Song of the Chaffinch male (Fringilla coelebs) - 4k 60p - Northern Sweden in May

Song of the Chaffinch male (Fringilla coelebs) - 4k 60p - Northern Sweden in May


2 года назад

969 Просмотров

Filmed in northern Sweden not far from the city of Luleå in the third week of May, 2022.

A Common Chaffinch male singing to impress the females. This little bird is called "bofink" in Swedish and can be heard in lots of places all over Europe (and parts of Asia as well as the northern tip of Africa).

Handheld with stabilization in post. 60p, so you can watch it in slow motion by setting the playback speed to 0.5x.

Bofinkläte, bofinksång, chaffinch call, chaffinch song.


#bofink #chaffinch #common #songbird #bird #song #singing #beautiful
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