How to save $100,000 in one YEAR | minimalist finances | minimalism in money

How to save $100,000 in one YEAR | minimalist finances | minimalism in money

Madisun Gray

2 года назад

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Madisun Gray
Madisun Gray - 18.05.2022 09:23

Just curious...would you be interested in a more in-depth video on how we practically run our finances?

Thanks so much for watching! 🤍

Jennifer Conrad
Jennifer Conrad - 15.08.2023 19:59

@madisungray I think it is a beautiful thing you had this "who's life am I living" moment at your gorgeous young age. I have had that question on and off for a long time and now I am actually listening to it. Your videos and book recommendations are a big help.

Qwallety - 19.06.2023 16:46

The borrower is slave to the lender. Love it.

Celi Saenz
Celi Saenz - 14.06.2023 17:59

I just want to say THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR LIFE’s JOURNEY!!! Especially putting God into it every now and then. You are very inspiring to me in every way, from parenting to minimalism to saving money to being a Christian and sharing it all and how you do it. I found you by wanting to learn about decluttering but the way you live your life is a great example to follow. Thank you and blessings to you and your family ❤

Richard Levine
Richard Levine - 09.06.2023 14:59

deer madi ur videos help find a sense of Peace, satisfaction & centering. boy some of your info or especially the writing goes by way too quick ty

san - 06.04.2023 05:19

What carrier do you use for your son when you go hiking?

Nicole Daniels
Nicole Daniels - 29.03.2023 13:13

I love this and I am all on board but my husband not so much. I don't know how to get him to see and slow down. we are military and hes stressed most of the time so yeah and not to much I can do about the job.

Kendra Blackmer
Kendra Blackmer - 03.11.2022 19:13

I am 47 years old with three kids (youngest is 14mo.) and your videos and your truth are changing my life. Thank you.

Suzie suzi
Suzie suzi - 28.09.2022 16:02


Blocks and Tulips
Blocks and Tulips - 08.09.2022 00:08

Good for you!
I’m amazed at how young you are and yet have so much wisdom!!

Madison_Rhea - 01.09.2022 20:46

Hi Madison! I was wondering what steps you take to homeschool your kiddos? Are there things that you legally have to do, etc.
Found your channel just a few days ago and I love it so much. Thank you for everything 💕

RaVonne Rhodes
RaVonne Rhodes - 23.08.2022 19:49

Curious about your baby carrier. What kind is it?

Carrie Mattingly
Carrie Mattingly - 19.08.2022 17:37


Catriona - 11.08.2022 19:16

Well, you need first to have 100.000 dollars so you can save it. Where I live the University is free, and it is not only a question to getting a job or something like that. It is culture, investigation, community life and debate. It is a place to do a lot of different things, for me basic to maintain a healthy society. I dont have credit card and I know a lot of people that doesnt have. For me only was a thing that you have when you need it. And too it is a privilege that not everybody can have. Still I dont know anybody with 100.000 dollars, 🤣

Becca Holland
Becca Holland - 11.08.2022 00:35

Your videos add so much value to the world!!

Amy Fossen
Amy Fossen - 26.07.2022 21:03

This hit me just right on the day I needed to hear it. Thank you!

Wholesome Season
Wholesome Season - 23.07.2022 18:06

😍😍😍 oooooh boy this video was exactly the confirmation we've been hoping for!! Following a path unknown is the theme we're on 🙏🙏🙏 All the best ♥️

Lindsay Simplified
Lindsay Simplified - 22.07.2022 16:14

We paid off all our debt in 2021 but have yet to cut up our cards. It is something we’ve been considering - opting out of the credit score system. Have you found it hard to rent with no credit cards and/or debt?

canis lupis
canis lupis - 19.07.2022 09:20

Love your videos, but I get wigged out hearing your littles calling out to you in the background because I always think it's my littles calling me haha

Nea - 16.07.2022 12:05

Hey Maddie! I just recently found your channel and I love your cozy videos. They bring me a lot of joy! All the best to your family!! 🌼💛 I'm a minimalist from Finland, living in the country side with my American husband and two dogs, where we enjoy similar slow living. 🌿

Amanda - 15.07.2022 18:54

Yes! I love all of this! Just found your channel and am obsessed!! I love the idea of small home living with a family, our family home is 1600 sq ft and while not large i often hate all the space! The only thing that ever keeps me from selling it is it’s on our dream property (40 acres secluded with a private lake and lots of woods for my little boys to roam in) and the fact it is a super cheap mortgage (600/month) bc we bought it in condemned condition and spent 10 years fixing it up and cash flowing all the updates. But I often tell my husband I would love to just have us live in a tiny home on the property since I would have less space to clean 😅 normally he and everyone I tell look at me strange for saying that. But truly I want to be burdened by so much less and I don’t want to keep up with the joneses in our neighborhood as their houses seem to get larger by the day! Seems like such a nightmare for me. Thank you for being a peaceful, calming and inspiring life. Your presence definitely helps my days that are filled with overwhelm.
