The complex evolution of homo sapiens - 1,000,000 to 30,000 years ago

The complex evolution of homo sapiens - 1,000,000 to 30,000 years ago

Stefan Milo

2 года назад

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Alan Whitworth
Alan Whitworth - 17.09.2023 13:33

Why are you holding a plastic spoon ???

tolo tolo
tolo tolo - 17.09.2023 03:57

Simulation for stimulation ends with deception

NEM - 16.09.2023 18:10

What's the story with the spoon? 🥄

Jaime Bernate
Jaime Bernate - 16.09.2023 16:25

I hope you get this message, but I’m curious about this new theory that’s coming out of Australia, where they are claiming that some origins of man came out of Australia and not Africa. I’m curious what your thoughts are on that?

Kenny Orton
Kenny Orton - 16.09.2023 12:46

I'm pretty sure it's just a simulation. Why is the biggest question.

Jason w
Jason w - 16.09.2023 05:26

What accent is this sounds like new Zealand and England had a baby

Neanderthal Man
Neanderthal Man - 14.09.2023 02:28

YSTR variation age [Time of Most Recent Common Ancestor] (Genomics)

African Exodus:
"Extra Archaic" - 1.866 million years before present(ybp)
"Super Archaic" - 1.352 million ybp (0% - 4% "Extra Archaic" admixture)
Neanderthal/Denisovan - 516 thousand(k) ybp (1% - 8% "Super Archaic" admixture)
Eurasian Early Modern Human - about 59 k ybp (2% - 6% Archaic admixture)

Neanderthal Man
Neanderthal Man - 14.09.2023 02:28

Sapiens Y-Haplogroup:
pre-A0 235.9 k ybp (Southern Africa)
A (*B) 174.3 k ybp (South Africa)
B (*E) 111.1 k ybp (Central Africa)
A(3) 107.6 k ybp (East Africa)
E(1a)(*F) 80 k ybp (North Central West Africa)
F* (CF)(H*G) 58.9 k ybp (India)
F2 (J*)(IJ*K) 57.5 k ybp (Arabia)
K(L*T) 55.8 k ybp (Pakistan)
K* 54.9 k ybp (Melanesia)
K1a (O*N) 50.3 k ybp (East Asia)
C* 49 k ybp (Indonesia)
K2b2 (P*RQ) 46.5 k ybp (North Eurasia)
First Australasians 43.4 k ybp
E1b1b 42.6 k ybp (North Africa)
K2b2a (R1*) 39 k ybp (Europe/Central Asia)
K2b2a1 (R1a) 35.7 k ybp (East Europe)
IJ (J2*I) 33.3 k ybp (Near East)
K2b2a1b (R1b) 31.7 k ybp (West Europe)
G* 26.7 k ybp (East Iran)
C2 23.6 k ybp (Mongolia/Kazakhstan)
G2 19.2 k ybp (North Caucasus)
Q 17.2 k ybp (Americas)
N 11.8 k ybp (North Asia)
Wheat Common Ancestor 11.7 k ybp
T 8.1 k ybp (Southwest Asia)
Agriculture Arrives Europe
I2* 7.7 k ybp (Balkans)
E1b1b1b 6.9 k ybp (Levant/Near East)
G2a2 5.7 k ybp (Central Europe)
I1 (I2a2a) 5 k ybp (North Europe)
D 4.3 k ybp (Sporadic)
J2b 3.5 k ybp (East Mediterranean)
E1b1b1a1a 2.9 k ybp (Mediterranean Southeast Europe)
E1b1b1a1* 2.2 k ybp (Italy)

Pablo Picard
Pablo Picard - 14.09.2023 00:02

Told my girlfriend that I wasn't homo but i was erectus

Rick Richards
Rick Richards - 12.09.2023 20:01

Stefan, I was stuck in a religion that caused me to deny evolution for 35 years. I escaped and am a free thinker today. I appreciate that YOU are creating this easily digestible and informative content to educate people like me providing evidence based thinking that challenges young earth creationism.

Obong Haron
Obong Haron - 12.09.2023 06:18

Why are chimpanzees still in their past status upto date. What happened to the reminants.
I think if they are our origin then their status should as well change coz of evolution, however, first clarify on that.

Kris - 12.09.2023 04:06

Why the spoon

Mixflix Dark Energy Creations
Mixflix Dark Energy Creations - 11.09.2023 17:43

Nice presentation!

Kevin Risner
Kevin Risner - 10.09.2023 14:16

What gave us that killer edge was hybridizing and evolving for 150,000 yrs in northern Europe during an extremely harsh ice age. Only the smartest and toughest survive to pass on smart tough d.n.a. thats how natural selection works. It's the difference between a European and an african whom stayed in africa and genetically did not have to begin with the genetics with that desire and wonder to explore. Now you know.

Kevin Risner
Kevin Risner - 10.09.2023 13:44

It's globular like a globe. Not glob like snott.

Elliptah - 10.09.2023 07:03

Why's Duke dennis in the thumbnail?

walkergarya - 09.09.2023 14:35

. Most mamals do not see in 3 colors. The gene that allows humans to see yellows, blues and reds is only found in one group of animals, primates of which we are a member species. Some 40 million years ago a gene duplication mutation occurred doubling the OPN1MW gene sensitive to the yellow/green section of the light spectrum and a later mutation of this resulted in the OPN1LW gene that enables primates having this to see the color red. This mutation is unique to primates and as a primate, we too have this form of color vision.

Mark Forster
Mark Forster - 09.09.2023 06:41

Measurable amounts of Carbon-14 have been found in dinosaur bones. Carbon-14 decays completely in 5,730 years.

rg - 08.09.2023 15:38

If ya believe in evolution bullshit! We didn't come from. No damn monkey

cheri lynn fisher
cheri lynn fisher - 08.09.2023 02:40

We're all going back!

Vickie Harris
Vickie Harris - 07.09.2023 21:27

The narrator is dancing around what we all know is evident. Evolution began in africa. This is the same bozo that said Neanderthals had a language..created jewelry...and tried to say that Neanderthals tools were more sophisticated that homo sapiens..what a load of poppycrap he spouts..he wants to change history....NOT!!

Dave Riotto
Dave Riotto - 06.09.2023 01:12

whats up with the spoon man lmao 🙂

jose maria trueba
jose maria trueba - 05.09.2023 18:43

At that level of ancestors we must have had very many different women ancestors besides that L3 woman from Africa. We all are the common descendants of any other women from all over the world, not exclusively from Africa. Crystal clear!

jose maria trueba
jose maria trueba - 05.09.2023 17:49

It's not a matter of time, earlier or later hominids, because different human subspecies coexisted at the same time very much like very different subspecies of dogs coexist today.
It's not difficult to understand at all.

jose maria trueba
jose maria trueba - 05.09.2023 17:13

Some dogs have a very flat face, compared with the least flat face dogs. Looking for a common ancestor looks stupid to me, because the existence of a common ancestor is only a product of the imagination of imaginary fairytales writings.

jose maria trueba
jose maria trueba - 05.09.2023 16:53

I refuse to accept the unproved theory of a single common ancestor.
The evidence shows us that we are the common descendants of God only knows how many different human subspecies. REVERSE EVOLUTION IS A FACT.

The idea of splitting species is a mere production of the imagination of the authors of fairytales. The evidence shows us that very many different human subspecies coexisted and interbreeding was normal, as is between very-very different subspecies, races or types of dogs today.

Evolution has never been divergent splitting species from a single common ancestor, as far as we can demonstrate but just the opposite. Divergent evolution is an unproved theory but CONVERGENT EVOLUTION is a proved fact.

Freefall - 05.09.2023 07:36

I'm no longer sure that modern humans were around 30,000 years ago. I am not even sure modern humans had developed 10,000 years ago. These early humans still had residual eye ridges and behaved more like pre hominids then modern humans.

Duncan Crow
Duncan Crow - 04.09.2023 03:16

Seems crossbreeding and hybridization occured for a long time and no evolution for any of the species involved has been shown to date. Love it.

이 이
이 이 - 03.09.2023 08:34

Evolution of us, shows a black guy in the thumbnail. Wow, just wow, the drone programing in this guya

Justin wax
Justin wax - 02.09.2023 18:56

What if we as modern humans only exist because our ancestors from 100,000 years ago were successful in survival due to eating neanderthals as a staple food supply 😐??

greendesert69 - 01.09.2023 05:45

garbage. utter and complete nonsense. macroecolution was never observed. nothing but lies that a bunch of naive people would rather believe than the truth because the truth is inconvenient and gets in the way of what they want to do

BodyDoc - 29.08.2023 06:07

Stefan, Helicobactor Pylori is found in all humans, yet only causes cancer or ulcers in 10-15% of the population.

Both the acid and the bacteria irritate the lining and cause a sore, or ulcer, to form. At this time, it is unclear how these bacteria spread from person to person. It is also unknown why only a small percentage of people infected with H. pylori – only 10-15% – go on to develop peptic ulcers.

shane walker
shane walker - 28.08.2023 21:32

melatonin is a genetic adaptation and would indicate that our ancestors didn't have it in the interglacial period only added when the earth heated up between glacial period africa was a habitable area when the ice pushed them south so out of africa is a fallacy as we existed before and between interglacial periods

mean he
mean he - 22.08.2023 22:21

You say “our family tree,” like some of us aren’t part Neanderthal! 😂 According to 23andme, I have more Neanderthal variants than 86 percent of people tested.

Shock - 19.08.2023 07:15

I recently read in a linguistics book(Language Families of the World by John McWhorter) that languages, like genetics have the greatest amount of diversity at the source of a particular language family. The idea being that as you move out away from the main group you are no longer adopting new changes in language from the larger group that was left behind. The language and genes are both still changing within the smaller group but slower because there are just less people. Its interesting how something so different as language and genes can have a similar mechanics.

Андрій Шевченко
Андрій Шевченко - 18.08.2023 18:28

The child cannot even eat by himself, he will definitely not be able to survive. How could humanity arise in such a way ? Ihhu

CosmicSiNDHU - 16.08.2023 14:04

Great video shame you had to spoil a wonderful subject on humanity by quoting a racist (Churchill)

ޓކހރ-ލއއބޚ - 16.08.2023 09:14

My college anthropology professors claimed that there was a bottle-necking event (probably before leaving Africa, but I was in college 20 years ago when it was thought we had only left once, maybe twice, but whatever caused this event decimated a smorgasbord of hominid types, and was probably many different events and could be before homo sapiens existed at all...and before this "bottlenecking" event, hominid diversity was enormous, with some that had opposable big toes because they adapted to life in a swampy rainforest and spent most of their lives in the trees, and yet they were not monkeys or apes. Well actually we technically evolved from apes, so these guys would have looked like a mix between us and our australopithacus direct ancestors...and this was a time of tall slow American style football linemen types and 3.5 foot hobbit people). Whatever happened to create this diversity was likely either rapid climate changes that forced adaptation to a wide variety of climate zones, but something catastrophic happened, and the reason we all decend from a single woman, making us all related btw...but whatever happened, it nearly wiped out other branches of our family tree, leaving only 600 breeding pairs that every single person today descends from. Clearly this "L3 mitochondrial dna" matriarch of humanity was popular and and good at the sex...or was more likely unfortunately some kind of ancient sex slave. Or maybe she was the queen and had many consorts, that's the version I like. Maybe she was a black widow who herself caused the bottleneck that left 600 breeding pairs that some how was the mother of humanity...because If you think about it, that means roughly 599 females either didn't produce surviving offspring, or their offspring were all eventually killed off by mitochondrial eve or Mary or Unga the Large Breastled...

handymanny777 - 15.08.2023 23:39

Your channel is AWESOME

melaninsupergurl - 15.08.2023 04:09

Nada just a bunch of human beings of various species engaging in Bestiality with extinct and current apes...just like bigfoots and yetis raping human females of various species and hybridizing with them with not infrequently viable post term offspring...

Confirmed by classified and Black Budget contracts for nearly a Century by many governments of the World Industrial Military Educational Research Complexes.

Tagggu Nanung
Tagggu Nanung - 13.08.2023 11:08

Lord Jesus said, you are the light of world, let your light so shine, before men that they may see, your good works, and give glory to your Father who is in heaven, Mathew 5=14to16, Jesus said to him, I am the way and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father , but by me ,John 14=6 thank you, Praise The Lord Jesus Christ, Amen,

Tagggu Nanung
Tagggu Nanung - 13.08.2023 10:27

Jesus is,the Way, Truth and Life, John 14=6 Jesus is Light, John,1=1 to last, Lord Jesus said, you are light of world,.let your light so shine before men,that they may see your good works and glory to your Father ,who is in heaven ,Mathew 5=14to 16, Praise The Lord Jesus Christ, Amen,

Tagggu Nanung
Tagggu Nanung - 13.08.2023 08:07

Life is for only one time, no 2nd Chance, you also know, chance comes ones Life, believe in Jesus and save your life, thank you very much,

Bojan Bojovic
Bojan Bojovic - 12.08.2023 19:28

It is very difficult to grasp how evolution suddenly found intelligence important around 2 million years ago compared to 3.6 billion years of being really irrelevant for species's ability to survive.

Cosmo Plakat
Cosmo Plakat - 12.08.2023 14:07

This mash-up of various hominid species reminds me of cichlid evolution. These fish are the largest family of vertebrates on earth with approximately 2500 species. The Rift Valley lakes in Africa contain most species (about 1500-1800), all of which evolved from a single lineage. In Lake Victoria alone, it's thought that the 500+ species have all evolved within the last 10,000-15,000 years, and the spectacular differences in size, color, behavior and specialized physical traits are stunning to say the least. Evolution is so amazing.

Tagggu Nanung
Tagggu Nanung - 12.08.2023 11:08

The Holy Bible says do not +or - anything in God's Comandmennt, I do not think I know better, I want to say tell us about, Lord Jesus Christ, thank you very much, Sir,

Claudia - 12.08.2023 03:26

Perhaps they were forced down the cave enemies and died of starvation because the " new" people wanted their land.

Bob Happy
Bob Happy - 11.08.2023 21:21

what a pile of mythological hogwash.

Husky - 09.08.2023 23:32

It‘s so crazy to think that we can only reconstruct who lived on this earth by finding fossils. What if some fossils just got destroyed and will never be found and like there was a whole species in between that we will never know about.
