Street Fighter V Arcade Edition - Sakura Story Mode (Full)

Street Fighter V Arcade Edition - Sakura Story Mode (Full)


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@orangefat1268 - 09.02.2021 23:56

"I'm unsure about where my life is going. Oh well, I'll be fine once I get knocked up."

Wow, that's some paper-thin shitty writing.

@TsuZakiYa - 24.02.2021 16:19

... backs away slowly from comment section

@KageNoTenshi - 24.02.2021 17:33

The best wing girl in sf universe

@onehitwonders7729 - 26.02.2021 13:42

You know, when was like 11 and when I saw Dan ending for SF4, I shipped him and Sakura
Like you just had this loser with two flipping friends and his friends means the whole to him and Sakura is actually nice enough to just talk and be around Dan even though she thinks his style was kinda useless
They both self taught fighter that go around the whole, both of them act like Kids and Try to become stronger because it their goals in life, they both are the older sibling of a Background character you don’t see much of, and they both make up names for their moves.
And I was like This is actually an Adorable ship. I mean I thought Ryu will end up with Chun Ali instead of Sakura and Dan available so my dream had lived on......until i saw this
Tbh Ryu and Sakura have nothing in common at this and Sakura just wanna fight Ryu just her acknowledge. And seeing how Ryu traveling and have no time for love, I was like my ship is fine.

BUT THEN Capcom said nah fam, let’s make Sakura have AMAZING Character development and try to implement it into Ryu character as well. I’m afraid Capcom is gonna go with the “Sakura makes Ryu there more to life than just fighting and have them get married or be a couples” route and it seems likely.

I don’t hate Sakura and Ryu as a Couple. Heck if they get together, I’ll be heart broken but I be fine cause I still have the Dan. Right now, I’m just saying “The Ship is Dead Boys, Sakura and Dan is no Longer Floating on sea” and it not because it won’t work, it just because there SO MANY RYU AND SAKURA SHIPPERS and I think Capcom don’t want them to send death threats or have the fan base be pissed off

@decimatorentertainmentstud8523 - 09.03.2021 20:05

Ryu has trained you well, Sakura

@kyrofromfl8101 - 22.03.2021 08:00

When sakura moaned, I had to turn it down even tho I live by myself.
Old comment: when sakura moaned, I had to turn it down.

@diosito5534 - 21.04.2021 04:13

Am i the only one who ship's Ryu with Chun li and not Sakura?

@Arowana95 - 26.04.2021 12:12

I don't think any type of shipping works for Ryu here for some reasons:

1-) Ryu is like Jin from Tekken. Both suffer from inner demons that pushes them away from society even they both have few friends to worry about them (Ryu usually in his isolated dojo while Jin lurks in shadows as both keep training)

2-) As far as I know, Ryu doesn't have any source of income or a lifestyle skill that can bring him money (unless if he uses passive income streams like selling ansatsuken courses in udemy or writing books to publish. However he is not well-versed in technology and modern world to figure that out as he is focused on training that he sees as never ending lifestyle.) That's why he usually walks rather than using transport unless Ken gives him money (even it was Ken whom gave him a phone and an e-mail adress. Ryu doesn't even know how to mute a phone and unmute it). His life is too primitive to be modern. He even uses candles rather than electricity at his dojo. He provide need of water from wells or waterfalls and eating through fishing or farming if he does. I highly doubt that any girl or woman adapt this lifestyle Ryu has.

3-) Ryu is also like a Jedi. He believes that way of his life is fighting and keep training to improve it. He even admitted that in comics by saying "The fight is part of my life as long as I remember. Without it, I would have nothing. Gouken took me when I was orphan and raised me with Ansatsuken. Through fighting, he gave me a purpose.". For Ryu, meaning of life is seeking philosophy in battles.

4-) As such life Ryu has, I don't think Ryu can handle figures like customers, employer and other structures of business life. Therefore he couldn't support his family financially if he had any. Also modern world (or high weekly working hours like in Japan) demands skills in internet like coding, graphic design (or conditions that would force him to socialize like working at restaurant or a local shop), Ryu could not adapt his life any of these as he is introver, shy and techno - ignorant. Ryu is like a non-stop gamer as he turned his biggest hobby into way of his life which is fighting.

5-) Unlike Ken, Ryu took his training seriously as he still does. Ken had a family, money and charisma. So Gouken's dojo was like a summer camp for him. For Ryu however, never had any of this. Ken, Gouken and his Ansatsuken art was all of he had until he made few friends like Guile, Chun-li, Sakura, Dan, Sean, Karin, Sagat and Oro. However none can help to change the way Ryu lives unless Ryu wants this. However due to reasons I wrote above, its unlikely any of them can get Ryu into way of modern living.

@michaelcrandle1068 - 04.05.2021 06:35

I love Sakura she is energetic and kind hearted

@TheOnideadpool - 07.05.2021 06:23

Ryu: "having a disciple no way"
Sakura: "I want a kid"
Ryu: "I meaaaaaan.... One... Only one disciple".

@Tarkus-Ivalice-dweller - 07.07.2021 22:05

I don't think ryu cares about having children right now.
Not until someone convinces him that settling down will make him stronger.

@Sheriff-Woody - 10.08.2021 02:09

I mean If you like fighting then why not do it, I'm not going to stop playing some game I've been grinding just because I'm going to die one day.

@blackpanther67 - 27.08.2021 20:25

She might have grown up, but she's obviously still not over Ryu.

@MarcusNeilgard3000 - 24.09.2021 02:39

ryu san XDDDD

@ALittleSnowFairySaga - 14.10.2021 19:44

Thousandth comment!

@lurellebroadie5924 - 12.01.2022 16:57

Why is ryu always so serious....?

@Turnpost2552 - 16.01.2022 20:48

Makes me realized how extreeemmmely one dimensional Ryu as a character like did he never really think to get married or getting old.

@DNyCe36 - 22.01.2022 05:35

I like how Sakura has her own little version of the Shin ShoRyuKen

@lilcory2000 - 26.01.2022 13:16

I ship this now

@imnotgay_butineedthemoney - 23.03.2022 03:01

I'm just seeking my path of strength too girl.

@servbot128 - 29.03.2022 09:53

Tbh Sakura does bring up a point I never thought about, yeah you can be the best fighter in the world but eventually your body gets weak and can’t do the things it used to do anymore despite all your hard work you put into it

@stargazer2280 - 06.04.2022 16:35

Sakura trying to pull of a Chi-Chi on Ryu. Too bad Ryu is not dense. Now if its Goku then it will be a different story

@Nakaru - 24.06.2022 11:42

I came back to this video since Sakura still my fav character and I still ship her with Ryu I always have. I wonder how strong she will be in street fighter 6 she definitely should be Ryu disciple in 6

@bryanlove1146 - 07.07.2022 00:29

I'll have her children

@ricksanchez69yearsago91 - 17.07.2022 10:40


@Weebinem - 28.08.2022 03:27

"She summoned me because of some 'emergency'". Yes Ryu, there is an emergency, in her pants.

@gabrielvelosa2597 - 15.09.2022 18:01


@studydoc - 08.10.2022 21:06

Sakura need not worry. As a world warrior myself, I would happy to get her pregnant and give her the child she so rightly deserves 👍

@Rodox2k10 - 13.01.2023 08:17

Yeah, it's been like that...
And if you turn to King of Fighters, Andy Bogard has been stalling Mai Shiranui for over a decade.
I mean, what is up with those fighting game creators? Characters will have to get old and have children eventually.

@axashuraggath7865 - 04.03.2023 13:23

Sooo wait, did Sakura just unintentionally hit on Ryu for real this time?

@gabrielvelosa2597 - 08.06.2023 19:42

I love Ryu and Sakura sooooo much!!!! I ship them hard and Ryu×Sakura is the best ship in the world!!!!!

@Shadowrulzalways - 22.06.2023 20:37

When Ryu mentioned that “that’s another type of strength” he literally meant that’s it’s not the strength he seeks but understands that everyone has their own strengths to seek. So he is canonically confirmed in this scene not interested in romance or settling down because it doesn’t suit his needs. But he understands it and respects people’s own desires for it. Even though he doesn’t care nor have a need for it in his life.

@guyyoung4388 - 07.07.2023 08:23

I honestly wonder what she would do or say if Ryu told her to bend over or take them panties off.

@theoamos24 - 25.07.2023 21:59

Karin: the bestie is downtrodden...initiate plan Ryu.

@MicoV94 - 09.09.2023 03:36

Sakura Kasugano first appearance from Street Fighter Alpha, but she's unstoppable!

@yallehemee460 - 27.09.2023 07:57

I love the older Brother Vibe of Ryu

@SuperShadowMarioFan - 29.01.2024 09:35

Oh just tell her Ryu, damn, you two seem right...

@aznpikachu215 - 13.05.2024 17:12

Why do I feel that this can reflect everyday life? Balancing and making decisions.

@CG_Kasuru - 14.05.2024 16:37

Ryu x Sakura ngl.

@victormendes9965 - 12.06.2024 16:55

Don't know if you (Author who upload the Cutscene) will see but i still think Sakura and Ryu can get along Together if Capcom have the Balls to develop further this arc for Sakura since the ending have a Cliffhanger from what they can become together.

@macaemeia146 - 16.06.2024 18:52

I like all the neat little crossovers between the stories like how this one ties in with Blanka's story, or how Lucia's ties with Cody's

@yudhistiramahasena1255 - 12.07.2024 19:25

Did Kath Soucie voice Sakura?

@Uderscore - 19.07.2024 13:07

surprising amount of talk of romantic shipping, my reading of it was always that she came close to skipped straight past that and to asking Ryu to be a sperm doner.

@weikoonng - 17.08.2024 08:47

I feel sad that Sakura is not in the SF6 game :(

@ryanellison1652 - 05.09.2024 14:11

Maybe it would totally time next step-by-step for next new generation fighters with respect to respect others as parents guidance
