Ouija: The Dark and Strange Origins Of The Spirit Board | Secrets of The Paranormal World | Shiver

Ouija: The Dark and Strange Origins Of The Spirit Board | Secrets of The Paranormal World | Shiver

Shiver - Paranormal Documentaries

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@gran-fromg-townhola9429 - 29.06.2024 12:09

Hola 👋

@menacetohighsociety - 18.05.2024 07:55

'But then aren't a lot of houses painted white?'

Not in the UK.

@rickyvalls232 - 14.04.2024 08:27

People that say it's your subconscious and auto moves with the hands when using the board, that explanation does not make sense at all. The board attracts for real good entities but it seems that most of the time it attracts negative ones. There has been many cases when people has been possessed while or after playing with the board. There has been many bad cases from using the board. It is real.

@Cemetery_Fog - 31.03.2024 06:04

That's hot

@thatguyjoe007 - 21.03.2024 19:06

The funny thing about ouija boards is, if you blindfold everyone around the board and turn the board upside down, it spells out a lot of gibberish. That's because it's the participants touching the planchet who control it, not some spirit for the other side.

@JohnSmith-kr7xd - 26.02.2024 21:01

Wake up., you're asleep...

@mousemd - 21.11.2023 09:48

I made it to the 13 minute mark. I appreciate the practical approach. I have never had a desire to grab one. Not because I am superstitious nor am I afraid!

@freddieblue6351 - 03.11.2023 13:05

Monster house film????

Great documentary, well done!!!

@crazychrisfromessex1740 - 16.10.2023 00:48

The idiomotor effect is a typical explanation from a narrow minded sceptic. There is more to this place than we can understand or even comprehend.

@bobbing2878 - 13.10.2023 03:01

Scientific proof by its very nature is always established after, AFTER the fact (: what was proven had already been in existence prior to proof being established). To say “I don’t believe it” therefore is hardly rational. “I don’t know” is the most you can say😊. Anything additional ignores this basic premise and the history of science, and puts you behind the 8-ball ad infinitum: “I don’t believe anything till it’s been proven”. A scientist who says “I don’t know” is of course less sexy in our narcissistic, polarized and nuance-free media world than someone who can firmly state it’s all nonsense.

@mrkasjan5183 - 06.10.2023 15:32


@Brendan-fy6ne - 06.10.2023 00:28

The rule they forgotten is do not use in a graveyard.

@NicholaLaw-uk1pt - 01.10.2023 16:06

Great 👌. I do believe in evil.
No one likes evil.
We all like good things.

@feingetarntesfischfilet4841 - 24.09.2023 09:07

Easy to deny spirits when you're not spiritual at all and lack the antennas, anyway.

@veillifted - 18.09.2023 10:26

This board is a curse on mankind! Especially teenagers! SMH

@theremnant7497 - 02.08.2023 08:42

The time it worked for me and my friends 25+ years ago, it moved out from under all of our fingers and was moving on its own with noone touching it at all. I was kater posessed by something and cursed my friends in another language so they told me as i dont remember that time period, to me, i was unconscious but to my friends i was attacking them. Ive since repented from that witchcraft but i can 💯 say we wernt moving it because it was quicker than our fingers, and after it shot out from under our fingertips, it kept moving when we pulled our hands back

@johnstallings4049 - 15.01.2023 09:25

Do Ouija Board frequently. Love all Ouija Board anything ❤ ☆☆☆☆☆

@PaperMario64 - 21.12.2022 20:14

If you think a bunch of people can collectively, without pre-planning, move an object in the same direction, at the same speed, all at once, you’re dumber than you look. People in simple sack races, who know where they are supposed to go and how to get there can’t do so without falling down. The freaking height of arrogance is thinking that because YOU personally didn’t witness or experience something, it doesn’t exist or didn’t happen.

@ld7806 - 07.10.2022 17:58

Boring, pointless, and uninformative. How long did it take Mr. Ouija to explain that noises he heard were pigeons scratching? Gee thanks. We tried the board here and nothing happened. We tried the board there and nothing happened. Gee thanks!

@wulfsorenson8859 - 13.09.2022 01:59

The reason why you two can’t work the board is because neither of you have any mediumistic ability. If I give someone a violin and they can’t play it would you say violins don’t work?

@you.got.red.on.y0u549 - 04.09.2022 17:32

There's one thing that has always terrified me about the paranormal. Which is .....

@romancatholicword528 - 29.08.2022 04:35

The greatest tool the devil has, is to fool you that he doesn’t exist !

@brendaatkins2450 - 09.08.2022 05:02

Introducing that board to the US was a huge mistake. There are so so many open portals, open doors for those evil entities to come in. There's presently a spiritual warfare between good n evil taking place upon our world.
I n so many other ppl have had horrific evil experiences using that board thinking that it was a children's game.

@sophiegolden - 21.05.2022 01:50

If dont have a gift, a special sensitivity, it s normal to be a non believer, it s for everyone

@ramonareinhold8424 - 24.02.2022 13:36

Quija board opens up vortexes, and you never know who comes in to your life. The dark forces love thus sort of 'game'.
Stop playing with fire...

@joejones9520 - 26.01.2022 13:59

if the idiomotor effect is real then it is just as fascinating and incredible as the idea of spirits moving the planchette. I cant imagine it being a real thing actually when I think of me watching my unconscious mind move it; Id know if I was moving it. There is no way Id not know I was moving it.

@c.joyceb.8991 - 20.01.2022 11:17

Very Interesting video..

@vercetti1753 - 04.01.2022 15:04

Love this channel! Best on here for documentaries!

@pommiebears - 03.01.2022 05:24

I think it’s more about energy than spirit. We all run on electricity, energy. We can’t destroy it, it doesn’t die when we die. Where does this energy go once released from our bodies that die? It must go somewhere.

@amberyvonne1073 - 28.12.2021 10:03

Just because there was no communication when you did it doesn’t mean it’s fraudulent or just creates false beliefs. Everyone has different energy. These energies aren’t always going to mix in a way that warrants being able to communicate with the other side. I have done a ouija board session with a person where nothing happened, and I have done one with a different person and the Oracle was moving so rapidly our fingers couldn’t stay on it, to where we just watched it move on the board, spelling things out.

Just because you may want to communicate with those on the other side, doesn’t always mean they want to speak to you. They’re not monkeys waiting to turn tricks for the living. They’re at rest for the most part., and should be allowed to rest, or let it be understood that they may not have anything to say just because you, a living person, decided to try to contact (whoever) at a moment which suits you. Don’t enter into something like this with preconceived notions or expectations of what should happen.

This video is trash to be honest. You should be holding sessions at the hours spirits are most active, between 2:30 am and 5 am. You aren’t showing the full steps of opening and closing the communication sessions, you aren’t even putting your hands on the planchette correctly. Do your homework for godssakes. Act like you are really invested in this or please just don’t bother.

@andrewgloury1891 - 26.12.2021 14:39

One thing I want to ask the skeptic , what was the thing that you were terrified of for most of your life? Seems to me you've created your own skepticism to lay your own fears too rest. You were terrified of something right up into your 30s, and now it doesn't exist!! If you were dared to offer up eternity to this thing that you say doesn't exist, would you? I don't think you would.

@lang-ed3bk - 26.12.2021 00:23

took FOREVER to get to the ouiji board and barely covered the topic at all. what a waste of my time

@vestaosto - 25.12.2021 14:57

The lady did psychometry (reading the doll's energy). I wouldn't say that the doll is haunted. That's something different.

@aldod3937 - 25.12.2021 04:08

How do you explain when the planchet starts to move by its self...

@Melsincatuation - 24.12.2021 07:08

Now ...with that said..what he needs to do is start believing ...I mean from deep inside his soul..that the ouji board works...and then try it again..

@Melsincatuation - 24.12.2021 07:06

The ouji board has been around for exactly the reason he said. He already answered her question.

@nikolaberisic7254 - 23.12.2021 12:58

Do you believe in god?

@boredweegie553 - 23.12.2021 01:26

I had a bunch of shadow bastards in my living room in 1995.. witnessed by me and my son at the time

@veronicamoody3981 - 22.12.2021 22:49

I've had strange experiences throughout my life, starting when I was 13. When I was given my own room, it started. I would feel myself levitating and then feel my body thump on the bed. I used to fall right out of the bed, like I had been pushed. I recall one time in between waking and sleep I saw a strange green figure standing to the left of my bed. I also used to feel an electric current flowing through me between sleep that seemed like it was coming from a fan in my room; there would be a blue glow around the fan. Things would disappear in my room. I had experiences in other places, away from my childhood home. One night I was in a woman's apartment who happened to be a witch. She had a sign on her door warning people that evil spirits dwell there. I didn't think much of it, especially since I still hadn't been aware of such things. Later that night I could have sworn I saw a black hooded figure in one of the closets. I stayed up most of that night and the other people in the apartment huddled around me; one girl prayed loudly. I had continued to have the levitating and falling out of bed experiences until about 2017. Many nights I still sleep with a bright light. I don't know what to make of these experiences. These are just some of them.

@donnaackels5686 - 22.12.2021 22:29

When the room that had a ouija board drawn on a table I swear, I saw in capital letters "Hello my name is george" . The message I saw blocked out the ouija board letters.

@wynterdumaurier5059 - 22.12.2021 21:11

My gift is premonitions - in dreams or by way of strong anxiety in my stomach. I kept saying what would I do if I found a puppy in the street. I found a puppy in the street. I dreamt the number 117 in a lottery dream. I bought 7 tickets with 7 in each row and won £170.00. I have had sleep paralysis and it is scary.
Hunting ghosts and holding objects and saying things that happened is a great money-making con. The woman holding the doll did research before her revelations just as the woman on the phone did. I do not believe in spirits. How does a spirit make noisy footsteps? I lived in a house and slept in a bed that the owner lived and died in across from a large cemetery. Saw and heard nothing. Don't fear the devil - he does not exist.

@hildataylor4490 - 22.12.2021 19:14

Well I could tell you one thing I have been reading the Bible to figure it out I have been watching videos of people that don't believe in ghosts or spirits or demons but I could tell you one thing it's not not just in your mind some places and some houses do have hunting I live in one and I have been trying to fight it for years now do I think it's a demon of course and Christianity it is a demon I think it's just somebody that's got lost can't find a light to find God but I could tell you one thing it's true I have been trying not to interfere with it and leave it alone I grew up that anything that you can't see is a demon well I don't believe that now I hate going to bed at night I hate going to sleep at night that's when it's the worst but it's just spirits some do hurt you some don't I do believe in demons but I don't have a demon in my house it's just somebody that's lost so don't sit here and tell me that's all in my head and all in my mind where I have seen things myself and that's what makes me mad all y'all are BS need to find another way to educate yourself because it's the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.

@Sirius263 - 22.12.2021 17:44

The Ouija is known to open portals and spirits sometimes pretend to be good but are truly demons. They coerce the users of the board with sad stories and generally manipulate so they can gain access. Once a demon manifests it can then, at worst take possession of a human and it has been known and documented that exorcism is required of either a house or a human. The demons infest a home and possess a human of their choice. First they isolate the human and then insidiously wear them down. Ouja is not a parlour game, it is a dangerous game often with dire consequences.

@rogerramjet6429 - 22.12.2021 14:55

Chris French is not trustworthy.
He's experienced things himself in front of the camera, and witnesses, then made up all sorts of BS, to explain everything away.
He's paid to be a skeptic but in reality, he's just another liar like debunkers are.
A true skeptic will change their mind depending on the information. Chris doesn't.

@SalimMahmood-killuminati - 22.12.2021 14:09

such ridiculous testing methods!!! amateur at the best!! they tried the board and it didnt work..so their conclusion...its fake??!! u people need to learn the gates can be opened, if the jinns want to mess with you they can.. NOT AT YOUR WILL!!!

@harpersmythe658 - 22.12.2021 13:05

The ‘background’ music is too loud and unnecessary. I have hearing impairment and find it difficult to understand what people are saying because of the music. Unsubbing

@antoinettemabuaaeme5797 - 22.12.2021 12:47

There's so much in this world that we don't know, maybe a little over 2%. If you don't know about something don't discredit it. there are people who think the earth is flat, or that no one has ever been in space even with all the evidence. No matter how much evidence there is about the paranormal some people will always say it's bogus

@ninak1352 - 22.12.2021 12:27

To the fools,to the immature and the blinds in the soul....please Listen to me,And never,ever and even under the worst circumstances that maybe happen to your life's,NEVER BUY AND SPECIALLY NEVER USE A CURSED OUIJA BOARDS.IT'S GONNA be THE BIGGEST MISTAKE of YOUR POORLY LIFE.....
