanic it’s so tedious and boring. I don’t understand how people play the game without using the glitch.

EPChanneled - 23.09.2023 22:56

This is your worst take ever

Lorax - 23.09.2023 05:10

So after watching 5 seconds of this video and refusing to listen to the entire argument or video. Youre wrong. You're bad. You suck. And im reporting you for racism.

Sean McCauley
Sean McCauley - 22.09.2023 23:04

I deal in sociopolitical philosophy and the best argumentation I've heard in months comes from this video-game video. I think I should be done being surprised when gamers prove yet again to be the most erudite people in the room.

Anthony Williams
Anthony Williams - 22.09.2023 22:15

Lol didn't know the topic was that controversial

FrozenRose - 22.09.2023 21:34

Yeah, see.. here's the thing on not save-scumming, in my opinion. This game puts the vast majority of its DC too high, and in too pivotal of moments to not pass things. It feels horrible to fail these rolls again and again and again and <bleeping> again; even if you have +10 or more to your checks because of items and high stats. I mean, why am I even getting a choice if i can't meet the damn 25dc check with a +10 to my CHA (with bonuses) because the game wants to give me rolls of one through ten as i use all four of my inspiration points.
And don't get me started on how many times I passed checks only to be given the same outcome as what the passed check would be. If the god damn check isn't going to matter, why give it to me in the first place? It's not fun to roll for everything nothing changes.

The game shows a fatal flaw in the 5e system, the game all but requires a human DM because without one you have cold mechanics that are too unforgiving and unbalanced to actually be fun.

Faq - 22.09.2023 19:05

He speaks from a position of privilege. Of someone that has irl free time to playthrough the game multiple times at leisure.

I had a niggling feeling that through the video, he always sounded just a touch holier then thou. Even though he tried to play it off by frontrunning the accusation: "Im not just judging you if you want to do it, I'm just saying you might be like me and ruin the experience."

The fact is that this game has certain checks that will hard lock you through pure chance down a path that your chosen character would never allow. Your character would fight tooth and nail against letting it run it's course. A path that would be adjusted by a competent dungeon master in an actual D&D game. After all, an RPG that doesn't let to player role play to their enjoyment is not worth playing.

But this is a video game which doesn't allow adjustments post dice fall, so by a roll of the dice your character is now locked into doing something completely out of sync with their values or vision. There is no second check if you're out if inspiration points, there's no "hold up guys, okay you got me. Let's try to compromise or have some consessions."

This dude is so sneaky with his front running, "maybe you're not like me" and dream vistor style illusion that it was so hard for me to spot his absolute bullshit condescension. He even used a strawman example of actual cheating, to draw a parallel to "save scumming" to circumvent the limitations of the ROLE PLAYING game.

Not everyone has the privilege of time or the patience to ironman, don't let him sneakily press his view on to you with this strong persuasion check.

Let him fail the roll. "Save scum" the shit out of the game if it hard locks Tav (story wise) on to something your character would never allow.

Travis - 21.09.2023 20:54

The argument you are making is a lukwarm take at best, and definitely didn't require you to put your argument on a pedestal for 5 straight minutes before you even made your point.

I do like your content though.

Donnie Daise
Donnie Daise - 21.09.2023 04:40

unemployed logic

Unus_Multorum - 20.09.2023 18:44

Reddit’s community is so disappointing.

SteelingLight_AlecGaems - 20.09.2023 16:40

I'm one of "your" people, lol. And because of that reason Campbell (Dishonored) died at the hands of Corvo Attano after he had been placed in the branding chair.

For those curious, I was attempting to go through an essentially non-lethal run and I got to High Overseer, saved the optional, incapacitated Campbell and carried him across the complex. At which point I was spotted by three of the nearby Overseers, their pathing then took them in loops through the branding room where I had Campbell situated. I thought to myself at that point that nobody would logically conclude that the High Overseer had been branded after seeing some sneak transport him to the room, it wouldn't make internally logical sense. So, the High Overseer had to die, I got into a vantage point on the rafters/lanterns above, took out my crossbow, and shot him.

Ekaros - 18.09.2023 15:11

I feel like trying to play optimally stopped me from having fun and stopped me from playing. I really should go back and just let it roll, it can't be so bad.

I think I got idea from playing Fallout 2 with strategy guide years ago when there was the most "rewarding" path...

Not that there isn't places for save scuming, like failing certain checks. But there is quite fine line between balance when to do it.

DoomOfConviction - 18.09.2023 14:41

Ohh yeeeahhh there is so much fun in loosing a throw where you should have a +9 due to your attributes but the game cheats on you and just throws a 1 for you, while ignoring the +9 and calling it a “critical failure”…

bloozism - 18.09.2023 03:22

I can play how I like 😎

Evil Subhuman White Heterosexual Cis-Gendered Male
Evil Subhuman White Heterosexual Cis-Gendered Male - 18.09.2023 00:03

I have unapologetically save scummed in every video game with a save feature for me entire life, and my gaming experience has been greatly improved by it. I have nothing to prove, and I have fun gaming that way. And "ironman" or "hardcore" game modes in every game are just a waste of time to me, and the least fun way to play those games. (Yes I even save scum in XCOM, and have fun with it lol.) Thanks for the advice though.

In regard to how this conversation usually plays out: I find it usually unfolds with some judgemental tryhard uber 1337 gamer trying to tell us that if we save scum, then we suck at games, and we need to "git good noob lololol." That's the part of the conversation you're overlooking. Sure there are people on my side of the discussion who over-react and say "don't tell me how to play," but there ARE also the people on your side of the discussion who judge people on my side of the discussion for being inferior gamers or whatever. (As if RPGs are about player skill at all anyway.)

As far as companion personalities go: I hate companions with personalities that get in the way of me running my party of adventurers the way I want to run it. I much prefer making a fully custom party, which I created, when an RPG allows me to do that. If the party members have their own personalities that go against them following my orders, I would be kicking them out of the party anyway. I'm the leader, do as I say and shut up party members lol.

Also, on a somewhat related note: Any video game devs who make their games in a way that it forces you to have a single save file that the game auto saves to is any a-hole if you ask me. Just the fact that a single save file can get corrupted and wipe out all your progress is reason enough for single save file systems to be a bad idea. But even putting that aside, they're forcing us to play how they want us to play, instead of allowing the player to make conventional save files.

randy lee
randy lee - 17.09.2023 22:53

I was kinda save scumming for a specific outcome which I thought was correct only to realize i had locked myself into a weird disaster and was actually on a path pretty much antithetical to what I thought I was doing. Which also somewhat chunkily mirrored my own irl relationships. And Like my life, I found it terribly depressing and the best time I’ve ever had.

RamRam - 17.09.2023 21:34

It really depends, you can bet i save scummed laezel not getting fkin lobotomised but 90% of the time i just roll with it.

Matthew Mitchell
Matthew Mitchell - 17.09.2023 18:35

I also am guilty of save scumming and will try very hard to not do it. I agree with your points.

Matthew Mitchell
Matthew Mitchell - 17.09.2023 18:31

This just my opinion, but I don't like when people break games and play them not in the way the developers intended. Exploiting a glitch ruins games for me so i don't do it.

Zee - 17.09.2023 18:18

I always play my first playthrough blind without cheats(bugs ect)
Except TOTK, where if you want to upgrade anything it takes another 1-5 hours if you are unlucky

Johnny Gobs
Johnny Gobs - 17.09.2023 16:30

I’ve been save scumming through my whole first run and yeah I kind of regret it. So much that I’m listening to a dude talk about how lame it is to convince myself to restart and play legit. This game is absolutely amazing and I don’t wanna ruin the experience of a blind play through.

AlphaOne - 17.09.2023 16:11

This video resonates so much! My issue is. Sometimes in games like this there are bugs. And then its nice to be able to reload (xcom) but the other isssue is, when my character dies cuz of bad luck. Im like. Fuck this. And I reload. And then that kills the entire campaign for me and start again, happens in xcom and in bg3 all the time for me. So i just play ironman in xcom and deal w the bugs lol. Or i used to, havent olayed xcom in a while

Wish we had AI that would be like, (this was a bug u can reload or this Wasent a bug stop being a bitch)

Another issue w BG3 is that, the last save when you get wiped out its sometimes 40+ minues back. So it constantly forces me to manually save in case i get wiped, which just reminds me that at any point i can go back to that save.

LSSJ Vegeta
LSSJ Vegeta - 17.09.2023 13:17


Lynx Rogers
Lynx Rogers - 17.09.2023 12:56

Yeah... My girlfriend has mental and emotional issues. She would not agree with you. Neither would I. It's easy to talk from a position of emotionally strong person. It's different when you are not and you spend an hour trying to save a child via save scum, watching her die over and over again and knowing you can't save her cat. Everyone is different. There are people who suffer from severe depression. They of all else should be let alone with how they play their game.

Namlli Yarrum
Namlli Yarrum - 17.09.2023 00:35

Been doing my best not to reload when something doesn't go my way. Then, I got to Last Light Inn.

Trust the dice my fetid fucking anus. Like anyone is able to protect Isobel on the first attempt, then literally half the quests in the game fail and you get treated like you made the evil choice because of a stupidly lopsided battle. Yeah how about I don't trust those fucking dice.
