Top 10 MMORPGs You Should Play In 2023!

Top 10 MMORPGs You Should Play In 2023!


1 год назад

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Hitman89 - 22.07.2023 19:16

Lemme know if I missed some good ones!
Next we'll have the best third person games! 🤩

Audio0411 - 25.10.2023 07:36

That auction site looked to me like RMT which shouldn't be sponsored by most gamers as it will turn non pay to win games into semi-pay to win. Sure you can just play your favorite game all day and just sell gold, but RMT and micro transactions are kind of why games are sucking. The games are just built around ways for them to get money out of you instead of being fun rewarding experiences. Might have also might want to mention how the game monetizes in the current year as that stuff can change.

Wolfie - 24.10.2023 16:57

ESO is a lot better than what he and it's not so easy once you start getting into the specially they have a lot more to the game such as PVP

13th Moon
13th Moon - 24.10.2023 13:43

if only New World got SEA server, ill stick to em'.

King Mark
King Mark - 23.10.2023 19:17

I'm really excited about the DGaaS model. I think it's the future of gaming, and I'm glad to see that The Legends of Bezogia is at the forefront of this innovation.

Carl Pearce
Carl Pearce - 20.10.2023 23:19

Seems like the list been the same for the past like 5 years. nothing new.

Red - 20.10.2023 00:30

XIV: all i do when i go on xiv is go to a venue, stand somewhere, chat with my friends, that's it, the content is boring af UNLESS it's a new expansion cycle, but after the expansion it again, becomes boring. Played it since 1.0 and just quit it yesterday, recently it has gone really down hill, the community is super passive aggressive now or plain toxic, it's very awkward.

GW2, I played it since closed beta until they went F2P or w/e, when I went back I didn't know wtf was happening, overwhelming and left the same day lol.

I think I might go back to BDO, at least the combat is fun.

It's sad the MMOs that people recommend are very old games, nothing new is interesting, the MMO genre is stale af as of late, it's sad xD

Digitalspider - 17.10.2023 09:33

How are people so dense to say bdo is "one of the best looking graphics" no no it’s not lmao it looks shit and it’s janky as hell and I thought new world was bad

nummz07 - 15.10.2023 18:17

I so want get into WOW but not worth it. So much p2w and if you never played you got start so far behind other players

mar - 10.10.2023 21:10

why there is no normal mmorpg combining all best of nice grafick impresing storry ok starting zones and nice future skill upgrading. I wish there was interesting game with great grafic and nice performance till you hit hinght level then something more inpresive to being best

mar - 10.10.2023 21:08

all of these exept gw2 is crappy grafick like i wnt to my grandmas house and asking her tell stories of her life

NoBlanc_ - 10.10.2023 17:17

id play final fantasy, but its way to expensive

Ray P
Ray P - 09.10.2023 19:19

Mmorpg games don't satisfy me anymore. They need to start evolving mmo's. Their all boring and repetitive now

Char Williams
Char Williams - 09.10.2023 12:56

"broke mf'ers" 😂🤣

o_o - 09.10.2023 09:41

sigh again the same list of mmos BDO,WOW,FF.. do you guys not have any originality? one can do a simple google search and all the games mentioned will pop up..if u not done any digging into mmos that are not already widely known your video is pointless

Levi Brandt
Levi Brandt - 09.10.2023 07:33

It's really sad and disappointing that the mmorpg genre has been at such a slump. I do like FFXIV, Runescape, WoW, GW2, and many other that we have, but I mean, is it asking too much for just ONE game that can be an all round okay game? doesn't have to be splendid, but be optimized, immersive, give liberty to the player (crafting that's worth it, foraging that is rewarding, player markets that properlly work, a combat system that doesn't rely purelly on button mashing). The best combats that i personally think were the best in latest games were PSO2's fluid combat with its good skill customization and combo potential, while still being relativelly punishing for mistakes, New World's minimallistic combat approach with few skills but with a need to master every single one of them. These two games really stuck with me for a big time because of these and other features, but many many times i was absolutely sick and tired of all of the limitations and shitty mechanics that were put there for no reason at all, everyone knows that mounts are a need in mmorpgs, and new world is only adding it now, and you still need to buy the expansion. hell no im not buying it just to have to deal with shitty servers, having to wait loads of time to get one item because there is a 10 min respawn time and there are other 10 players trying to get the same item at the same time, totally unoptimized graphics (i have a gtx 1060 6gb, i know it isnt incredible, but i can play the new God of War, cyberpunk, the witcher, all with medium-high graphics at 1080p, but when i play New World it just doesnt work, and no its not my ram or cpu, both are really good). BASICALLY, i think i speak for at least a portion of the community when i say that we need something thats made with love and care, a good story that wont be repetitive (walk here, do that, kill that guy), good combat mechanics, actually customizable builds, not just "this has a higher gear score so i'll go with that" heck, i want to be able to create gear, builds and level my skills as if im in skyrim. I really pray that in the next titles we get something that wont be a first week wonder and die right after cuz the magic is gone and the bugs, crap AI, lack of freedom, whatever made people give up... Imagine if we could have a game with current gen graphics, an easy to learn, hard to master combat system without the typical button mashing skill spam, enough freedom to gather ingredients and materials to make potions, foods, equipment that actually were useful (I know there are games like lost ark that have some of those traits, i just dont play it cuz personally I dont feel any fun in games with that kind of camera and auto attack mechanics cuz it makes most acions seem way too simple), enemies punishing enough to be able to actually pose a threat and not be just another mindless shell that just swings a sword and follows you around, make AI that can be challenging... i could write more but i really doubt anyone is going to read that much stuff lol

Ghost - 08.10.2023 07:01

POE is not a MMORPG wtf !!

sf - 05.10.2023 19:38

70k views and 350 likes, lol.

Assassin Cobra
Assassin Cobra - 05.10.2023 17:16

final fantazy old and crap game.... disliked.

Findyification - 02.10.2023 19:43

Lost ark sadly became tedious because lots of idiot CANT DODGE in dungeon

Coldbreeze productions
Coldbreeze productions - 01.10.2023 01:32

PoE is not an mmorpg 😊

Blackwolf - 29.09.2023 05:06

Loved the wow introduction 😂😂😂 made me give. U a follow

Dark Dreams
Dark Dreams - 27.09.2023 07:44

All trash and old games

Nightcodex - 26.09.2023 14:25

promoting RMT in a video , YIKES MAN

cdog13 head gamer
cdog13 head gamer - 25.09.2023 23:44

final fantasy 14 is dogwater

Xavier Guillaume
Xavier Guillaume - 25.09.2023 18:13

I feel like mmorpgs are dead. All these games are hella old. 😂

B A - 25.09.2023 17:05

I missed your fifa gk test videos xd

Visor Overwatch
Visor Overwatch - 25.09.2023 15:08

BDO is the type of MMO, that, even thou it is good, and I currently play it, ppl shouldn't play it at all since its a huge timesink, not to mention it will keep your electric bill high if you play it the Devs intended it to be played, which is you stay logged in 24/7.

Random avg human🏳️‍🌈⃠
Random avg human🏳️‍🌈⃠ - 24.09.2023 11:00

Good list tbh, its sad that we didnt get good mmorpgs in recent years

MoFromUpSide - 24.09.2023 00:26

they all look horrible. I cant wait for Tarisland with some great graphics and playable characters. cant wait for november

Fluff Muffin
Fluff Muffin - 21.09.2023 00:34

Crafting is not fun in Final Fantasy it's hell.

𝙄𝘾𝙃𝙄𝙂𝙊 𝙆𝙐𝙍𝙊𝙎𝘼𝙆𝙄 - 19.09.2023 22:54

what about New World? Next month will be updated, what u think?
will it have a surge or at least an increase in the influx of players?

G H - 18.09.2023 13:10

ngl all of them are shit

nuggett Scout
nuggett Scout - 17.09.2023 00:17

youre garbage for showing off the website, youre a sell out

Elias Carlsson
Elias Carlsson - 16.09.2023 23:37

bro didnt even show what Lost ark is lol

M - 13.09.2023 15:47

Did you seriously just take a sponsorship from a gold selling website.......

SpeedSTAR-sakul sakul
SpeedSTAR-sakul sakul - 13.09.2023 07:58

fuck off moba hady mmorpgs fucking gamer omg

Arious - 13.09.2023 00:14

different video, same games...

Ghote - 05.09.2023 20:41

You nail the commentary, good vid. GW2 is phenomenal until you hit 80. Pure mess from there out in which you need to cheeze the game to progress. Huge time sink and waste.

Motaz Alatrash
Motaz Alatrash - 01.09.2023 09:00

albion online

Mohamed Magdy
Mohamed Magdy - 27.08.2023 16:26

Why Swtor is not on the list? 😥

Rayman - 27.08.2023 02:20

lmao "i didnt get pussy for the summer or the following summer" that was an instant subscribe

DrAn0nymy0us - 26.08.2023 22:58

still the same like 3 years ago

Richard Kim
Richard Kim - 26.08.2023 11:05

Is Wayfinder pay2win becaise on Steam it's really negative reviews

Twin-Nick - 26.08.2023 00:51

No new world?

Dwayne 'The Brock' Lesnar
Dwayne 'The Brock' Lesnar - 18.08.2023 16:29

wayfinder has mostly negative reviews on steam lol

PeLiCaNuL JJBA - 15.08.2023 00:55

i think bless unleashed its better than black desert or lost ark

Ultraseven - 14.08.2023 23:44

suck video.
