Is Humankind on the Verge of Open Extraterrestrial Contact?

Is Humankind on the Verge of Open Extraterrestrial Contact?


1 год назад

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Courtney Smith
Courtney Smith - 11.09.2023 18:12

I’ve heard the galactic federation‘s working with the Reptilians draconian Dracos and the Greys to destroy us all. They’ve been adopting people and using experiments on them they are not our friends. And they are working with a freemason goat who runs the world!!

B P - 11.09.2023 07:14

I didn't buy a single word Brüno says.

Tang Chi Lin
Tang Chi Lin - 07.09.2023 17:54

The "Galactic Federation of Light" is different than a war like species or federation as the Federation of Light fights with LOVE. Sounds crazy but it's true.

Jersey Pooh
Jersey Pooh - 07.09.2023 11:52

I hope so but I don’t trust some of the human race. We kill our own kind and other species for fun, destroying homes, lives etc and for what? Glory, power, greed, hate and evil. Hope there’s a new era of peace, love, compassion, creativity, preservation and knowledge and awareness and awakening. Let it begin.

Lee Barnett
Lee Barnett - 06.09.2023 22:05

I hope it is to I'm tired of the same old life I want new change for real I'm down for whatever

Messozoe - 03.09.2023 19:34

Tbh Tom Howard might’ve been on point when he made Skyrim because all the alien races are in that game like that lion head alien look like a khajit

Claude Gentsch
Claude Gentsch - 01.09.2023 20:44

🤠 TEXASMUDNECK SAY 🤠 I being an life long ABDUCTE know!!

Jessica Rodriguez
Jessica Rodriguez - 01.09.2023 01:12

I had a dream of a beautiful blue being at the edge of my bed doing something with a rainbow like frequency above me and looked at me as I woke and then put me back to sleep

Integrity - 31.08.2023 19:42

Let’s do it.Those who can’t accept it emotionally will eventually.

Carol Khisa
Carol Khisa - 31.08.2023 18:12

These are demons, dont believe them! The bible says, test every spirit to see if they are from God.There is a reason why they have been restrained by the holy spirit. because they are evil. During the second half of the tribulation they will nolonger be restrained, then there will be horror. The horror movies you have been watching were preparation for this time

1Gramps 4Julian
1Gramps 4Julian - 24.08.2023 07:00

It should be... it's long overdue for us to recognize our true place in the universe. 😎👍🙏

Kekri Kekkuli
Kekri Kekkuli - 22.08.2023 14:33

Think if you suddenly see sun shining other colour? For example green? What could that do to you? Would you evolve for green colour perhaps? So where are those green and other bright color humans? Or humanoids? How did 'they' evolved green skincolor? Or is that so that When we see green sun here, we evolve green? Cluld it be so? So where are those green men and where did they came from and who did draw them first? Childrens did because they knew the future and you think they were invaders and you were affraid of it. And so it is.

defuse56 - 22.08.2023 07:05

Doesn't Corey Goode talk about some kind of federation fighting a war in our solar system? I thought he might appear here. Anyway, my problem with the "Galactic Federation" is that it's a bit too anthropomorphic. These beings of the phenomenon seem to me to be way past needing some comfortably human analog in order to regulate themselves. And it sort of supports the ETH, which, for me, is only one of a number of possibilities. I'm an elderly and harmless retired college professor--not only have I been following, researching, teaching, and even publishing about UFOs for 45+ years. It's a long perspective, and some things don't fit with the general trajectory of informed speculation we've been doing since least 1947.FWIW. 👽

MortalClown - 22.08.2023 05:33

Aww, RIP Paul Hellyer. He was an extraordinary human - not just about UAP, etc, but as a human in society.

Gratitude to him on that star path.

Keyboard Hero
Keyboard Hero - 18.08.2023 09:31

The answer is really ... 😂 bitshull

Theresa Bambrick
Theresa Bambrick - 17.08.2023 05:42

Aliens aren't real!😂 Bigfoot is more real than aliens ever will be. The only aliens that exist are the illegal border crossers!

Nickcylio Rinchgh
Nickcylio Rinchgh - 15.08.2023 12:59

“I envy you for taking these first steps into a new frontier.”
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek: First Contact)

Thank you, Gaia.

Brian Ballard
Brian Ballard - 15.08.2023 12:58

Only on the basis of your "OPENING QUESTION", Why Not, are you incapable of learning from others?

May Shamloo
May Shamloo - 14.08.2023 23:11

I strongly believe in them and would love to meet them. I believe they could be better and nicer than many humans

Cassandra Cassowary
Cassandra Cassowary - 13.08.2023 22:05

humans are messing up the planet AND trying to invade their planets and it’s getting to a point where they have to for the sake of all of us earthlings and themselves! If more humans don’t stop this madness, they’ll have no choice but to intervene!

Pedro González
Pedro González - 13.08.2023 01:19


Kristian Mitchell
Kristian Mitchell - 10.08.2023 18:59

Well they just came out saying they hold uap’s and ufo’s also Allen body’s and there going to keep investing the hearing has been going on for a few days now

RebecaAlmeidaRocha - 10.08.2023 17:31

Open contact wow. I'm afraid they will be terribly disappointed in us

RebecaAlmeidaRocha - 10.08.2023 17:29

Open contact wow. I'm afraid they will be terribly disappointed in us

RebecaAlmeidaRocha - 10.08.2023 17:24

On 17.09.21 I had an OBE experience with a young male Lion Being. Three tall adults were in the background. The density where they were was different to Earth. I was shown how to mentally levitate through this atmosphere. It was a delightful experience. I was then show a scan of a human foetus. This happened to be true a few weeks later.
I had a lot of questions about Lion Beings afterwards. Your artistic depiction is accurate . I would call them

Paulo Gomes
Paulo Gomes - 08.08.2023 15:31

People's imagination runs wild with these E.T's stuff. Would they really cross those vast distances in space just to play hide and seek with humanity? Come on, im losing all hope for humanity. Talks of reptilians and greys ? People need to get a reality check. I believe that there is life out there somewhere but in appearance they will not be that much different from us. And in the case that any of those civilizations make it to our globe , there will be no hiding, no cover up possible. The whole world will witness it.

Danielle Del Socorro
Danielle Del Socorro - 06.08.2023 19:20


plant one change
plant one change - 06.08.2023 01:06

The Law of One, We are One

We are One, each an individual expression/fractal of the one infinite intelligence/creator/consciousness/source of the infinite multiverse—our universe, its galaxies, solar systems, planets, countless civilisations, species and beings are each individual expressions/fractals of this intelligence, We are One, you are the universe, an evolving infinite intelligence.

Each of us are self-aware beings/entities (body-mind-spirit complexes) to act as a catalyst for each other to learn karmic/energetic/conscious lessons and to realise we possess Free Will and are sovereign beings who can access higher dimensions/realities of conscious awareness/intelligence through disciplined practices, choices and actions.

Our purpose in this 3rd density/dimension of existence (of which there are 7 main densities/levels/quanta of consciousness/existence/reality in this universe, each consisting of 7 sub-densities within 7 sub-densities to infinity—octaves per octave—the musical scale of the universe—the first 3 are physical, the 4th a physical-light superimposition and the latter 3 are light/electromagnetic) is to choose our polarity, positive (service to others) or negative (service to self), neither is right or wrong, good or bad, it is down to our own Free Will imbedded within the conscious matrix of this density/quanta/dimension of experience.

4th to 7th densities/quanta are the “heavens” (planes of light/electromagnetism). The 4th density is that of love-light and Earth is transitioning into such a physical-light hybridised superimposition from the physical 3rd density reality whereby our familiar reality of separation and ego is ascending into one of transparency and love. The 5th that of wisdom. The 6th that of unity. The 7th is our completion of this universe and on to the next; our actions and choices in this life dictate where we end up and whether we merit “graduation” to the next density upon our next incarnation. The densities are quanta (bands) of electromagnetic/conscious information/intelligence.

Akin to the 7 densities/quanta of infinite intelligence/consciousness/experience are the 7 density/quantum levels of being (vibration) or energy/chakra centres which reside in all beings and sub-logi as a superimposed energetic body: only the first three chakras are active upon birth and it is through the activation of the 4th-7th that spiritual growth occurs to access higher realities within this 3rd density physical experience. A positively polarised entity typically begins such through the action of love, forgiveness and acceptance which activates the 4th chakra: akin to the 4th density of universal existence it represents the “level/quanta/vibration” of love, which a negatively polarised entity skips, leading to the 5th of wisdom, 6th of unity and 7th of infinity (reconnection to “source”). Each chakra represents a band/colour on the visible electromagnetic (colour) spectrum. 1st red, 2nd orange, 3rd yellow, 4th green, 5th blue, 6th indigo, 7th violet (when all are active we unify to white light). We are light, but at what purity?

It is revealed that the Earth expression/fractal/intelligence, including us, as one synergistic entity (logos), “graduated” from 3rd to 4th density as of 1936 and in 2012 entered a galactic photon stream and as such the literal frequency/vibration increased allowing more information/intelligence/consciousness to be received in the form of light (photons/electromagnetism) from the universe—just as radio waves, broadband and Wi-Fi carry information through photons (electromagnetism) so too does conscious intelligence function in this manner. The 4th density/quanta, being that of love-light, will allow for dormant genetic activation to unlock and evolve new physiology, where we become hybrid beings of both physical matter and light, Homo luminous, and as such new abilities will unlock and in this new era we will see the emergence of a more loving and transparent world, a more harmonious world, because with each person in the higher vibration/frequency of love, self-acceptance and realisation (positive polarity), it increases the positive polarity of the entire logos. It is why particular power dynamics and entities are becoming ever exposed, why there are so many movements to bring justice and awareness, why there is great desperation by negatively polarised entities to increase the negative polarity of the logos through lower vibrations/frequencies of fear, separation, anger, distraction, misinformation and indoctrination (much used mechanisms in the past to divide, control and enslave). These entities, both human and non-human, work together towards their agenda, however, they are fewer in number, relying on pandemics, technology and media to achieve such, while the positively-polarised non-humans aid us in countless unseen ways. The energetic flux in polarity of this logos is ever present and ever active, it is a battle between love and fear, unity and division, so be aware of what is happening and act accordingly.

Be love, spread love, such positive polarity increases the polarity of the planetary intelligence and vibration as itself, along with us, is intelligent and evolving also.

Non-human civilisations and entities/beings, either positive or negative, exist in these higher densities (quanta/heavens) of electromagnetic consciousness (as non-physical entities consisting of synergised photons/light) but who can visit and materialise if desired as they have done many times in various galactic cycles to genetically upgrade us (through engineering, cloning and interbreeding) and continually visit in various ways to today, as guides and to instil the true teachings of how the universe works for us to attain heightened spiritual evolution (from Archangels to Saints to non-human civilisations such as Yahweh—as in the Biblical Yahweh, a 5th density positive (wisdom) entity—and the civilisation Ra, as in the Egyptian Ra, a 6th density positive (unity) entity), however, such original teachings and intentions were/are distorted by the elite lineages of humans who were created (by polarising negatively) along with negative non-human interference, just as negative non-humans have genetically altered, cloned and interbred with us at various times to create hybrid rulers and slave races (one particular group of negative non-humans are identified as the Orion Group (5th density negative—wisdom) consisting of Annunaki, Draconian and Luciferian civilisations with continual influence upon Earth in the distant past and today, from Atlantis to Sumer to Babylon to Greece to Rome to present through the “wiping” of histories, knowledge and the endless distortions of negative frequency weapons/technologies (generating ignorance, fear, anger, hopelessness, guilt, shame and sickness, enticing sin and addictions, while using distractions/escapism and comforts so we remain ignorant while providing set narratives for indoctrination and conditioning), from systems of living (legal, economic, academic, food) to technology and entertainment. Though remember, We are One, each our own sovereign creator of our own reality. See each other as yourself and instant love, acceptance and truth arises.

It has been revealed that beings known as Elon Musk and Bill Gates (among others) have communication and agreements with negative non-humans for particular agendas. CERN was used to open portals for elementals/spirits, for which their are positive and negative. Geoengineering is creating a dark band around the planet to prevent more light from entering, led by the “Eclipse Group”. Covid was a non-human synthesised virus further engineered by a human being in agreement with the negative non-humans to become more potent; it accidentally leaked although was going to be used anyway; the virus itself has the effect of causing subordination; genetic vaccines, while consisting of honest efforts by positive humans as well as led by the agendas of negative humans are used for further cellular manipulation to increase negative emotional states while certain humans who have made agreements with non-humans through abduction and consent become activated by a secret line of vaccines to facilitate dormant gene activation to enable the powers of communication with the negative non-humans and to be able to be controlled to carry out particular agendas. The lockdowns further exacerbated negative emotions because the agenda of the negative entities is to bring the vibratory state of the planet down, however there are many positive non-humans constantly protecting us while the positivity of positive humans increases the planetary vibration. Awareness is key. Conversely to the genetic manipulation by negative entities, the increased vibration of the planet transitioning into the 4th density allowing more light/consciousness to be received, in with higher vibratory disciplined practices (meditation, high elemental diets, gratitude, forgiveness, acceptance, love etc.) by individuals, will naturally activate dormant genes unlocking the higher-density powers and physiological changes evolving Homo sapiens into Homo luminous. There is a “quarantine” around the planet managed by the “High Council” that doesn’t allow visitations like in the past but slowly the insemination of awareness is occurring because we are ready for our next stage of evolution, as much as there may be staged instances by negatively-polarised human agendas (most likely in collaboration with negative non-humans). Our souls continue on an infinite journey through many incarnations (not just on this planet) until we “graduate” to the higher-density/dimensions of consciousness to continue our evolution of learning and experience.

GB3770 - 03.08.2023 20:19

No there will be no open contact any time soon...

Riaan Mostert
Riaan Mostert - 03.08.2023 17:58

The Grey's a.k.a Zeta Reticulan species are deceptive and manipulative. They want to hijack the planet by infiltrating humanity through the Hybrid program which they have going on here. They spread a lot of disinformation about themselves and other good E.T groups so that we dont know what is really going on.

Tor Magne Nilsson
Tor Magne Nilsson - 03.08.2023 16:58

i have hadd contact with Extraterrestrials..

Anuna - 03.08.2023 04:49

This is the Age of Truth & Enlightenment. It is time for everyone to begin working together to save what We have left of a planet that is in distress from being destroyed by humans.

Bekir Mavra
Bekir Mavra - 02.08.2023 16:50

We Are Not Ready For That!! How Can We Embrace Other Species When We Can Not Stand One Another!! First As Humans We Must Reach Peace On Earth Then Look Out..

Nicole Green
Nicole Green - 02.08.2023 06:44

Love And Light To Us All

valeria santana
valeria santana - 01.08.2023 05:24

importante documentário. Mas, ao contrario do dito nele, importantes cientistas e Mestres atuais nos dizem que os gray "não são boa bisca" e, quando tudo fosse revelado, quando finalmente a irmandade dos céus aparecerem sobre os nossos céus, eles (os grays) se mostrariam benevoventes, conosco, dando a entender que eles sim seriam os nossos pais ("não um tal de "deus"!"), que sempre estiveram "nos cuidando" ao longo de todos esses séculos... e que muitos acreditariam em suas mentiras. Há que ter cuidado quando chegarem estes tempos..

popeye - 30.07.2023 17:01

they've lied to us for decades; the damage is done and I'm sure we've been sold out

Robie Kasey
Robie Kasey - 29.07.2023 08:58

I can't wait 😊😊😊😊

Joe Raphael
Joe Raphael - 27.07.2023 10:29

The serpent and the thriller jinn

fishing "sunny" - 25.07.2023 19:42

Yes we r not ready we r not mature enough, when we become 1 unit nocast,colour,race,religion difference no negetive thoughs deeds n work as joint human species n move ahead , then they come forward.

Rick Chambers
Rick Chambers - 23.07.2023 20:01

A New World is Coming. They are here to help us cross over to it. There will be no more evil, but a thousand years of peace. We are going into Quatom physics. From the 3rd to the 5th dimension. God bless

Think Again
Think Again - 23.07.2023 18:35

Our understanding is, aliens and also extraterrestrials working currently and for years with the US government in particular are not a part of the Galactic Federation, if they were, humans would have free energy and lots more, so there's a little bit of a mistruth going on there.

In fact those entities that are working on black projects with the US government are the ones that put all the restraining controls on the human race in the first place.

They are not benevolent They are menevolent and that includes the tall blondes.

But guess who now is in the solar system, yes it is the GF and it's the reason why there are so many sightings of various craft at the moment, they're all here for a reason that is otherworldly that concerns this planet and we hear they're going to be kicking the blondes the reptiles the greys and those secreting smelly ones off the planet.

Just what we're hearing, we think our information is better than yours, our source has no reason to lie.

What the American military industrial complex should realise is they're going to leave, so your whole base that gives you your control Will soon be gone, maybe you should go with them when the time comes, so in about 6 months.

The Galactic Ffederation do not advocate for Departmentalization,everything is open to all and not hidden away for political or other control purposes.

Our sources could be totally wrong so you've always got to keep an open mind and be sceptical, basically this chapter of human history is coming to a close and a new age will be born, and to get there and be a part of the next chapter, you need to love your fellow human for what they are, ( love in this instance means no hating no hurting no killing no waring no racism and a knowing or understanding that everyone collectively are one) those that aren't able to achieve this will be left behind when the time comes.

So if you've got work to do in those areas start working on it now.
Good luck.

Monster - 23.07.2023 06:36

I wish so

Colorado-UFO's - 21.07.2023 23:03

The Joshua tree that plant is fromzeta reticuli the Greys. there from zeta reticuli Southern California, and southern Colorado are both crawling with these grays, but they love hot planets, hot areas that’s why you see all the Joshua trees in southern California

Traverler1 - 21.07.2023 04:08

NO NOT YET! Maybe after half of this planet's population is removed. But not YET!

Terry may
Terry may - 19.07.2023 00:22

cant wait.
then the politicians are fucked.

HelloAbraham - 17.07.2023 08:53

Eventually earth will have boarding school hiding alien children as humans for their protection

Rach - 17.07.2023 00:37

Let's hope so. They need to show themselves and knock soms sense into the governments around the world and stop all the despicable and depraved things going on.

Kevin Brice
Kevin Brice - 16.07.2023 18:17


Hector Cardenas
Hector Cardenas - 15.07.2023 22:42

The Best Question is are we ready to meet another kind of civilization?
