17 Computer Tips You'll WISH You Knew Sooner

17 Computer Tips You'll WISH You Knew Sooner


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@RKingis - 28.05.2024 07:18

Most of the time you don't need to type the file extension to run it.

@RKingis - 28.05.2024 07:11

Wait, why run cmd if shutdown is a command line program? Just use a higher number for time.

@russellstyles5381 - 26.05.2024 01:03

"@" also works well. "~" to force it to end.

@dzxtricks - 25.05.2024 04:17

Use Windirstat, or actually Wiztree (bunch faster) if you're out of storage. You'll be surprised how much you can delete after you know this godsend program😊

@combicomce649 - 22.05.2024 23:49

Disable sticky keys. Especially for gamers.

@TravisTennies - 19.05.2024 15:55

Very good. Subscribed. I hope to make good videos soon! Days away! Lol

@nalcedbrw - 19.05.2024 03:39


@stickoutofthemud - 14.05.2024 04:57

Sheesh, guys! Now I have to print the entire comment trail as my new "Tips 'n' Tricks for Windows."

@stickoutofthemud - 14.05.2024 04:37

If you're going to put dates in filenames, be smart about it: 2024-05-13-2137. Apart from mentioning that I rarely enter the time, I'm not 'splainin' any further because obvious.

@BriefNerdOriginal - 12.05.2024 09:10

Exclamation mark is as special character, so it's deprecated to use for file naming. Use a - instead

@couzin2000 - 10.05.2024 15:38

Tip: When viewing FileExplorer in detailed mode (recommended), hit CTRL- + (easiest way is the left CTRL key and the right + key on the keypad). This expands all columns to their necessary viewing size, so you can see the entire column contents as you scroll down.

@jdtubaman - 09.05.2024 04:20

RE: Turning it off and back again. This only works on computers that do not have fast boot turned on. While you are correct in the past it meant clearing out the memory better, with modern systems this has not been the case. The reason is hibernation. Hibernation basically puts everything from memory on to the hard drive, and then when it boots up, it loads everything that was in memory back to memory. This totally defeats the purpose of what you are saying.

If you want to do that, you want to teach people about hybernation... or, just teaching them about using actual reboot as the whole memory thing has been fixed.

TL/DR this is old information that is just not true anymore.

@Palmtop_User - 09.05.2024 00:57

Ive used ! and _ to put things first in a directory mostly for dos and dos like environments

@feynstein1004 - 04.05.2024 23:48

As with reddit, the real pro tips are in the comments 😉

@nikirose7673 - 03.05.2024 04:20

Some good stuff here ... Love the Shift + Right Click, I didn't know about that. I've been using the reg hack for ages but I quite like the tidiness of the reduced W11 context menu. So this is a great tip for me.

Ctrl Backspace/Delete is a v useful one too ( I just discovered that Ctrl + cursor arrows also works in the same way for navigating text), and I really like the "Reboot to BIOS" shortcut.

@Ima-hoot - 03.05.2024 03:11

I scan a lot of documents. I have a back up and then throw away or shred the documents. OCR is wonderful !

@PlanetLinuxChannel - 30.04.2024 13:06

Regarding the downloading of manuals, I have my car’s manual saved to my phone, so if I ever need to refer to it for maintenance or to figure out how something works, I always have it on-hand to search for text in the PDF, and don’t need to flip through hundreds of pages to find what I’m looking for.

@Shahnazi2002 - 29.04.2024 23:41

Good 👌

@ChaosSlave51 - 29.04.2024 23:19

Where is the motherboard manual? Oh it's on the computer that's not booting...

@EIRE55 - 29.04.2024 20:08

I love to learn something new each and every day. Today, I've learnt at least 17 new tricks. Thanks everyone!!!😊

@ShawnClarady - 28.04.2024 20:35

You can now also enable sudo in windows to run a command as admin.

@Lord0lives - 27.04.2024 22:46

CTRL + SHIFT + Enter - Run As Administrator
WIN + 1 through 0 - Opens pinned shortcuts on taskbar in order of appearance.
WIN + Pause/Brake - Windows About screen
WIN + E - Opens File Explorer

@justdontJD - 27.04.2024 20:52

I've always put a 0 (zero) in front of the files I want at the top. Also works well.

@vladimirmijatovic4171 - 26.04.2024 23:48

Thank you so much for showing me that Microsoft Power Toys existed! As for delayed restart, I thought that was the relic of the old days where HDDs weren't supposed to be restarted quickly due to their mechanic nature. I guess some things persevered for different reasons.

@s.baskaravishnu22 - 26.04.2024 09:49

Many thanks

@joebob2311productions - 26.04.2024 07:03

I hate how much Windows 11 pushes power saving and eco this eco that. Like why is this a default. Let me use the electricity I pay for as I please

@cambabiak - 25.04.2024 04:40

My favorite part of your tips videos, is to see how many I already know/use.

@shyshy1894 - 23.04.2024 19:33

I only know of the exclamation mark trick because people on Discord always put one in front of their names to show up at the top of a voice call or members list 😅

@TheExileFox - 23.04.2024 17:50

Funnily enough putting UAC to the highest setting might cause issues with industrial/commercial software and drivers. Like Autodesk, Konica Minolta, Mitsubishi, Samsung, Siemens, etc

@fargoththemoonsugarmaniac - 21.04.2024 10:30

more like 17 windows tips

@serpent77 - 21.04.2024 06:30

Instead of using the context (i.e. "Right Click") menu to open a cmd or powershell window at that location, just type "cmd" or "powershell", without the quotes, in the textbox where the path is displayed. A window will open there ready for your next command.

@jamie4825 - 21.04.2024 00:25

first one is why .minecraft is at the top of your appdata folder

@LifeAsANoun - 20.04.2024 03:18

i'm from a time when doing #1 would break the spacetime continuum.

@user-le2fp7zx4c - 19.04.2024 17:06

you can minimize, maximize or restore windows without mouse by pressing ALT+SPACE and then N (or X or R, etc) and you can also move them with arrow keys!

@david_ssgd - 19.04.2024 15:45

F2 to rename files, I use it all the time
Windows key + L to lock the screen

@iknownothing495 - 19.04.2024 11:40

Best tip for someone who has never used a computer: See that 'ON/OFF' button? NEVER push it when it's in OFF position..!!!! It'll save you a lot of problems.

@MichaelOhff - 19.04.2024 10:58

Most operational issues can be resolved with a restart, rather than a shut down and turn back on. As the Restart entirely stops all system processes, including the Windows kernel, then restarts the system from scratch. Restart continues to function how it always has and is not affected by the Fast Startup feature.

While shutdown does turn off your computer, it may not be as off as you think thanks to Fast Startup. With Fast Startup enabled, shutdown puts your computer into a hybrid hibernation state. Unlike the traditional hibernation state, which saves the user state, Fast Startup only saves your Windows kernel state into the hibernation file. This information is loaded the next time you start your device to reduce boot times.

@foxus-a113 - 19.04.2024 00:17

Here are some stuff I use regularly which blew my mind when I found out.

Windows key + 1, 2, 3... helps to navigate in open programs very easily. The numbers follow the order in taskbar.

Win+E to open file explorer quickly.

Alt+enter or Alt+left click opens the Properties for file you selected immediately.

In nearly all programs, there are always alt shortkeys, the underlined letter is the corresponding shortkey. Also in the context menu, you don't even have to use Alt key, for example to create a new folder quickly, you can just right click + w f.

@jsutbule - 18.04.2024 21:55

Lshift+Lalt+Numlock lets you control your mouse with the numpad.
5 for clicking. (clicks and releases on the same frame)
0 for holding.
. for releasing.
4X6 for moving.
/ to set 5 to left click,
* for left and right,
- for right.
+ for double clicking (two frames)

@WildFyr - 18.04.2024 20:31

Don't know if this comment will be buried, but I wanted to know if you had ever heard of Revouninstaller. I came across this program whilst looking for better ways to remove old programs and wanted to know if it would be a good program to use

@tabularasa0606 - 18.04.2024 00:16

I would not use characters that are special characters in URIs for filenames. They will cause problems in some cases. "#%&!?@+:;'"<>" These can cause a lot of problems.

@GLITCHGUITAR - 17.04.2024 17:43

Just wondering, why do you have a Geiger counter? Noticed it in your scanned manuals list.

@untitled_paint - 17.04.2024 14:03

Type "cmd" or "powershell" in the address bar of file explorer to open cmd/powershell in the directory.

@ClariNerd - 17.04.2024 13:49

A lot of the windows specific ones could be simplified by using Linux Mint.
