That Practical Mom

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Pat Warburtonr
Pat Warburtonr - 16.09.2023 18:26

Today let us show humility and fear of the Lord as Jesus showed what true humility looks like by giving up His life for our sake. 🙏 🙏

slow slug
slow slug - 16.09.2023 17:48

Ground beef is cheap so no need to cut out beef. Many people are deficient in the nutrients only found in beef an they don’t even know it. These nutrients are not routinely tested for. I would never cut the red meat.

Heidi S
Heidi S - 15.09.2023 02:52

What about being flexible within a week, or just within 2-3 days, so you can have tomorrows dinner today and todays tomorrow for example? Doesn’t work if you have a “must use by” item but you get the drift

Trace - 11.09.2023 01:00

I have to add delivery into my budget now which stinks. Great video, thank you!

Dave's Not Here
Dave's Not Here - 10.09.2023 01:53

Don't forget about generics, a lot of times they are exactly the same as the name-brand product but sometimes can be half the price.

I did giggle a little when the hand pulled out the half-gallon of milk for $6.99 in a video about saving money. I'd never spend that much for that. If you are really trying to save money the generic store brand gallons for $2.49 will work until you can afford that expensive stuff.

One trap I fell into was the "Oh this is only $1.00" then I end up using 4-5 a day, that adds up to $120-$150 per month.

Babet Weirdgirl
Babet Weirdgirl - 08.09.2023 00:43

Thanks. Doing most of these tips already, feeding 7 for under $500/mo.

sharon bennett
sharon bennett - 05.09.2023 21:43


Anita McKinney
Anita McKinney - 31.08.2023 21:38

Good video !!

L H - 29.08.2023 19:09

And whe you shop online, you can cgeck your pantry so you don't get doubles/triples by accident...

Gloria Peel
Gloria Peel - 25.08.2023 18:48

Thanks for sharing great ideas!

Steve Hartman
Steve Hartman - 05.08.2023 18:37

I make chili with hamburger kidney beans and generic tomato soup n crackers. Cheap filling n good. Spaghetti with hamburger n gen tomato soup. Cheaper than Ragu but still good. Make beef stew w London broil beef V-8 peas chopped celery n potatoes n carrots couple cans whole corn peas n green beans salt stir twice put on low #1 for 12 hours covered. Cool to room temp put in mason jars to freeze or fridge.

Steve Hartman
Steve Hartman - 05.08.2023 18:29

I get 81 food stamps. They help. I get basic 7 first. Beans rice salt flour oats potatoes pasta. Then i get groceries of what i need to add to what i have to Extend. Each year i plant 2 Dwarf fruit trees. Started w apples next year pears then next plums n so on. They produce good fruit after 2 years. I planted 2 grapes. Next yr blackberries n so on. Im on Social Security so ive had to go easy n slow. God bless you all Pray.

Darlene Davis
Darlene Davis - 29.07.2023 22:41

What usually runs my grocery bill up is not food (I meal plan and only buy what I need for that's week of meals) it's the "other stuff". The dog food, cat food, TP, trash bags, etc. I do purchase some of that stuff from a "warehouse" store if the unit price is cheaper than I can get like at Walmart, but that stuff still adds up fast. I don't have to purchase it every week and try to stagger the stuff out, but that's the real reason that my "grocery" bill seems to be so much each week. Any tips????????

Sexy Geek
Sexy Geek - 28.07.2023 12:09

"Meal plan"? That's baloney. I don't know what I want to eat tomorrow, or even if I will be at home. Never mind the whole week.

Kristi Cox
Kristi Cox - 19.07.2023 08:53

celery extract is chemically identical to sodium nitrites. People just think it sounds better. : )

Gurbet O
Gurbet O - 02.07.2023 11:11

As a person who isn't well organized I realised that I can go without going shopping weekly now I go every fortnight

Tina Gibler
Tina Gibler - 01.07.2023 08:24

I struggle to meal plan. I will cook and be creative, and my household members grumble. I try to do "normal" food per their request. I feel I need to use up what's in the house 1st. I have not found balance. If the meal was not satisfying, I feel like I have failed my family. Then, they ( adult and child) are then hunting for snacks. Does anyone else have this issue? I grew up eating what was provided without an option about it.

Laruissa Baines
Laruissa Baines - 29.06.2023 09:22

I need help with it..

AK Price
AK Price - 24.06.2023 17:02

My advice: Learn to use and ove spices and seasonings. Taco seasoning, cajian seasonings and chili seasonings can be made at home. Tired of regular salmon? Boom! Now it's Texmex salmon. Tired of regular dressing? Boom! Now it's green goddess dressing.

Jianfa Tsai
Jianfa Tsai - 07.06.2023 04:34

After eating rice. Pour soup into empty bowl plate to loosen remaining grains to drink eat. Finish 100% of food with no wastage. Less to wash.

Stitch 26
Stitch 26 - 05.06.2023 12:15

When we had the room, we would also grow some of our own produce in a small garden. A container garden may work for some, too, or a "kitchen window" garden for fresh herbs and spices. We kind of went the extra mile, too, and even gathered and dried our own seeds from several plants to use for the next year: bell peppers, tomatoes, cantaloupe, pumpkin, pinto beans, etc. Unfortunately, these aren't options for us at the moment, but I hope to use them again soon. It's also great to get kids involved. They learn new things and when dinner rolls around, it's "I helped grow that!" 😊

CrowdPleeza - 25.04.2023 17:09

How to avoid waisting money with coupons:

1. Don't buy something you don't need just because you have a coupon for it.

2. Do a price comparison with store brands. Store brands may still be cheaper than the coupon item.

3. Don't buy a product that you currently have enough of. So see how much of a product you have before going to the store.

Dorina Mladonyiczki
Dorina Mladonyiczki - 07.04.2023 04:19

It might be just me...if I plan meals it is very likely that I will change my mind about it by the time I should make it, but then eating it anyway makes me feel so unfulfilled that I go on a food shopping/ordering surge until I feel satisfied from what I ate so eventually end up spending 3x times more. Can anyone relate 😮

monikarburns14 - 03.04.2023 09:51

On the budget thing. I use my calculator, I put my total budget and then subtract the amount for each item I choose. Watching that number go down is super effective at helping me prioritize and avoid impulse items.

Charlotte B
Charlotte B - 17.03.2023 14:50

Use the round up method for most things when going round forget round down for this if it's £1,20 call it £2 and add the rest on top so you have an idea what you're spending when you get to the checkout. You can make a stock with vegetable peel but I didn't find it that tasty but I think I just to find other stuff to help the taste of it. When you're buying chicken thighs put a spare in the freezer for a stockpile. Chicken wings and thighs cheaply for soup as well.

presston5 presston
presston5 presston - 12.03.2023 03:46


Telsa Morgan
Telsa Morgan - 11.03.2023 09:59

I extremely like the video, man. Very helpful and informative. Thank you very much. It is presented so well too. Great, positive work.

鲁冰花时光 - 07.03.2023 06:44


haiqu - 02.03.2023 15:43

A few more tips for you, from someone who has been poor for the whole of his 70 year life and learned to be frugal:

1. Buy staple items in bulk. Rice, sugar, pasta, honey, flour, olive oil ... all of these can be bought for half the cost if you grab the larger packs. Always buy 5kg/5 litre rather than 1kg/1 litre.
2. Avoid highly processed items. I saw you hovering several times over breakfast foods that typically cost 3x the price of unprocessed grain products. Use rolled oats, wheat biscuits, corn flakes in preference. If you must have something sweeter or fancier occasionally, make pancakes or waffles or just add some fruit or honey to the oats. I sometimes make my own raisin bread for toasting in the morning too, it's no harder than any other kind of bread.
3. Buy generic foods where available. Supermarket brand pasta or bacon or cheese tastes just the same as a recognizable brand, but costs far less. In fact it often comes from the same factory.
4. Eat fresh foods if available. This is hard for me, since I live 50km (31 mi) from the nearest supermarket and our local general store is expensive. I only shop every three months so I tend to buy only an amount that won't rot before I get to use it, but often this can be stretched by buying, as an example, green bananas for use in 10 days rather than all yellow ones, or stewing up a batch of rhubarb and apple and freezing it to make desserts later, or bottling pears with simple syrup and cinnamon sticks. Whenever a product is plentiful (and thus cheap) there's a savings opportunity if you know how to preserve it. I also make a huge pot of vegetable soup right after shopping, which keeps far longer than having fresh ingredients in the cupboard. Also, growing vegetables at home isn't rocket science, especially squash and potatoes which need no attention at all. Plant fruit trees too, your kids will love them in their teens when they're always hungry.
5. Use your freezer to the max. If I cook a meal I make enough for at least two meals, more often four. Rather than becoming bored by having the same thing day after day, the extra gets frozen for later. Then on the days I can't be bothered cooking, there's always the option to "nuke" one of them in the microwave. You can buy cheap food containers that typically get used for Chinese foods at take-aways, and these are ideal for storage. Despite being flimsy I've found they can be reused multiple times, and they're also great for those half tins of beetroot or pineapple and the leftover half of the onion.
6. Don't skimp on the few items that matter to you. For me it's good soap, soft toilet tissue, fruit cakes (I buy generic and they're cheaper than I could bake them), fresh marinara mix (freeze it) and a good pre-shredded three cheese mix for my homemade pizzas. I couldn't live without these items. My cupboards are also full of the typical spices called for in recipes.
7. Finally, if you must have soft drinks buy a small CO2 tank and make your own soda. You'll soon become adept at whipping up interesting flavourings to add. I make my own tonic water too.

My personal weekly food budget has leveled out at AU$53.00 (USD 35.72 with today's exchange rate) and I never feel hungry or bored with what I eat.

Jennifer Chaplin
Jennifer Chaplin - 02.03.2023 06:34

It's so sad to see you wasting money on meat and dairy when you claim to want to eat healthily.

catescats - 02.03.2023 03:52

You could save even more if you don’t shop at the Big Y! They are very expensive!😮

John Lupo
John Lupo - 28.02.2023 02:25


Kathy Barnett
Kathy Barnett - 26.02.2023 06:08

Great ideas. Thx.

Hash It Up Vegan
Hash It Up Vegan - 26.02.2023 05:49

Great advice! But who only uses half an onion! 😂 love onion 🧅

Tired mum
Tired mum - 24.02.2023 13:10

Cured could also be just salt (and possibly herbs) for the bacon.

Julia Dawnyel
Julia Dawnyel - 18.02.2023 22:46

$ tree great

Samantha B
Samantha B - 18.02.2023 02:21

Probably the only person I'd trust with the "shh 🤫" thumbnail 😂

Calm Blue Ocean
Calm Blue Ocean - 16.02.2023 04:42

good for you ❤🎉

Cristina Evans
Cristina Evans - 16.02.2023 01:51

What is it with Americans and ranch dressing..I don’t even think I have seen this in Australia 😮

Simone Rittinger
Simone Rittinger - 15.02.2023 12:34

Great tips! I forget way too often to check what we have before meal planning. But I usually change the meal plan in between - live is just crazy! It's pretty easy if you know your ingredients so nothing goes bad. Also I always have at least one meal that can be made whenever - like pasta bake with salmon and spinach, risotto with roasted peppers, etc. Also with two boys pasta with tomato sauce happens regularly. (I buy huge amounts of pasta when it's on sale, we need over a pound a meal)
With the meal plan in a google calendar it's also very easy to move it around and still have an overview.

Candy Landy
Candy Landy - 11.02.2023 22:29

My husband hadn’t shot a deer for a few years, I was all over him about it this year!! Thankfully he got a huge buck, and then we got a ton of elk meat for free for helping our neighbors process during hunting season. The amount of money we are going to save on meat is great! Sad for folks who don’t like game. It’s more humane and honestly healthier in many ways. 😋

Theresa Ann Diaz
Theresa Ann Diaz - 10.02.2023 21:45

If you need go into the store DON'T get a cart. Either get a hand basket or one of the roller baskets which are still smaller than a cart. It feels like you're not buying as much if your cart isn't full. Nothing makes you conscious of what you're buying as having to carry it. Obviously, don't do this if you're buying ten pounds of potatoes.
I love online ordering too. I used to bake bread on laundry day when my kids were little.

Elizabeth - 09.02.2023 16:45

Excellent content thank you! Tip that worked for me: on a 4x6 card write down what you’ve planned for the week’s meals. After 4 weeks you’ll have a month’s worth of menu plans ready to use again. If you’re stuck getting started just write down what you are actually eating for a week. You have just created a one week menu plan ready for next month!

Victoria Blanc
Victoria Blanc - 07.02.2023 09:26

perhaps you could pre-shop online, where you can take your time, change your mind and see your total and then print it off and take it to the store. I won't shop online bc I know people who do the shopping for people and they are told to choose the smallest and oldest produce and other tricks to cheap you out. I prefer to choose my own produce etc. I do agree with a lot of this especially making your own salad dressings and sauces etc. And less food waste. we have a dehydrator, I can and we have two freezers. If we don't have what we need in the house we don't really need it.

VICTORIA PAVLOVA - 07.02.2023 00:26

Bacon yuck!! Pigs eat their own mess!!!!

angela warren
angela warren - 06.02.2023 22:57

I have to agree on the savings for shopping online. Once I've met my budget amount, then that's it and I do like not having to go to the store except for maybe more bread/milk. Your videos are always wonderful! ; )

Megon Amstutz
Megon Amstutz - 05.02.2023 22:19

If I don’t want to eat the meal I usually swap it out from a different day. It gives a little more freedom within the limits of eating up what we got.

Millie S.
Millie S. - 03.02.2023 06:47

I believe this video resonares with many. The buying less to keep to the budget is a reality. Avoiding food waste requires a frugal mentality, I tell myself it's a creativity challenge to make a meal of whatever since I choose to have a healthy meal than some drive thru burger.

Tina Gale
Tina Gale - 01.02.2023 17:50

buying store brand items can save you approximately 25% right off the top of your grocery bill.

Ellen Harris
Ellen Harris - 31.01.2023 07:34

Where i live, they charge more if you order online!😬😩
