Rami Malek's comedy timing is pure gold  @OfficialGrahamNorton ⭐️ BBC

Rami Malek's comedy timing is pure gold @OfficialGrahamNorton ⭐️ BBC


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iCarillon inChrist
iCarillon inChrist - 29.09.2023 15:23

Rami Malek is so crushingly adorable !!!

Name - 08.09.2023 21:48

Elliot Alderson acting as Rami Malek

面白神動画音楽funnyVideoGODmusic - 26.04.2023 10:59


Elle Wright
Elle Wright - 29.03.2023 23:16

Gahhhhhhh ED 😍😍😍😍😍
I went the auckland show at the beginning of the year, my very first concert and to say I fell in love is an understatement!
His pedal board broke so we got to hear the first and only time he has played bad habits acapella.
The entire stadium stood up and supported this amazing artist, kiwi style ❤
Needless to say I went home and booked tickets to pink as well lol.
Seeing a concert is a whoooole other experience and I 100 out of 10 recommend it if you haven't!
We love Ed in this house ❤

Kimberly Brandolini
Kimberly Brandolini - 28.10.2022 06:06

Rami and Kimberly Together Forever Promise Love your wife ❤️ 💖

sameh fawzy
sameh fawzy - 04.10.2022 23:57

Rami Malek is the best one who played his role correctly and very, very well. He studied the character's plans very well, and her idea was amazing about the other actors. It is clear that they play what they represent. If Rami Malek was a leading character, the film would be better than the circus to make the good point in the film that Rami Malek The best actor in Hollywood right now is undisputed a smart, hardworking and attractive person who keeps you looking around for him all the time😍🥰💯 💘💘

lieutenantkettch - 30.09.2022 18:11

Love how he says, "Let me tell you what Wembley's like," in his Freddy Mercury voice.

chandrakesh kumar
chandrakesh kumar - 29.09.2022 08:19

Rami malek is a moder day Johnny Depp... Uncanny resemblance) both are quirky

Nicole Theunissen
Nicole Theunissen - 13.08.2022 00:55

🤍of men are cold in the last days 🖤turn now,for What is the deal if you gain the whole world but still lose your own soul 💉🧬💯☠God will judge the world.Repent‼just like in the days of Noah

Aug07broken - 06.08.2022 15:10

Rami is so adorable, i just need to squeeze him!!!🤗

Someone - 17.07.2022 05:56

Well he's Egyptian

Keira Roberts
Keira Roberts - 04.06.2022 04:00

The fact that Ed Sheeran is one of the most successful songwriters ever now and has made millions upon millions and played insane stadiums all over the world - and whilst being interviewed on national TV, he still remembers whereabouts he did a small gig to one child on what looked like a truck at the age of 15. He’s very humble and has really worked his ass off to get to where he is today. I have a lot of time for him. 😁

Eter Puralis
Eter Puralis - 12.04.2022 12:59

If we ever need someone to play Jeff Goldblum

Madelynn Chase
Madelynn Chase - 05.04.2022 16:57

I love how Ed will throw on a suit for Graham and Rami, but turns up to the Grammys in a fuckin t shirt

What a guy

Red Eye Stones
Red Eye Stones - 23.03.2022 19:40

Wow, mislabeled title, huh?

Cali Emm
Cali Emm - 20.03.2022 23:21

What about stars getting involved to stop a bully.....from Russia......what about that?
Way more important ????? ED SAY SOMETHING!

He Ma
He Ma - 19.03.2022 17:23

Rami 's Egyptian origins
is the source of comedy.

Life.with.too.many.animals - 19.03.2022 15:49

I miss the days of the couch, they could interact way differently 😔 ugh COVID.

O. J
O. J - 16.03.2022 23:24

Can’t stand either of these blokes

MMM18092 - 15.03.2022 12:36

I thought Rami Malek was acting in Mr Robot but now I realise he was just being himself on a grumpy day.

Mariposa - 14.03.2022 23:44

“There’s only one chair and it’s not sold out.” Hilarious!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Maxine Catalano
Maxine Catalano - 04.03.2022 21:25

You have see Rami Malek on SNL with the 3 writers

Cassandra Devine
Cassandra Devine - 04.03.2022 15:18

Being shortsighted helps, specs off and sing to the exit sign is what I've done in Amateur theatre.
Just an Amateur that loves performance arts

Cyro Jay Fullero
Cyro Jay Fullero - 02.03.2022 04:25

Let me tell you what Wembley is like..

it's like punching an hole through the sky
and stealing the show ..

Imagine Freddie actually telling that to Ed 😁

BluSpykz - 16.02.2022 10:35

Rami Malek has a peculiar eccentricity about him; it'd be a joy to watch him and Jeff Goldblum together in a movie.

Murray Britton
Murray Britton - 03.02.2022 11:00

It’s not, at least not here. What a terrible click baity title

Cung Cung
Cung Cung - 01.02.2022 20:08

Rami Malek is a comedic genius

Goldy Twatus
Goldy Twatus - 01.02.2022 16:20

lowkey emoji? emoji emoji? no cap BBC?

Jesus Is-Coming-Soon
Jesus Is-Coming-Soon - 01.02.2022 00:49

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

Repent and turn away from your sins and seek Jesus alone for forgiveness. He is coming back soon!  The world will get increasingly worse from here just like birth pains intensify.  Trust Him while there is still time.  Eternity is forever - we live forever in either Heaven or Hell. The choice is ours.
The  consequences of our sins is death.  God doesn't send us to hell.  Our sin separates us from God.  The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:23).  God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him (Jesus) should not perish but have everlasting life.  John 3:16.  It doesn't matter what you've done - -period. He just wants you to repent and turn to Him.  Today isn't too late no matter what you've done but tomorrow may be.  Who knows what will happen tomorrow - we are not guaranteed another day here.

Haven't experienced Him? Have you tried seeking Him?  The Bible says God rewards those who diligently seek Him.  Hebrews 11:6.  Ask Him to show you the Truth. Earnestly.  Eternity is a long time to be wrong.

Jesus Is-Coming-Soon
Jesus Is-Coming-Soon - 01.02.2022 00:49

The world economies must fail in order to bring in the one world order/great reset/new world order and the antichrist will rise up and demand to be worshipped. He will demand a everyone take a mark in their forehead or right hand to work, shop, pay bills, buy groceries, etc. If you don't worship him you will die. If you take the mark, you will go to hell. People will lie to you and tell you that you can still go to Heaven. That is not true - do not be deceived.  Read the Bible for yourself, read the Book of Revelation.  Know the Word for yourself so you are not deceived.
Jesus is coming soon for his Church and things will get much much worse after that as God's wrath will be poured out.  Seek Jesus today.  Do not assume you will be willing to seek Him then when you aren't willing to now and there will be MUCH deception.  God bless you. He truly loves all of you, no matter what you've done and wants none to perish but ALL to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9.

flu -x
flu -x - 30.01.2022 17:02

loved Rami Malek 's acting in MrRobot

Daniel Weicht
Daniel Weicht - 29.01.2022 23:21

Well, I lived in Suffolk for 10 years.

Jerry Wood
Jerry Wood - 28.01.2022 17:21

Malek, worst ever bond villain

captainredbond - 27.01.2022 15:50

Rule #1: If you ever meet anyone from Suffolk they will always make sure you don’t forget it

My Media Archive
My Media Archive - 22.01.2022 13:18

Rami is brilliant in No Time To Die.

Mudpluggs - 16.01.2022 13:49

daniel craig felt like a cohost here

Nathalie Dionne
Nathalie Dionne - 13.01.2022 17:47

I would never know Ed sheeran is British. He hides that accent so well when he sings. But such a beautiful accent when he talks. Him and rami and Daniel Craig especially his blue eyes.

Becky hazlett
Becky hazlett - 12.01.2022 18:08

Ed has really come along way. Yea his hair is still red and his eyebrows nearly invisible. AND bonus his music is great as well. Ed has probably never understood the qualities he counts as weird are things that set him apart from many other artist. He does stand out for all the right reasons.

89strangelove - 08.01.2022 01:05

that's how you become ed sheeran. WORK HARD.

heyoka Ikaggen
heyoka Ikaggen - 07.01.2022 22:38

Rami Malek the new Jeff Goldblum

Hyando MG
Hyando MG - 07.01.2022 14:05

I heard an Ed Sheeran's song once, it was way better than I expected.

Antonina Cawley
Antonina Cawley - 02.01.2022 04:57

. . . . . ,

Garden of Eden
Garden of Eden - 19.12.2021 03:51

one thing that really pisses me off about this show is how bloody random the guests are, like, they’re never related in any way, they’ll get an american B lister and a random english A-D lister. it’s like they pick names out of a hat

DrZaius - 18.12.2021 14:37

"It happens so gradually."
"It's quite a leap."
Well, pick a lane.

Lana Teramae
Lana Teramae - 15.12.2021 07:07

"Let me tell you what Wembley is like!" XD

too much kool-aid
too much kool-aid - 15.12.2021 03:48

What millennial did they hire to do the title of the video
