Why I’m sticking with Vue in 2023

Why I’m sticking with Vue in 2023


1 год назад

7,230 Просмотров

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kostraone - 19.10.2023 20:20

that's a wise decision ; )

Black+Purple - 15.10.2023 06:49

You talking like using what you enjoy is some crime Unless it's react or next or svelte😂😂

Rituraj - 03.10.2023 11:22

Vue 3 is much faster than most of the frameworks, people who use vue 3 are much smarter than other programmers

Anthony Tyaho
Anthony Tyaho - 17.08.2023 17:11

Vue is the life!

Anass Sanba
Anass Sanba - 20.07.2023 12:26

Can't wait for the vapor mode 😁

Portie Skeels
Portie Skeels - 18.05.2023 08:00

"Promo SM"

Stephan Andersen
Stephan Andersen - 11.04.2023 23:51

We are using javascript because we have to, not because we want to? That's crazy talk. Who's "we" in that statement. Agree with you on Vue , then you lost me at the end.

Samuel Mork Bednarz
Samuel Mork Bednarz - 06.04.2023 16:57

I've been a massive Vue fan ever since Vue 2 and that entusiasm has only grown. I use react for work and I keep dabbeling with Svelte but there's just a million reasons why I think Vue is better. It's the fine grained reactivity which lets me trust that only the things I update in the code will update, unlike react that rerenders your entire component every time and leads to constant sideffects that way. Its the composition api that beautifully lets me access that underlying reactivity. Its the SFC that lets me build with pure html, pure js and pure css all in the same component for a clean self contained component block.

And with v-bind() I even have a simple way to send data from JS to my css which is something Svelte doesnt even have with its SFC. Its how incredibly flexible the reactivity API is. Unlike Svelte where I have to switch APIs inside or outside the component, in vue its the same API everywhere with pretty much the same DX, or a very little tradeoff for a very big jump in consistency and flexibility. In fact Vues reactivity is so self contained and simple to move around that you can move it entirerly out of vue if you want. Someone even did that for react. Theres a package called reactivue that literally just imports vues reactivity functions and lets you use vue reactivity in react. And the performance of Vue is about to jump up with Vue vapor, which they are working on this year.

In fact, right now the most perfomant framework out there is solid.js. Which actually has the same fine grained reactivity approach as vue, and its signals API is actually the exact same as vue refs. But the diffirence is that Solid does not use a vdom. Evan You realized by looking at Solid that they didnt really need a vdom either and thats where they could get back a lot of performance. And Ryan, the author of Solid, has actually said openly that when Vue Vapor lands he expects Vue to have the same performance as solid which would actually make Vue one of the best performing frameworks.

Apparantly Evan You will be talking about the progress of vue vapor in a London confrence next month. He said so on twitter, so its worth paying attention to what he puts out there. Im more excited than ever and I was very excited when vue 3 came out too. Im putting all my money on vue this year for sure

Pyotr Growpotkin
Pyotr Growpotkin - 17.03.2023 12:22

Sticking with Vue components, in an Astro project ^^

Radim Höfer
Radim Höfer - 16.03.2023 12:51

Svelte is more a complier than framework. The big advantage is that you don't have to ship the library as production dependency

pstoa - 16.03.2023 10:14

Vue is awesome. I'm looking into Solidjs because of Vue "vapor" (coming later this year) a new Solidjs-inspired compilation strategy. No more vdom and even better performance! I enjoy both now 🙂

GL technologies
GL technologies - 16.03.2023 07:12

i agree i built my startup gorillaterminal usign vue3 composition api, no regrets, very readable code

Perceptive - 16.03.2023 00:39

