Climate Science: What You Need To Know

Climate Science: What You Need To Know

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mdb9933 - 18.09.2023 08:27

No mention of the Milankovich cycles of the earth, or the fact that the earth's magnetic field has been decreasing since about 1850 and the fact that we are coming out of an ice age. This is the correlation equals causation falicy. Big holes in this "science". Big ones! The most prevalent green house gas in the atmosphere is water vapor. Can't measure that from an ice core.

Jusuf The Eagle
Jusuf The Eagle - 14.09.2023 16:28

This video is total bullshit from beginning to end.
Termites produce more CO2 than all human and human activity combined.
CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere, ALL gases in the atmosphere are green house gases not just CO2
Are you gonna ban oxygen and nitrogen?
Can you explain how the global temperature goes up and down and the CO2 follows that trend up to 800 years later?
Anyone who believes a rare gas that is essential for all plant life is an evil boogeyman.
You are obviously uneducated and paid to this video.

Kittie - 08.09.2023 17:20

Study of Climate -

• Climatology is the study of climate and how it changes over time.
This science helps people easily understand the atmospheric conditions that can cause wearther patterns and the temperature changes (means temperature changes can change sometimes, or always) over time. This science is also called an climatology (study of climate.)

Nick Steele
Nick Steele - 03.09.2023 18:03

Here's a novel idea.....With 10's of thousands of immigrants sitting around in our country, how about putting them to work. I can see 10's of thousands of acres of wood and brushland in California that could be cleaned up with raking and mulching so that we don't have to blame climate change for out of control fires in the urban sprawl areas in California. Areas that should not be occupied as they are naturally dry as a bone for big parts of every year or two. If they don't like this kind of work......They know where the border is to get home.

Gary Pennel
Gary Pennel - 02.09.2023 06:01

mr be smart what should the c02 be to have a stable climate just a question

Jimmynoleaks boilerman
Jimmynoleaks boilerman - 02.09.2023 00:31

Everyone stop breathing

Spicy Tank
Spicy Tank - 01.09.2023 00:04

Now how do I explain this to my mom without her refusing to eat dinners with me anymore

Sam Lair
Sam Lair - 30.08.2023 06:57

During the worldwide heat wave of July 2023, using my phone app (MyRadar’s ‘Temp Map’), I pulled up the infrared temperature image of the globe. The Plateau of Tibet was the only area besides the two poles that was not in red or orange. This is due to the shallowness of the atmosphere over such a huge expanse of land that averages 14,000 feet in elevation. Air (specifically greenhouse gases in the air) acts as a blanket and the blanket here is too thin to retain much heat which means that the solar energy striking the planet is radiated back out into space much faster over the Tibetan Plateau.

T Ragan
T Ragan - 29.08.2023 05:54

Not to mention the changing in Ocean currents.

4713Caine - 16.08.2023 01:02

before we've even taken one temperature or proxy record, let's take global warming on it's face. We are arguing that the last couple of centuries or so - the blade of the Michael Mann hockey stick is unusual Man made part. That is vs the rest of the 3 plus billion years of global climate. That means we are dealing with a very lop-sided comparison, a couple of centuries worth of man made warming vs the remaining 3 billion. That in itself is bound to create errors in assumptions right of the bat whether those assumptions are coming from a climate scientist or a climate skeptic. Second, the blade of Manns hockeystick is basically the temperature record. That has the potential to create problems because we can't go back to previous time periods to measure temperature records vs proxies. We have to compare temperature records to proxies after the fact, and that after-the-fact comparison gets more dicey the further back you go. Last, a model that goes out to 2100 doesn't have observational data to back it up between now and 2100, and no amount of 97 percent peer-reviewed posturing can make up for data measurements that simply aren't there.

Mark Shay
Mark Shay - 04.08.2023 02:57

What the Government hasn't told you. The reason they kept SHOOTING rocket's into space was they were looking for Gold think about it who could be the only people could get it ? Found none on moon so we never went back. But everytime they shoot a rocket into space the punch a whole in the OZONE LAYER that doesn't heal itself so who did it caused climate change ?

易红天 - 01.08.2023 10:04

Sea level rise is just one aspect that will negatively affect humans. Loss of biodiversity, loss of food security, loss of freshwater from glaciers. More expensive everything, more plagues, draught, famine, and extreme weather. Mass migrations, mass extinctions, and more zombie fires. A meter of sea level rise by next century is probably optimistic. The closest to what we are beginning to experience that has happened in the past is probably the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum ~55.5 MYA that saw more than 5 - 8 degrees Celsius global rise in temperature. Only that happened on a much longer time scale. Scientist are conservative and not alarmist. So they underplay much of what they know. The worst-case scenarios have so far been the most accurate.

Robert Hawthorne
Robert Hawthorne - 04.07.2023 03:22

How can you call it climate science if science has to have some predictability? You can't call it science if all you do once a prediction fails is just say it will happen in another 30 years. This is more like ₱$¥€₦¢€ (money and mind games).

TopperPenquin - 27.06.2023 20:50

You only need to know this:
"The Rosetta Gypsum Theory of Climate Change "

Randall it all maps out. The increased Volcano's are that earth has gained mass and it causes extra internal heating. This additionally is why asteroids and earth are attracting each other. An event we saw at a quater period of the Galactic Cycle The Cretaceous extinction were the climate warmed that Stegosaurus needed meter long cooling plates and an asteroid hit and there were many Volcano's. Time has Speed up due to altered Space Time Fabric due to the gravity waves from the Super Massive Black hole. Just look at Dr. Alice Roberts "The Human Journey" she wonders why man lived so deep in caves because the sky turned from Blue to Indigo and they have to retreat that far in to escape the oven like heat only venturing out at dusk. Furthermore the only saw the color Red as Ambers were important and wounded animals blood trail by tracking was important. Additionally they witness a newborn had some Red hair and possibly culled those that didn't. Thus the Vikings have Red hair and are genetically robust. That was the first time through the gravity wave just 30k years ago and it explains why they only painted in Red. Now today they are passing through another more powerful gravity wave and as time speeds up we are moving through the colors of the Spectrum in order as our sky color. Red Orange Green Blue Indigo. It is the second time only for humans through as a quater period of the Galactic Cycle from the Cretaceous event and we mostly all can see Violet Violette! So as we are all Indigo Children and can mostly see purple and judging the time distance that man saw Red only and lived deep in caves and plus the time since then has speed up just how much longer have we got?
Additionally being capble of viewing Red my have saved Us as Red burnt skin insignified to the people not to go out into the sun. Were maybe the Neanderthals didnot understand this or did not see Red well or had darker skin pigment?
In anycase they are Flatout Bs ing Us all about climate change being caused by CFC come global warming and CO2 come climate change. Teachers you are teaching our children lies.
We must hurry and block out the Sun as the Annunaki or we may all fry. Why cough ved??? 19 reasons they take more of our money so they can finance they permanent vacation on a Nice Cool Mars.
In view i am first to discover the true reason for Climate Change I name it in honor of my Dear Mother "The Rosetta Gypsum Theory of Climate Change"

Gerald Antiporda
Gerald Antiporda - 23.06.2023 02:09


James Sutton
James Sutton - 26.05.2023 18:29

So what do we know about the CO2 and the Methane the earth creates naturally? Well for one, scientists obviously do not have enough they JUST RECENTLY discovered there were 19,000 more volcanos under the ocean than we knew of before.

How is that data working out for ya? Going to revise those CO2/Methane datasets now that you know you overlooked 19,000 possible new sources? And how are you going to explain you know EXACTLY how many crevices are discharging methane in the ocean if you overlooked 19,000 volcanos? I mean a crevice is MUCH smaller than a volcano.

And your global temperature monitoring systems were a joke, save for the recent addition of satellite data, any temperature monitoring was ad hoc and haphazard at best. Add in the close proximity of the main temperature data centers which would affect local temperature norms...yeah scientists are lying thru their teeth if they are ABSOLUTISTS when it comes to claiming humans are the main cause of global warming and that it isn't a natural effect.

I mean 19,000 missed volcanos show they really don't have a clue and are making so much up based on ice core samples, you can math your way out of this one.

Dingo Dog
Dingo Dog - 23.05.2023 00:19

So you start with"its obviously true and all S ientist agree". 1:actual climate clientist don't agree with catastrophic warming, it's not in the data.
Mote garbage rhetoric from the converted.

TC - 06.05.2023 13:31

In Rhode Island Jack Reed has deforested the state by thirty percent
And replaced trees with toxic panels
Save The Bay

bocckoka - 14.04.2023 10:06

How do we know it's our fault? Well, add the daily use of fossils, substract the total area of forests obliterated by us, and you'll see it's the squirrels' fault.

Gary Pennel
Gary Pennel - 12.04.2023 19:35

1930 was the hot years you belive history

Hunter Patrick
Hunter Patrick - 11.04.2023 01:40

I think that no one thinks that there’s not climate change, but whether it’s Mother Nature doing the same thing like she has in the past, overnight too. Everyone should 100% believe on reusing their items, recycle as much as they possibly can, protect our ocean.. Earth, or planet changes her tilt back and forward.

Areeyedee - 22.03.2023 16:54

This is exactly why I took the time to call for a real revolution and wrote a song about negligence when it comes to climate change. So many people protest but still buy the newest cell phones, clothes and splurge. It is time for them to really make a stand, start a real revolution and fight for those making cents an hour just to feed their families.

Darth Jarwood
Darth Jarwood - 07.03.2023 17:24

Enviromentalists are directly responsible for America not being on nucleur power since the 70s...its almost like the oil companies control the enviromental movement

Krishna Kant
Krishna Kant - 03.03.2023 04:32

well, it sounded like a story but the science part was very fast!

Old Scientist
Old Scientist - 01.02.2023 23:59

Since this video was made, satellite data (UAH v6) shows no overall warming. Since 1979, average warming has only been by 0.13°C per decade. That's not 10 times faster than the end of the ice age. Sea levels are rising at 3mm a year, so just over 20cm by the end of the century, not metres. To quote Sagan, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." This video ain't got it.

jay learn
jay learn - 30.01.2023 01:39

These may be facts but they are useless to the general public. Are there other facts that you are unaware of? Why should we believe you? I am not saying you are wrong because I just don't know. These are not facts in the sense of presenting data and the context in which it is collected. These are interpretations, that may be true, but we cannot determine their veracity. Simply stating hundred of studies imply something is not helpful if there is a single counter explanation. Is there? Have you read everthing? What give you such certainty? Again I am not disbelieving you, I am just unsure that your opinion carries more weight than anyone else.

Heheh like biuce buiexb
Heheh like biuce buiexb - 17.01.2023 16:32

ok luca

Ziggy's Cactus Channel
Ziggy's Cactus Channel - 16.01.2023 01:40

So you are saying that 800,000 years ago atmospheric CO2 only had to go down by 40 parts per million and that would have been the end of all life on Earth 😲 Give me a warm planet with plenty of plant life over a cold dead one any day.

emeralds222 - 07.01.2023 02:46

Climate change? Global Warming is actually what is happening. Please read Naomi Oreske's "Merchants of Doubt". Be better informed please.

Mike Rpipher
Mike Rpipher - 01.01.2023 10:01

There is NO climate change (global warming or El Nino)
BUT the ‘Beginning of Sorrows’ (‘Birth Pang's in some versions) spoken of in Matthew 24:6-8 &
Mark 13:5-8 began way more than three decades ago!
Why are so many afraid that 'climate change' is going to “kill” the earth?
When God promises a new Heaven & a new earth!!!
Read; Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; 2Peter 3:13; & Revelation 21:1-2
Learn the TRUTH...Read Your Bible, It has the ONLY truth in this world!!! LtT><>

Tony DecentBlackman
Tony DecentBlackman - 14.12.2022 18:00

You must believe in human-derived climate change. The 0.0016% of atmospheric gas that is caused by human CO2 is damaging the whole planet.

NB - 10.12.2022 03:45

Climate change affect

Eros Basileus
Eros Basileus - 24.11.2022 08:19

The climate has and always will continue to change with or without humans. Humans are contributing to it, not causing it. Could you make sure you tell China and India about this? They will be more than happy to stop contributing to this future lakeshore property disaster.

chris craven
chris craven - 21.11.2022 18:28

CAN'T trust you scientist. You told us the earth was flat, the moon sun, stars go around the earth, take salt tablets is good for you (1970), put mercury on BABIES gums to reduce teething pain (1950), radiation ex rays never harm you(1920), I could go on all day, maybe make list. Now the sky is falling, give more money for my research. Selling snake oil?

Beedoo X
Beedoo X - 29.09.2022 05:46

I'm certainly not denying anything but consider these things; we live in a world where people don't tell the truth! The earth is flat, a woman is whatever you want it to be. EV's are good for the planet etc. etc. Everywhere you look, lies and massaging the truth are going on. Supposedly there's also plenty of evidence to show that the planet has been warmer in the past, and often charts are shown with only partial data - where omitted data shows conflicting information that opposes the narrative.

We have two choices, accept what we're told and fall in line, or question 'the facts' we're presented with.

What I'm hearing is that removing all the cars from the planet would have negligible to no impact.
Children are dying in developing countries where rare materials are mined for batteries.
There is massive global deforestation going on - and guess what likes CO2? Yep, trees.
Industry makes up 40%+ of all global pollution.
Some of the largest polluters are cruise ships.

Irrespective of what you think is happening to the climate, it's a good idea to be cleaner - or at least clean up after ourselves, but don't pick on the little guy because he/she is the easy target. If you know trees are a big part of the solution - stop cutting them down, or at least plant vastly more in their stead... This is not rocket science!

Vandolph Esguera
Vandolph Esguera - 16.09.2022 17:08


Anna Qian
Anna Qian - 25.08.2022 10:40

Yeah, thanks for letting me know that the world will fundamentally become a nice scary apocalypse in 100 years. And thanks for making me feel anxious and scared to be alive today. Climate change = a force beyond my control. I doubt those renewable energy sources will decrease CO2 emissions. With practical economics and practical industry, renewable energy will just turn today’s fossil fuels into the middle man to process all of the raw earth materials used to manufacture the components and infrastructure for solar panels and wind farms. We might as well invest money in discovering and farming bacteria that will eat up CO2, methane, and nitrous oxide in our oceans. Then find ways to turn that bacteria into something useful for humanity.

Avogadro Bohr
Avogadro Bohr - 01.08.2022 01:07

So we’re told we need to stop using plastic straws, buy an electric vehicle, and recycle a couple cans a week. Meanwhile gigantic corporations create as much pollution in a week as any human can create in a lifetime. But it’s our problem to solve, right?

Erik Mattson
Erik Mattson - 29.07.2022 06:12

dont leave out the estimated time of which we will see the major effects of this global warming, hundreds of years from now, not in any of our lifetimes

jimmy cricket
jimmy cricket - 25.07.2022 15:36

Anyone who has studied science and maths knows how hard it is to truly know something. So many have learned to 'waffle' and flap their mouths and make unsupported claims. They create so much noise it's a thankless task trying to educated someone who is ideologically opposed to what's being taught and doesn't care what the facts are. I think climate scientists should make a documentary walking the audience through their methods and the chemistry involved. Even if they have to teach people the chemistry. How many people even know simple chemistry? Yet they are sure it's all a hoax! Maybe we all need to learn to ignore ignoramuses.

Toy Mak
Toy Mak - 28.06.2022 07:05

UV radiation from the sun is diminished during passage through the hydrogen gases at the top of our ceiling sky and the air and other gases below, ozone included near the ground. Ozone layer is a distinct science similar to ice age, global warming, space exploration, moon landing, corona virus co vid- 19 pandemic. All originate and dwell in the minds of the hidden world rulers and in their institutions the UN, NASA, WHO, CDC, and are intended as instruments to control and enslave the unsuspecting populations in earth.

Harry Mills
Harry Mills - 27.06.2022 09:57

Yes, climate change is real, but he's throwing in some junk science along with the real stuff. Solar activity dominates our climate. Is it the main cause of recent warming? Debatable. Is CO2 driving climate change or (more likely) is it being driven by OTHER greenhouse gases of much greater potency? Is CO2 bad, or is it super-charging plant growth?

I think cooling is a bigger threat to life than a little warming, and I think the warming is being exaggerated, out of greed. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to live cleaner, and especially make more sustainable cities. But we shouldn't let government hijack our lives and beggar us because politicians and media are obsessing over one of MANY simultaneous issues facing humanity. I'm SICK of "All must give way to this ONE THING," whatever that one thing happens to be, based on the 24-hour news cycle and hyperventilating, half-educated nincompoops on t.v.

Andrei Schmidt
Andrei Schmidt - 13.06.2022 00:24

Here I was expecting a shirt but clear explanation... I got scrap like "it's a well known fact"... strawmanning and wrong facts... How dare you call yourself a science channel

SE7En666 - 25.05.2022 06:42

From what you say atleast to my understanding is that it's an inevitable fate

Digger X
Digger X - 21.05.2022 22:17

LMFAO, Manmade climate change is real, it's called weather modification to rein in the UN's NWO. Scare enough people to obey the scam and give up all Freedoms. You'll own nothing and be happy (W.E.F.) it's all part of the great reset. Don't believe in the lies. I'll live my life as I see fit, you should too.

David Willmot
David Willmot - 05.05.2022 22:58

Your estimates of temperature and sea level rise are far higher than any I've heard from scientists. That hurts your credibility with the naysayers.
