Fundamentals - Freezing Waves In Pro Play

Fundamentals - Freezing Waves In Pro Play


4 года назад

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@iris-cv7xv - 09.05.2023 20:08

i looooooooove this one so much i can’t wait to try it out and ❤

@SuperEggsNBacon - 03.04.2023 21:46

We need more of these fundamental videos

@barrybrame5134 - 03.03.2023 20:00

I really wish the Fundamentals series had kept going and in this format if possible. The layout of knowledge and examples being shown were just so professionally done.

@tomwanders6022 - 20.09.2022 08:50

I guess this would be a way to make poor tanks really bad in midgame, because they either have to fight the enemy fighter or starve. This of course occurs, if the enemy fighter is able to fight them, meaning something like a fiora, Gwen, Camille, Nasus maybe even Darius, (I don’t play a lot of Darius tbh.) who all are ridiculously good picks to counter tanks.

A few other things I imagine work well in this comp are, a person who is able to defend midlane well, meaning someone like a sivir, jinx, Seraphine, Lux, morgana, cait, karthus, ziggs, (all of these picks are good with gold, but also synergies well, if put with someone else making them good botlane not support champs) essentially a botlaner with good waveclear.

Another sololaners able to freeze, this could be a mage, like Cassiopeia, anivia (who it is really hard on), kayle and also someone like kassadin, who essentially has the same danger of him being a mobile lategame monster. It could also be an AD champ in case you have ap somewhere else, like a karthus, morgana, Seraphine or lux etc.

As for jungle it should probably be something with a fast clear, because they can help out just in case someone is actually getting attacked, but also because it makes it harder to take their resources away, when the Allies are freezing and/or a good counter ganker, because the enemy champs pretty much have to engage the sidelane or they will get outscaled.
These could be hecarim, morgana, Olaf (in Case you have enchanter), kayn, who has great mal mobility and clear and karthus, who can helps from anywhere on the map just pressing r, but also just keeps becoming bigger and bigger him self.

As for Supports it should probably be something that synergies well with the adc, but is also able to protect the jungler.
Something like sona (who synergies well with Seraphine, making the one of the best deathballers in the game)
Senna (who should just permanently move between mid and jungle, because she wants to perma stack souls, which she can do really well with full clear jungs, she also has a global ult to help on sides)
soraka (she can use her global ult, to and or potentially if she has that redemption as well.)
Zilean (who can throw away juggernauts biggest weakness in teamfights, which is poor mobility, while also utilizing their strengths of being tanky and having great damage. He also just works well with, skillshot loaded botlaners like, ziggs, Seraphine, Lux Morgana, potentially karthus, Caitlyn etc.)

The job, of the support in these kind of comps is to set up defensive vision at redbuffs bush, the tri bush, river pixel bushes, like LS said, they aren’t supposed to get luxurious vision. 4 or 5 people should probably have Blue trinkets, just to make sure the enemy’s don’t start up baron. Runes like ingenious hunter, which can be brought on champs like, morgana, zilean and potentially other mages, can be utilized to have an even shorter cooldown, which for them isn’t really an opportunity cost, because the other hunter runes don’t bring that much to the table for them, especially if their build everfrost, which morgana, zilean and lux support can do, if the enemy team has a lot of engage, but it is also nice for items like zhonias.

Edit: I know that of course you can also have midlaners defend, like lots and lots of control mages (I don’t think I have to show them, almost all mages have good waveclear)
And have adcs farm sides, like for example a yasuo who got teamed up with gragas on bot,
a vayne (she has to be picked in match ups she can scale into like someone with a yuumi)
A kaisa, if she was good lately, (think she can not deal enough lately, while also having a to short range, and her ap build also just takes to long, where I would ask, why not just have another champ with the same or more impact in pretty much every stage)
Draven, (who doesn’t fall of in the lategame, if he is picked into shorter range comps, he is also just really good at shutting down dive comps, due to his e and high amounts of damage)
A zeri, (good scaling, high mobility, I AM LIGHTNING you know the drill…)

Or potentially even other immobile ADCs, If the enemy comp can’t force on them.

Maybe I will write further on this some other day, but I need to go to school now. 😅

@spectacularspider-man4886 - 27.06.2022 14:34

Came here from Moe's newest video
(Have League players gotten better)

@nicholasstecho6002 - 05.02.2022 18:16

You use WAY TOO MANY Highfalutin words for a fantasy game.

@yudoball - 02.12.2021 18:19

C9 freeze by Legendary Snowman

@nikolakovacevic2208 - 26.08.2021 02:08

I love the fact that TL had 5 Freljord champs in the game where LS explains freezing.

@BrandNewByxor - 25.08.2021 01:28

Freezing late game is hard in bronze. The team will be attracted like moths to the flame and attempt to 4v5 mid, or someone will get bored and come and break the freeze for some quick CS and XP

@wkwk1152 - 12.07.2021 06:38

more videos like this master ls

@bobbyparra4498 - 27.04.2021 14:14

2 years later, this video is still relevant.

@karlabad3457 - 07.04.2021 05:42

I tried freezing under tier 2 tower when I behind as sivir, and it actually surprises me how I earn so much and how the gap eventually comes closer and closer

@bennyd1200 - 24.03.2021 22:49

PLEASE do more of these videos, talk about things like cheater recall, drafting, and more. super educational and helpful for the player base!

@years-ti7xl - 25.02.2021 13:37

Funny thing is I actually tried freezing in Wild Rift, and it actually worked for me. I'm a mid lane main and made the enemy mid afraid to tower dive or cs.

@eliconoclastadigital - 10.02.2021 18:02

I can't seem to understand in simple terms what LS is trying to convey. The explanation is too wordy. I admit that he's a great caster but, I'm part of the minority that just couldn't get it.

@jeyserreacts3444 - 02.02.2021 10:23

My brain creamed to this

@SolMrBadGuy - 13.10.2020 21:49

The funniest part about this, is how did people forget about Freezing lanes to the point where anyone even argues against LS. Season 1 Morde freezes, Flame freezing a wave in LCK on Kennen and after getting huge, tping to blue side red, flanking and acing. Like I love that you made this video, but its crazy how people forgot about freezing.

@jakesaylor3646 - 13.09.2020 21:43


@lextrujillo4130 - 10.09.2020 20:13

Wait I'm confused how is the cannon worth 45 gold but the cannon wave is worth 195 gold?

@bachir3208 - 31.08.2020 20:52

anivia be like ult on minion wave go BRRRRRRRRRR

@fizzonmyjayce6144 - 30.08.2020 13:58

I think the freeze was obviously worth it but maybe 20 minutes was a needless stretch

@bodycounter9386 - 13.08.2020 11:27

One year later and people, even in pro play, have still no idea how to properly freeze lanes and use it to their advantage. Please continue this series, LS!

@pangordian - 31.07.2020 19:27


@veledwin1 - 29.07.2020 00:37

I still don't understand what freezing even is after watching this

@natking1u1z99 - 28.07.2020 06:28

Scenerio case of one of my last games:

I'm Garen vs a champ who I forget. The other insisted on freezing near my turret. It made no sense to me because all I would do was e and q the wave and then his butt would get ganked.

I think it was a Teemo player attempting to abuse his poke. Tldr I owned that little 💩

@xxyzz5478 - 18.07.2020 13:32

about 9 months later and freezing is becoming more and more mainstream in pro play

@toky0line - 18.07.2020 07:08

You should have gone into Dota. Such things are much more accepted there. For example playing behind enemy T2 on offlaners was meta for some time until Valve had to make minions unagroable for first 5 mins

@thomasgallagher6935 - 16.07.2020 20:58

I like how this person can make the best players in the world sound like boosted silver players

@troychiefari - 11.07.2020 14:45

I'm sorry to be combative with what I'm about to say. But this video ignores far too much to be taken seriously. And I can see how, as usual, the fans that adore ls will eat this up because they're not very sharp with the game in general. Most of you fan base is within the avg elo.

Most importantly on the subject of slow pushing / freezing. It cannot be calculated as easily as it could in 2013-16 seasons. Around the same time turret plates came out a new minion mechanic was released. Alongside with minions running to lane faster. The minions running to lane faster isnt of much consequence compared to this change I'm about to talk about. So around when plates came out minions were given new stat scalings based on turrets taken IN THAT LANE and also calculated a stat based on which team have the higher avg gold. This can be seen by clicking a minion and seeing their % difference. It can still be calculated especially in T1 phase to zone / slow push / freeze. But in T2 phase it becomes way more difficult and sometimes viable and sometimes not viable.

In the T2 phase freeze examples you talked about you mainly talked about if the enemy team grouped and did mid you compare and contrasted the TANGIBLE benefits. You completely and ignorantly ignored the INTANGIBLE comparison of the choice to freeze. Freezing reduces access to contest vision and shortens the length and enemy needs to travel in order to collapse. In your last example with CLG and optic you ignored that dragon was up in 2 minutes and your freeze example was on bot... if you freeze you give the enemy team free reign to ward and deny vision... wards last 3 minutes my dude. 3 minutes is when you see competent teams contesting vision. If you get vision and tempo in that 3 minute mark you can continue to most likely be on the positive end of vision after the reason ~1mintue prior to spawn.

I could talk a lot more on why your examples could be good examples but I'm sure most people would get bored of reading at this point. I've been a coach for 6 years now and have many reasons why I'm not coaching professionally now but psuedo intellectual videos like this only promote false intelligence within the community if they take your word for it... which most do. You need to study more and you need to humble yourself. You speak to often like you're an expert and you're not. You only command attention from the avg player base. You can be better than this.

@masterhidsert1043 - 09.07.2020 23:53

Thank you for the video LS, very informative and excellently made! I learned a lot :)

@rozzipleto688 - 02.07.2020 20:20

WTF this video is SO well made, congrats dude, awesome content

@bwah9481 - 29.06.2020 01:57

love the graphics on this one

@mohammadjouda749 - 27.06.2020 02:35

Higher production than NA KEKW

@timinfinite - 26.06.2020 18:39

Would this work in solo queue especially when you are losing? How many minions are required to freeze in front a tier 2 in mid game?

@kingludi6800 - 09.06.2020 05:23

Never considered the importance towards late game, I've just been shoving mindlessly like an absolute ape

@imglobul6023 - 01.06.2020 13:16

So is it better to only take turret when there is a objective on the map. (after first turret)

@michaelloftus9733 - 28.05.2020 00:48

Isn't losing tier 1 mid tower a bigger deal than just losing gold though?

@tomduboiss - 26.05.2020 23:54

If Riot drops a SC type game for league LS will be drop shit his pants

@achrislol9727 - 26.05.2020 13:42

were there any changes prior to patch 10.10?

@The_Scouts_Code - 24.05.2020 11:49

I need help - when i freeze, my opponents JG always ganks other lanes and hammers them, should I really be creating negative pressure on the map by doing that?

@mysticnick2095 - 20.05.2020 23:43

<3 ily LS <3

@yshbfs - 17.05.2020 18:57

the problem with freezing is that we dont want everyone using it because it is OP

@endme7281 - 17.05.2020 10:16


@kstixx7575 - 13.05.2020 15:17

big editing

@ovs4744 - 08.05.2020 06:32

This is so useless lmao

@Gabriel64468 - 05.05.2020 02:51

coach btw

@xfrixor_2132 - 04.05.2020 15:03

And right there, the grooming officially began :O
