A Voyager Class?? | #transformers Studio Series 86 Voyager Class Ironhide Review

A Voyager Class?? | #transformers Studio Series 86 Voyager Class Ironhide Review

That Toy Guy

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That Toy Guy
That Toy Guy - 01.11.2022 02:20

Some people are pointing this out (rightfully so). But the toy did break and then I follow up with saying the plastic quality is good. And while I stand by that statement, it did still break. This video wasn't shot in order and the breakage was partially the toys fault and partially my fault for just not paying attention. I still think it's a worthy pickup, just watch out for that bit

Qui-Gon Gimli
Qui-Gon Gimli - 19.08.2023 07:42

I just got this toy. I am having a hard time getting the wind shield to to tab into the window panels to so it is not just you. The one time I did get everything tabbed together the wind shield didn't want to come unpegged when I wanted to make him a robot again. At this point I wish I had the other mold in red because it would have cleaner lines on the side and no lines on the roof. I think these toys are made more for pozing than for transforming and rolling around.

Todd Vergith
Todd Vergith - 17.08.2023 07:16

I feel your pain. I just spent close to $60 on an MP45 Bumble Bee and his right wheel and wheelwell broke off when I was transforming it. I was being ultra extra careful with him too. I didn't, however, have any issues with my Stuidio series 86 Ironhide.

Proto Raptor
Proto Raptor - 02.08.2023 12:18

The front grill broke that was my luck getting the core class ironhide when I opened mine up it's left shoulder was cracked so I exchanged it for a replacement one.

Technical Jim (The actual one)
Technical Jim (The actual one) - 30.07.2023 17:19

I have the same issue with the back pieces & the top clear plastic bits coming apart too easily & not staying pegged together. They do not seem very secure. They really could have benefited from better tab & slots.

Sean Payne
Sean Payne - 27.07.2023 10:28

bro put sentinal behind ironhide and made me cry again

Isaac sussman
Isaac sussman - 07.07.2023 04:42

I think what justified this being a voyager for me was because it came after a deluxe that demonstrated why a deluxe budget doesnt work for Ironhide. If you want a non partsforming, cartoon accurate, highly articulated, and well detailed G1 ironhide in the modern era you need a voyager budget. We need to accept that sometimes the added value of a price class is that they can properly do the character justice. Let us not forget the tragedy of voyager Broadside. Unfortunate were gonna need to change the world in a much larger way that stops inflation to get more than that.

Definitely not a trombonist
Definitely not a trombonist - 06.07.2023 08:42

To prevent breaking I wiggle the windshield. Side to side so the roof untabs. When you do this you should see the light grey details hidden under the shoulder show a little bit

GypsyIsDanger - 27.06.2023 21:44

Omg the front grill also came off for me

Felipe Flores
Felipe Flores - 30.05.2023 08:30

Hot Rod is more complex than most voyagers I have, while Ironhide only bests Bulkhead. 82 parts vs 61 parts

Omni Riven
Omni Riven - 30.04.2023 10:57

Good review man, I love the fact that you might love a Transformer but still point out all the flaws. Keep it going man! By the way, are you a brother of Spider Criminal? You kind of sound the same (maybe you are him and I'm to stupid to notice :o)

Sheng Long is back!!!
Sheng Long is back!!! - 26.04.2023 07:59

I saw the thumbnail
I'm a part time Transformer fan but I'm not a collector.I saw the thumbnail thinking why hasn't nobody made the A team Van into a Mr T bot like the bot in the thumbnail😂 I saw the Ghostbusters and Back too the Future a Bot voiced or voiced by Mr T would be prime.

Cog_Gear44 - 24.04.2023 02:54

Mine has trouble tabbing the pieces in place

Blitzer - 10.04.2023 07:48

I have a meme mode for him, transform him in a way that has his arms sticking out of the side and with his bumper open like a mouth.


RadimentriX - 26.03.2023 19:19

gaps are indeed really annoying. recently got ss06 starscream and thought it'd also have a problem with gaps on the thruster section but in the end the wings just tab in everything and hold it together. overall i'm impressed how good that starscream fits together and i wonder why they don't do it similar on all figures. the kibble on the bottom is a bit annoying but it's so far underneath it that it's not really visible, especially if slightly angled on a stand. so yeah, more tabs pls :D

LodanSD - 09.03.2023 02:16

Ironhide was one of my favorite characters as a kid, and the Toy was.... meh!

The Falcrom Show
The Falcrom Show - 02.02.2023 08:58

I relieve you from duty

Patricia Mazerolle
Patricia Mazerolle - 31.01.2023 06:58

I got this one and no problems for me

juan gonzalez
juan gonzalez - 30.12.2022 21:27

Yeah, the 3 hinges on each side turns me off!!! I could except 1 but not 3 ( total of 6). Otherwise the figure is great in robot mode. I’m going to look into 3rd party figures for iron hide. I display my figures in robot and in vehicle mode. Hopefully I can find something that is similar in size to go with the main-line.

rat farmer
rat farmer - 26.12.2022 07:58

Just got my Ironhide today, didnt notice until this vid but that piece is also very close to falling off on my copy

Returned to monkey
Returned to monkey - 17.12.2022 02:00

That's it.
Selling ss bee Ratchet and wait for the inevitable retool of this guy.
Edit: And hten got another bbm ratchet for 14$.

RenzoMusicPage - 30.11.2022 13:48

I have the roof issue as well

somarriba333 - 19.11.2022 04:36

Larger voyager price point and the don't put a yellow stripe, AND they engrave that lettering on the clear windows. Who would ok that at Hasbro?

Lefty Gurl
Lefty Gurl - 13.11.2022 21:09

i ordered this guy from gamestop this weekend, hopefully he arrives soon, i have been waiting since earthrise for an ironhide and im glad to be finally getting him. might paint the yellow stripe myself, it’s pretty clearly molded but just not painted, so just a bit of yellow paint should do it i think.

TheAutobotPower - 11.11.2022 05:47

I say these "voyagers" should be called deluxes altogether. At least the inflation prices would be honest with us.

Deluxe to New Scouts
Voyager to New Deluxe
Leader to New Voyager
Remake the leader class

13th member
13th member - 10.11.2022 20:09

So I'm paying extra for them doing their initial job? If he's deluxe size then he should be deluxe price point. Extra accessories really don't make up for it ( that's other figures). The whole "complex engineering" isn't really much of an argument either. Your job IS to engineer the figure correctly. I can understand seige ironhide molds having simplistic transformation since they're meant to be alien vehicles. But they should've realized the earthrise/legacy molds having the roof parts-form and lazy feet transformation be a huge problem. Not people's fault hasbro decided not to correctly make the figure. I'm not saying this figure sucks but Jesus, you just pay extra for the name at this point. Galvatron, both kingdom and legacy, are a good example.

justin sharpe
justin sharpe - 09.11.2022 19:57

Bought it and took it back same day because of stress marks on the first transformation, it has great plastic in some places but the thin panels and the heavy reliance on clear plastic assured me that it would crumble over time

Real Paranormal Oahu
Real Paranormal Oahu - 09.11.2022 11:07

Miss matched reds with no yellow stripe, hinges that stick out far in alt mode, clear blue plastic tabs on roof for no reason but a light bar for a repaint, deluxe stature, borrowed ur tummy u engineering from previous take, delicate plastic that snaps off easily, Voyager class price point, two small accessories and a one piece hip skirt.

This doesn’t sound like a winner to me.

Emanuel Mo
Emanuel Mo - 08.11.2022 18:32

You can make a ironpoof just switch the front with the head

Vortex _45
Vortex _45 - 08.11.2022 17:21

Where did you get this??? Because anywhere I wanna order from it says it’s releasing next year

SJK Saiya Jay Kaiju
SJK Saiya Jay Kaiju - 08.11.2022 01:33

I really didn't like the 3 different shades of red on the figure and I liked seiges ironhides height VS this new one otherwise I really dig this figure.

Great review 🤜

Sud Garlic
Sud Garlic - 07.11.2022 17:29

Great video but After your review I came to my final conclusion that no reviewer knows the 1986 movie lol…Ratchet had the two guns not Ironhide FYI

Raphael DaGamer
Raphael DaGamer - 05.11.2022 20:06

I love the fact that Ironhide's the size of a deluxe but the price of a voyager. That shows that Hasbro and Takara Tomy put actual effort and money into making this as good as it is. I saw this toy at Target today and bought him immediately, and I am not disappointed. Sure the roof panels don't connect properly and the back of the van on mine doesn't tab in quite right, but those are probably going to be fixed on Ratchet, and the quality over cost approach means that the figure is more complex in the deluxe size, and some things have to be sacrificed because of that.

Mike Beyer
Mike Beyer - 05.11.2022 04:29

Hey new subscriber to your channel just wanted to say thanks for posting videos like this. It might suck that he broke but it gives a heads up to guys like me who haven't picked him up yet to take some care with transforming him. Kinda a hot take but the 86 line hot rod was a huge pain in the ass to transform from vehicle to robot mode when I first got him and was flying blind. I'm just excited they even made a new iron hide. Fingers crossed on an 86 perceptor

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime - 05.11.2022 01:57

Don’t worry we can blame sleepy Joe for that higher price

Seeeabaasss #I likeTransformers
Seeeabaasss #I likeTransformers - 03.11.2022 06:36

I'm tired of hearing inflation being the only excuse given to these pointless price hikes. In 2014 a thrilling 30 deluxe was $15. Today that would be $18.81 which is almost $2 less than what they were five fucking years ago. Today a deluxe is going for $5 more than a Voyager used to

InDiGoVG - 02.11.2022 14:57

Yep that top gap was a problem on mine too.

Cap'n Ginyu
Cap'n Ginyu - 02.11.2022 08:58

"He's worth being a Voyager, the plastic quality is top not-"
* le funni crack sound *

Bob The Awesome Bob?????
Bob The Awesome Bob????? - 02.11.2022 07:52

The fig would have been better if there wasn’t the numbers on the blue parts

TFCRAFTER - 02.11.2022 02:42

So they're capable of making a good deluxe-sized toy but they'll charge you voyager prices for it? Lmfao.

Ki Key
Ki Key - 02.11.2022 01:45

At UK £38 rrp he cost more than a voyager for a deluxe size.
And he even missing the painted line in vehicle mode.

Ki Key
Ki Key - 02.11.2022 01:42

Not going to lie, you seem to have alot of broken bits.

Nethiar - 02.11.2022 01:27

I think I'm going to pass on this one. All that clear plastic is just begging for trouble.

Rockin Rhinox
Rockin Rhinox - 02.11.2022 00:30

Yeah the first 40 sec. Of this video confirmed why I’m just sticking with the Siege figure. He’s still the best Ironhide in my opinion.

Phil savage
Phil savage - 01.11.2022 23:13

The class size means Nada now a days. Hasbro is going for cartoon scale, so ironhide can't be much taller. Engineering wise and plastic quality is why paying Voyager price
