The Right To Be Wrong I Sunday on 60 Minutes

The Right To Be Wrong I Sunday on 60 Minutes

60 Minutes

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@HHH-ye1ro - 22.03.2024 18:24

It’s true. All true. Liberals run big tech. Been going on since 2017.

@Enolagay8545 - 22.03.2024 18:26

Besides Trump, Jordan is the most useless politician ever elected. He has accomplished nothing except further divide this country.

@lifeisagift.cherisheverymoment - 23.03.2024 09:07

"The right to be wrong." "Big Tech is out to get Conservatives." (Paranoid much, Jim?) In the United States of America, where we have Universal Compulsory Education, ignorant people are hell-bent on preserving their right to remain ignorant. How dare the wealthiest Nation in the World expect its Citizens to learn and grow and participate and be responsible and accountable Citizens in a Free and Democratic Nation in the 21st Century! The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic founded on the principles of Consent of the Governed (an intelligent and informed Citizenry) and Liberal Democracy. NOT ignorance and backward-leaning conservatism of the 18th and 19th Centuries.

@constitutionloversue - 23.03.2024 12:07

New stations that give out false information should be fined heavily. If the false information causes someones death, or a war, they should be fined and shut down criminal charges if necessary.
My views and opinions

@constitutionloversue - 23.03.2024 12:14

Guaranteed right
Free speech

@handmadehearts - 23.03.2024 16:06

Shame on Ohio.

Shame, shame, shame.

@rechutriers5592 - 23.03.2024 23:45

You can. But the company’s have a right to sensor. It is a company. Not a government company or public forum.

@Anonymous-pm7jf - 24.03.2024 12:36

Why hate Jim Jordan? Afterall, hes serving his 9th term in congress because the people of Ohio want him there. Thank them for putting this piece of slime in power.

@sdb6757 - 25.03.2024 02:52

A “whistleblower” from Ohio told me Jordan has always been a sniveling little punk.

@christineStill-v3l - 25.03.2024 02:54

Terribly biased: Voters are sick of all the GOP lying and Jordan (among the worst offenders) is interviewed? Folly.

@donhills9745 - 25.03.2024 03:02

You all think it is a great idea for the government to say what is misinformation. I just wonder what you will be saying when something you think is considered misinformation. What will you say when your missives are labeled or taken down? Remember, when the government takes your rights, or you allow them to be taken, you never get those rights back.

@mattfoley6082 - 25.03.2024 03:30

Gym still wrestling with his demons.

@ArlieB7 - 25.03.2024 04:01

Nice hit piece on Jim Jordan. I don’t trust 60 Minutes.

@chesterharris4058 - 25.03.2024 04:18

Conservatives are spreading propaganda and they must be stopped just like we stopped the Nazis during WWll

@kerri7971 - 25.03.2024 05:19

Leslie is so out of touch. Yes nearly half of Americans believe there was definitely stealing of the election with Trump and OBiden. (IN MY HUMBLE OPINION)

@kerri7971 - 25.03.2024 05:28

By the way Leslie can you please stop the condescending self righteous look you were giving Jim Jordan? It’s so snobbish!
Rules for thee and not for me………we’ve got to stop watching your hypocritical one sided opinion show. You might as well be on the White House payroll.

@AdNauseamart - 25.03.2024 06:10

This man not only ignored sexual abuse of his own students, he helped orchestrate a coup, according to Republican staff who were eyewitnesses on January 6th.
“Remember how we used to deal with traitors?”—DJT

@BoneCrusherofOlde - 25.03.2024 06:40

I read these comments, I hope everyone is up-to-date on all their boosters. The future is bright.

@israeldelosreyes808 - 25.03.2024 07:47

Conservatives = lies, lies, lies. Believe what you want to believe. Just understand they are "alternative facts."

@burningheartsministriesmis1488 - 25.03.2024 15:10

I agree ☝️ let us decide..we must ALL learn to speak the truth with Love to our neighbors…and correct there errors..Two sex’s or genders.. male and female..God made them..❤❤😮❤❤

@JCHolland - 25.03.2024 15:25

Gym, how bout them student athletes you ignored?

@GENZGAMER_ - 25.03.2024 15:28

The website wont play the full video after the ads its a blank screen

@justanotherguy8791 - 25.03.2024 15:31

playing the victim.

@bennettmcknight2373 - 25.03.2024 18:24

Jim Jordan is a congressional seagull. He makes lots of noise and $hits on everything. To date his greatest and only accomplishment is avoiding culpability in Ohio State's sexual abuse scandal.

@TammyLynn-z7d - 25.03.2024 18:28

What is alarming is if one side is wrong, example vaccine and mask effectiveness it is ok. If the other side states their observations and experiences it can be censored or labeled misinformation. When information labeled false/misinformation is later shown to be true or the converse information reported as gospel found in error, what has been done: When information is proven wrong what amends are made? What has been done to compensate those censored over masks and vaccines? Why are vaccine companies exempt from damage for a "safe" product? If something is safe, why is it worried about liability? We need critical thinkers. We don't need censorship. We need search engines and AI that allows you to ask a question then gives you the info to read, digest and make a decision. Go search a question and search engines give you the agenda results. Will automatically tell you something is untrue/misinformation. It is like, "Thou does protest too much." It immediately tells you that you must dig further. If a search engine stops you at your question it is hiding something and supporting a narrative vs giving you the information on the question asked.

@drlobomalo - 25.03.2024 18:55

What makes someone a "disinformation" expert? It's a totally made up "discipline." And I'd bet all of these "experts" went along with the Russia Collusion Hoax for a long time. Probably to the Mueller Report and beyond.

@sallyr.6891 - 25.03.2024 19:19

I stopped watching 60 mins after Leslie Stahl interviewed Marjorie Traitor Green with only soft ball questions. Now this awful guy?

@-RandomBiz- - 25.03.2024 21:08

That whole "let the people decide" tack is just a euphemism for "we'll see who wins in the arena of public opinion."

@jennslifeinhuntingtonwv2678 - 25.03.2024 21:53

Just let Putin take over whatever he wants. Hes trumps best buddy

@getplaning - 25.03.2024 22:41

Ordinarily, I would be highly critical of CBS News for even giving this unrepentant liar any time at all to push his false narratives, but in this case, Leslie Stahl did a good job of letting Gym Jordan demonstrate just how utterly dishonest he is.

@chuckkayak68 - 25.03.2024 22:56

You are entitled to freedom of speech but only if that speech is true, or dangerous and still true. Speech that is dangerous and false is not protected, as opposed to speech that is dangerous but also true.If there is an actual fire your right to scream it is protected. If there is no fire, you are violating everyone else’s liberty to enjoy the movie.
See: Schenck v. United States in 1919 And Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1968

@calebbrown4187 - 25.03.2024 23:32

If they truly censored disinformation, Leslie Stahl would be out of a job.

@stephaniehowellsscoville4104 - 25.03.2024 23:35

Stahl is not a real journalist, she’s a propagandist for the government establishment!! 🙄 Most people know that! 😂

@mrkaatz2625 - 26.03.2024 00:06

Jim Jordan is a insurrectionist

@oneaburns - 26.03.2024 23:13

60 Minutes is a joke. The whole piece was them basically saying everything but them should be censored bc people aren’t smart enough to figure it out for themselves. 60 Minutes wants you to hear their lies, no one else’s. Oh, and the unbiased researcher of misinformation they interviewed? The one that made recommendations to twitter and others on what to remove?She donates heavily to Act Blue and other liberal orgs and has posted rants telling everyone to vote democrat because their “lives depend on it”. (Why are libs so dramatic?) Found that on X today - never mentioned at all by 60 Minutes or Starbird.

@birhan2006 - 27.03.2024 04:02

The question is what motivates Jim Jordan, what is the end goal for him

@gadgetimpulse3833 - 27.03.2024 23:21

Oh hell yeah. Jim Jordan is all for false advertising.

@mikealvord55 - 30.03.2024 23:09

Leslie stahl has become a joke. Do whatever you can to hold onto your career sweetheart people laugh at you when you’re on the air.

@richardgiacomotti404 - 06.04.2024 18:16


@betha8761 - 08.04.2024 02:48

My common sense says Jordan is an insurrectionist against the United States.

@RudolphoAqui - 08.04.2024 08:33

G y m gym jordan can’t pass the bar

@kmitchell2518 - 09.04.2024 13:35

Politicians should not be able to lie to the public under the guise of free speech or speech and debate clause. They should have to be factual.😑

@johnwelch6490 - 29.04.2024 03:45

I was given laced cigarettes in Jim Jordan's district by Political Mechanics.

@scarpfish - 01.05.2024 11:25

Here would be my proposal to the social media companies.

You can censor people's posts, after all it's your platform, therefore your rules, BUT give your users the following means of aggrievance...

If the platform removes or shadowbans any posting, especially when it's done by hamfisted AI bots, tell the user WHAT is being removed, WHY the platform is removing it, and WHAT community guideline(s) were violated.

AND most importantly, give them the evidence back, either to reword it to make it community acceptable or to copy-paste it to an off platform repository ran by someone else.

This repository would be no means of formal appeal to the platform in question. It would merely show to the public what your platform, and competing platforms are cracking down on what they aren't. Consider it a tool of constructive critical feedback to make your AI editors better and sharper.

If the record shows you're cracking down on bigots, disinformation campaigns and conspiracy kooks but leaving the normal folks alone, the complaining will be limited to those malicious actors. When you play God and punish the stupid and the smart alike, or worse yet only the smart, even unintentionally, there will be ample evidence for you to answer to before Congress.

Yes, it would cost you some money, but it would be doing the public a solid. If you want that sort of power to control the masses, you should accept that responsibility.

@maryannehorn2593 - 23.05.2024 15:40

He's such a liar.

@owen225 - 06.06.2024 20:23

60 minutes is a disgrace. Carrying water for deep state and democrats. They have discredited themselves too many times.

@mikecrow8294 - 07.06.2024 00:48

Leslie Stahl the queen of disinformation who believes a word that this woman says she needs to retire and just go live in a cave.

@dtmc4509 - 12.06.2024 18:28

Stahl is a liar
