Times Marvel Changed The Infinity Saga (Phase 3) 2/2

Times Marvel Changed The Infinity Saga (Phase 3) 2/2


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@alexlupian4440 - 28.02.2024 05:31

Nah bruh there in shambles

@sindhumnair - 28.02.2024 07:26

i loved runaways

@statelessfgc1069 - 28.02.2024 08:39

Marvel wanting to distance themselves from streaming is absolutely hilarious now that they keep dropping dud after dud on Disney+

@atharvasharma777 - 28.02.2024 15:16

Well tom holland said he will be lucky to play Spiderman for the rest of his life so his statement changes from time to time 😅😅😅😅

Holland will be still young even after another trilogy and three team up movies and may continue to appear as Spiderman with Miles morales still being the centre so anything can happen

@navaneeshtv7653 - 28.02.2024 15:37

Sony just doesnt know how to make mony

@davidbrowne5969 - 28.02.2024 17:20

I wish craving the hunter was in the MCU he could have been hired by claw and to see the defenders fight along side the averagers

@arttime5063 - 28.02.2024 18:03

Disney unfairly fired a friend of mine and gave no reason for it. They also told him to his face that he was: "Too white, too straight, and too male." At this rate, I don't just hate Marvel bc it's sucking, but also bc of how terrible Disney has gotten.

@KingOmegaZyro - 28.02.2024 18:30

Sony being stingy with character rights just pissess me off, but even still, I'll never forgive Disney Marvel for what they've done after Endgame

@derekbrown6161 - 28.02.2024 19:25

Seeing Bruce become prof hulk on screen would have been great, but the bigger mistake was him not getting a rematch with thanos in either film. The fight between thanos and Carol should have been thanos being beaten down by a Bruce/hulk using shocking amounts of rage and intelligence.

@hiroshiramasendjews9539 - 29.02.2024 01:06

Sony just loves fucking shit up😂

@CaptainCat101 - 29.02.2024 07:26

Thanks Sony

@AzureVoltic - 29.02.2024 16:54

Endgame was the downfall of the MCU.

@thegrimreaper5032 - 29.02.2024 17:23

I’m sorry, were the skrull good guys or not?

@ninjamanx320 - 29.02.2024 20:53

Ryan cougar would probably did a better job with the character craving the hunter in Black panther then Sony would of

@Art_uprising1 - 01.03.2024 19:36

Well, even the I infinite saga changed less because the new movies are completely rewriting most, if not about, all of their new movies.

@VertiDOOM - 03.03.2024 11:44

I liked inhumans, but I never knew it was canon

@THEFANBOY - 05.03.2024 01:04

Can you do phase 4?

@upcomingexpat - 05.03.2024 02:08

The trailer for Kraven is trash as well. They would save millions because its going to bomb.

@upcomingexpat - 05.03.2024 02:10

The Skrulls didn't resonate with the fans. I have an idea. Let's spend over $200 million on a TV series and water down the product.

@6n100ent - 06.03.2024 09:25

Bro getting the Disney checks now 😮

@Burger_Burglar - 06.03.2024 10:59

Run aways is Hella under rated

@Doltri. - 06.03.2024 12:21

yo i’m not gonna lie they need to give all rights to every marvel hero they have Or…yk idk USE SPIDER-MAN LIKE WTF😭

@SirNickOfCymbals - 11.03.2024 16:38

Cut Marvel some slack? Explain The Marvels ...

@m4gic_graham - 12.03.2024 01:15

“cut marvel some slack” bro shut up. don’t support ts

@doncujo6762 - 14.03.2024 12:03

there’s so much wrong with these “facts”

@pugman9672 - 21.03.2024 23:15

God it sucks being a Hulk fan and an Mcu fan.

@TheBeaverFiles - 24.03.2024 20:01

Thank you

@ItzzGoop - 11.05.2024 03:51

I can’t cut any slack if they still makin great movies…. Well for phases 1-3 that is 4 has been a little iffy only movies and shows I like are No way home, Shang Chi, Loki Antman 3 (Bring back he who shall not be named) and most of the Disney Plus shows can’t think of all of them but u catch my drift

@viraanshverma5187 - 09.06.2024 14:23


@BobBob-og6cr - 13.06.2024 17:41

It‘s not a milkshake, it‘s Horchata!

@CrashTM657 - 13.06.2024 19:45

I wish they brought in the defenders too bad Kevin feige wouldn’t allow it

@ionceateataco2386 - 14.06.2024 18:39

love how they wanted to distance themselves from tv shows & now it makes up the majority of new mcu content lol

@Doggo_is_sus - 15.06.2024 18:51

Marvel was always lacking at some areas. But they were also giving excellent projects alongside so we didn't see them lacking. But now almost all projects are just trash to mid so we can actually feel it.

@fantasyrealm5960 - 15.06.2024 19:03

Kraven woulda been cool but kilmonger became my favorite villain, I even put him above thanos

@Cinder527 - 15.06.2024 22:25

“Guys leave the billion dollar company alone” ahh video

@JalenRoberson-b8z - 16.06.2024 07:08

Sony just needs to give up spider man at this point because like there movies aren’t working.
Like the venom movies they are alright, like there mid. But morbious and madame complete F ing garbage.

@jesustapped - 18.06.2024 19:56

Negative on cutting slack. The people have spoken with their dollars, we don't want sub-par, derivitive "feminist" products. Antman 3, The Marvels, She-Hulk, Thor Love and Blunder, Hawkeye have all tanked with general audiences. We want more adult content and they aren't listening too well. This is why we criticize, because we care and want to see them make content for the people, not a small group who don't buy tickets. Stop adapting storylines that didn't sell or changing the sauce ( She-Hulk - in the comics Jen Walters was mousy, not some girl-boss).

@ChidiebereNdubuisi-l3o - 16.07.2024 02:35

marvel just do better u even screwed up x men😂 do better !

@swganimations - 04.08.2024 01:02

Duuude kraven vs black Panther would have been INSANEE but it would have made sense if spidey went up against him first

@__Soya__ - 11.08.2024 06:53


@valvinny9547 - 18.09.2024 20:47

Damn i wish i saw the defenders in the avengers and i wish thr inhuamns was better it was just not good

And runaways so far I just watched the first season is mehhh you know

@daniellang4190 - 30.09.2024 19:28

Well that’s lot I didn’t know

@jakubgodyn7413 - 31.10.2024 03:56

It's not that they lost confidence in Inhumans. That movie was forced on to Kevin by then-boss of Marvel (I forgot his name) He was overall pretty terrible and wanted to cut the budget of Civil War so Kevin decided enough is enough and went over his head to Disney and said he is quitting if he has to work under that guy. So Disney made Marvel Studios independent to rest of Marvel, and Kevin was now directly under The Mouse with no middle man in between. The first thing Kevin did? He canceled Inhumans movie

@dylansharp8471 - 05.01.2025 21:33

According to the MCU Wiki, Ryan Coogler and another guy thought about bringing in Elijah Bradley (Patriot) in the first Black Panther movie.
Also, I forget, did you mention how they thought about having Hawkeye appear in Winter Soldier?

@Colessolovids - 18.02.2025 05:43

Oh we know there is phase 4 issues but let’s not go there

@ryanstauffer119 - 25.02.2025 16:46

It's a good thing they used Killmonger instead because then he would have been the only villain for Chadwick would have ever had for a Black Panther movie. Don't get me wrong, I would have liked to see Kraven in a Black Panther movie too. Maybe when the MCU gets its reboot from Secret Wars, we can see it happen. And hopefully it'll be a better version of Kraven than what Sony did. It does make me think about how Kraven was supposed to be the villain of Tom Holland's Spider-Man 3.

@Thebatfamilystherapist - 02.03.2025 02:05


@GCB-2008 - 03.03.2025 07:13

Are the abc shows canon? I thought it was just netflix and Disney shows that were. If ao ive been rewatching mcu all wrong.

@leonschroder7791 - 10.03.2025 02:56

Whaaat the defenders im Infinity war and Endgame were fire 🥺🥺

@DoomBlazer - 26.02.2024 19:17

While nearly every internal Marvel conversation is being leaked & debated on. If we were all as aware in that era, folks would have been saying the MCU was “dead” after Thor 1. We need to chill on the speculations- they’ve never mattered.
